SUMMER ISSUE KehilathjeshurunBulletin © Volume LI, No. 8 July 6, 1984 6 Tammuz 5744 TORAH COVERS AND ARK CURTAIN DEDICATED AT 112TH ANNUAL MEETING OF CONGREGATION 65 FAMILIES INDUCTED INTO MEMBERSHIP OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES ELECTED The 112th Annual Meeting of the Con¬ Lotte Lowy Rose Simstein and Tina gregation was held on Sunday morning, Bernard and Nancy-Ann Majteles James Snyder May 13, in the Main Synagogue. It was Richard and Ellen Markowitz Isak Spiwak highlighted by ceremonies dedicating 13 Herbert and Loretta Mehl Dr. Lawrence and Thelma Steinberg and Ralov Stern new needlepoint Torah covers and a new Dr. David and Paula Menche Ronald parochet for the Holy Ark. Saul and Merrill Mishaan David and Elise Strauss The meeting began with a processional Daniel Nack Yuli Tartakovsky participated in by the Officers of the Con¬ Dr. Emanuel Nack Neil and Susan Thalheim gregation and all of the people who worked Myron and Eileen Nickman Dr. Jacob and Chanah Walfish on the Torah cover project which was spon¬ Joanne Propp Robert and Barbara Zimet sored by the KJ Sisterhood. After the Na¬ Dr. Allen and Harriet Radin Dr. Judah and Naomi Zizmor tional Anthem, led by Cantor Davis, Rabbi Arnold and Estelle Riback Chaim and Dina Zlotogorski Polakoff delivered the invocation. Dr. Robert and Helene Riederman Alan and Goldie'Zweibel Induction of New Members Dr. Calvin and Andrea Roberts Pamela Rohr Election of Officers and Trustees The President then called the 112th An¬ George and William and Marian Rosner Nathan Salzman, Honorary President of nual Meeting to order and asked Judy Ada Rubenstein the Congregation, then nominated the Tanz, President of the Sisterhood, to pre¬ Dr. Steven and Naomi Rudolph following as Trustees: Harry W. sent the new families for induction into the Steven and Miriam Ruzow Baumgarten, Sam Gradowski, Ed Low, membership of the congregation. The Elaine Sassower Benjamin Mandelker, Mortimer J. Propp, following were unanimously approved and Gary J. and Deborah Schulman Herman Riederman, Joseph Roth, Fredrik welcomed by the President into the KJ Israel and Naomi Schwartz J. Schwartzberg, Samuel Silverstein and family: Monroe and Yvette Seibel Linore Ward. Dr. Alvin Adler Deborah Shapiro After their approval by the membership, Keith Barany Mr. Salzman nominated Dr. Mortimer J. Anne Blecher Stanley and Terez Sherman J. Leonard and Lenore Silver (continued on page 2) Rachel Blumenthal D . Richard and Deborah Born Steven and Sharon Chrust Eugarand Elissa Cullman Max and Sara Doktofsky RAMAZ SCHOOL E e Goldberg Rachel Goldman GRADUATES 87 SENIORS E iiot and Jill Goldschmidt J el and Cheryl Goldstein 20 TO STUDY TORAH IN ISRAEL NEXT YEAR I David and Goldie Gordon Freshman Wins 7th Place in World Bible Contest Dr. Warren Hammerschlag We are happy to congratulate the Ramaz The seniors distinguished themselves J yce Hedaya family upon the graduation of an outstand¬ once again this year in various scholarship E 'rnard and Paula Herbst ing class of 87 seniors from the Rabbi competitions. Forty-eight out of 69 who P ichard and Joyce Hirsch Joseph H. Lookstein Upper School. The were eligible to compete for New York P ichael and Linda Jesselson late Rabbi would have been very proud of State Regents Scholarships won them. Nine S alomon and Karen Josue the exceptionally fine character of the seniors were semi-finalists in the National S asan Klein students of this year's graduating class. Merit Scholarship competition, one was a E ichard and Gloria Kobrin They led the student body in the creation of winner and 15 earned Letters of Commen¬ r»avid Konoson a number of important chesed projects, not dation in that contest. One of the students, I lark Kook the least of which is a Bikkur Cholim Socie¬ Lisa Szubin, was a winner in the >avid and Ellen Korn ty which they established and which they Westinghouse Science Talent Search while Ira and Esther Krawitz have now handed down to the students who two others, Judy Federbush and Seth felvin and Naomi Lazarus remain in the school. (continued on page 8) 9) Page Two KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN TORAH COVERS DEDICATED AT 112TH ANNUAL (continued from page 1) MEETING Blumenthal as Secretary, citing his outstanding contributions to the spirit in our congregation and to the warmth and hospitality for which Kehilath Jeshurun has become known. Dr. Blumenthal was en¬ thusiastically elected. Mr. Salzman then nominated Norman Bulow, who was Secretary for the past year, as the new Treasurer. He then thanked Ben¬ jamin Mandelker for his year of distinguished service as Vice President and expressed the hope that Mr. Mandelker would continue to be active on the Ex¬ ecutive Committee of the Congregation. Mr. Salzman then nominated Stanley Gurewitsch, the current Treasurer, for the position of Vice President. Both Mr. Bulow and Mr. Gurewitsch were unanimously ap¬ proved for their respective offices. Nathan Salzman then congratulated Ben¬ jamin Brown upon his first year of service Memorial for