Paint and Varnish Facts and Formulae

Paint and Varnish Facts and Formulae

Paint and Varnish Facts and Formulae BY J. N. HOFF A Hand Book for the Maker, Dealer and User of Paints and Varnishes Published by Central Publishing Company Newark, New Jersey New York D. Van Nostrand and Company 23 Murray and 27 Warren Streets 1905 Copyright 1904 BY LEMUEL B. OSBORNE. THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY INDEX. A Acid Acetic 6-61 " Sulphurous 84 Adulterations 26-31-35-50 Alcohol, Grain 60 " Wood 61 Alkalies, Action of 85 ' ' to remove paint 152 Aluminum Bronze 79 Leaf 112 Amyl Acetate 61 Ammonia 151 Aniline Colors 39-142-162 Anti-fouling Paints 34 Asphaltum 66-146 B Banana Liquid 102 Barium Chromate 32 Bathtub Enamel 116 Bathtubs, to Enamel 117 Benzines 59 Berlin Blue 36 Black Boards, Coating for 141 Blacks 27-28 " Charcoal or Soot 27-28 " Ivory or Bone 27-28 Black Enamel 116 Blistering 89 Blooming 87 Blue, Celestial 37 " Chinese 36 " Cobalt 37 -3 G G3£ Blue, Indigo 37 ' ' Prussian 36 ' ' Ultramarine 35 Boiled Oil 50 " Artificial 171 Bottle Greens 35 British Gum 80 Bronze Greens 35 Bronzing Liquids 102-103 Bronzes 79 " How Made 79 ' ' Imported 79 Brushes, Paint 155-156 C Cadmium Yellow 32 Calcium Carbonate 21 Oxide 21 Sulphate 20 Calcutta Linseed Oil 52 Camphor Oil 175 Carbon 27 Carmine 39-95 Caseine 77-105 Cements 105-106 Paints 77 ' ' Priming 94 Castor Oil 131 Ceilings 99 ' ' to take spots from 154 Celestial Blue 37 Cements, Pastes and Putties 103 to 106 for Steam Pipes 103 ' ' for Metal and Porcelain 104 for Metal Letters on Glass 104 ' ' Quick Drying for Iron 104 Stone and Glass 104 Caseine 105 to Unite Glass and Metal 105 Cements, for Glass and Minerals 105 " Paper 106 ' ' Caseine for General Use 106 for Steam Pipes 106 Chalking 11-90 China Clay 19 China Wood Oil 52 Chinese Blue 36 Chemical Colors 31 Chrome Greens 33 Chrome Ochre 34 Chrome Yellows 31 Coach Colors 44 Coach Varnish 69 Coal Tar Naptha 60 Coal Tar Pitch 66 Cobalt Blue 37 Cochineal 39 Cold Water Paints 77 Collodion Varnishes 170 Colophony 55 Colors, Complimentary 96 " in Oil, Japan and Water 41 in Water 45 " Used in Water Paints 95 ' ' in Decorations 97 " in Oil, Cheap 44 Positive 96 " Predominating 96 ' ' Primary 96 Relation to Walls 97 Copperas Reds 26 Cotton Seed Oil 50 Covering Power of Paints, etc 46 Crawling of Paint 89 Cremnitz White 22 Crimson Lakes 39 Crinkling, Peeling and Alligorating 90 D Damar Varnish 67 Varnish, to Clear 106 Dead Finish Varnishes 170-171 Decorative Effect of Paint 82 Decorative Enamels 113-117 Decorations, Hints for Interior 98-99-100-101 Destruction of Wood Metal and Stone 82-83 Diastase 60 Dotter 49 Drawing or Pulling 87 Dryers, Japan 72 " Lead 71-116 " Liquid 71 ' ' Manganese 71 to Test 72-73 Drying Oil, Action of 50-82 Dulling or Flatting 88 Dutch Pink 33 E Earth Colors, Adulteration of 25-26 Emerald Green, True 34 Emerald Oxide of Chromium 34 Enamels, to Prepare 113-117 Good Grades 114 " Weather Proof 114 " Marine 114 Porcelain White 115 Eosine 38 F Filler, for Cracks and Crevices 106 Liquid 122 Paste 121-122 " and Stain Combined 124 Fish Oil 50 Flake White 22 Flat White Primer 116 Flax Plant 48 " Seed 48 Floors, to Treat 117-121 Hardwood 118 Painted 118 Varnished 118 Shellaced 119 