kVEtUkJBE DAILT OnUSTLATION te Hm Meath at Oeteber, 16S8 THE WEATHER Forecaat ot 0. S. Weather Sanaa Hartford 1 6*201 ■ J If— h^T of Gw Aeffit Bate tonight had prolhably Wed- ■I of nswtey mornteg; colder tonight and ri mooh colder Wadneaday. MANCHESTER A CITY OP VILLAGE ( HARM VOL.LVninNO.33 (tl aaained AdvertMag ea'Paga 10) MANCHEStER, CONN., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1938 (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS JAPAN MARKS Real Mother Gets Disputed Baby RECORD OFF-YEAR f*- OUT NEW ZONE l|40 MILLION AMERICAN VOTE IS CLAIMED OFH^niJTIES VOTERS HELP DECIDE FOR MANCHESTER Warns Foreign Powers To f'S- TOWN CLAIMS LARGE Keep Airplanes, Gdzens Throngs Crowd The Polfing | C. S. VOTING PRECINCT FUTURE OF NEW DEAL Voters o f thla town today laid Ont Of Area Lest iJ n fo r- II Phee Dnring Day; See claim to voting In the largest nVE OSCARS START election precinct In the enOre tnnate Incidents’* Occur. VOTING IN LEBANON, PA. i Lack Of Predicted Ticket United States. The ballots of the KING IS HAPPY Outpouring Of Gtizent To 11,683 reglstergd voters of the Lebanon, Pa., Nov. 8.— ( A P ) — town were being cast on 20 ma- Five Oacars started off the votlnx ' Cntting In Early Honrs. | chines at the State Armory, the ^ Tokyo, Nov. 8.— (A P )—Japan to- t ^ y at the sixth ward polling : Choose Congressmen Aai TO ACCEPT m place. ' • j town’s sole polling place. day marked out^ a new “zone of hostilities" extending 700 miles In- First ballots were cast by Oa- State Officials In Momen- Bn,U7nx! car Beard, Oscar Worcester, Os- - to the Interior of China beyond FOR u j . Yisrr car Abraham, Oscar Bowman. I a,At three o’clock this after- present war areas and warned for- and Oscar Shay. noon there had been cest S,97T tous ‘'Off-Year^ Election eign powers to keep their airplanes The voUng dnring the LIMY ISSUES "Ay was: and citizens out of the zone lest Announcement Made Throne Gives Every Indication Of 8 a. m. to 7 a. m . ____ __ 4M “ unfortunate Incidents'* occur. ’^*U'®®nths-old Betty Lou Francos (above) waa reunited with her mother M d new step-lather. Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Van De Werken, 7 a. m. to 8 a. m.............. 1,109 TO GET TEST Notea aent to all foreign embas- In House Of Lords In Ad- YOTERS’ MOOD Setting Record Snrpasied follo)^ng A dispute between two childless couples at Westport, both sies and legations described the new S a. m. to 9 a. m . .............1,778 ■one and Indicated that interior of whom sought to adopt the little girl. To add to the dispute, there 9 a. m. to 11 a. m . .............SJM3 IN B M O H N G points would be subjected at least to '•tin g for the child. Betty Lou dress Opening 4th Session Only By Total Of 1936. 11 a. m. to 1 p. m . ............4JIS9 I S l . V ^ Werkens are shown shortly before they went home to DEaUES PACE air bombardment In a ca m p a i^ to New York. lp.m .toSp.m .............8,198 close to the Chinese munition trana Of Cnrrent ParliamenL 3p.m. to 8 p .m .............5,977 portatlon channels from British By ASSOCIATED PRB8B Old Age PensioDS Aod La- Burma and possibly French Indo OF NEW DEAL China. America’i aoverelgn voters—M,» A record off year vote waa fsat London. Nov. 8—(AP) — King 000,000 strong—helped today to de- The designated zone of hostilities mounting today in Manchester bor Legisladoo Passed On Includes Chungking, provisional George VI told Parliament today he termine the New Deal’s future where unusual political activity by CONNEaiCUT ELECTORS Chinese capital and present location had "been happy to accept” aa an Though Hidden By Film Of course by choosing Congrsaamsa all contending p itie s baa whipped of the American embassy. up Interest in today’s contest to By Millions Of Voters "expression” of Anglo-American and atate officials la a momsateu* proportions unexpected even by Control Major Porta good feeling President Roosevelt's Local Issues And Person- "off-year” elecUon. BALLOT FOR OFFICIALS The outpourfiig o f dUsooi froaa many party officials tbemeelvea. In The Japanese already have taken In Nearly Dozen Slates. ------- - X --------- ---------- --------------------- ---- Invitation to visit the United States aplte at pr^lctlons made earlier, the control of major Chlneae porU and during the royal Canadian tour next factory and field, from Idtctisn aad railways. The new area of bostlll- spring. alities In Many Places, office, gave every indlcaUon ot set- volume of vote cutting In the early hours had not appeared to reach tlea designated In the note today to The announcement was made by