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U.S. Patent Jan. 14, 1997 Sheet 1 of 9 5,593,674 3.O 2O O U.S. Patent Jan. 14, 1997 Sheet 3 of 9 5,593,674 AGCTCGTCGA CCTTTCTCTG AAGAGAAAAT TGCTGTTGGG ATG AAG 46 Met Lys 22 CTT TGC AGC CTT, GCA GTC CTT GTA CCC ATT GTT CTC TTC 85 Leul Cys Ser Leu Ala Val Leu Val Pro Ile Val Leu Phe -2O a15 on 10 TGT, GAG CAG CAT GTC TTC GCG TTT CAG AGT GGC CAA GTT 124 Cys Glu Gln His Val Phe Ala Phe Glin Ser Gly Glin Val as 5 - 1 1.
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