m *m*m TKMPESATUaER At Moon Today, ff Hlth 80 (put 34 hourt, 8 a. ra.) Low 88 Ocean Temperature, 8 a. m.. 88 I A. M. READIN06 IN OTKIR CTTIEa Lot AntelM __88]St. Paul -ft LOOH Boston ii, l8)T8HHey - '*T- eve Mtv Or leant "I"*- York *a Tnmpa _______68 Kansas City 18 Pittsburgh 38|ChlcaKO 38 Member Associated Press Des Moines 8t9au Francisco VOLUME LVH NUMBER 279 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1932 PRICE TWO CENTS COL. RAYMOND ROBINS LOCATED iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllllllllllllllllllllilllllHIIII IIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIflllll iinimiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwu iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii Mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Yale Drubs Ancient Qridiron Rivals 19 to 0 Noted Prohibitionist, Victim Of Amnesia. Found Living in -\HITLER CHEERFUL City Financial FOOTBALt SCORES Ho IFTER TALK WITH Harvard Tak** s Mountains of North Carolina -^FOItWNDENBUIIG Condition ToM Quarter 1 4 Toll I Quarter 1 4 Tot !jMap PI a nff or Worst Beating ASHEVILLE, N. C, Nov. 19 (AP)—Col. Raymond Rbbln8r_ Yale - * 19 Wisconsin -jtyermans Believe ^NassiTTtf prohibitionist and peace advocate, found in the western North ~ Harvard 0 U Chic ago Carolina mountains yesterday after a disappearance of mora In U. S. Report F«rdliam 6 8 j Purdue 12 tfudget Mashes ga»aver BiBigg tartap___n In 30^\feetingst than two months, was brought to Asheville today and placed Oregon State t 6 | Indiana 0 New Cabinet in a sanitarium under the care of a physician. Colonel Rob- 0 8 'Ittsburgh o Notre Damr lt r ins. suffering from amnesia, was Drop in Per Capita Cost 'larnegl e Tech 0 A 0 0 Entire. Official Famil\ in BERLIN. Nov 19 (.T^-Adolf Hit­ Navv ler, making what may be his most iCriMson Swamped by ltti of AMNESIA VICTIM brought here by automobile from Of Mnniripal Operation Columbia A 0 0 Georgia Meet With President: powerful btd for leadership te the | Whittier, a small village in Swain. - Syracuse 0 « 0 Auburn Mills Says Estimates Oerman government, talked for an I arid Eli Power During. county, when he lived for mora And in Debt Revealed hour today with President Paul Von than two months under the name of Army 0 o 7 N. Carolina 0 Entire Battle at Home "Raymond Rogen.1' In Statistics for 1931 Weet Va. Wes. 0 • • Dake 0 for Expense Exceeded Hindenburg. emerged with a broad j tsinlle and Ift lt be known that he| Identified bj Nephew 0 Stadium of Winners Johir~9nUF, 5t "New York, a - Michigan s 3 Georgia Tech js}ov jTj.r-WOUld W-Mll. jiresi| ; I -A-small decrease in the per Minnesota »i Florida """WASHINGTON. nephew, who identified the missing 0 Tuesday _;capita cost of operating the| tt ,.„, ... .* jr. 'Tuesday. YALE BOWL. New Haven. philanthropist yesterday, issued the .. Northwestern 19 ! Nebraska 0 <Ar'— ATter an extraordinaryi pewona close to the president saldlCtonn Nov 19 (AP) — Yale following statement: Santa Monica city government | j-™~ 0 Oklahoma and a substantial lowering of meeting of the cabinet called the meeting was -extraordinarily swamped Harvard. 19 to 0. to­ - "Col. Raymond Robins la at ' the per capita debt are re­ Ohio State 0 3 I Kansas Stale by President Hoover to discuss cordial," and there was a prevailing . ."" ___..._ «_,.-_. .„ •*.. present at Norburn hospital, la Illinois 0 0 > Kansas the federal budget Secretary feeling m political circles that the I "ay ln a battle fought in the Asheville, and under tbe care of vealed by the U. S. department ot da v f mud and a steady downpour Ogden L. Mills today' told news-1 - ' ; conference and those which or rain before nppioxtmatfly 43 (W Dr. Mark A. Griffin, of AshevJBsc== commerce in it study ol tbe finan­ pHper- men- that- budget ligtUBS 1 "?"f ioUoW n»JH>radu« a ,"n?" "The doctor has given orders that cial statistics of the municipality for li ee ntraU n spectators. Walter Levering scored would be forwarded to congress i ??»2 I^" . ° c»blnet in two touchdowns as the Ells hand­ no one Is to be allowed to tit oe thc year ended June 30. 1931. Sailors Tough, [Rams Defeat "considerably lower" than the $4.- whlch Hitler a national socialists speak with Colonel Robins, but that wiU ed their old rivals their \vorst_ tict- According to the figures of lbe I35.ooo.000 submitted last year. ! Lii.s bavt Auguse anjmportant when tht e parpresident t I back of the series in 30 years h* ia to be kept quiet and free from disturbances of all sorts. commerce department. Santa Mon­ redactions Expected received Hitler for tbe first time I First Period ica now is a corporation doing busi­ Alter conferrinc for nearly two the Nazi leader made a blunt de- "Mrs. Robins is expected to reach ness of more than (3.000.000 per Irish Discover Oregon State hours, members of the official fam- After an exchange of kicks had Asheville -by motor this afternoon, mand—lor lhe year, when the expenditures made 'CV lily left the executive ol flees-raving *f°—""- chancellorship or j pushed Yale back lc Ita 13-yttrd eomlng Irom her heme te Florida.