20200298 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUPREME COURT In the Supreme Court NOVEMBER 19, 2020 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA State of North Dakota November 19, 2020 Supreme Court No. 20200298 Doug Burgum, in his capacity as North Dakota’s Governor, Petitioner, vs. Alvin Jaeger, in his capacity as North Dakota’s Secretary of State; the North Dakota Legislative Assembly, Chet Pollert, Chairman of Legislative Management; and the District 8 Republican Committee, Loren DeWitz, District Chairperson, Respondents. APPENDIX OF INTERVENOR DEMOCRATIC NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE (DEM-NPL) DISTRICT 8 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CANDIDATE KATHRIN VOLOCHENKO IN RESPONSE TO THE PETITION BY NORTH DAKOTA GOVERNOR DOUG BURGUM FOR “PRELIMINARY INJUNCTIVE RELIEF, DECLARATORY JUDGMENT, WRIT OF INJUNCTION, AND WRIT OF MANDAMUS” Duane A. Lillehaug (03232) David C. Thompson (09321) MARING WILLIAMS LAW OFFICE, P.C. DAVID C. THOMPSON, P.C. 1220 Main Avenue, Suite 105 321 Kittson Avenue Fargo, North Dakota 58103 Grand Forks, ND, 58201 (701) 241-4141 (701) 775-7012 [email protected] [email protected] COUNSEL FOR INTERVENOR KATHRIN VOLOCHENKO TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Summary with web links for general interest media articles and social media posts relating to the District 8 House of Representatives race and the November 3, 2020 North Dakota General Election…………………………………………………………………………page 001 2. Media articles relating to the District 8 House of Representatives race and the November 3, 2020 North Dakota General Election…………………………………………………………………………page 006 Statewide Oct. 5 / https://kfgo.com/2020/10/05/north-dakota-legislative-candidate-dies-following-brief-illness/ Oct. 6 https://www.thedickinsonpress.com/opinion/6704488-Port-Andahls-death-in-District-8-creates­ tense-political-situation Oct. 6 ✓ https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/government-and-politics/6704546-Candidate-in-high­ profile-N orth-Dakota-House-race-d ied-of-COVI D-19 Oct. 7 Port column stating our side of this, even though most coverage was focused on AG opinion https://www.inforum.com/opinion/6707888-Port-Overlooked-provision-in-state-constitution-may­ give-Democrats-a-rare-legislative-win-in-western-North-Dakota Oct. 7 , https://www. nytim es. com/2020/1 0/07/us/pol itics/a-north-dakota-candidate-who-died-of-covid-19- rem ai ns-on-the-ba llot. him I Oct. 10 \ https://www.thedickinsonpress.com/opinion/columns/6708279-Port-District-8-mess-illustrates­ the-problems-with-early-voting Oct. 12 https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/government-and-politics/6713863-After-candidates­ death-ND-Secretary-of-State-looks-to-clear-up-ambiguous-House-race Oct. 13 ,j https: //www. gra ndforksherald. com/news/government-and-pol itics/6715946-After-a-cand idates­ death-in-District-8-AG-valid ates-secretary-of-states-election-plan /Oct.13 V https://news.prairiepublic.org/post/jaeger-seeks-attorney-generals-opinion-district-8 Oct. 14 \ https://news.prairiepublic.org/post/ags-opinion-deceased-legislative-candidate-could-win-and­ vacancy-would-be-declared District-area media market 001 Obituary \j https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/bismarcktribune/name/david-andahl­ obituary?pid=1969214 73 Oct. 5 1 https://bismarcktribune.