Hiliiii: l ' j 16 PAGES. ' PAGES 1 TO 8. i. i 41 (lit U U H iH B R H H n WM I f 1 13 . vi a 5T fl 1 a ESTABLISHED JULY J. 1856. VOL. XXXYo NO. 6272. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 102. PRICE FIVE CENTS. f iiOURt ON FOUR MILLION t i DOLLAR INDEMNITY CLAIM Planters Association and AUrchants Offer Memorials ! Which Set Forth Views on Many ' Important Subjects. 0 Business and tirade, commerce and elation and called upon Francis Mills f increase in that period only 2.472, and that I of Chinese 18S men arrived and 1,413 at- - Swanzy, one of the trustees, to take left. alleged broken faith engaged the j making a total decrease of 1,230, so th. re I the floor. This was done and Mr. U Q a not t nnroQOO in tViA Tqrt'inaca nn) ; J tention of the Senatorial Commission i Swanzy read the former memorial: j Chinese population of only 1,242, not in--; eluding women," midway yesterday and it was a merry dance which number are not - is. Statement concerning the Hawaiian Labor necessarily field laborers alone, ipjljlipyji pi- Bx vipfr that the minds of the gentlemen, had . Supply, presented to the Honorable j When .he labor conditions which hod ( in keeping in touch with the many sub- Members of the Commission of the to be faced after annexation were realized I United States Senate, on behalf of the. the Planters' Association set about finding jects, presented at various times by Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, laborers on the continent of the United September 12th, 1902. States. Some Portuguese were brought the men who appeared. ( PHILIPPINE IS. The Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Associa- - from the neighoorhood of New Bedford, At Trade bodies and private citizens tion is made up of the sugar planting and some Italians were secured in the ' ' States and Hawaii, I corporations and sugar plantation owners Eastern started for I came before the Commission and tak- - v tne Territory, and its object is to but the bulk of them dropped out on the ' s way across the continent and but com- - improvements - en on the whole it was the most varied in the manufacture paratively few i "J8of sugar and to to all matters reached these islands. An t attend unsuccessful attempt to get negroes of P in day that has been spent by the mem- - relating to the interest of the sugar in- - w a class was finally UamoaT - - Idustry in these islands. A board of nine better made, and about f bers, for they had interjected into 2,930 Puerto Rican men with their fami- - " trustees attends to the business of the i Association, and is by this board lies were brought here, at very great ex- - a luau luncheon, which delayed the it that pense. Agents from Association were i the following representations are made: this isl- - for long established on the mainland and afternoon session for some time. Taken . The number of plantations on the ' o, traveled over length to . ands is fifty-tw- of which number forty- - its and breadth whole too the found - find there such labor as our plantations as a members ( six are ntted out with their own inde- ques- - . I demanded. It was by no means a set right on many matters pendent factories. themselves The total amount of capital invested in tion with us of Asiatic labor alone, but one of any kind of labor, and yet wher- - which affect the interests of the Ter- - these plantations is about $56,000,000, and ' I the amount of taxes paid annually by ever we turned we found that' the great ritory, and there was a perceptible theae piantations to the Territorial Gov- - . continent had reaaily absorbed all the V i labor there was, and there was no sur- -' ' - 'ernment is about $690,000. oV.Qr,o nf fociino- tnwaM ti nhtf in. plus for us. ! a lie iiuiii utri vi ci nuns ax. ji cacin c"- The efforts to find some way of culti-- dustry. ployed in cane cultivation and manufac- vating ture is about 3S.500. our cane fields were not confined live-- to those above mentioned. ' There existed Today promises to be one of the I Last season s sugar crop was 360,038 in the minds of some the impression that MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF MARCUS A. tons, and the number of tons which have ISLAND. AND ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC CABLE. liest hearings of the entire session. as the proper way to conduct a plantation been shipped this season so far about to Prepared by O. P. Austin, S. Humphreys was on the stand "when 300,000. .was divide the land into small lots and Chief of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, for The National Geographical Magazine. .1 sugar by place them in the hands of white men to Our is shipped either direct doing Washington. the session closed last