rr:~~~~~~~~, BROWN HILLS I A very Merry I i Christmas to all I I our Readers and I ISSUE No. 39 DECEMBER 1992 6,000 HOUSEHOLDS AND I Advertisers I 25p WHEN SOLD BUSINESSES MONTHLY ~~~~~~~~~~ Governors respond Governors at Shire Oak Com­ be conveniently dismissed in an Councillor Walker added: munity School have hit back in attempt to undermine its credi­ "The success of schools the controversy over examina­ bility in the eyes of the commun­ depends largely on the quality of tion results achieved by its ity," the statement adds. education provided by the head pupils. "A school w hich can achieve and governors. The school has been a target such creditable results at this "If standards fall, then exam for criticism since the much­ highest level shows its students results will fall, and if that hap­ publicised ' league tables' have certainly received 'value pens, pupils will leave and take showed that the number of added', a factor which the raw their proportion of school funds pupils who passed five or more scores parents are faced with with them, so leaving the school GCSEs at grades A, B or C was does not bear in mind. with less money. only 17.5 per cent. "Perhaps a closer scrutiny of "Shire Oak is now falling This compared with 44.1 per A-level results would reveal down badly in its results, and its cent at Brownhills Community Shire Oak is worthy of a pat on intake of pupils is dismal," School. the back, rather than constant Councillor Walker claimed. Your new Councillor Graham Walker criticism as it awaits the Secret­ Meanwhile, the Shire Oak has said he is "dismayed" atthe ary of State's decision," the gov­ governors are emphasising the Editor Shire Oak results, while Council­ ernors' statement says. school's 'open door' policy. Steve Parlett (36) is the new lor Harold Withnall has been The governors say they are "Only by seeing at first hand editor of the Brownhil/s Gazette. quoted in the local press as saddened that the school has what is delivered in the clas­ So if you have a piece of news describing the school's perfor­ been singled out for such sroom can parents and mem­ for us, Steve is the person to mance as "pitiful". adverse criticism. bers of the community truly contact. You can ring him on But a statement issued by the However, Councillor Walker appreciate the quality of educa­ 0922 685483. Shire Oak governors to the says that with schools compet­ tion which is offered," their Contact Steve, too, if you are Gazette claims that the school ing to survive, parents in the stater.1ent says. organising an event and would has been targetted because it Brownhills area have an impor­ "Parents are obviously astute like some publicity or would like has applied for Grant Main­ tant choice to make fortheir chil­ enough to realise that results us to consider sending a photo­ tained Status, and adds that the dren. fluctuate between one year grapher. students' achievements have "Do they send them to Brow­ group and another, and that In fact, if you have any com­ been demeaned to make a polit­ nhills with its guaranteed fund­ there are many factors outside a plaints or congratulations, ical point. ing, its exceptional academic school's control which can and brickbats or bouquets you feel The governors point out that and recreational facilities and its do affect individual students' deserve a wide audience - let there has been no praise for the high-quality teaching stan­ performance. Steve know. 86 per cent pass rate at A-level dards?" he said. "Sadly, league tables fail to A freelance journalist, Steve achieved by Shire Oak, which "Or do they send them to make this apparent, and the true was educated at Shire Oak places the school sixth in the Shire Oa k, which, now that it test of school lies not purely and School and has been in news­ borough on its students' perfor­ simply in terms of A to C grades, stands alone, cannot say that it papers all his working life, mance. will remain open from one year but its overall achievement in including stints with the Walsall " This is hardly a school lag­ to the next, has inferior terms of success for individual Observer, Sutton Coldfield students." ging dramatically behind, but academic and recreational News and The Birmingham Post Shire Oak's achievement at the facilities, and which has such a &Mail. gold standard level appears to poor record in its results?" Steve Parlett For the finest, authentic Tandoori Cooking -You must visit r ) AKASH Tandoori Restaurant We wish all our Customers Old and New -A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year DIAL A CURRY OPEN: 6.00 p.m. till late FREE LOCAL DELIVERY 7 Days a week PHONE 0543-372266 Come and savour the very best in Tandoori cooking Now you can enjoy Traditional Our Restaurant is fully licensed and open 7 Days a Week Indian Cuisine in