-<;r ( ( ) 581600 PASCAl/ADA LANGUAGE SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER 8ISi!4a".iJUJ!C!Sit1:tW&e~,!~~~~naJIltMq$d !MItIDlt'.... 'm,."mn fI:c<.~ WESTERN DIGITAL c o R p o R A T / o N I/O MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS .>t·Three level interrupt structure supporting disk and I/O • Length: 16 Inches Advanced Systems Division operations. Level 0 is used internally by the system. 8 inches o o • Width: t' "M _.vnpen ., = f'¥'X'" *'1 Level 1 and level 2 are reserved for future user expansion • Height: 1.5 inches and optional real time clock. OJ Two asynchronous, full duplex RS232-C serial 110 ports. Q) Programmable 1, 1 1/2 or 2 stop bi ts, 5 to 8 bit characters ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 0: and baud rates of 5O-19.2K are provided. The baud rate • Temperature: coW for system console port A is switch selectable; Port B is O' C to + 50' C(Operating) o software selectable. - 20' C to + 100' C(Non-operating) I­ () 22 bit parallel 110 port: 8 output lines, 8 input lines and 6 • Humidity: o control lines. Centronics printer compatible. 10 - 90% (Non-condensing) • 100 pin edge connector for testing and system expan­ 581600 sion. Includes full address, data and control lines, bus grant DMA handshake and interrupt daisy chain. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS .. 24 pin stacking connector for future calendar clock/data • Power requirements PASCAL/ADA LANGUAGE encryption add-on. VOLTAGE CURRENT +5VDC ± 1% 3.5A, 50mv, pop max SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER +15VDC ± 5% 0.45A, Unregulated -15VDC ± 5% 0.14A, Unregulated CONNECTORS DISK INTERFACE • Serial port: Standard RS232 "D" Type 25 pin connector • Supports up to four double sided, double density 8-inch • Parallel ports: Standard "D" Type 37 pin connector floppy disk drives providing a total formatted capacity of • Floppy Interface: Industry standard flat ribbon, mass 4 megabytes. FEATURES DESCRIPTION termination type connector: 50 pin for 8-inch drives a1;:,',1\\ • IBM compatible FM/MFM recording and soft sector • 100 pin edge connector for power and expansion ~ ~ • DIRECT EXECUTION OF PASCAL AND MICROADA The SB1600 Pascal/Ada Language Single Board Computer formatting. (.1-lnch centers) LANGUAGE P-CODE BY WESTERN DIGITAL'S is the microcomputer speCifically designed to optimize the .. Diskette density and number of sides is automatically MICROENGINE PROCESSOR performance of the latest achievements in software tech­ • 24 pin stacking expansion connector sensed by the system. No switches need to be set, thus • 16 BIT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE WITH FULL nology: Pascal and Ada The machine enables users to take simplifying mixed mode transfer operations. ERROR MONITORING advantage of the major advances in software architecture, prodUCing programmer efficient, highly reliable, self docu­ • Automatic error detection, including hardware CRC and • HARDWARE FLOATING POINT/MULTIPLY AND menting programs without sacrificing runtime execution header verification on every seceor prior to read and ORDER INFORMAliON DIVIDE speed. write. SBl600(x)· Pascal/Ada Language Single Board Com­ • 128K BYTES OF HIGH SPEED ON·BOARD RAM Western Digital Pascal and MicroAda compilers reduce • Disk operations are DMA controlled for maximum puter for B-inch Floppy Disk Drives. Includes WITH PARITY high order language source statements to the "ideal" transfer efficiency. user manual and operating system software. • 2K BYTES PROM WITH BOOT AND SELF TEST Pascal and MicroAda instruction set: P-code. The • Interface is directly compatible with most standard DIAGNOSTIC processor then executes directly because P-code is the drives (Qume tm, Shugart tm, Remex tm, Pertec 1m) MicroEngine processors native instruction set. This • Replace (x) with one of the following to indicate diskette • TWO ASYNCHRONOUS RS232·C SERIAL 110 PORTS type: software-in-hardware approach results in highly efficient • SOFlWARE SELECTABLE SERIAL PORT BAUD compilation and execution. The SB1600 allows the system SD = Single sided, Single density RATE designer to tal(e advantage of the time savings offered by a DD = Single sided, double density • ONE 22 BIT PARALLEL 110 PORT, CENTRONICS high order language while retaining the performance of PRINTER COMPATIBLE assembly language programming. • DMA DISK OPERATIONS SUPPORTING UP TO The SB1600 is engineered to meet the performance and FOUR 8-INCH FLOPPY DISK DRIVES TOTALING reliability levels essential for today's commercial and in­ FOUR MEGABYTES dustrial applications. Single board construction means • AUTOMATIC DETERMINATION OF DISKETIE minimum down time and easy servicing. Full error DENSITY monitoring, including memory parity checking, is built in to assure reliable operation. In addition, a ROM-based self test verifies system readiness each time the board is initialized. Information furnished In this document is believed to be accurllte and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Western Digital Corporation for Its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties Wllich may result from its use. No licensE: is granted by implication or :l!:I;~ Western Digital's Pascal/Ada Language Single Board otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Western Digital Corporation. Weslern Digital Corporation reserves the right to change product ~ ~ specifications at any time without notice. Computer is also available as a complete system in a desk­ top enclosure or a rack mountable unit. 4<VESTEnill LJIGIT,l!l1. 