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/legislative-candidate-who-advanced-in­ v hiqh-profile-primary-race-dies-ballot-cant-be-changed/article 1b8cc2a4-ed62-5079-8902- 677163eb48d2.html Oct. 5 https://www.kxnet.com/news/local-news/district-8-candidate-dave-andahl-dies/ Oct. 6 https://www.kxnet.com/news/local-news/district-8-candidate-dave-andahls-death-was-due-to­ covid-19-complications/ Oct. 6 , https://bismarcktribune.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/bismarck-area-legislative-candidate­ \j died-of-covid-19-path-could-be-complicated-if-andahl-wins/article dc86c323-de 71-5235-9fa0- 04a85fd21481. html .· Oct. 6 \; https://www.kfyrtv.com/2020/ 10/06/deceased-cand id ate-to-re ma in-on-ba llot-in-district-8/ / Oct. 7 '-J https://www.minotdailynews.com/news/local-news/2020/1 0/death-complicates-district-8-race/ Oct. 7 J McC!ean County Independent https://www.bhgnews.com/newspapers/mcleancountyindependent/mclean-county-independent­ news/district-8-candidate-dies/ Oct. 9 I -· https://bismarcktribune.com/opinion/editorial/eminently-guotable-thats-kind-of-the-best-social- -J distancing-alive/article 02653d30-007b-5bb9-8548-505eed6ede04.html 0ct. 12 1 •j https://www.kxnet.com/news/state-news/attorney-general-is-asked-what-happens-if-a­ deceased-candidate-wins-an-election/ Oct. 13 https://www.facebook.com/McleanCountyl ndependenl/posts/3852155804812614 002 Oct. 24 •· https://bismarcktribune.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/eyes-are-on-bismarck-area-north- ✓ dakota-house-race-with-deceased-candidate/article 972d3076-d5b0-53be-abc5- 362cca43dec4.html Oct. 24 L TE from Rick Berg saying Party get to appoint a replacement 1 / https://bismarcktribune.com/opinion/letters/letter-party-to-find-leader-for-district-8- seat/article 589e630f-9705-5885-bd06-c5ed0dd0483e.html ,Oct. 29 JKFYR https://www.kfyrtv.com/2020/ 10/30/meet-the-candidates-district-8-house-race/ National News/Out of State Oct. 6 Associated Press https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-bismarck-north-dakota­ d689e0cf40dc9b 7 406af3f30bb2ff67b Oct. 6 US News V https://www. us news. com/news/best-states/north-dakota/articles/2020-1 0-06/leg isl ative- cand idate-who-won-heated-pri mary-d ies-from-vi rus Oct. 6 Montana ,; . https://billinqsqazette.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/north-dakota-leqislative- candidate-died-of-covid-19-path-could-be-complicated-if-he-wins/article 8ab184fc-c52c-5230- 8d3a-d678997 4 784f. html Oct. 7 / New York Times ,, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/07 /us/politics/a-north-dakota-candidate-who-died-of-covid-19- remains-on-the-ballot.html Oct. 16 Daily Beast https ://www. thed ailybeast. com/north-dakotas-covid-19-surge-is-so-terri ble-theres-a-dead-q uy­ on-the-ba llot?ref=h ome 003 Oct. 17 Fox News https ://www.foxnews.com/pol itics/north-d akota-cand idate-wil I-rem ai n-on-bal lot-after-dyinq-from­ coronavi rus · Oct. 17 Minnesota https://www.startribune.com/north-dakota-leqislative-candidate-dies-of-covid-19-will-still-be-on­ november-ballot/572772861 / Oct. 17 ABC J https://abcnews.qo.com/Politics/north-dakota-leqislative-candidate-died-covid-19- ballot/story?id=73673791 Oct. 18 Newsweek \ https://www.newsweek.com/amid-soaring-cases-north-dakota-ballots-include-gop-candidate­ . whos-already-died-covid-1540113 Ballotpedia https://ballotpedia.orq/David Andahl Dave Andahl Public Facebook page \ Oct. 5 ·. https://www.facebook.com/DavidAndahlND/posts/189396855959083 Oct. 6 https://www.facebook.com/DavidAndahlND/posts/189608202604615 Oct. 9 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leqacy.com%2Fus%2Fobituaries%2Fbi 1, smarcktribune%2Fname%2Fdavid-andahl-obituary%3Fn%3Ddavid- J:,.