the comfort of AKASH TANDOORI RESTAURANT your own Home. A Fast, Free Local 11 HIGH STREET, BROWNHILLS PHONE 0543-372266 Delivery Service for order over £7.00 2 BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, DECEMBER 1992 BROWN HILLS Record your personal announcement in the Brownhills Gazette - Motorway Births, Engagements, GAZETTE Marriages, Deaths, 9A Colesh ill Road, In Memoriam, Hodge Hill, Notice of Thanks etc. Addiction Birmingham B36 8DT All announcements 10p Unless we face up to these Opening Times per word, accepted at Opponents of the proposed 183 High Street, motorway through Brownhills facts, national and oca trans­ Monday-Tuesday port policy will rema·n out of Brownhills . have turned their sights on plans Thursday-Friday to widen the M6 in Staffordshire. touch with reality, and our prob­ 9.30- 12.30 The Friends of the Earth have lems can only increase.· IN MEMORY claimed that the Birmingham What is YOUR opinion aboln Editorial: Northern Relief Road between congestion on the roads? Is L>e WATSON, MOM AND DAD Cannock and Coleshill w ill leave answer to build more mmo•• The smile we remember, Steve Parlett local commuters worse off than ways, or should more mone-1 ::ie 0922 685483 the memories are forever. before, bringing more pollution, spent on public transport? Send . We miss you v ery much more cars, more inner-city dere­ your views to "Transpon·, or452840/1 and are thinking of you liction, but no benefits. Brownhills Gazette, 183 High at this special time. Now the group say that even St reet, Brownhills, WS8 6HW. -Telephone--­ Love Phyllis, Barry, Deborah, more congestion is on the way if Letters will be published in the Advertising Simon, Emily, Susan, David. the proposals to widen the M6 next edition. go ahead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brownhills 452840/1 WILES, ERNIE - 6th December "The motorway addiction is 1990. getting us nowhere," said History and Along the road to yesterday Gerald Kells of West Midlands 0217896768 That takes me back to you, Friends of the Earth Transport Society Are memories of us together Campaign. And Happy times we knew. "Until the Department of Gerald Reece, a former native Editor With every day that passes, Transport addresses the real of Brownhills, travelled from his Gazette Series ·1seem to find a way transport needs of cities like the home in Cornwall to be the To wander back and meet you West Midlands, we will all spend guest speaker at the November Rosalie Bott On the road to yesterday . more and more time making meeting of Brownhills & Walsall 0217896855 long journeys in bigger queues, Wood Local History Society. Love, wife Blanche getting ourselves nowhere." He presented a very well The group say there are alter­ resea rched and informative talk, Gazette Series WILES, ERNIE - 6th December natives to w idening the M6, entitled 'The History of Ogley Sheldon/South Ya rdley, 1990. such as upgrading rail services Hay, 1800-1860', which dealt Hodge Hi ll/Ward End, We think about you always Dad, to the north, w hich would with the origins of the district We talk about you too, encourage more people to use and the ideals of the proposed Castle Bromwich, We have such happy memories, trains and so ease congestion on "new town" . Fascinating facts Chelmsley Wood, But wish we still had you. the roads. came to light as Gerald spoke of Coleshill/Water Orton We cannot bring the old days "The Department of Transport the various transfers of owner­ back is obsessed with road building." ship which altered those idealis­ Brownhills, Ha rborne When we were all together said M r. Kells. tic plans. and Pelsall But memories keep you close to " Even when the local The talk was well anended Monthly Gazette Series us authorities warn that building and was followed by a ·vely And memories last forever. more roads between cities question time. Circulation 72,000 increases transport problems in There is no meeting o'me soc­ Love Sheila and Michael cities, they will continue to bols­ iety in December, so me next PubJishers ter up their roads programme. will be on Janual)< 19 v. '1en a "They talk of job creation, yet talk entitled Tue H'sto", of Baker Bond investment in public transport Brierley Crystar'w beg·.~ by (Printing & COPY and rail in particular, would pro­ S. Thompson. Visitors a..,a '1e\V Publishing) Ltd duce not only more jobs but also members are welcome. DEADLINE more skilled jobs." Children singing caro.;s ••• ·11 P.O. Box 1 Mr. Kells added: "We can help to recreate 'Bygol'e 3rov.­ 183 High Street, JANUARY never build enough roads to nhills' at Brownhills Library on Brownhills, Walsall, ISSUE satisfy the roads lobby, and Wednesday, December 16, start­ West Midlands when it comes to easing conges­ ing at 7.30 pm.
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