PARISH OF OUR LADY IMMACULATE, WHITSTABLE CT5 2DY with St. Joseph’s, Chestfield CT5 3LD Parish Priest :Rev. Father Kevin St. Aubyn Presbytery :37, Kingsdown Park, Whitstable. CT5 2DE Tel:272758 Permanent Deacon :Rev. Deacon Dan Mulcahy Address :Willow Cottage, Ridgeway, Chestfield. CT5 3JT Tel:792660 Parish Social Centre :15A, Castle Road, Whitstable. CT5 2DY Parish Social Centre :Custodian/Bookings: Mrs Annemarie McCabe 07928717226 Gift Aid Co-Ordinator :Mr. David Wiles - [email protected] 07710868595 Safeguarding Representative :Mrs Claire [email protected] 07717290482 Health & Safety Representative :Mrs. Lesley Wiles - [email protected] 07594485503 Parish School :St Mary’s School, Northwood Road, CT5 2DY Tel:272692 Parish Bereavement Group :Mrs Li s beth Scoones 07935159687 E-mail address :[email protected] Parish Website :www.rcourladywhitstable.org.uk Diocesan Website :www.rcsouthwark.co.uk EWTN Catholic TV :Sky Channel 588 Notices for the Bulletin :To be submitted please by 7.30 pm on Wednesday TWENTY- SIXTH SUNDAY: (Cycle C) Psalter Week 2 29th September 2019 SATURDAY 28 SEPT: St Wenceslaus (Martyr) Hymn Nos: 301. 706. 800. Holy, Holy: 470 06.00 pm: (1st Mass of Sunday): Dusan Melis & Deceased Family Members of Furlong Family (J Melis) THURSDAY: 03 OCT 10.00: Eucharistic Service SUNDAY 29 SEPT ADORATION: 10.30 - 12.00 & 2.30 – 3.30 08:30 am:(Chestfield): All our Parishioners 10.30 am: Guy Willey, RIP FRIDAY 04 OCT: St Francis of Assisi. Religious; First Friday; Cafod Family Fast Day MONDAY: 30 SEPT: St Jerome. Priest. Doctor 09.40 am: Morning Prayer 10.00: Eucharistic Service 10: 00 am: Eucharistic Service TUESDAY: 01 OCT: St Therese of Lisieux. Virgin. Dr SATURDAY: 05 OCT 9.40 am: Morning Prayer Confessions: 5.30 – 5.45 pm 10.00 am: Eucharistic Service 06.00 pm: (1st Mass of Sunday): Mary Finnerty, RIP WEDNESDAY: 02 OCT: Guardian Angels SUNDAY: 06 OCT 10.00 am: (Chestfield): Rosary for World Peace. 8.30 (Chestfield): Joseph Rosamma, RIP 10.00 am: Eucharistic Service 10.30: All our Parishioners CANONISATION OF BLESSED CARDINAL NEWMAN: Pope Francis announced that Blessed John Henry Newman will be canonised in Rome on Sunday 13th October 2019. This will take place alongside four others: Giuseppina Vannini, Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan, Irmã Dulce Pontes and Marguerite Bays. This will make Cardinal Newman the first English person who has lived since the 17th century officially recognised as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. Information about Cardinal Newsman including details of his life, of the miracle and the process of canonisation, links to his writings as well as photos and videos available to media, can be found at www.newmancanonisation.com . Also, there is also a Service of Vespers and Holy Mass on Saturday 19th October 2019 at 3.30 pm at Westminster Cathedral to celebrate the Canonisation of Cardinal Newman. Free admission up to the capacity of the Cathedral. Tickets not required. All Leaftlets kept at the rear of the church. DAY OF PRAYER FOR HARVEST: Next Sunday is Harvest Festival. St Mary’s Catholic School are celebrating their Harvest Festival during their school assembly on Thursday 3rd October. The school are donating their offerings after assembly to the church. We are very grateful to the school for their support to our church and its causes. We request parishioners to bring in your offerings during this week/weekend of 4th/5th October. Thank you again for your support. SECOND NATIONAL MASS COUNT: This year the Chancery has requested the annual Mass Count to take place from this weekend of 21st/22nd September to the weekend of 12th/13th October. Thank you in advance to the counters. CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY: is this Friday 4th October. Cafod envelopes have been kept at the rear of the church. Your donations can be gift aided. The envelopes will be collected during the weekend of 5th/6th October. Thank you WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE of REPARATION and PRAYER for the Sanctity of Life is set for this Sunday 6th October. Departure from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Herne