: \ • 1 ! 7Z44 i,54 2100 WESTMORELAND STREET FALLS CHURCH. VIRGINIA 22043 Telenhone: 703-532-2217 8ETTY NAN CBERMAYER LASZLO BERKOWITS Rabbi President INTERIM BULLETIN NOVEMBER 1984 VOLUME .84, ISSUE #9A PROTESTANTS, CATHOLICS AND JEWS PLAN INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE NOVEMBER 21, 1984 On Wednesday evening, November 21st at 7:30PM at the Trinity Presbyterian Church, the congregations of Temple Rodef Shalom, the Missionhurst Support Group Family and Trinity Presbyterian Church will gather to worship in an ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve service. The Chancel Choir of the host church, under the direction of F. Thomas Richardson, will sing. Rabbi Laszlo Berkow its, Father Joseph Lapauw, and the Reverend James Atwood have expressed their Joy for the opportunities of Joining together in common worship and sharing our common heritage of faith in a loving and gracious God. In the spirit of Judeo-Christian understanding of Thanksgiving, an offering will be received to support the poor and the refugee in our community. After worship, a time of fellowship will follow in the Fellowship Hall. All are Invited to this time of worship and fellowship. Trinity Presbyterian Church Is located on the corner of North 16th Street and Inglewood Street in Arlington (2 blocks west of Arlington Hospital). PLEASE NOTE: THE FAMILY SHABBAT SERVICE FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER WILL BE ON FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21ST AT 7:45 WHEN WE WILL HAVE A CHANUKAH FESTIVAL SHABBAT HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CONGREGATIONAL MEETING October 21, 1984 The Congregational meeting was called to order at 10:05 AM in the Social Hall by the President, Betty Nan Obermayer. A quorum was not present. The President welcomed the congregation, reporting on the first four months of her term. Rabbi Berkow its reported on High Holiday worship, and activities and programs of committees for religious practices, cultural activities and bereavement. The Rabbi expressed the congregations dedication to making Rodef Shalom a special place for spiritual life and friendship. Marge Kestenbaum reported on preparation of the Trustees Inventory of Temple property which is almost complete. Inventory so far is valued at $250,00 re- placement value. The completed inventory will be reviewed for adequate in- surance coverage. Joel Gerstie reported a record membership of 539 family units as of September 30. Nona Lipsey reported on the Presidents appointment of a committee consisting of Armand Weiss, Eleanor Linde, Peter Elinsky, Joel Gerstle, two Vice Pres- idents as ex officio members, with herself as chairpe r son, to update Temple office operations. Manny Abramson reported on the tong attempt to establish a Temple foundation to receive substantial gifts, both living and bequests, in which principal would remain invested and income applied to special or general uses of the Temple. A proposal has been circulated to the Board for early consideration. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM. Respectfully submitted, Gerald B. Greenwald Recording Secretary GET WELL WISHES to Ruth Moses CONDOLENCES to Steve Gel I on the death of his mother to Jane Geitner on the death of her mother JUDAICA SHOP The Judaica shop, now permanently located In our new Social Hall, is stocked with lots of Chanukah merchandise for your shopping needs. So if youre looking for Chanukah candles, Chanukah gelt, a menorah, or childrens books for Chanukah gifts, think Judaica shop. 2 SISTERHOOD Sisterhood members are invited to attend an Interfaith coffee for all Sisterhoods in Northern Virginia at 9:30AM on Wednesday, November 28, at Temple Beth El in Alexandria. If interested, call Judy Goldstein at 241-1288 by November 21. The next Sisterhood meeting will be an interfaith Chanukah workshop on Wednesday, December 12 at lOAM. Latkes and dessert will be served. Please mark you calendar and plan to join us. Rabbi Berkowits will join us as our special guest. These are the hosts and hostesses for Oneg Shabbats for November: November 9 Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Lessin Mr. & Mrs. Bob Zurndorfer Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bass Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mandell November 16 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gavin Mr. & Mrs. James Massey Mr. & Mrs. Steven Powell November 24 Mr. & Mrs. Soop Saferstein Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Light S Mr. & Mrs. Sid Louick ART AUCTION DECEMBER 1ST, 1984 Brith Masada Lodge and Temple Rodef Shalom are teaming up once again to hold an art auction after their very successful one last April. This major fund raising event will take place Saturday night December I, at Temple Rodef Shalom. Fine art and sculpture will be offered