■«u ’ - V- / TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1968 1 . • SIXTBBN mottrliieBt^r Eofttins li^raU) Aveeaffe Bally Net Prese Ron The Weather ‘ The Junior choir of Second Con- Flret Church of Chriet, Sci- The Marine Corps Auxiliary and that churches with small Bter Yhe WMk RMM grifational Church WUl rehearse enOst wUl have its regular will elect officers at its first Misfiioiiaries ^ beginnings of 60 or 60 members A B | i a i n ,u « Tonight pardy cloudy, oootor. A b o u t T ow u tomorrow at 6:80 p.m. and the Wedneedey Evening TesUmony meeting of the season tomor­ can Increase into the thousands BITUMINOUS Low 6840. TomoROw partly V B m Cherjrl Aitw Or««iM, row at 8 p.m. at the MaMne Plan S^ryices within a year. iHanrifTfitTr lEiiTntttg Bpralh eenior choir at 7:80 at the Meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Dr. Orjala, an accomplished cloudy. High In 70*.- 'te ig b ta r c€ Mr. and Mra. Vw- church. the church. ' Home, Parker St RefreshftiMiU 1 4 ,4 5 0 will be served. Tha Rev. and Mrs. Harry m usician and piarfst, wHl con­ ooKi OrMM'of aw Rmiy Bt., Rich, misslonaiilas to Haiti, and URIVEWAYS Mahehettor^A CUy of VUiage Charm w u aanMd to th» dMui’a Hat s. _ _ duct a teen and young adidt Parfclag Arens s dss Ststioiis s BssketbsO Ooorti The Bethany Oroup ot Center The Manchester Area Alum- br. Paul Orjala, professor of t a r toth aamaataia teat year at^ The AduM Choir a t S t Jam es’ choir which will be featured at Now Booktat^fyw Seasonal Week (OteMiftod Advwttoleg t a Page B8) PRICE TEN CENTS Ocngregatlanal Church will meet rtao CTub of Pi Beta Phi, mem­ missions at the Nasarene Saturday's service. Foiunerly VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 291 (lfl]R T Y -S K PAGES—TWO SECTIONB) MANCHESnER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1968 nocm Stioiia M atiier OoQtfe, ber of the National Panhellenlc Church will begin rehearsals to­ Theological Seminary, Kansas AU Work Personally SuperW^ed—We A re 199% tosured Oaaa Waatam Raaurva UMver- tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the Fed­ morrow at 7:46 p.m. at the superintendent ot mteslons in eration Room and the Robbins Congress, will open its efogon City, Mo., Will participate in Haiti, he Is often Q;K>ke of as alty, Clavtiaad, Ohio. with « potluck Monday, Sept. 16, church. Men or women wishing m issionary services BWBay, Room et the church. to Join the choir may attend the the best linguist in the Creole DeMAIO BROTHERS at 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sept. 30, through Sunday, Sept. language living today. H ia Story OIrek o t South Bonnie Irvine, 72 Baldwin Rd. rehearsal, and for more infor­ 23, at the Church of the Nas­ IM PARK SraUBBP M athodlat camreh wlH m eat to- Officers and directors of The.program will Include a skit mation they may contact Ralph arene. SDIOE 1M6 «a-7Mn moRoar at 10 :S0 a.m. in Waalay Maccarohe, 83 Hawthome St. Political Omar Shrine Club will meet at and record of the 1967 conven­ The services are open to the Johnson Warns Russia H all Q( Qie church. 8 p.m. tomorrow at the home tion in musical form. The event of York Strangfeld, 168 Green­ The executive board of the public and w ill be held BYlday American T roops Repel la open to all area PI Phto, and Mra. Fraak Don from San M ahcbeator Republican Wom- and Saturday at 7:80 p.m. and Roundup wood Dr. reemwations may be made by Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. IteaiD, Calif., and her three contacting Miss Marcella H. sA'a Club wUl m eet tomorrow a t cNSMran are vtaWngr h er par- The Rev. and Mrs. Rtoh are B A R I <?iCiNl We RBPAIR Against Starting War By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Mr. and Mrs. CSub of Burke, publicity chairman, 89 '8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Al­ on furlough from their posts in BI7Y Richard M. Nbccn soys Hm enta, Mr. and Mha. Eugene Bow- fred Kargl, 164 Ferguson Rd. Temple Beth Sholom Is having Bumbrook Rd., East Hartford. Haiti. They report that nowhere CHOCOLATES 8K9UL. fense to Improve any U.S. nego­ Demoorste “had their chance to era of do BlrOh St, and her ^a oocMall party tar new Jewish VOLKSWAffiNS WASHINGTON (AP)— end the war and they muffed U” in the world has there been a aiater, Mrs. Peter KIro o t E aat The Anna Addy Sunbeam tiating poaltion, end some John- couples In M ei^ester Saturday Martha Circle of Bmahuel greater response to the Gospel OOMPLETB VW REPAIR SEBVIOE Praaideiit JolmeoD, uridhg aon comments at a news confer­ eatdfato running mate, T. H artford. at 9 p.m. Couples who have not Lutheran Church will