ting a voting record surpaased only great totals, It being estimated that Washington, Nov. 8 __ (API- foreign embaaslea and legations ex- New Deal And Charges Of LOYAL TROOPS the ggrgeously apparelled monarch BaOots Write Answer. by the 45,000,000 total o f 1988. only one In eight or ten was split- Two lively Issues-old age pensions tends to a line running from Yun- from the throne In the House of In some regions, hbwsvar, laelam- ting. and labor legislation encountered a nan, southwestern province border- Corruption Principal Mag- j j j y J Q Q p p J J J Lords In an address opening the ent weather appeared likely to low- As the day’s work at the polls ing French Indo-China and British fourth session of the current Parlia- er the advance eatimatea. B a ^ Washington, Nov. 8.—(A P )—The prom ased leaders of the three Burma, northward through Szech- ment and the second of hts reign. blanketed many western states, sad major parties Interested In the states. The soft light of the dim chamber pace of the New Deal for the next a cold rain-storm wss raovtag over Millions of voters were asked to wan province to Kansu, northwest- ballot battle expreaaed their confi- ern province bordering Tibet and gleamed on thousands of multi- two years, perhaps even Its life be- tbs east. dence In their respective group’s ■‘ fte consUtutlonal amend^ colored jeweled decorations as the ments or laws deallnr with ih a.. Mongolia. The line roughly follows yond 1840, depends on the mood of Mates Only Stete No4 VOU^ eventual victory. Voters To Polls Today. REBEU’ GAINS King declared: and other vital aubjefts the 100th meridian. — today’s voters. Tbs major offjess at stalM.WM* A t 5:40 this morning many of the "I have been happy to accept the 85 senate seats, 82 fovsmonditfS, 85 workers were at the Armory leaders, eager for The note from the Foreign Minis- Though lUdden In many places Invitation extended to the queen and and 482 house seats. Oqly i|i ready to start checking. puUlng the indlraUons of national trends, were try aald that for the protection of BLUJ6TIN myself by the President) to visit the inoro Interested In the resuHa Posh Through HastOy-Con- hy a film o f local issues and per- Maine, which elected a RspuWesa cords on the 30 voting machines, nf Uvea and property of third countr, United States cf America before the New Haven, Nov. 8— ( A P ) — sonalities, that was the question to governor and throe rsprsssntatisss demonstrating the method at voting than iS ' th"e’ '''4"tero’ nations, the Japanese government Unusually heavy banoting de- conclualon of my Canadian tour. which the igoters were writing an In September, waa no vote baUe and completing all of the other de- o & , ' and state requested that foreign airplanes not spite rain that began falling stmeted Insorgent De- "I welcome this practical expres- east. to fly over the area, that foreigners tail* that are to be part of the day’s late In the forenoon, was re- sion of the good feeling that pre- fi'T*’’’ "owsht an answer work. be adviaed they travel at their own Candidatea arsrs many aad tlw ported today In the early hours vails between our countries.” toat would measure up to President suaa varied, but la the bulk o f tite 30 Machines In Use ThM^2J?.‘ “»30-every. risk, that residents withdraw where fenses On Segre River, Of “ Outstanding Iropartanoe’* Roosevelt’a Idea of correctness, proposal held top na- of Oonnectlent's spirited elec- Ckmgresatooal eonteate tbs qussUsB The 30 machines which are being possible, and that foreign property In subsequent debate In the House be^ to Ignore party la- Umal ^tareat In the pension ballot- tion contest. From many oom- of support or oppoaUtea to Bnoas used ara located on tha south aids be marked to be ’’unmistakably vW- of Commons Prim* Minister Ca>am- More than 1,000^,000 Califor- ble from the alr.“ nranlties came wer8 that the. Taking Villages On Way. velt policies predominated. at tb* armory, faca to faca in two voting iM s equal to that o f the berlaln drew cheer* from all parties As far M tha perpetuation of hla tta peUtlon whlrt Japan could not. the Qdte added with a warm statement on the TUs Prealdsat himself afyaalsB long rows. The men and women are preoldential year of 1988 giving program U coneernad. It will not ualng the same machines, no part of assume any responsibility for pro- King's plan to visit the United only last Friday for slacttoa of i torate ^ l>eforo the elec- rise to the belief the state’s to- hinge m tha votes on any party who would favor “liberal” i.
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