8+11+18 PUBLIC NOTICE AND NOTICE OF SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT ELECTION MARINA PARK ROAD DISTRICT I, Patty Hojem, Yankton Coun- ty Auditor, as provided by SDCL have by August 11, 2015, caused to be posted at 102 Marina Park Drive Yankton, SD, in the pro- posed road district area, the Peti- tion for Organization and Incor- poration of the Marina Park Road District. The area requesting organiza- tion to be effective for the 2016 Tax Year is as follows: Property located in The North 300.00 of the South 633.00 of the East 230.00 of the West 460.00 of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 West of the 5th P.M., Yankton County, South Dakota, commonly referred to as Lot 10, Marina Park Estates. The North 300.00 of the South 633.00 of the East 196.00 of the West 656.00 of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 West of the 5th P.M., Yankton County, South Dakota, commonly referred to as Lot 11, Marina Park Estates. The North 300.00 of the South 633.00 of the East 205.00 of the West 861.00 of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 West of the 5th P.M., Yankton County, South Dakota, commonly referred to as Lot 12, Marina Park Estates. The North 300.00 of the South 333.00 of the East 205.00 of the West 1066.00 of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 West of the 5th P.M., Yankton County, South Dakota, commonly referred to as Lot 4, Marina Park Estates. The North 270.00 of the South 633.00 of the West 230.00 of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 West of the 5th P.M., Yankton County, South Dakota, commonly referred to as Lot 9, Marina Park Estates. The East 230.00 of the West 460.00, Except the South 633.00 and Except the North 394.56, all in the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Sec- tion 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 West of the 5th P.M., Yankton County, South Dakota, commonly referred to as Lot 17, Marina Park Estates. The East 196.00 of the West 656.00, Except the South 633.00 and Except the North 394.56 and Except Lot 1, Held Subdivision, all in the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 West of the 5th P.M., Yankton County, South Dakota, commonly referred to as Lot 16, Marina Park Estates. 7+21+28&8+4+11 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA) The West 230.00, Except the )ss: South 633.00 and Except the COUNTY OF YANKTON) North 394.56, all in the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 West of the IN CIRCUIT COURT 1st JUDICIAL Circuit 5th P.M., Yankton County, South Dakota, commonly referred to as Lot 18, Marina Park Estates. In the Matter of the Petition re- garding North 300' of the South 633', ex- Angelina Marie Burchardi cept the West 861' and further ex- (Birth Certificate Name), A Minor cepting the East 75', all located in Child, the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 93 North, Range 56 For a Change of Name to West of the 5th P.M., Yankton Angelina Marie McLain County, South Dakota, commonly (Proposed Name) referred to as Lots 2 & 13, Marina Park Estates CIV: ________ NOTICE OF HEARING FOR SE1/4 of the NE1/4, except the NAME CHANGE OF A MINOR South 633' thereof, and except the CHILD (UNCONTESTED) West 861', and except the East CLASSIFIED 75', and further exceptingA3 Lots 1 and 2, Held Subdivision, as plat- PAGE 14 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ted in BPRESSook S14, & pa DAKOTANge 104, all lo n- TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2015 that a Verified Petition for Name cated in Section 7, Township 93 Change of a Minor Child has been North, Range 56 West of the 5th 1530 Roofing - Siding 1610 Condos - Townhomes 1650 Houses For Sale fi20le10d by DaisLey McgaLal anin dth Pue obbljectic P.20M.10, YanktoLenga Cl ounandty ,Pu Sbloutich LA Proposes and prayer of which is toNo chtiacenges Dakota, commonly referreNodti toce ass JW Roofing & Siding: Shin- New Listing: 2505 Capitol their minor child's name from An- Lots 1 and 14, Marina Park Es- $4.1B Budget gling complete tear off, re- 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo gelina Marie Burchardi to Angeli- tates decking if necessary and in- apartment fully furnished, close na Marie McLain. On the 8th day sured. Free estimates. Refer- to golf course. Heated 2-car of September, 2015, at the hour of The North 300' of the South 333' For Olympic Bid ences. Work guaranteed. Call garage, elevator, $139,000. 