June 29, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1461 For five decades, the Boys and Girls Clubs COURTNEY AMAYA CROWDER golf and doing math allows me to combine my of South Alabama have provided safe, positive MAKES HER MARK ON THE WORLD two favorite things.’’ places for children and adolescents. B.R. Brodie received the Outstanding Student ‘‘Babe’’ Wilson Jr., Arthur Tonsmeire, and HON. BOB ETHERIDGE Award from Carnegie Learning, a developer of Jack Harris formed the area’s first Boys Club OF NORTH CAROLINA math programs for middle school, high school, of Mobile on McDuffie Island with 20 boys as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and postsecondary students. Carnegie Learn- members. Today, the Boys and Girls Clubs of ing is helping students across the Common- South Alabama have 11 clubs and a 150-acre Thursday, June 28, 2007 wealth of Kentucky increase their achievement day camp. Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, I rise in math, and in a recent evaluation by the The clubs are open year-round and offer today to congratulate Courtney Crowder, for- Kentucky Committee for Mathematics Achieve- members help with homework, classes on merly of my staff, and his wife Byinna on the ment, was the only one of nine curricula to re- computers, organized athletics, arts and crafts, birth of their first child, Courtney Amaya ceive the top ranking in every category in the and life-skill programs such as the Job Ready Crowder. Courtney was born on June 17, committee’s assessment of intermediate and Program. In 2006, there were over 17,000 reg- 2007 and weighed 8 pounds. Faye joins me in middle grades math intervention programs. istered members, and youth served in Mobile wishing Courtney and Byinna great happiness Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to and Baldwin counties through the Boys and during this very special time in their lives. A join me in recognizing Brodie’s achievement in Girls Clubs’ community outreach. Raleigh native, Courtney served on my district math education, and in encouraging more stu- The Boys and Girls Clubs of America began staff in several capacities with distinction and dents to appreciate the importance of math in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1860. At a time will always remain a member of team and science education. In the global economy when parents labored 12 hours a day, six Etheridge. of the 21st century, knowledge of math is ab- days a week, many of their children were left As a father and grandfather myself, I know solutely critical. While our Nation is concerned unsupervised. Elizabeth Hamersley, along with the joy, pride, and excitement that parents ex- by reports that our students are falling behind sisters Mary and Alice Godwin, encouraged perience upon the entrance of their child into in basic math skills, Brodie Clark is proving others to invite these boys into their homes for the world. Representing hope, goodness, and that our students can succeed if they have ac- refreshments—an effort which eventually grew innocence, a newborn allows those around her cess to quality resources, and the support of into the Dashaway Club. In 1906, 53 of the or- to see the world through her eyes as a new, dedicated family and teachers. I would also ganizations united in Boston to form the Fed- fresh place with unending possibilities for the like to thank Carnegie Learning for recognizing erated Boys’ Clubs, now known as the Boys & future. Through a child, one is able to recog- his exceptional efforts. Girls Clubs of America. nize and appreciate the full potential of the f It is my sincere hope that the Boys and human race. I know Courtney and Byinna look HONORING LINCOLN FALLS AND Girls Clubs of South Alabama will continue its forward to the changes and challenges that MILLVIEW WESLEYAN CHURCH vital service to the children of south Alabama their new daughter will bring to their lives for another 50 years. I ask my colleagues to while taking pleasure in the many rewards join me today in recognizing the Boys and they are sure to receive as they watch her HON. CHRISTOPHER P. CARNEY Girls Clubs of South Alabama, along with ex- grow. OF PENNSYLVANIA ecutive director Mary Zoghby, the staff and I welcome young Courtney into the world IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many volunteers for their dedication and hard and wish Courtney and Byinna all the best as Thursday, June 28, 2007 they raise her. work as well as for being a positive influence Mr. CARNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today on the lives of so many young men and f to recognize the Lincoln Falls and Millview women throughout south Alabama. HONORING BRODIE CLARK Wesleyan Church and their commitment to serving the Sullivan County area for well over f HON. RON LEWIS 100 years. IN HONOR