as Departed Members tion constitutes the President of the Congregation and he membership of the Mr. Brown nominated Mr. then called Ramaz as well. Brown for a second year in upon Rabbi Corporation Haskel Lookstein to conduct Mr. Newman that office. With Mr. Gurewitsch presiding, the memorial called upon Joseph Lorch, i to departed members. The Chairman of the Benjamin Brown received an enthusiastic Rabbi offered Nominating Committee brief eulogies of the for Ramaz j approval and a unanimous election. following members School, to present nominations I ; who had for passed away since the 111th An¬ Trustees. Mr. Lorch nominated tie nual Meeting: Dorothy Bucher, Florence following. As regular trustees: Appointment of Associate Trustees Edelman, Herman Benjamin Elkon, Isidore Epstein, Brown, Lillian Eisman, Ate i In accordance with the by-laws, the Gustave Etra, Vivian Fink, David Esses, Ira Steven Hefter, Gober, Gross, Prof. ■ j President then Elise announced the appointment Jaffe, Aline Kaplan, Benjamin L. Abraham Katsh, Ira Rennert, Marcella of the following as Associate Trustees of Leifert, Thomas Meltzer, Joseph Nash, Rosen, Howard J. Rubenstein, David Sar- the Congregation for one Adolph na and Fredrik J. year terms: Schimel, Samuel Singer, Alise Schwartzberg; as alumni ; Eugene Alpert, Frederic H. Baumgarten, Spiwak and Lillian Zuckerman. Following trustees: Tova Bulow, the Cantor David Fred Goldstein Ruby Davis, Fred Distenfeld, eulogies, chanted the E-l and Frances Schub; as Abraham Esses, Harvey Geisler, Berl Maleh Rachamim. parent trustees: The Janowski, Suzanne Javitt, Dr. Bernard President then adjourned the 112th Dr. Perry Davis, Ezra Levin and Seymour Kabakow, Dr. Gilbert N. Kahn, Harry Annual Meeting of the Congregation and Kramer. Kleinhaus, Seymour Kramer, Isaac Pollak turned the gavel over to Melvin D. Mr. Newman then adjourned the Annual and Raymond Ward. Newman, Chairman of the Board of Meeting of the Ramaz School and turned ) Trustees of the Ramaz, to conduct the Annual gavel back to Mr. Brown who, in turn, Meeting of the School. That called Increase in Dues meeting is upon Rabbi Lookstein to conduct the always held simultaneously with the Con¬ ceremonies for the dedication of the Torah The President then announced that the gregation's Annual Meeting because of the covers and the new parochet for the increased cost of Holy conducting the affairs of fact that the of the Ark. the membership congrega¬ (continued on page congregation have necessitated a re¬ 3) quest of the membership that the dues be increased by 15 percent in all categories of membership, the first such request is three years. He explained that although the voluntary response to the Annual Synagogue Appeal has been nothing short of remarkable, we still need an increase in the regular revenues in order to be able to maintain the standard of service which is expected of a congregation like ours. The proposal was passed unanimously. The President thanked the congregation for its support and he expressed the hope that the membership would continue to give volun¬ tarily in increasing amounts in order to be able to hold the line on dues for the next few years. Esther Friedman and receiving accolades gift upon her retirement as Kehilath Jeshurun. Bookkeeper of KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Page Three DEDICATION CEREMONIES The Rabbi began with a word of Torah needlepoint style for each Torah cover. He The Rabbi then explained the meaning of based upon the idea that while there may thanked Morris Wyshogrod, who designed the Torah covers. He said that the decision not be a reward in this world for the perfor¬ the beautiful lettering on the new parochet, to have each Torah cover bear an inscrip¬ mance of mitzvot, there is a reward for ex¬ and Baya Weisman who executed the tion of a mitzvah rather than some symbol traordinary commitment, effort and energy design. He also expressed gratitude to was a way of making a statement about the expended in the performance of mitzvot. Howard Katz, a young member of the con¬ Torah. The wrapping of each Torah will This is a conclusion reached by the Mahar- gregation, who supervised the completion forever proclaim the message of the Torah sha based upon the opening comment of of the project and all of the details to all of us who stands as the Ark is opened Rashi in the Portion of B'chutai. Judged by associated with that completion. and who see the various Torahs carried this conclusion, the following people, the SPECIAL PRESENTATION TO around the synagogue. Rabbi said, are entitled to a great reward BEATRICE KOLB He then called upon a group of men and from God along with the profound thanks women from the congregation each of Of course, above and beyond everybody of the congregation for having spent dozens whom had made a specific contribution to else, Beatrice Kolb deserved the most ex¬ or hours to create in needlepoint the the Capital Fund of Kehilath Jeshurun in traordinary thanks.
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