Bay at 7am. To book ring Althea Walker on 07862 276100. A poster is at the rear of the church DAY OF RENEWAL: at St George’s Cathedral Southwark, Lambeth Road, London SE1 6HR this Saturday 5th October from 9.45 am to 4.45 pm ending with Holy Mass. You will hear powerful witnesses sharing how the Holy Spirit empowered church ministers. Everyone is welcome. Tea/coffee provided. Please take a packed lunch. Contact 020 8467 3886 or email [email protected]. A leaflet is kept at the rear of the church SVP FOOD BANK - welcomes donations of toiletries and cleaning materials. Thank you for your generous support. CATHOLIC PAPERS: “The Universe” and “Catholic Times” newspapers are £1.50 and the Diocesan newspaper, “Pilgrim” is 0.50 p. Papers kept at the rear of the church. Please put monies in “Papers” box. BLACK SACK CONTAINING CLOTHES: left in the back of the Church last weekend. There was no label and we don’t know to whom the items should be donated. Please could the person who left it contact Kay Richards on 07443 503644 as soon as possible? Thank you. SICK: Your kind prayers are asked for Frances Alderson, Rosemary Ames, Laura Blazier, Karen Daniels, Joe Flannery, Duncan Forrester, Suzie Fowler, Ronnie Haines, Roz Harnett, Katherine Harris, Cecil Humphery-Smith, Madeleine Kavanagh, Amanda Maclean, Diarmuid O’Sullivan, Oscar O’Sullivan, Ivy Penighetti, Dominic Punch, Len Reynolds, Jo Rosser, Peter Salvatori, Maureen Smiley, George Somerset, Pauline Summers, Nicholas Watson, Jim Wright, Margaret Webb, Father Kevin, Father John Slater, John Campbell and Claire Christie LATELY DEAD: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr Wilfrid McGreal O.Carm who died on Monday 23rd September. Fr Wilfrid has a long history with the Shrine of Saint Jude in Faversham - he first came to Faversham to visit his uncle, Brother Anthony McGreal in the 1940s, and he worked there on and off for many years as priest, prior, and prior provincial. A full obituary will be published on Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church’s website. Eternal rest grant unto Fr Wildred O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May he rest in peace. Amen. ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember in your prayers Bridgit Young, Fritz Corten, Hilda Cooper, Arthur Tapt, Hilda Henman, Patricia Campbell, John Cheeseman, Irene Organ, Marjorie Baur, Mary Howell, David Upcroft, Joan Corr, Patrick Connolly, Kathleen Priest, Maud Grace Gann, Ronald Keam, Stan Tucker and Paul Hughes whose anniversaries occur around this time. MASS ATTENDANCE AND OFFERINGS SAT-6 PM SUN – 8.30 SUN – 10.30 TOTAL GIFT AID NON-GIFTAID TOTAL 76 60 138 274 £557.63 283.53 841.16 OCTOBER MONTH OF ROSARY: Rosary will be recited before Sunday Masses at both churches during this month. And also, on Wednesday’s at 10 am at St Joseph’s Church. It would be good to arrive a bit early to join in this devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Praying the rosary daily enables us to gain plenary indulgence. We can also get together in one another’s homes to recite the rosary together and build up our faith and relationships with family and friends. PRAYER FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY MONTH OF MISSION: Pope Francis asks us to pray with him at midday every Friday during the month of October, saying the EMM2019 prayer after the Angelus. We are all encouraged to pray with the Holy Father this prayer……. God our Father, when your Son Jesus Christ rose from the dead, he commissioned his followers to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’. Through our Baptism you send us out to continue this mission among all peoples. Empower us by the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be courageous and enthusiastic in bearing witness to the Gospel, so that the mission entrusted to us, which is still far from completion, may bring life and light to the world. May all peoples experience the saving love and generous mercy of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. May God Bless you. .
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