evening. He had steamer 0 saUing vessel to New York, cultivate, instead of the work of sa.ung Fran-- - cultivation by. day laborers working for a been promised time and was put or vessel to San wage management. HM Cisco and thence by the Southern Pacific under one controlling .f HHUtlHIU about half past four o'clock and had Railroad Co. to New York, or it Is ship- - Accordingly the Ewa Plantation on this ped to San Francisco for use in the Cali- - island of Oahu, decided to experiment fairly got ses- - American farmers. Fifteen families The United States Will . only started when the jwith Government Be Asked fornla refineries. I to .pare-ful- ly s sugar of highly respectable people wctk aloft-wa- closed, as the members of The carrying of the to New York the by long sea is largely conducted by the selected in the Western States, and all expenses paid to plantation, commission were going out to dinner. American-Hawaiia- n S. S. Co. This their the Iptny, which is the pioneer company of where houses had been erected for them, Send a Gunboat to Place Captain Rosehil! There was some little clouding in the .American bunt cargo boats, owes its each with a garden patch surrounding it, origin sugar of these and wnere a large patch of common land minds of the members of the Commis- - to the industry apart use as pasture I company's fleet consists of had been set for their ands. The for such stock as they desired to keep. in sion when Humphreys began. Senator (Seven steamers of an aggregate tonnage Possession of Marcus Island. I Here they were given parcels of land to ap-j- of 65,000 tons. tl Mitchell said to him: "You have cultivate in cane, on a profit sharing peared before this body in two capac!-- ) rJ l basis, and every help was rendered in the 6 1 Jgat TJTet way of ploughing and preparing their A petition to Secretary of space I I ties. i'lrst you came as amicus curae American steamers and sailing vessels, the War within the reef while not suf- ident Buchanan's administration where I ' fields.' but notwithstanding , and serve to show the this alt' -' ficient t allow a big ship to turn, pos- I for thf nennle of the Territory and later' These few statistics Ewa Co. expended on this? for indemnity from Japan with" the fur- an American citizen had taken 5 magnitude S sugar business, the the Plantation would of the request permit the island to be circled on session of Navassa, a small guano isl- as the attorney for the former Queen success or failure of which depends to so most creditable effort, to raise cane b ther that the United States white farmers, these people were not ab) the inside of the harbor. and off the coast of Hayti. .He had of Hawaii. In which of these capacities large an extent on a sufficient supply of send a gunboat to Marcus Island to The question of Indemnity is been a large to perform the necessary labor, and thejr also ordered to leave by, the Haytlan I do you appear "Humphreys said labor. For field labor in Hawaii place Captain Rosehill in possession one which will probably consid- government now?" proportion ot Japanese and Chinese are drifted away by degrees, so that in about .cause and appealed to the United he was coming under the general in- - necessity, so as no a year none of the fifteen families wer will be the next move in the Marcus erable trouble before it is settled. The States for protection. President Bu- an at,soiute in far experiments a to people to present any other class of labor is procurable to any left. Other of similar na' Island' controversy, according to a Marcus Island Guano Co. claims to chanan sent a gunboat to the scene 1 vitation the ture have been made, with like resuit. have expended in the neighborhood of and placed the man in possession lmpor-- er generally to statement made yesterday by Col. Thos. of the 1 matters they thought to be of Jxtecane countries The planters are prepared! $10,000 for the purchase of the schooner island, warning govern- r sugar.growing encourage the Haytian to special at-- j possess indigenous laboring the cultivation of cane by srball Fitch. Mr. Fitch will prepare the rec- and investigations already made, no ' tance, and in addition a either an farmers, if is any assurance that,the which ment that interference would be Population for cultivation, or have within there ords in jthe case and have them printed are rendered useless because of the re- tolerated, as was good un- tention given by one of the members undertakings will be out.-- ' the claim who are readily ob- - carried '3ffdT,w-a- i Washington 'easy reach people In connection with the questions of leave for about fusal of Japan to allow the work to be der the guano laws of Congress.
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