Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org tsr co O I-:!' ! 8H O Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litehfield County O Vol.. 43 No. 12 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI2..00 PER YEAR Car. "Ri. P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS April 16,' Churches Preparin Holy Week Services For Easter Climax The Rev. William J. Zito. senior minister at First Congregational, Sunrise Program At 6:30 Church and council chairman, will give the greetings and opening, Christians throughout, the ..com- Jesus. Christ's final meal with. His prayer. The Rev. James Stinson. munity will be observing the most apostles, and last few hours before minister 'at the United Methodist solemn, week of the church year His crucifixion on Friday, and His • Church, will read the Easter Dawn, with special sere ices beginning to- triumphant resurrection Easter Gospel Lesson, and the Rev. David THE ARTISTIC, ORIENTAL STYLE of Middlebtin, Road's Alice day (Thursday) and 'continuing Sunday. Powell, pastor of the Assembly of Shen Kennedy will be on view in Washington. D..C. next week through through, the-joyous festivities on The public is invited, as well to God. Church, will: lead the service her Easter eggs painted for the annual Easter Egg Roll and exhibit at Easter Sunday. the annual Ecumenical Council in prayers. the White House. (Kennedy Photo) Whether they be called Holy Easter Dawn Service at 6:30 a.m. The Rev. Waldo Landquist, pas- Thursday, Maund) Thursday, or at the new upper portion of the tor of Oak vi lie's Union Congrega- Two Local Women Sending Tenebrae services, tonight's Evergreen Cemetery'"s west side off tional Church, will preach the cere monies will begin the focus on North Street. Easter Dawn Meditation "Why 6 Seek Ye the Living Among the Styles To B.C. Eggs-hibit' Dead?." Special music comprising tradi- Chosen For Annual displayed on the South Lawn in a tional, hymns, and contemporary special case created by the staff of numbers will be led by the St., John Easter Egg Roll On the Smithsonian. Folk, Choir of St.. John, the White House Lawn The Easter Egg. Roll is part, of the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church. annual Easter celebration for .Featured musicians will be Tony By Tommy Valuckas children that has been sponsored, by Santoli • on the Yamaha electric Walertmvn's Alice Shen Kennedy the White House since 1878. accor- keyboard, and Tommy 'Vaiuckas on. and Ethel Hand lew ich have never ding, to Michele Archanibau.lt, dir- the acoustic guitar. met each other, but both women ector of the White Hoo.se Visitors At approximately 7 a.m., those will have something distinctly in Office. present will be invited to attend an common come Monday, Mrs.. Kennedy and Mrs. Handle- "Easter breakfast at the United While neither will be in. Wash- wich each submitted two eggs in Methodist, Church's Fellowship ington. D.C. that day, both will be March, drawing upon their widely Hall, 305 Main St. There will be .among the invited artists from. d i ffc ren t. backgrou nd s an d t ra. i n i ng a small charge per person. around the country who will have to produce miniature masterpieces In, case of rain, the dawn service painted "eggs"" displayed for the an- in. Oriental brush painting and will be relocated to the cemetery nual Easter Egg Roll on the White Norwegian rosemaling. respect- chapel off North Street. House lawn, presided over by First ively. The following is a, listing of ser- Lady Nancy Reagan. M rs. Kennedy, wife of Scottish- vices and programs at the .various The artistic eggs—made of wood! born Anthony Kennedy, 559 Mid- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL YOUNGSTERS Kelly Agnew, left, a se- town churches: and about the same weight as the dlebury Road, said during a. recent cond grader at Griffin School, and Jeff Desrosiers, a. Griffin fourth First Congregational real chicken product—will be (Continued on page 20) 1 grader, were commended by Board of Education Chairman Joseph The 40 DeForest St. church, will Gugliotti, right, Board Secretary Lucille Chabot, center, .and the rest, • have two identical sen.'ices at 9:15 of the Board, and School Department administration .Monday night for and 11. a.m. Easter Sunday, 'the Rev. Town Budgets Readied For being selected as contributing authors, to the "1986 Connecticut Student Mr. Zito has announced. The crib Journal." room, and child- care will be Public Hearings Tuesday (Continued on page 10) The town's spending plans, for French St. Fire District's Control Plant 1987-88 will go before the public Up for consideration will be the [Holiday Office! during formal hearing proceedings town, administration's fiscal package Cited By DEP On Effluent Tuesday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. in of $10,003,393, and