THE CLINTON REPUBLICAN, ST. JOHNS, MICH., JUNE 30, 19C4 Dewitt. Power of the Nerves W ac o us tii A FOREST RAMBLE. B. S. Webb and daughter, Bessie, re­ Burn. Thursday, June 23, to Mr. and Mrs. THE DICKENS CASE Nerve Force Regarded by Scientists as Huh« a son. Class jKient composed and read at Grand 4th of July Celebration turned from Alma Thursday. Mrs. Caruss. of St. Johns, visited Mrs. Dexter Croukile on Mouduy of this weak. the graduating exercises .I une 22, 1904, (Original.] Mrs. Agues Budd, from near Rouud More Important than the Blood. by Miss Zoc Alberta Walbridge. lake, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Stalker speut Uve oay* < f last week I once ask*Hl a detective to give me visiting a cousin iu Lansing. O dd night a 1 -at iu the tuilight his strangest case. J. H. Brink. Whilii g tiie bouts away. The blood was formerly regarded as Miss Hot 1 ha Hiukemi giaduated from M. A. "I ean give you the case worked up James A. Keeney, of Maple Rapids, C. this year and is -pending s.'Uie time with her A cloud (.seined to obscure my vision the life-giviug principle and to its con ­ brother, Dr. Hiukson, here uike lbs night o'er shadowing the day. from the most remote clew,” he said. called on his sister, Mrs. Ellen A. Fur- dition was attributed all that there was I iittzeri iu wonder and silence. gasoii, Sunday. Floyd Merrill was away sevetal days last With uiireeing eyes 1 knew “That's the Dickens case.” of health or illness. Now physiologists waek, but returned aud is iu Westphalia with Some visiou was about to reveal me “Tell me about it.” Misses Ida Ingram and Agues Pike know that nerve force and vitality are Osoar Clark painting. Tbe cause of this darkening bue. “Henry Dickens was a very rich old left Monday for Petoskey where they the same, and that the constitution, Ivah Barnes has returned home from tier When a sudden burst of sunlight iutend to remain until September. good or bad, depends ui>on nerve power. finished school work t<> take up oilier aud no Flooded tbe woudrou* oceie. man. He had a daughter who had less impoitant duties in the home. And I saw a far distant niounti in married against his will, and he was Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Woodruff en ­ Nerve force controls all motion, sen­ Fred Merrill cauie from Grand Ledge to FREE STREET FAIR Bathed iu a lustrous .l;e-u. tertained the Y. M. C. A., of Lansing, at sation, digestion and nutrition. An spend Snnday with his sister, Mrs Will W ick­ A pathway led up this mountain supposed to have disinherited her. a moonlight picnic Monday evening. abundance of this subtle energy means ham, and returned Monday morning. Worn smooth by uiauj feet. Some one of several nephews and nieces health and vigor; a lack of it causes Mrs. Sadie Bowman left Monday morning for Aud a forest oT gorgeous splendor was supposed to be his heir, but no one The Baptist social, which was to be Mt. Pleasant to attend the summer normal O'er ibis highway seemed to meet. held with Mrs. George Pearce on June general debility, nervous prostration, knew. One day be was found dead in institute. Then I saw a band of pilgrims 30, is postponed until Thursday, July 7. premature decline, disease and death. Charles Merrill speut teu days at Will Wick­ his lied with a bottle of prusalc acid Nerve force chiefly generated in the Btatt ont on this well worn trail. ham’s and left Mouday for Charlotte to attend Led ou by six noble guardsmen on the table beskle him. A will was Mrs. Ellen Cushman, of Bath, Mrs. brain, and therefore in the treatment to matters of business there. With a courage that uaver would.fail. M. R. Carrier and daughter, of Lansing, of all lingering diseases the condition Will Sherman aud family, Mr. aud Mrs. C. R. Just a jolly band of classmates, found leaving a small part of bis for ­ were Quests of Mrs. Flora Williams Dyke and Mrs. Arthur Dauiells attended camp Myself among tbe rest. tune to his daughter, the rest to char­ of the brain centers should be carefully meeting at Eagle last Sunday. Were toiling up thin hillside Wednesday. considered and treated. One great Trying to do our best. itable Institutions. Mrs. John Wood entertained her sister Miss Bertha Htgbee went to Grand Ledge cause of diseases becoming chronic is Monday morning to visit friends for a few Thete were many little by-paths “Opinion was divided as to whether Bessie and husband from Jackson Sun ­ that physicians overlook the fact that days aud from there she will go to her home at Like tbe veiulets