2445 McCABE WAY OIlPOHAr,ON I IRVINE, CA 92714 (714) 557-3550, TWX 910-595-1139 ~~~~.... ~~~~_~"";'J:;:~~",,;;!:<·;~~~~~aY3"!f,et' :sse e : "rm!" 1t15'ci'la......... M1t1UX'b'rtY"''1UTftcmy· ... ·s.. AS'DS/U0121J10'Sl ( ( t; PROCESSOR integer and floating point operations. MEMORY • The Ideal machine language for Pascal and MicroAda. 16 • Runtime system status monitoring and error reporting. • 128K Bytes of 150 nsec on-board RAM. Full speed ac­ serial port B boot sequence. User 2716 EPROM COOl­ Bit MOSILSI MicroEnglne microprocessor chip set cess with no wait states. Memory is organized as an 18 patible. A reply time-out circuit identifies erroneous memory/1I0 ~ ~.' directly executes P·code. Provides stack architecture for access attempts and reports occurrences to users. \;J£I ~~ bit wide array. • Parity generation/check with error reporting. The re-entrant and recursive programs. Spurious interrupts are also detected and reported. • 2K Bytes of ROM. Standard facilities include system self monitor circuit generates an interrupt and reports ad­ • Hardware multiply and divide are provided for both 16 bit Recovery from errors is provided in system software. test on reset, B-inch floppy disk boot sequence and dress location of faulty cell. DATA BUS / 16 I J-l ~ j;t I ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ 128K BYTES I 1t RAM INTERRUPT ORO + 16K PARITY lACK REPLY WORD ~ XFER ~ TIMEOUT r:j ~ ~ ~ LOGIC IACK-- lACK -- IACK-~ FROMITO SYSTEM lACK INT ~t INT DEVICES INT:IJ CONTROL MEMORY TIMINGI INTJil1 J, i • ti CONTENTION lACK .... t r-.- .,.. LOGIC S P 24 P 2K BYTES P 0 INT C) E o SYSTEM !..- I I/O R I--' ROM I/O R R STATUS/ PROCESSOR ORO AND I N T FLOPPY T CONTROL AND DMA ROMVECTOA A CONTROL S WORD ALU CS CONTROL GEN ¢: L REG SEL (RS232) r- ...,.. r-- - • ~ • REG FLOPPY SEL I ~~. I~ ~ if IfI ~.~~J1c i .. ADDRESS 16 DECODED REGISTER/CHIP SELECT LINES REPLIES FROM DEVICES, SUBCIRCUITS S61600 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM "'k INT AND 110 DECODER 0 0 7',ii ~-.. -.- ( ( ESTERN DIGITAL CORPORATION ADVANCED SYSTEMS DIVISION WESTERN DIGITAL CORPORATION ADVANCED SYSTEMS CIVISION ~ ~ Pascal MICROENGINE™ PRODUCTS V o Pascal MICROENGINE™ PRODUCTS 'RODUCT ti, DISCOUNT PRICE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ~UMBER DESCRIPTION SCHEDULE (U.S.$) PRODUCT DISCOUNT PRICE IARD·lEVEL MODULES NUMBER DESCRIPTION SCHEDULE (U.5.$) 00900 Pascal MICROENGINE SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER A $ 2,400.00 Includes 64K Bytes RAM memory, 2 serial ports, 1 parallel port, floppy disk SYSTEM SOFTWARE"" controller with DMA. and Reference Manual- Order .:..so.:..f...;.tw.:..a.:..r..::e-=s...;.e~pa:..:r.:..a...;te...:IY:;... ________________ 00902 Pascal MICROENGINE 64K BYTE MEMC)RY EXPANS·ION BOARD WD981O(X)' INTERACTIVE UCSD OPERATING SYSTEM AND PASCAL COMPILER A 100.00 Includes: Object diskette and technical notes Includes a" x 16" board with 64K Bytes of memory and an Interconnect card. A $ 1,500.00 00903 ---- SHUGART DISK CONNECTOR ADAPTER A $ 75.00 Includes Adapter to Interface 37-pln WD0900 or WD0090/95 disk connector 10 LANGUAGES"" standard 100 pin connector on Shugart compatible disk drives. yvD9811(X)· BA$IC INTERPRETER A $ 400.00 IBSYSTEMS UTILITY SOFTWARE"· 00090 Pascal MICROENGINE COMPUTER WITH POWER SUPPLY (115 VAC, 60 Hz) A $ 3,000.00 00095 Pascal MICROENGINE COMPUTER WITH POWER SUPPLY (220 VAC, 50 Hz) yVD9802(X)" Pascal MICROENGINE UTILITY PROGRAMS A $ 125.00 A ~ 3,000.00 WD0900 Single Board Computer packaged in a low-profile housing with power Includes source COde, object code, and documentation on diskette for the follow­ ____s-'up'-'-Ply. Includes Refe~ence Manual. .____ _ ing utility programs: MAPPER, PRINT, ATMAAGIN, OCOMPARE, IRAND, RRAND, and TEXT FORMATIER 00091-60 DUAL, ADD-ON FLOPPY DISK SUBSYSTEM (115 VAC, 60 Hz) A $ 3,300.00 00091-50 DUAL, ADD-ON FLOPPY DISK SUBSYSTEM (220 VAC, 50 Hz) A $ 3,300.00 Two 8-lnch. 1_2-MByte. double-sided. floppy disk drives including housing, power supply, and cable APPLICATION SOFTWARE"" STEMS ~D9860(X)· FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PACKAGE A $ 200.00 o o WD9870(X)" DATA BASE MANAGER FOR STAND·ALONE SYSTEM A $ 500.00 Pascal MICROENGINE Systems all include the following modules: DISTRIBUTED DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM . WD9871(X)' , CENTRAL DATA BASE SOFTWARE A
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