the Board of i Hours Listed the high school auditorium, 324 'Education's recommended proposal The 'Watertown Fire District's more: than once. of $15,835,020. Funding packages- pollution control plant off Main Mr. Herzig presented the board All town municipal, offices, the for federal Revenue Sharing, water Street, is in violation of its permit with a draft of a pollution abate- School Department* schools, and Inside and, sewer, and other budgets also because of high levels of ammonia ment order for the WFD's perusal senior center will be closed. Friday will be reviewed. and chlorine being discharged into and' discussion. He also said the through Sunday, April 17 to 1,9, for 'the Easter holiday weekend. The Town Council and Board •Steele Brook, according to the state DEP will be 'taking unspecified Automotive...........page 22 State offices and banks will be have been trying to piece together Department of Environmental Pro- "enforcement action" against the Bethlehem News....., / / closed. Good Friday, but post offices an agreeable plan, that won't tection. WFD to keep the plant effluent .MrAs 22 from contami- nating Steele Brook. will be open, and. there will be mail Calendars. ...13 & 26 skyrocket taxes, The $25,8 million Warren, Herzig, principal sin- "I don't, think I've brought you delivery. Churches 24 & 25 budgets, as presented will mean a iiary engineer of the stole DEP, told • any news you •weren't expecting," The state Department of .Motor Classifieds..:.... 34 & '35 mill rate hike of •about 0.75 mills, • the district commissioners .Monday according to officials. night: the plant has been, on the Mr. Herzig told the Fire District: Vshicles has announced all its of- Dining Out ..14, 15 & 16 fices will, be closed .Friday and 'The* Council last week voted, to state's quarterly non-compliance- • members. "There are other treat- Dr. Craig Czarsfy 8 Saturday. All, offices will close at restore: about $28jOOO to,the Police report, filed with the federal DEP (Continued on page 2) Jamie Mclaughlin 12 ,7:30 p.m. today (Thursday),, and Department budget so three new John Rowland 17 9 will reopen Tuesday, April 21, from, line officers, can be hired instead, of Joseph Ueberman 32 Friends "Meeting- Tuesday8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Legal Notices 35 two. The 27th annual, meeting of the The offices will have normal Letters 4 Money also has been, allocated .on the library budget. • Friends of the Watertown Library The Friends also will make a business hours, the rest, of'the week. Nancy Johnson 23 for an administrative assistant-for will be held 'Tuesday, April 21, at presentation ~of $750 to" the library, The auto emissions testing sta- Obituaries 4, .5 & 6 the Finance .Department, a data 12 noon in, the Friends Gallery at •to be used, toward the purchase of tions will be closed Good Friday, Realty News. , , 13 processing coordinator, and an the 470 Main, St.. library. new • chairs for the mezzanine study but will, be open from 8 a.m. to 1 Servicemen ......., 27 economic development developer An, election, of officers will, take area. p.m. Saturday. The Danbury station Showcase Of Homes.......33 whose-salary would be paid partly 1 place,, and the Friends will honor The regular meeting will be only .will be'open Monday,; April Sports ...30 & 31 by ' the Water-Oak Chamber of 'the volunteers who give many hours followed by a viewing of a United 20, from, 8 a.m. to 5:30' p.m. Taft Arts. 16 Commerce. each week, to the work of the Nations film on '"Life in India." All emissions stations will reopen, (Continued on page 11) library, thereby lessening the strain (Continued on page 2) . April 21 at 8 a.m. .Page-Property2 Town Times (Watertown , ofCom. ) Aprithel 16, 1987Watertown: Historical Society -pre District's samples of 'the effluent, and he •the zoning regulations which-are coming; to the WFD.. '• - ; - New York City Thursday,; May 21, • (Continued from page I)" wondered why the district's "inadequate." He thought a work-" watertownhistoricalsociety.orgnumbers, were different than that of .. ,_He also served tor one .year as sponsored by the Friends. ment facilities in the area. with, the the DEP's. shop meeting between 'the board, assistant town engineer after,.the and .Mr. Bryan could start the pro-" reorganization. The group will meet in front of same problem as yours.,*" .Mr. Herzig pointed, out the state. He stressed the problem is not .an • jectoff. Prior to his • service with the the library at 8 a.m. for the trip: takes samples during peak flows, so "Let's bring it. (the .regulations) ' There wil be a guided tour of the "operational" one because the plant 'their numbers may be higher than authority, .Mr. Ryan worked with is, "well-operated." The effluent, up to 1987," Mr.
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