iu a leaf, he had been poisoned or murdered. Tbe Marquette. ST. JOHNS day. Mrs. Wood and son, Russell, re­ deficiency of nerve power is the chief And all le<i back to the mid vein daughter ’s husband, Edward Clarke, turned home with her sister to spend a Tne strawberry crop has beeu cut short by Each led by a noble chief. cause of most diseases. Nervous pros ­ There were fountains, spiugsand towers took charge of bis effects immediately, few days. the long, dry weather, but the receut rains will tration is due to lack of nerve force. materially improve the crop aud reduce prices. In this forest soleni ana great, and the first thing he did was to send Dr. Miles Neuropathic Treatments Aud as we passed along ou our journey Nelsou Dauiells returned Saturday night We plucked of the fruit aud ate. for me. I looked through the house, Riverside.—(DeWitt.) strengthen and invigorate the nerve from his trip to his old home in Scipio. Cayuga county, N. \ , stopping at Detroit aud other There were trees with fruit yet unripeued picking up a bit of paper, a half One Solid Week centers. They are the result of twenty- places on his way home With branches both high and low. burned match, u vial—anything, every­ five years ’ careful study, extensive re­ Borne laugled iu intricate meshes Mrs. Brunson is still quite poorly. Rev. W J. Aldrich returned Monday from thing that might possibly furnish a A. H. Alexander left for his home iu Chicago search and remarkable success. They Battle Creek where he went last week to at­ The cause of our heartache aud woe. build up the system by increasing nerve tend the Epworth League convention and re­ To untaugle these brauehes so ladeu clew. In the kitchen I noticed some last week. With fruit of various kinds. COMMENCING force, and have won for Dr. Miles the mained over Snuday to visit friends there. white dust on the floor that looked as Bert Mann is slowly improving, but is not Dr. Hinkson went to St. Johus Mouday as And eat of the fruit fully ripened, able to sit up yet. thanks of thousands of sufferers. delegate to the republican convention, bis wife WY were told would derelope tbe mind. if flour had been spilled and taken up, Tbe towu hall is being painted. Elmer Mann Mrs. A. Krnnck. of Huntingtoo. Ind.. was and daughter accompanying him to DeWitt to Some rode a high horse through the forest. leaving a trace. One of the servants is doing the work. curad after thirty physicians failed; Mrs. Flora visit Mr. Phelps' family daring his abseuce. And plucked with infinite ease Mr. and Mrs. Otto, of Lansing, visited at J. Gr«*tor. of BrUtolville, O.. after twenty-two; Jay Bean has a sand pit on his farm near the The fruit as it hoDg above them told me that a tin can of starch had R. Beadle ’s Sunday. James R. Waite, the noted actor, after a score school-house, which is said by experts to be the Ou these wonderfni fruit-laden trees. been left on a table tbe night before. had pronounced him incurable; ilrs. Frank Mrs. J Wood and sou left for Jackson Sun ­ finest sand in this vicinity, aud John Yonngaud Others plodded along more slowly It was found where it bad been left. day to visit relatives. Smith, of Chicago, after five leading phyMcians James Davidson are manufacturing artificial But plucked with eautiou and care. had given her np ; Mr. Julius Keister, of Chicago, stone for the town for a culvert to he built on Aud drank deep from the fountain of Of course 1 took tin? bottle of prussic Mrs. Bndd. of Round Lake, speut last week after ten; Mrs. K. Parker, after sixteen failed. the line between Watertown and Riley. knowledge acid, almost surrounded with the label with Mrs. John Brink. The treatments are not generally ad ­ Filled with sparkling treasure* rare- Misses Merle and Lucile McLonth are spend ­ on which was in big rid letters the ing tbe week in St. Johns. vertised, but every chronic sufferer is We plucked from the trees genealogical With branches ladeu with dates, word ‘Poison ’ over a skull and cross- Monday, July 4 Mrs. Hinksoa. of Wacousta. was thegnest of invited to write for Dr. Miles’ free book Union Home. We tangled and untangled the branches bones. Mrs. A. J. Phelps Monday. and Examination Chart. $8.75 worth And discussed our forefather s traits. M rs. L. A. Cooper is the possessor of a new of Treatment especially prepared for S. McMaster visited friends in Ithaea We dug up Egyptian mummies “I confess that after looking through carriage And single harness.
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