Iowa Hawkeyes Face Air Force Academy Falcons Today Probable Starting Lineups Second Game IOWA Alit FORCE CURT MERZ (219) LE . (188) CHARLES RODGERS , JOHN BURROUGHS (218) . LT .. (196) GILES WIDEMAN 91 Year For GARY GROUWINKEL (210) .LG (185) HOWARD BRONSON BILL LAPHAM (235) C (190) JOHN GULLEDGE HUGH DRAKE (193) . RG. (197) CHARlIS ZALESKI ioth Squads JOHN SAWIN (211) .. RT (217) (el BROCK STROM By LOU YOUNKIN BOB PRESCO" (199) .RE... (204) TOM JOZWIAK 01 owan Sport. Editor RANDY DUNCAN (181) .. QB (185) JOHN KUENZel BOB JETER (182) LHB (170) MIKE QUINLAN Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City The Air Force Academy Fal­ RAY JAUCH (170) RHB . (188) JIM KERR cons invude Iowa Stadium to­ JOHN NOCERA (e) (212) . FB (1 B71 LARRY THOMPSON ~slablished in 1l!68-Five cnts a Copy Member of A oclated Press Leased Wire and \Vir photo Service low:! City, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 4, )958 day at 1:30 p.m. to face coach 'F~r es t E vas h e v s k j's [OW[\ Hawkeyes in the second game of the year for both teams. Air Force opened its season • L'ut Frid.ay night ~";th a 37-6 romp over Detroit University • :\t Detroit while the Hawks o Ig - eve ~l!tOlit Texas Christian here • •• a 5 )ast Saturday, 17-0. A crowd of at least 45,000 is ex· pected to be on hand for the sec· ond of six Iowa home games in ,)t58. Last week's TCU game drew a record opening game throng of Game But Door Lelr '54,500. 800 Cadets To Attend Iowa-Air Force Football The Hawkeyes have been instill· ed as a three touchdown favorite. Open For Later First Meeting 24 Buses This will be the !irst meeting between the two schools. The air· S·Year~Old , IC least Announced For 'men, whose home base is Colorado Bring Men Get· Together Springs, Colo., have seniors in ll 'their lineup for the first time since TIC. Girl Critical; Red Proposal Received tIle academy first opened its doors ' 0 owa Ity SUllIPicnic Production Two Days Ago in the fall of 1955. Iowa will be The ca t [or the Univcrsity Kronkite, Peggy Stockton, G, Los the first Big Ten opponent for the The Air Force will be well rep­ WASHINGTON (AP)-The Falcons in their first season of a Hit By Car Theatre's first play of the season, Angcles, Calif.: Christine Schoen­ toughened schedule. resented-on the field and in the William lnge's "Picnic," has been walden, Molly Kelly, A2, Elmhurst, United States indirectly told Boy Suffers Minor announced by the director Ronald 111. ; Howard Bevans, Marvin Other '58 Air Force opponents stands-at the football game this Russia Friday it is not interested afternoon. Injuries In Accident Gee, instructor in tile SUl Drama· Sprague, A3, Jowa City. are Colorado State, Stanford, tic Arts Department. Performance dates for the play in raising to the foreign minister Utah Oklahoma State, Denver, Eight hundred cadets from the will be Oct. 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 level a planned meeting to work Wyoming, New Mexico and Colo· Five-year-old Sally Ann Linnell The ca t for the play will be: Air Force Academy are expected was reported ib critical condition and 31. tado. Last year the airmen com· Helen Potts Marilyn Fifield, G. out a safeguarded n u c 1ear 11 latc last night by SUI hospital of­ Students may get tickets start· piled a three won, six lost and one to arrive in Iowa City about a.m. Oxford Junclion ; Hal Carter, Ed· weapons test ban. The 44-member Falcon squad and ncials, after being struck by a car ward Bell, G, New York City; Mil­ ing Oct. 16 by showing their 10 tied record with victories over Oc· early Friday morning, cards at the East Lobby Ticket But the way was left open for 'cidental, Detroit (19-12) and New school executives landed at the lie Owens, Joni Hummel, A3, Dallas, Tex.; Bomber, Robert Desk in the Iowa Memoria l Union. Mexico with a tie with Wyoming. Cedar Rapids Air Port at 6:30 p.m. Hospital officials said she had a such a get-together later, pro­ skull fracture above her left eye. Young, At, Plainfield; Madge Ticket desk hours are Monday They dropped a 47·0 decision to Friday. through Friday from 9 a.m. until vided some progress is made at UCLA in their first attempt at a Police said Sally was playing in Owens, Yvonne Bonsall, G, Santa Although the recruiting posters the front yard of her home at Barbara, Caiif. ; Flo Owens, Dodie 4:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 ambassadorial talks scheduled major football power. a.m. until noon. With the advent of four classes say "You go places faster in the 928 S. Riverside Drive when she Jeck, A3, Spirit Lake; Rosemary for Oct, 31 at Geneva. dashed into the street in front of Sydney Virginia Grell. AI, Ven­ now, the Academy is still at only Air Force, .. the cadets took the "Picnic" won for Inge the Pulit· OlClclally, the State Department 40 per cent of its projected full slow way-by bus. a car driven by Wendell Eden, tura ; 'Alan Seymour, Kenneth zer Prize and Critic's Circle Award 717 Keokuk Ct. Brown, A3, Council Bluffs; Irma was not commenting on the Soviet strength. The total of 2,500 is ex­ for the outstanding play of the proposal of two days ago to ele­ They left Colorado Springs, Fri· No charges were filed against J New York season in 1954. It was 'Peeted to be reached by 1962-the day afternoon aboard 24 chartered vate this matler to the foreign present enrollment is approximate­ Eden, police said. subsequently made into a success· buses and the BOO·mile trip was Russell Meyers, Jr., age 9, 716 minister level. The department ly 1,150. ful movie, although Gee, the direc· said the matter is under study. expected to take about 18 hours , N. Van Buren St., suffered minor Three Cars tor, says he never saw the Holly­ From the outlook and personnel, But the department disclosed it appears the airmen cannot The cadets will be escorted into injuries when he was knocked off wood version. Iowa City by the Highway Patrol his bicycle Friday afternoon on the The University Theater produc· Secretary Dulles plans to attend a match Iowa in power, but Iowa Burlington Street Bridge, Pile Up In Nov. 10 meeting at Seattle, Wash., scouts have warned that the Fal· and will go directly to the Field­ tion will be the first local per­ house to shower and clean up. They Russell was taken to UnIversity formance of an lnge piay. lnge is of the Colombo Plan nations which cons are sharply drilled, execute Hospitals and released after he cooperate on economic develop­ their unbalanced line attack with will be served box lunches prepared also the author of "Come Back, by the food service at the Iowa was treated by his father, Russell Pep Caravan Litle Sheba," "Bus Stop," and the ment in Southeast Asia. linesse and have tremendous spirit. Memorial Ur.ion. Meyers, professor and chairman current Broadway production The clear implication was that /. Two Iowa Changes Faith Restored A high spirited crowd of about the answers to the Soviet proposal The ~ontin~e nt , which is expected of the neuro-surgery. "Dark at the top of the Stairs." Exashevski's probable stauing Iowa City Police reported that 2,000 attended Friday nights pep was no. The Geneva talks are cer­ lineup will probably have two new to give the Iowa cheering section MISS AMERICA of 1959, Mary Ann Mobley, reuives ; new mllstard ralley (or the SUI-Air Force Acad­ The settings for the play were de· RuueU wa. hi bike ea t signed by A. S. Gilletle professor tain to continue for some time, laces from jI week ago - Bob plenty of competition, will march sHd bracelet from R, B, Rail, a department .tore executive, during emy game. en masse on to the SUI Held just over the bridge at about 4:25 p.m. of Dramatic- arts. Lighting is by and Dulles obviously could not be Prescott at right end and John a Homecoming parade in her honor at Jackson, Mill. It replaces and as he came out between two One of the high notes of the in both Geneva and Seattle at the Sawin at right tackle. Both were before game time, execute a few rally was the 20 car caravan. Dal1id Thayer, instructor in drama· drill movements and take their ill 'lOW 10ft symbol of faith she wore during the Miss America contest cars, he pulled in front of a car tic arts. Costumes are by Margaret same time. 'Im~ressive in the defeat of the driven by Richard McKeen, 30, Shortly after the caravan left the seats. They are not , expected to judging.-AP Wirephoto. Old Armory bound for the rally, Hall , assistant professor of dra· Both the United States and Brit­ Horned Frogs and have replaced Chicago. matic arts. end Don Norton and tackle Mac perform at halftime. three of the cars were involved in ain are chary of a nat rejection Lewis in practice this week. The cadets are expected to leave a minor accident on the corner of the Soviet proposal. It would Iowa City about 11 p.m. to start of Washington and Madison Streets be bad public relations in cold war The visitors will be hampered California College diplomacy.
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