University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-5-1911 Las Vegas Optic, 05-05-1911 The Optic Publishing Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lvdo_news Recommended Citation The Optic Publishing Co.. "Las Vegas Optic, 05-05-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lvdo_news/2962 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ramurtal ScrtM-f'- t otflt TEATHER FORECAST THE DAILY MAXIM Tonight and Saturday Li , Generally Fair; U ,Jt, You . Can't Smile Warmer LAS Refrain From G "V Scowling- EXCLU8IVB ASSOCIATED PRE88 LEA8ED WIRE TELEGRAPH SERVICE 7 VOL. XXXII. No. 154 EAST LAS VEGAS, NEWJEXICO, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 191 1 meat to receive or discuss the BALDWIN SOLD? resig WORKS. nesses besides McManlgaL nation of the president. Efforts were Among Philadelphia, May 5. Great surprise them were and officials of RESIGNATION being made to resume the con INDICTED SOLONS NINETEEN TRUE employes and': general interest have been o the Llewellyn Iron Works and Paul ference of the peace commissioners casloned in financial and business cir Stuperlch, proprietor of a hotel at AIRICANSIN late thU afternoon to determine cles by the announcement that the Saulito, Calif., which the alleged dyn whether a basis of agreement could ENTER PLEAS DF Baldwin Locomotive Works have been DILLS AGAINST amiter known as J. B. Bryce visited be effected despite the utimatum of OF DIAZ sold to Drexel & Co, the bankers. The prior to the of the IS yesterday. wrecking newspa purchase price has not been given per plant. MEXICO ARE NOT GUILTY definitely., but report has it that more MNAMARAS Another witness was Douglass Bur- - Denies Peace Agreement. than a hundred million dollars will rowes, one of the owners of the Mexico City, May 5. Contradicting launch I be involved in the deal. One of the Pastime, which, according- to ASKED the information of the war office last ACCUSED OHIO LEGISLATORS ACCUSED many rumros has J. DYNAMITERS CHARGED the detectives, was used to transport night, Ambroslo Figuerro, represent it that Plerpont IN PERIL WILL FIGHT CHARGES OF Morgan Is the man behind the scheme WITH MURDERING TWENTY-ON- the dynamite by the alleged consplra ing the rebels In Guererro and More- - ton. BRIBERY and that he and E. T. Stotesbury met TIMES EMPLOYES ULTIMATUM BY FRANCISCO I. los, said today that no agreement for abroad and this to off-- Stuperlch and Burrowes went into peace had been made between him planned coup AMBASSADOR WILSON ADVISES MADERO, JR., HALTS PEACE set Charles M. the jail, accompanied by the district and.Minister of War Cosio. The con- - liRANll II RY TAKF.N RFrFx'! Schwab, the steel king, EVIDENCE NEGOTIATIONS , UIII111U U U II I llllbU IlkUtiUU who is said to IS KEPT A SECRET attorney and a 'stenographer. Mrs STATE DEPARTMENT OF IN- - icreiitcs urns Tar, ne states, were have an eye on the fatuperich and her two 1 those of Baldwin plant. daughters ULtKABLE CONDITIONS merely courtesy. went with them. James WILL RESUME INVESTIGATION ORTIE WIT-NES- McNamara COMMUNICATED Senor Figuerro admits that his M'MANIGAL CHIEF S TO CAPITAL was taken before the party, and, it campaign in tha states of Guerrero MONDAY, WHEN NEW BILLS BEFORE LOS ANGELES MEXICAN FOURTH OF JULY is asserted, Stuperlch and his wife NAVAL FORCES TO THE RESCUE and Morelos Is under the general di ARE EXPECTED GRAND El Tex., 6. JURY and Burrowes all identified him as PENDING ANSWER, CONFERENCE rection of Francisco I. Madero, who, Paso, May The present turbulent condition of affairs across the man they had known in Oakland NEAR JUAREZ IS TEMPORAR he says, has instructed him by tele EXPECTED WARSHIPS AND MA. the border did not and Saulito as James B. Bryce. graph to await the result of the SEVERAL WOULD CONFESS Interfere greatly WERE NOT ARRAIGNED TODAY RINES WILL BE DISPATCHED ILY SUSPENDED Judge Bord well, who will peace conference now In progress. probably Clnco preside at tie trial of the McNamaras TO ACAPULCO Considerable uneasiness among for-- de Mayo," which is one of PROSECUTING ATTORNEY RE PROMPT HEARING WILL BE AC- - called the editors of and REFUSAL TO COMPLY CERTAIN is noticeable. A new cause Mexico's chief national holidays. The newspapers eigners CEIVES ANONYMOUS LETTER CORDED managers of the of celebration commemorates the vic PRISONERS SAYS press associations REIGN OF ANARCHY apprehension Is the reported im here a IS FEARED TO THIS EFFECT of - into conference. He said he pending assault by the rebels on Mon tory the republican army at Pue- DISTRICT ATTORNEY FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES AD was anxious that the prisoners should terey