— hy its citizens for school purposes that reductions te their panieulnr | nothing—He was turned down and lme IBe Em quickiy rushed through —P_ia> ObiervatloB the Interview lasted only lin_nuu_. are Included. Fighting Annapolis Eleven Safely in Fourth ^hiarter expenditures could be expected, to a touchdown. OUftlfl. Eli tuc.-.lc "Dr. Orif fin, wbo now is in charge * Secretary Mills said he had today I recovered Crickard's fumble on the of Uw case, states that tt is abso­ Per Capita Expense Drops Holds Notre Dame to Informed Chairman Joseph W. Crimson* 45. Parker then grabbed lutely impossible- to give a correct~~ The per capita expenditure _for Gives Ford nam Eleven Byrne idem i.—Tenneii'iee, ef—the-} ___iter's__nat pass on tbe 17, und diagnosis of the ease until further city purposes was ~fi"8_ff,~a_ drop of Two Touchdowns..... house appropriations committee that Crowlcr twisted throujtif to lhe observation." —»3 cents Below the ID30 figure; wRtic S-to-6 Periston the administration would "submit three-yard line. On the third line When he arrived at the institu­ ~ tfie total revenue receipts were CLEVELAND. Nov. 19 (.11 POLO GROUNDS, New York. etsimates you will find lt hard to thrust. Levering cracked the line for tion. Colonel Robins was wearing $83.21 .per capita, tbe excess ot scrapping; Navy eleven that twice i Nov. 19—Playing ta rain and mutt, | reduce." the score. Sullivan made the extra the same overall Jumper suit, which revenue receipts being reflected by held tbe heavier Notre Dame for the Fordham university Rams ral_ I Repeated Squabbles Tackle Deficit point on an end run. had become a familiar sight Ip and a reduction of the municipal debt downs when- within its two-yard lied gamely in the final period today j Presentation of budgetary estl- I After a kicking exchange had fol­ anund Whittier, and a hunting cap. from a per capita of $142.42. te 1930.! Hne, went down te defeat here this to turn back tbfi challenge of Oregon mates by the administration and ; .. T w I I l lowed the kickoif. Barrett slid off . Members of the- party which— - to $130.63. in 1931. afternoon by a score of 12 to 0. ^State's football warriors, 8 to 6. [subsequent activities by democratic.; «>fT lltX. >_lCS..Levy anil tackle for a first down for Harvard brought Colonel Robins to Asheville Tire per capita figures are based Notre Dame's" two touchdowns The• challenge of the far western Ihouse committee last year andl P\ __-»«__» CutPut s UI r r > I on ita own 38-yard stripe. Esteriy, today said that several times dur- on an estimated population of came te the second quarter, both as team failed tn the last stage of a since bave caused repeated squab-1 CiXpen star Crimson guard, was hurt awd--|- teg the trip lwcoRspTglMBS 031 38,700. the. result of pannes -while -Notre battle that began te heavy rain.—A bles te the political arena. on Capitol Hill replaccd hy Healey. Crickard was lapses of memory had been ra=~ In order to "ia.in» the figures com- Dame .had a combination of Wr« hard fherclng Pordhawi team |—The deficit—already—Mi is—Hi stopped twice. curring more frequently during ths parable witb those of other commit- sity and second stringers on the pushed the invaders back to their years exceeds $700,000,000; and that. On Dean's high punt, Lassiter Col. Raymond Robins, noted past few days. nlties. government statisticians in­ field. own goal line. With the score 6 to 6, problem has been getting attention I WASHINGTON. Nov. 19 <.n-8en- barely recovered after missing a dry worker, feared the reprisal Memory Lapses Return cluded 87.2 per cent of transactions First Period Davis dropped back to punt. rivaled only by the war debts__ I "ment for a three-way assault on shoestring "catch. The El is took to li vtctm onum runcrs following "1 was getting along fine until of the high school district and 89.4 Obtaining the ball after an ex­ A Fordham tackle bolted through The treasury secretary said actual &» unbalanced budget appears to be the air and completed a 26-yard I his dispapcarance more than two two days ago," one of the federal per cent of the transactions of the change of punts, the Notre Dame the defense forwards and hurled expenidtures of the federal govern- Browing rapidly on Capitol Hill passrLassiter to -O'Connell. on Yale's j months- ego, was found -yester- men-said Robins tola him.
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