OF SERGEANT BRUCE The Millview Church was established in OF KENTUCKY HORNER, UNITED STATES ARMY 1843 and Lincoln Falls was established in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1877. They celebrated their first annual Camp HON. KAY GRANGER Thursday, June 28, 2007 Meeting in 1907. On July 15, they will cele- brate that 100th anniversary. OF TEXAS Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Madam speaker, I Dr. Harry F. Wood, the district super- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rise today to pay tribute to Brodie Clark, a stu- dent at Greenwood High School in Kentucky’s intendent, will speak at the celebration service. Thursday, June 28, 2007 Warren County School District. Brodie is the An old-fashioned picnic will follow. Ms. GRANGER. Madam Speaker, I rise recipient of the spring 2007 Outstanding Stu- In closing, Madam Speaker, I ask my col- today to honor the courage of one of the brav- dent Award from Carnegie Learning, a pub- leagues to join me in recognizing the Lincoln est and most dedicated heroes of our Nation. lisher of research-based math curricula for Falls and Millview Wesleyan Churches for Sergeant Bruce Horner was part of the middle school and high school students. their 100 years of joint camp meetings and for search and recovery operations for American Brodie received this award for his success in over 100 years of distinguished service to Sul- soldiers captured by Al Quaida terrorists in math, and also for his ability to appreciate the livan County, PA, and the United States of southern Baghdad when he was killed by an practical applications of math concepts—not America. enemy sniper on June 1, 2007. just memorized formulas—in his everyday life. f An 18-year veteran of the Army, Bruce Brodie is a 10th grade Algebra II student, NATIONAL HERITAGE FELLOW Horner was a proud non-commissioned officer, and enjoys using the Carnegie Learning cur- HAZEL DICKENS mentor and leader to younger soldiers. ricula in Ms. Lee’s Algebra II class. Brodie has He came from a family with a long tradition excelled beyond Ms. Lee’s expectations and HON. NICK J. RAHALL II of military service and did not take his respon- has challenged himself to complete every Al- OF WEST VIRGINIA sibilities to lead younger soldiers lightly. gebra II unit before the end of the school year; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sergeant Horner is survived by his wife, a task which is nearly complete. He has parents and the soldiers he left behind, who emerged as a leader in his Algebra II class, Thursday, June 28, 2007 are continuing the hard work of protecting our helping other students understand the material Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, I rise today Nation’s freedoms in Iraq. and stay on task. in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the SGT. Bruce Horner is gone, but he will In his spare time, Brodie enjoys playing disc National Heritage Fellowships. never be forgotten. golf, a sport in which he constantly uses math. The National Heritage Fellowships are a His memory lives on through the family he ‘‘Whether I am trying to figure out the distance proud tradition that honors our Nation’s di- left behind and in the soldiers that he so ably to the basket, or my score, addition and sub- verse cultural heritage and West Virginia has led. traction are constantly being performed. I have been truly blessed by the music of Heritage Our community and Nation honor Sergeant to think about the angle I am going to throw Fellow Hazel Dickens, who was awarded this Horner’s memory and we are grateful for his the disc, and what speed I want to throw it,’’ lifetime achievement recognition in 2001. 18 years of faithful and distinguished service said Brodie. ‘‘Thanks to math, I am able to do As we celebrated West Virginia’s birthday to America. all of this in my head with ease. Playing disc last week, the words of Hazel Dickens were VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:15 Jun 30, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28JN8.080 E29JNPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with REMARKS_CN E1462 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 29, 2007 close to all of our hearts, ‘‘Oh the green rolling 1992, I hold him in the highest regard for his 1830, which seeks to renew the Andean Trade hills of West Virginia, Are the nearest thing to gifted oratorical skills and his ability to ad- Preferences for 8 months. This legislation is heaven that I know.’’ vance the cause of the Republican Party. vital to expanding trade between the United Hazel is a living legend, a spirited, talented Congressman Vander Jagt was born in States and Latin American countries. We must daughter of West Virginia, and an important Cadillac on Aug.
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