In all price categories. Works by Chagall, Miro, Agami, Dali and Calder are among the artists featured. The auction starts at 8:00PM, with previewing of the art to begin at 7:00PM. Patrician Galleries of Reston, Va. is the auctioneer. Wine, cheese and an array of delicious hors will tempt the guests during the previewing hour. After the auction, a Viennese Table, consisting of delicious desserts and coffee and tea will be served. Mark your calendar for the night of December I for a memorable evening you wont want to miss. 10 - , 3 BROTHERHOOD Brotherhood wishes to extend a special thanks to Rabbi Berkowits for making our first breakfast of the season a notable success. A large and enthusiastic 40 gathering, Including many new members, enjoyed the Rabbis unique perspective of Israel, as well as our usual bountiful breakfast. Tennis - All tennis players should mark the date on their calendars, January 26, 1985. Brotherhoods annual tennis party will be held at the beautiful Skyline Racquet Club at Baileys Crossroads. Please see the flyer In this Bulletin, fill out the registration form and send it in as soon as you can. Registration will be limited to the first twenty couples on a first come first serve (no pun intended) basis. Bridge - There has been a good deal of interest in a bridge party. Due to the busy schedule of Temple events in November and December we will schedule the party for after the first of the year. Interested members who have not yet signed up, please call Bob Zurndorfer, 938-6822. SENIOR YOUTH GROUP NEWS Lil Rody Is really humming! In the past several weeks, we have participated In many exciting events. During the weekend of October 26-28, a delegation of 10 attended the MAFTY conclave held at Temple Emanuel, Kensington, Md. Lil Rody had its biggest turn out ever. This past weekend, L ii Rody helped build the Temples playground. After- wards, we all went to Farrells for Ice cream. 0 We are now hard at work planning the up-corning schlep-in, scheduled for the weekend of November 17-18 at the Temple. Hope to see yaall there! Lets make this a great year for Lil Rody! FOUND Sterling silver bracelet. Call Temple office, 532-2217 and describe. Pr li ci ttifts uc.j+e S+o.k i Or..et-)4 C.s c £ ord.S d .o,td ,flQio45 pis counle d .2.0 7. pevine ors cric 6119 CQ,U For U0114 col o-loqua 4 A DREAM COMES TRUE Our creative playground, nine months in the planning and organizing stage is S now a reality! It is indeed, a dream come true for the youngsters in our community and for the literally hundreds of people who helped to build it. The area outside the lower level entrance was a beehive of activity from Tuesday, October 30 through the start of Shabbat on November 2. After a day of rest volunteers resumed work at Sundown November 3 and after an unbel 1ev- able days work on November 4 our playground was almost totally finished. Supervised by architect Robert Leathers staff, Temple members, Nursery School families and neighbors from the community worked together to create a magnificent and most imaginative play space. The cooperation of the more than four hundred individuals who worked on the site over the six day con- struction period was truly remarkable. In addition to those who hammered, sawed and shoveled, much credit Is due to those who organized and dispensed the donated tools used during construction as well as to the many individuals who provided child care for the youngsters of the workers. Three meals per day were served to those who labored by an- other crew of dedicated Individuals. Special thanks are due to Sisterhood for the lovely meal served to a hungry Sunday afternoon work force. The numbers became staggering as we counted four hundred workers and over seven hundred lunches, two dinners served. Over one hundred fifty individual children were signed into child care and hundreds of tools were catalogued and carefully dispersed after being donated. In the weeks to come we plan to acknowledge the many restaurants which donat- ed food and the many special heroes of this project. At present, one must say that you must see the playground to believe it! Do stop by and view it or use it and as you visit, envision the excitement and the feeling of accomplishment that all who contributed by lending a hand can share. This is a real mitzvah and we can be justly proud! Our labors are not quite over since there are a number of finishing touches that could not be completed because of the late hour and the rain on Sunday night. Please Join us on the next few Sundays. Bring your tools and lend a hand while your youngsters are in Sunday School. Joining the many folks who feel that they have shown our children and our community that we can work together to create a beautiful and useful addition to the Temple and best of all •we can do it ourselves.
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