- '"i \ andahl%26pid%3D196921473%26fhid%3D5143&h=AT2fpbyeMoeOFjnWFyp Yi4bJSXFQiH0Mr I QV4R41YqXqxwjLwVkYxxnF XwKQmgcrQye6ZhYTZCcp9Cnaitbg2awg03InJBHq5R7DjaEoh M-b8qKE6pFHz7Riby7OklucN1yB8q SOANk- M0ElvZ&s=1 Oct. 9 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eastgatefuneral.com%2Fobituary%2Fd avid-andahl%3Ffbclid%3DlwAR2qDS4KyHpDjB5g8oymbdFCKSEUioTVxEllndy7rCWYDhCx­ vuSo1 zLwAU&h=AT3IctpHGlxr4TTtfAOxaS 1FaOCy4JGbF NK4fAy7YXxXe7DE6dFGBnJdG6n 004 aQQBbzmDHTJyiXApi9S cs48PuYQuXzt2wWKtLUQ XVOFsoyjmuX29WqJ436381 saYVaFblH zJwRW3eBN3KAxAty&s=1 005 Menu Listen Live More v Sign In North Dakota legislative candidate dies following brief illness Fargo, ND, USA/ The Mighty 790 KFGO I KFGO PaulJ!![gens Oct 5, 2020 5:49 PM BALDWIN, ND (KFGO) -A candidate for the North Dakota Legislature has died. David Anda hi of rural Baldwin, north of Bismarck, has died after a brief illness. Anda hi and another Republican legislative candidate were supported by Gov. Burgum over longtime legislator Jeff Delzer in the June primary. Burgum spent a considerable amount of money to influence the race in House District 8. Andahl and Dave Nehring both won and advanced to the general election next month. Andahl was a farmer and rancher and a member of the Burleigh County David Andahl Planning and Zoning Board. Comments Leave a Reply You must be .[Qgged in to post a comment. ADVERTISE WITH US» 006 114 Menu Listen Live More v Sign In News & Views with Joel Heitkamp 8:00AM-11:00AM CURRENT WEATHER» 007 214 Menu Listen Live More v Sign In Eric -Johnson's Barn BBQ 32% Vote j n -Coney Burgers 5% Vote ; [ Joel - Sue's Meatballs , 12% Vote i [ Bonnie - Bonnie's Biscotti 11% Vote I Doug - Get'R'Done 22% Vote I Amy- Near Perfect Pancakes 12% Vote [ Derek - Cashew Chicken Salad Rotinni · 7% Vote The Mighty 790 AM• 94.1 FM I l(FGO Midwest Communications, Inc. 008 3/4 Menu Listen Live More v Sign In LISTEN CONTACT MORE 790 AM in Fargo-Moorhead Studio Line 1: (701) 237-5948 Privacy Policy 94.1 FM in Fargo-Moorhead Business Line: {701) 237-5346 Terms of Use Listen Live Now Text Us at 35270 Contest Rules Message & data rates may apply Listen on Android Devices Public Inspection File ® Advertise With Us Listen on Apple Devices EEO Job Opportunities Listen on Alexa-enabled Devices Make A Payment Contact Us 009 414 Port: Andahl's death in District 8 creates tense political situation Delzer would be a provocative choice for Andahl's replacement. Written Oct 6th 2020 - Sam. Dave Andahl. Special to The Forum MINOT, N.D. - North Dakota's political landscape is a bit darker this mommg. Dave Andahl, a long-time public servant in Burleigh County and legislative candidate this election cycle, is no longer with us. I can't say I knew Andahl well. Just a few email exchanges over the years about things I'd written, and some conversations this year about his candidacy, but I've been doing this long enough to know when I'm talking to someone who is in politics for the right reasons. Andahl didn't sign up for the intrigues of campaigning; he intended to serve and serve well.
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