Waxed 119 to Stain 119 to Oil 120-121 Floor Oils 121 " Paints 149 " Waxes 134 Formulae 102 Fossil Gums 63 Frankfort Black 28 Furnishings 96 Furniture Polishes 148 Varnishes 69 Fusel Oil 61 G Gamboge 90 Gasolines 59 Gelatine 78 Gilding 110-111 Gilding on Glass 109 " on Iron and Metal 112 Glass to Etch 109 ' ' Frosting on 109 " to Gild on 109 Glass Signs, to Back 113 Gloss, Loss of 78 Glues 78 Bone 78 Hide 78 Liquid 108 Waterproof 108 Gold Leaf, Ordinary Ill " " Artificial Ill Gold Size 113 Grain Alcohol 60 Graining 125 Pigments Used 125 Tools Required 126-127 Glazing Colors 128-129 Graphite 29 ' ' Lubricant ] 33 Greens 33 Bottle 35 Bronze 35 Chrome 33 Emerald 34 Green Oxide of Chromium 33 * ' Emerald Oxide of Chromium 34 " Ultra Marine 35 Gum Resins 64-65-66-67 Zanzibar, Angola, Sierra Leone, Benguela, Kauri Manilla, Demars, Shellac, Resin, Aspffaltum, Mastic Sandarac. Gums, True 79-80 Arabic, Dextrine, British. Gum Varnish, Cost of 70 Gypsum 20 to Harden 20 use of 20 H Hard Oil Finish 69 Hints for Interior Decorations 96 Hydraulic Cements 22 I Indigo 37 Influence of Atmospheric Conditions 82-84 Ink Stains, to Remove 155 Iron, to Preserve 155 Iron Rust, to Remove 155 Isinglass 78 J Japan Dryer 72 Japan Gold Size 113 K Kauri Gum . 178 Kalsomines 77 Kalsomining 177 Kerosene 59 L Lacquer, Bronze and Metal 134 Lakes 38-39 Yellow 38 Red 39 Purple 39 Scarlet 39 Lapis Lazuli 35 Lamp Black 27-28 Lead 71 ' ' Antimoniate 32 ' ' Carbonate 5 Lead and Oil Paint 74 v Lead, Sugar of, Dryers 116 Lime 21 Linoleic Acid 94 Linoleum, Treatment of 133 Linseed Oil 48 Process of Manufacture 48 Linseed Oil, Old Process 49 ' ' New Process 49 Cold and Hot Pressed 49 Oxidation of 50-71 Adulterations 50 Tests 50 ' Liquid Slateing 122-123-124 Liquid Wood Fillers 122-123-124 Lubricants 60-129-131 ' ' Wagon Grease 132 Patent Wagon Grease 132 Graphite 133 Lubricating Oils 129 ' Animal, Vegetable and Mineral .... 129-130 Viscosity 130 Congealing and Flash Points 130 Heavy 130 Cylinder 130 " Standard Machinery 130 " Light Machinery 130 High Grade 131 Motor 131 Spindle 131 Extra Cylinder 131 High Grade Cylinder 131 Castor Oil 131 " " Substitute 132 Lard Oil, Substitute 132 M Machine Paints 146 Malt 60 Manganese 71 Marble, to Polish 148 " to Remove Stains from 154 Marine Paints 34 ' ' Enamels 114 Mars Yellow 32 Metallic Brown 23 Metallic Paints 144 " Cheap 144 " Red 145 " High Grade 145 Mineral Black 28 Mineral Oil 17-52-58-129 Mineral Pigments 23-41 Mortar 21 N Naples Yellow 32 Naptha 59 Nitro-benzole 39 Ochres 23-24-25-32 ; ' Artificial Coloring 25 Artificial 32 Cheap 24 English - 24 ' French 24 ' Golden 25 Gold and Russet Shades 32 : ' Roschelle 24 Oil, Boiled 50 Camphor 175 Castor 130 China Wood' 52 Colza 130 Cotton Seed 17-130 Fish 50 Headlight 132 Lard 129 Lemon 176 Linseed 17-48 Lubricating 60-129-132 Mineral 17-52-58-129 Neatsfoot 129 Olive 130 Palm 130 Poppy Seed 53 Rosin 50-56-57 Signal 132 Solar 60 Sperm 129 Oil, Walnut 53 " Varnish 70 ' ' Varnishes 63 Oils, Other Drying 53 Oils and Solvents 48 Oleates and Resinates 71 Orange Mineral 37 Organic Pigments 41 Oxides of Cobalt 37 Oxides of Iron 23 Oxides of Zinc 12 Properties of 13 Adulterations and Tests 14 P Paint Brushes 155 Care of 157 to Clean 157 Paint, Anti-fouling 34 