Investing for the Future of Oman www.oman-oil.com DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENTS ECONOMIC GROWTH STRONGER COMMUNITIES WORKFORCE EMPOWERMENT Oman Oil Company was incorporated in 1996 to pursue investment opportunities in the energy sector both inside and outside Oman. Through participation in energy and energy related projects, the Company plays an important role in the Sultanate’s efforts to diversify the Omani economy and to promote Omani and foreign private sector The investment. Company’s mandate OOC’s Vision is to be a significant part of a strong and integrated economy in Oman, diversified both across industry sectors and • Developing and investing in profitable geographically (domestically and businesses within internationally), which makes optimal Oman & internationally use of Oman’s natural resources, workforce and geostrategic location. • Creating meaningful employment in Oman In line with Oman’s Vision 2020, • Maximising value from OOC is committed to sustained Oman’s resources development through diversified investments, economic growth, • Growing talented business leaders & building stronger communities and professionals empowering Oman’s workforce. 1 DiversifiedInvestments OOC’s strategy is firmly focused on delivering shareholder value while contributing to the long term sustainable development of the Omani economy. Further, every investment in Oman has the potential for generating In Country Value and material GDP contribution. OOC’s diversified portfolio span 7 sectors throughout the entire hydrocarbon and energy related value chains, managed within 3 strategic business units (SBUs). 2 DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENTS ECONOMIC GROWTH STRONGER COMMUNITIES WORKFORCE EMPOWERMENT Upstream Downstream The Downstream SBU manages OOC’s The Upstream SBU manages OOC’s exploration investments in the Refining and Petrochemicals and production assets through the Oman Oil sector. The Downstream SBU is working to Company Exploration & Production (OOCEP) implement the TOM strategy consisting of three subsidiary. This includes both operated and non- elements: Technology, Oman and Markets. operated assets. The majority of the assets are Through strategic acquisitions and partnerships within Oman, with 2 key investments in early stages with specialised companies, OOC will bring the ofdevelopmentinKazakhstan.OOCEP’sstrategy latesttechnologyandknow-how,leverageOman’s is to build capabilities to develop and operate geo-strategiclocationoninternationaltradelines, unconventionalhydrocarbonresourcesinOman. and boost access to emerging markets in Asia OOCupstreaminvestmentsaremanagedthrough andAfrica.ThroughTOM,OOCaimstotransform Omanfromaregionalplayerintoamajorhubinthe theOOCEPsubsidiary.OOCEP’sactivitiescombine globalchemicalindustry. the management of investments in non-operated joint ventures in Oman and abroad, as well as RefiningandMarketing operatorship of upstream assets and service/ midstreambusinessesinOman. OOC’s refining and marketing assets serve three strategicpurposes.First,theyfulfilllocaldemandfor Assets refinedproductstobeusedasfuels;second,they AbrajEnergyServices providethebuildingblocksforthedevelopmentof anintegratedpetrochemicalindustrywithinOman; Block-42 and third, through minority investments in key MGP countries, they aim to promote Omani products, AbuTabul both raw hydrocarbons as well as processed materialssuchaspetrochemicals,tonewmarkets. ServiceContractinRimaSmallFields ServiceContractinKarimSmallFields Assets OilExplorationandProductioninMikhayznah OmanOilMarketingCo.S.A.O.G(Omanoil) Concession OmanOilRefineriesandPetroleumIndustries Block61 Company(ORPIC) ThePearls-OilExplorationinCaspianOffshore QingdaoLidongChemical Concession BharatOmanRefineriesLimited(BORL) OilExplorationinDungaConcession MOLHungarianOilandGasCompany 3 Petrochemicals EnergyInfrastructure OOC’s Petrochemical assets within Oman aim OOC’s assets in the Energy Infrastructure serve to use local feedstock to develop downstream two strategic purposes. Local assets aim to industries. While OOC’s investment in the create synergies between upstream hydrocarbon petrochemicalsectorinOmanhasbeenlimitedto production and downstream hydrocarbon 2 assets, both of which use local natural gas as processing and refining, by providing storage feedstock, it has ambitious plans based on the and transportation services between supply and TOM strategy to transform Oman into a major demand. International assets aim to enhance global player in the petrochemical landscape by OOC’s capabilities in the midstream energy developingadownstreampetrochemicalcomplex sectorinnewvalue-addedservicessuchasLNG in Duqm using feedstock from the new refinery regasificationterminals,whileprovidingstableand there. To that end, OOC acquired OXEA in 2013 diversifiedreturns. whose technology will be used to produce oxo- alcoholsandderivativesinDuqm. Assets OmanGasCompany(OGC) Assets OiltankingOdfjellTerminals&Co.