Census. of India,· 1931 VOLUME III· 4--~----- ASSAM PART I. - ......,.. __ REPORT By C. S. MULLAN, M.A., I.C.S • . BHILLO.NG PBI.NTED BY THE BUPE:RINTENDENT, ABSAll GOVERNMENT PBBBS. AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT 011' INDIA OE.N'l'JUL PUBLICATION BBANOH, CALCUTTA, I 1932 - I -Government of India. Publications are obtainable from the Government of India. Central Publication :Branch, 3, Government Place, West ' Calcutt&, and fronPthe following. Agents:- EUROPE. OrnOB o:r rxa IDGH COMMISSIONER FOR INDIA, lou. BovSB, ALD"'t'TOD, LONDON, W. 0.1. And at all_ Booksellers.: INDIA AND CEYLON: Provincial Book Dept.ts. "MADRAS ·-Snperhrtendent, Governm~nt Press. :MoUllt Road,. Madras. EO:MBA y ;-auperintondent, Ooyernment Printing an~ Stationer:r~. Qu~n'a Road, llombay. SIND ·-Library attached to the Office of the Commu:sJoner in SlDd, Karachi. DENGAL ·-:Bengal Seerotarlat Hook Dep6t, Writers' Buildings, Room No.1, Ground Ploort..Calcutta. 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PubHFiber•, Bali.munge. 1 ~~~lea~~ Boo~ n~· D"'·- Karnntaka Publisblng Honse, 1Ja~galore CU7,. e.n v•u' 'A ..........,~~, •·••nrar. Bbeema Bona, Pori, Bangalore City. 8nperin.Jtend®.t, DangalOIO Prea, I.ako View, lf710ra Road, Bangalore City. AGBNT L"l PALBSTID ..:.StO;mabk;r,leraaiam. • Agent for puJ:'-'catioDI on a'riatlon O'CIJ• \."--• ··-- .. t··· ._.:.',_~ '-1~'. INTRODUCTION. 1.· Mega biblion said a famous librarian of the adcient library o{ Alexandria mega kakon-a great book is a. great evil. A Census Report, must, I fear, by its very nature always be a bulky tome but I can, at least, do one thing to diminish the extent of the evil and that is to make the introduction a;s short; as possible. · · There are, however, a few things which must be stated in the .jntrod~otion to 6 volume of this nature. In the first place I wish to make it perfectly clear tl1at altho•1gh this report is a Government publication the views and the deductions therein are entirely my own and 'I alone am responsible for them ; it is indeed quite prvbable my views on certain matters, e.g., the unemployment ·question among the ·educated classes may be officially reg~ded as heterodox. · · Some reference is also neces;;a.ry in the introduction to fhe .previous censuses of Assam, to the general procedure of enumeration and tabulation and to the cost of the census. Finally-and this .is the most pleasing task-1 will take -the opportunity to acknowledge the services of the numerous olfioia.Is and non-offiuiHle witt10ut ·whose help and co-operation this report could not have appeared. 2. The census which was taken on the night of the 2i:i.th l'ebruary 1931 was the seventh census of Assam. The first was held in 1872 when Assam formed part of the old province of Bengal In 187.2 Assam was CO!lstituted a 'Chief Commissioner• shi-p -and remained such until 1905 when. ~t. became mergEJd in'to .the province o.f Eastern Beng;1l and Ass'lm. l>uring this period three censuses were ,held-in lSRI., 1891 and 1901-and separate oensu~ reports for Assam were prib1ished for aill 'these censuses. In 1911, when .the next census was held, Assam still formed part of the province of Eastern Bengal and Assam but a.Sitagain became a separate ·unit 'in the ··following year a separate report for Assam ·was publisheq. The next census was held •on the 18th March 1921-a few months after Aesam had become a Governor's province under the Reformed Constitution of l92l......;and the present census, as already mentioned, was taken on the 26th February 1931. · • 3. A detailed account ofthe administrative measures ta'ken to "lnung · about the census and to tabulate and cOmpile the results is ·contained· in a sepa:rate report known as the Administrative Report on the Census of Assam. 1931-a :document which is i.D.tended primarily 'for the use of ·the next P-rovincial tlJWerintendent of CensUs. ' · . But it se~~ desirable, for the information of the general reade~, -to give a shor~ account of how the census was cond~cted • . Briefly it was done i~ this fashion ·:---The whole 'Province· was ~ivided 'UP !into blocks and for each block ·an enumerator-a local man-was a.ppomtecl. In the plains distl'icts and in those parts of the hills· where a synchronous census· could be taken each block contained on the average 40 houses. ·over'the·enumerator was a supervisor who wa~ ii).
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