Asphaltum 146 Cheap White 140-141 Fireproof 141-142 Flat Interior 93 Flexible 140 Floor 149 for Coating Rough Walls 176 Lead and Oil 74 Marine 34 Paraffine 144 Ready Mixed 137 Silicate of Soda 176 to Clean 154 Transparent for Glass 142 Water Glass 176 Paint Oil Formulae 173 " Oils 171 from Rosin Oil 172 from Resinates 172 from Oxidized Linseed Oil 173 Paint Troubles 89 Crawling 89 Running 89 Drawing and Pulling 89 Loss of Gloss 89 Crinkling 89 Saging 89 Blistering 89 Cracking, Peeling and Alligatoring 90 Chalking 90 Action of Sun on 91 Painting and Decorating 92 " " Exterior 92 Interior 93 Plaster 94 Wood Work 92 Zinc 144 ' ' and Varnishing 82 Paints, Paste for Machinery 146 Paraffine Wax * 81 Paris Green 34 Paris White 16-179 Patent Gold Ill Paper, to Enamel 117 Pastes,Ordinarv 106 " Wall Paper 106 Petroleum Spirits 58 Pigments, Stability of 41 " Tables of Permanency 42 Pinholes in Varnish 87 Pinoline 57 Plaster 20 Plaster of Paris 20 Plumbago 29 Polishing Agents 147 Paint, Properties of S2-84 Life of 84 Covering Power 46 Action of External Agents 84 Polishes, Excellent French 143 for Iron and Steel 143 Polishing Wood Work 94 Poppy Seed Oil 53 Positive Colors 96 Predominating Colors 96 Primary Colors 96 Priming 91-94 Proportion of Oil to Pigments 85 Prepared Floor Wax 134 Putty 17 ' ' Joiners 106 " Floor and Crack 108-109 Purple Lakes 39 a Quercitron Bark 33 Quaker Greens 35 R Ready Mixed Paints 74-134 Prejudice Against 74 Composition of 75 Pigments Used 75 Cost of 76 Cheap Grades 76 Base 136 Coloring Matter for 137 All Shades, to Make 137 Base White 137 Inside White 135 Outside White 135-136 Solutions for 75-76-135 Facht White 135 Various Colors 137-140 Ready Mixed Paints 134 Apple Green 139 Black 137 Blues Light and Dark 140 Bronze Green 139 ' Brown, Light and Dark 13S Buffs 139 Colonial 139 Cream 139 Greens 137 Green Stone, Medium 139 Lavender 139 Leads 138 Lemon 137 Maroon 140 Olives 139 Pea Green 139 Quaker Drab 139 Red 137 Salmon 139 Straws 139 Stone 138 Spruce 139 Tans 139 Vermillion 137 Yellow 137 Red Enamel 116 Red Lakes 39 Red Lead 37-84 Removers, Paint and Varnish 151-153 * Ammonia 151 Alkalies 152 " Liquid Removers 152 Removing Whitewash 97 Rolls of Wallpaper, Rule to Determine 98 Rosin 50-55-67 " Light 56 ' ' Color, Brands, etc 56 " Oils 57 " Residues 57 " Refined 58 Rubbed Work 93 Running of Paint 89 Rule for Use of Mineral and Vegetable Pigments 29 s Sandarac G7 Scarlet Lakes 39 Separating of Varnish 87 Shellacs 65 Crude 65 Refined 65 Bleached 66 Shellac Varnishes 166 Shelling 87 Short Oil Varnishes 69 Siennas 23-25 Raw and Burnt 24 Italian 25 Sign Painting Rule 112 Signal Oil 132 Silica 18 in Paint 18 in Fillers 18 Silicate of Alumina 19 " of Lime 94 ' ' of Magnesium 20 " of Soda 18-94 Paints 176 Silver Leaf 112 Smalts 81 Smoke Gases 9-84 Soap Stone 20 Solar Oil 60 Solutions 75-76-135 Spirits of Wine 61 Spots, to Remove from Ceilings 154 Spotting or Chilling 87 Stains, Aniline 162 " Oil 163-164 " Spirit 160 " Shingle 165 " Red Brown 163 " Solution for 161 Stains, Yellow Brown 163 4 ' Various Colors to Make 158-160 " Varnish 163-164 11 Water 158 11 Antique Oak 158 " Cherry 159 " Ebony 159 " Grey 159 ' lj? 9 ' Mahogany " Mahogany,

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