(OOT) OXEAS.a.r.l QingdaoLixingLogisticsCompanyLtd SalalahMethanolCo.(SMC) GNLQuinteroS.A(GNLQ) OmanIndiaFertilizerCo.(OMIFCO) REN-RedesEnergéticasNacionais,SGPS,S.A PerPETual CompañiaLogísticadeHidrocaburosS.A(CLH) PlantadeRegasificacióndeSaguntoS.A Emerging EnagásS.A The Emerging SBU manages OOC investments across the wider energy sector. These include MetalsandMining energyinfrastructure,shippingandtrading,power generation,andmetalsandmining.TheEmerging OOC Assets in the Metals sector in Oman serve SBU’sstrategyistodiversifyOOC’sincomeaway to create meaningful domestic employment while fromhydrocarbonvaluechainsbyprovidingstable providing significant opportunities for economic returnswhilegeneratingemploymentopportunities multiplier effects. The energy-intensive metals forOmanisandbuildingcapabilities. industrytakesadvantageofOman’snaturalenergy resources to meet local and regional demand for metal products. OOC’s Mining strategy aims to securesuppliesfrominternationalsourcesforlocal metalsprojects. Assets SoharAluminiumCompanyL.L.C. ValeOmanPelletizingCompanyL.L.C. BlackRockMetalsInc. 4 DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENTS ECONOMIC GROWTH STRONGER COMMUNITIES WORKFORCE EMPOWERMENT 5 ShippingandTrading Takamul OOC’sassetsintheShippingandTradingsegment Takamul Investment Company was incorporated provide further integration of the value chain by in 2008 to develop sustainable investments in marketing and transporting local products to Oman that complement OOC’s value chains and internationalclients. support the Sultanate’s thriving industrial sector. The company’s primary objective is to promote Assets and invest in economically viable and value- OmanTradingInternational(OTI) added projects that feed off local industries in GulfEnergyMaritime(GEM) the chemicals, metals and minerals sectors. An innovative move saw the inclusion of industrial OmanShippingCompany(OSC) support services providing deeper integration across Takamul’s portfolio; and in 2013 Takamul began initiatives aimed at driving the creation of Power industrialSMEs. OOC’s investments in the Power Generation Attheendof2013,Takamul’stotalequityinvestment Sectoraimtoenhanceitscapabilitiesindeveloping stoodatOMR120m(US$312m),whileitsproject and operating power plants. Through further companies employed a total of 778 employees. international investments OOC aims to acquire Takamul has already invested in about OMR 270 technologyandexpertisethatshallbedeployedin millionworthofprojectsbyendofDecember2013. Omanandhelpmeetincreasingdomesticdemand Assets forpower. Oman Aluminum Processing Industries LLC Assets (OAPIL) OrientPowerCompanyLimited(OPCL) OmanAluminumRollingMillLLC(OARC) GSElectric,PowerandServices(GSEPS) GalvanizedSpecialtySteelIndustriesLLC(GSSI) SalalahMethanolCompanyLLC(SMC) SoharSulphurFertilizersLLC(SSF) MuscatGasesCompanySAOG(MGC) UnitedFacilitiesManagementLLC(UFM) RefracoMiddleEastLLC(Refraco) UreaDistribution CentralizedUtilitiesCompanyLLC(CUC) MajanFerrochromeLLC AluminumCoilCoatingLine(ACCL) OmanIndustrialChemicalsLLC Oman International Petrochemical Industries CompanyLLC(OMPET) OmanTankTerminalCompanyLLC(OTTCO) DuqmManagementandServicesLLC Sohar Paper Core 6 DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENTS ECONOMIC GROWTH STRONGER COMMUNITIES WORKFORCE EMPOWERMENT Investment Breakup Oman Chile Germany UAE Hungary China By Geography Spain South Korea Kazakhstan Pakistan India Canada Portugal Exploration & Production Petrochemicals Energy Infrastructure By Sector Refining & Marketing Metals Shipping & Trading Power 7 Our Portfolio EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION 1 Dunga Concession (OOCEP) 13 Bharat Oman Refineries Limited (BORL) 2 Caspian Offshore Concession (OOCEP) 14 Mina Al Fahal Refinery (ORPIC) 3 Abu Tubul - Block 60 (OOCEP) 15 Sohar Refinery (ORPIC) 4 Mikhayznah (OOCEP) 16 Polypropelene Plant (ORPIC) 5 Karim (OOCEP) 17 Aromatics Plant (ORPIC) 6 Rima (OOCEP) 18 Oman Oil Marketing Co. (Omanoil) Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical 7 Musandam Gas Plant (OOCEP) 19 Industries Company 8 Block 42 (OOCEP) PETROCHEMICALS 9 Abraj Energy Services (OOCEP) 20 OXEA S.a.r.l 10 Khazzan - Block-61 (OOCEP) 21 PerPETual Global REFINING & MARKETING 22 Oman India Fertiliser Company 11 Qingdao Lidong Chemical Co 23 Salalah Methanol Co 12 MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Company 24 Sohar PTA/PET (OMPET) 8 ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE METALS 25 GNL Quintero S.A (GNLQ) 35 BlackRock Metals Inc. 26 Qingdao Lidong Logistics Company Ltd. 36 Sohar Aluminium Company 37 27 Oiltanking Odfjell Terminals & Co. Vale Oman Pelletizing Company 38 Takamul Investment Company 28 Oman Gas Company SHIPPING AND TRADING 29 Project Markaz (OTTCO) 39 Oman Shipping Company 30 Duqm Petroleum Terminal Company
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