and Saltillo, the capital of the bla, May 5, 1865, which event mark MIT REMOTENESS OF A have a trial in which there should FAILURE OF PEACE NEGOTIA- - state of Coahulia, on the Mexican Columbus, O., May 5. State Sen- ed the of the Mex- - Los Angeles, May 5. The nineteen FAVORABLE not be anything hinting of unfairness, TIONS MAY HAVE REPLY Huff- - lean republic. indictments voted TERRIBLE Northern railway, which would mean atore George K. Cetone, I. E. by the Los Aneele. and asked their RESULTS the cutting off of all communication man and L. R. Andrews, Representa- county grand Jury late yesterday af El Paso, Tex., May 5. The peace to the with ternoon against John J. McNamara north, the probability that tive8 A n and D, Georce 3. THOUSANDS FOR RARE BOOKS negotiations between the Mexican railway traffic to the south might also.. and his brother. .Tampa r MrVomnro CALM ATTENDS HOLIDAY Washington, May 5. Genuine alarm Nye, and Sergeant-at-Arm- s Rodney J. New York, May 5. With la-i- t charging them with the Insurrectos and the Mexican govern be Interrupted. While few believe mr,w J Mexico City, May 6. Sunday's calm is felt by administration officials for s - e DieSel- - of the Benate under lndlct" nignt session of tne Hoe auc- the twenty-on- that an assault on Mexico City woulJ library men who lost their marked the of battle ment were suddenly suspended today uon me total or anniversary the the safety of Americans in Mexico, - receipts was brought Uvea October 1, be successful, the possibility of it be-- ment fr soliciting bribes, were ar- last, in the exnlosion of Puebla, which had been heralded to await an answer from Mexico P to within $46,000 of an even mil-- especially in the - which destroyed the Times offico vicinity of Acapulco ing besieged is causing many foreign- raigned today before Judge Kinkead as the date set for an attack on the City to the submitted yes- uon uonars. i ne auction will end to- - were filed in on the west coast. proposition ers to leave. A Ward line steamer Judge Bord well's court capital by the revolutionists and the in tno criminai court and pleaded" not day- - by Francisco I. Madero, today. The evidence unon which tho Conditions, described as intolerable terday Jr., which sailed from Vera Cruz last ,,, . forced resignation of President Dia. that President Diaz make his indictments are based will be were today reported to the state de- public uisiii many reiugees, most .i kept Up to noon there had been no indica- Intention to The ror ween auer next. secret. partment by Ambassador Wilson. Tt resign. federal rep- them women. tion of disorder in any Three quarter. is naval forces or- resentatives admit that they do not Intimations that the knowledge indictments against Ortie probable will be expect a favorable answer. McManigal, the alleged confessed dered to Acapulco at once. Prosecutor Turner and Attorney Gen Senor Oscar Baniff, one of the dynamiter, charging him with hav The state department officials eral possess bribe PRESIDENT TAFT were in tihe negotiations, toid MTTRIDGE Hogan concerning ing dynamited the Llewellyn Iron plainly worried by the disquiet an Associated Prea representative ry in the general assembly was limit TIN Works in this city last Christmas ing advices received from the Mex- today that It was he who had con H DIES IN fHE SOUTH ed to the few cases in which detec day, also were filed. It is understood LAUDS MEDICAL CORPS ican ambassador, despite the fact veyed to Madero assurances of Presi- tives had posed as lobbyists, to trap that these charge the McNamaras that Mr. Wilson said the Mexican FORMER CHICAGO POLICE IN- - with in war dent Diaz's intention to resign. He legislators were refuted late yesterday complicity the Llewellyn ex department had sent urgent tele SPECTOR WAS BUT ONE TYPHOID CASE AMONG of instruction command- declared that President Diaz, In a MONTH'S ILLNESS WITH LIVER when the grand jury adjourned until SERVING SEN- plosion. grams to the SOLDIERS AT SAN officer at to afford all conversation with him, had said he AND Monday. TENCE FOR BRIBERY McManigal was the principal wit '19,000 ing Acapulco KIDNEY TROUBLE ness to Americans. felt to the of the The recess was taken for the rea heard by the grand jury about ANTONIO possible protection obligated majority FATAL movements The matter was taken Mr. to tne tnat 5. "bose and meeting place tip by Mexican voters who had elected him, son, according prosecutor, Springfield, Ills., May Wilson as the result of the report that but that the moment he felt confi- such a mess of incriminating evidence Mccann, the Philadelphia, May 5.
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