10:00 am said Verified Petition of the East 205' of the West 861' 605-665-1167 or 605-760- Brad 605-660-7086. will be heard by this Court before of the SE1/4 of the NE/14 in Sec- LOS ANGELES (AP) — If the 1782. the Honorable Judge Gering Pre- tion 7, Township 93 North, Range city of Los Angeles becomes 1615 Houses For Rent siding, at the Court Room in the 56 West of the 5th P.M., Yankton the U.S. candidate for the 2024 1555 Dogs - Puppies Yankton County Courthouse, City County, South Dakota Olympics after Boston’s recent 4-bedroom, 2-bath house for of Yankton, Yankton County, drop from contention, the or- rent. C/A, gas heat, For all your real estate needs, South Dakota, or as soon there- The East 205' of the West 861' ex- ganizers’ proposed budget for washer/dryer hookups, kitchen contact Kami or Dan Guthmiller after as is convenient for the cept the South 633' and except the Summer Games would be appliances. Off-street parking, 605-660-2147 court. Any interested party may Lot 1, Held Subdivision, in the $4.1 billion plus a $400 million No pets/smoking, lease, de- 605-660-2740 come and appear at this time and Southeast Quarter of the NE1/4 of contingency, a senior adviser posit and references required. Lewis & Clark Realty place and show reasons, if any, Section 7, Township 93 North, to Mayor Eric Garcetti said Larry's Rentals 605-664-9014 why said name should not be Range 56 West of the 5th P.M., Monday. or 605-661-0987 after 5pm. Investment Properties changed as requested. Yankton County, South Dakota, Dated this 16th day of July, 2015, commonly referred to as Lot 15, The sum includes $200 mil- lion to cover city expenses, Jeff Comfortable 3-bedroom 305 Locust at Yankton, South Dakota. Marina Park Estates $1,200/month. Wood floors, Millman said. The city’s projection antici- fireplace room, deck, appli- 407 Pearl /s/: Jody Johnson Roads to be included in the ances, CA, garage/car port. Circuit Court Judge or Clerk of district are as follows: Fire Fly pates revenues far in excess Courthouse Drive and Marina Park Drive. of $4.5 billion and a significant Application, lease/deposit, 605- Joe, America's Best Realty 665-1828. ATTEST: Only person or public corpora- profit, Millman said. 605-661-7264 ____________ tions that are landowners of land The budget would not New 1,230-sq.ft. Townhouse. Clerk of Court located within the proposed road come from city funding, but 3-bedrooms, 1.5-baths, at- By:___________ district are eligible to vote in the tached 2-car-attach garage. would instead come to the Los Deputy formation election. An eligible Angeles organizing committee $1,200/month, HOA fees/de- voter may reside within or outside posit. No pets/smoking, 605- from such sources as broad- 8+11 the district. Any firm, partner- cast revenue, sponsorships 661-8003, 605-661-2400. YANKTON SIOUX TRIBE ) WANTED: A NEW HOME ship, limited liability company, and tickets. YANKTON SIOUX RESERVA- association, estate, or corporation FOR SOPHIA New 3-bedroom house with TION :SS that holds title to land located Boston had proposed a She is loyal, sweet, cuddly SS appliances. Water, sew- WAGNER, SOUTH DAKOTA) within the proposed road district budget under $5 billion — con- er, garbage included w/rent. and playful. Sophia can be is entitled to one vote and may sidered frugal for the Olympics $1,000/month + deposit. Out- okay with dogs if introduced IN CIVIL COURT designate an officer or agent to — but still struggled to sell the properly with a firm owner, door kitchen and fire pit avail- INVESTMENT PROPERTY vote on its behalf by presenting a public on the idea it wouldn’t excellent with people, but able. No pets/smoking. 605- Fred Zephier Jr., Petitioner written instrument to that effect to need major public funding to would prefer a home without 661-8097. 1300 Whiting St., Yankton 2 -bedroom, 1-bath the election officials. If more than host the games. cats. Sophia has been CIV.15-043 $52,000 one person holds an interest in a When its candidacy flamed spayed, vetted, vaccinated, 1625 Mobile Homes For SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION lot, tract or parcel of land in the Carla Schlingman, Century 21 out late last month, Los Ange- micro-chipped. proposed road district, no more Rent (605) 661-8643 les’ prospects to host a third Contact Heartland Humane TO: Daniel Dwyer, Tonya Dwyer, than one vote may be cast in any Olympics were revived.
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