have a Group of the Salvation Army Momow Tor .the second Agnew, aaya Demooreut Hubert VC Drive on Tay Ninh and Christianity than in Haiti, work seselon Thursday at 10 will meet tomorrow at 8:80 p.m. ence that the United States re- received invitations but wish to REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN ENGtNCS time in two wedcs not to mnins "very oonoemed” over H. Humphrey to turning A mldweak aervlce wlU he con­ attend may contact Mrs. Jer- a.m. at the church, and a regu­ at the Citadel. “sQutohy aoft" on ifae Vietnam ducted tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at 'Hmleadh t!he dc^-oT War,” Soviet aotlona In Eastern Eu­ rcdd AbeU, 36 BuUer Rd. lar business meeting will be says the only way to peace issue. SAIGON (AP) — Fight, the Church of Chriat, SM Lydall held at 2 p.m. Mrs. Clara GuU Registration for the Manches­ V illi ^ , MORIARm CHEVRON SERVlOE rope. Humphrey, in ihe harshest aa- ing raged northivest of Sai­ > S t. will lead devotions. Hosteeeee ter Power SQuadron’s free boat­ in Europe is througih no- The B’nal B’rlth speech, Us The American Legion Junior sauK on Ms RapuMican preal- gon t(May Bs the Viet Oong are Mrs. Florence Okerfelt, ing course will be held tomor­ Tim Moriarty, PreprMtor . holde-beired hegotiftHon. " second of the day to dweti on dentia) opponent yet, QueeUoned and North Vietnamese Memorial Temple, Pythian Fife and Drum Corps will begin hCss Anna Anderson, and Mrs. row at 7 p.m. at Manchester Llggiit Drug While urging the Soviet Union foreign policy and the Quest for rehearsals tomorrow from 6:80 peace, appeared to be more of meanwhUe Tuesday bow IHxion drove deep into the city of Slaters, will have Its first meet­ Hedwlg Earn. Ifigh School, and the first class 270 HARTFORD ROAD • 643-6217 to accept earlier pivpoMte for would reewt under the sfoain ot ing of the season tonight at 8 at to 7:80 p.m. at the Post Home, hfgb-levri talka on' arme and the same rather than being Tay Ninh, and American Leonard St Membership in the will start id 8. at th« Parkaia the presidency. Odd Fellows Hall. Hostessee are The ptopeity committee of troop reduotlonv In Europe, pronspted by any fresb Soviet “WUl the new coating wear forces killed % enemy Mrs. WlBlam Toiler, Mrs. Ed­ corps Is open to boys and girls Center Congregational Church JbhnaoQ^iwanMa that the United actions. troops in repelling a ni|At from 10 to 16 years. off end the old substonoe come w ard WiUdnson, and Mrs. will meet tomorrow at 7:80 Statea never will tolerate the But, Johnson told his enthu- ithroughT” Humphrey said in atta^ on a unit of the 26th Blanche Leycur. p.m. in the church 'office, and uae or threat of foroo In area* of slasUe audience, the Chech inva­ Los Angeles. “O r wUl the thtn Infantry Division. Temple Chapter, OES, will the board of Christian educa­ ‘'common reeponribUlty like sion has given rise to “new mili­ veneer of the most recent poUU- Fariher noriHwest along ihe Jehovah’a Witnesses wlH have meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the tion will meet at 7:80 in the B eriln.” carefully orcheatrated U.S. re- tary and poUtlool rishe ... cal cosmetic treatment re- Oambodlan border. North Viet­ groiQt diecussions of a Bible aid which demand even closer 4oop- Masonic Temple. Robert Morris library. “A m 1 Midi the other day In apoiue to the Soviet-led inVaalon mainT” namese gunners shelled a dosen tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at 281 Night will be Observed and / eration among Western alUee.” Humphrey did not name Mix­ allied caonpo, but casualties and Woodbrldge St., 18 Chambers San Antonio, 'Let no one un- of Cxechoalovakia 10 daya ear­ Frederick H. Gaal win cooddct The Percy Smith Circle of learii the do^ of war.’ Europe lier. Referring to earlier U.S. pro­ on but maxle it clear he waa rs- damage were reported Ugdit. S t, 726 N. Main St., 144 Grifffo the program. Mrs. Frank H. South Methodist Church will posals for talks with Russia, ferritig to hto opponent U.S. intelligence officera fore­ Rd. in South Windsor, and haa niffered enough hi thte cen­ The ptibUc p a rt of th a t re- Gakeler is' chairman of the re­ meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. in tury,”, he added. oponee haa Included canoellation Johnsoir said "In the discussion Nixon mode 1^ comment on saw no immediate attack cn French Rd., Bolton. freshment committee. Cfflcers cooper Hall ot the church for a JOhHaon'a San Antonio apeech of some featurea of the Oultuiral we have pn^xMed for the reduc­ the Democrats’ Vietnam record SaJgtm.
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