CONTENTS - CONTENU p. 2 Du Secrétariat - From the Secretariat p.6 RC 09 Social Practice and Social p. 2 From the Research Committees Transformation p. 2 ISSC Stein Rokkan Prize RC 23 Sociology of Science p.3-4 En route pour Mexico? - Going to RC 24 Social Ecology Mexico City? RC 31 Sociology of Migration p.5 Histories of the Research Committees RC 36 Alienation Theory and Research - Cont'd RC 18 Political Sociology - Addenda p. 5 RC 07 Futures Research Coming Event - Journals Pre-Registration Form -2- Du Secrétariat From the Secretariat¡ Tel qu'annoncé dans le Bulletin 28, le Secrétariay de l'AIS quittera ~bntréal pour Amsterdam a le fin de l'année 1982. Tous nos corre3J.En~t? _20!ltEiés de noter que le Secrétariat actuel ne sera pas en mesure de garantir une réponse pour le courrier qui nous parviendra apr~s la mi-novembre. 11 y a risque en effet, qu'a cette date nos filieres et notre équipement soient en boite ou en route vers Amsterdam. Les détails concernant le nouveau Secrétariat: adresse, identité des nouveaux secrétaires, etc., seront publiés dans le Bulletin d'automne. FROM THE RESEARCH COMMITTEES ISSC STEIN ROKKAN PRIZE IN COMPARATIVE RESEARCH The International Social Science Council, in conjunc- RC 01 ARMEV FORCES ANV CONFLICT RESOLUTION tion wi th the Conj unto Uni versi tario Candido Mendes (Rio de Janeiro) announces that the next STEIN ROKKAN wi The following officers were elected to the Research PRIZE ll be awarded in November 1983. Committee 6n Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution for 1982-86: The Prize is intended to crown a seminal contribution in comparative social science research written in Founding 01airman: M. Janowitz (USA) English, FrenCh or German, by a scholar under forty Chainnan: C.C. bskos (U&~) years of age on 31st December 1983. It can be a manu- scnpt or a pnnted book or collected wo rks , in each Vi.ce-Chai rmen: A. Akiwowo (Nigeria) S. Tyushkevich (USSR) case published after 1981. R. Zoll (FRG) Four copies of manuscript typed double space or of Executive Committee: A. Barros (Brazil) pnnted works shall be delivered to the Inte rnat í.ona.l A. Bebler (Yugoslavia) M. Martin (France) Social Science Council before 15 February 1983, together with a fonnal letter of appllcatlon wlth eVldence of the L. Kriesberg (USA) candidate' s age attaChed. M¡muscnpts and publications D. Segal (USA) received shall not be retul~ed. Works submltted shall M. van Gelder (Australia) be evaluated by the International Social Science Council Past Chairmen: J. van Doorn (Netherlands) with the assistance of appropriate referee or referees G. Harries-Jenkins (UK) Executive Secretary: Co Idman (USA) under the supervision of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and its O1airman. The award shall be made by the ISSC General Assembly meeting in November 1983 on the re~o~ndation of ~he Re 06 FAMILY RESEARCH ISSC Executive Committee. Its deci si.on shall be f'ina l and not subject to appeal or revision. The following officers were elected to the Research The Pri ze is in the amount of US $ 2,000. It may be Committee on Family Research for 1982-86: divided between two or more applicants should it be found difficult to adjudicate between equally valuable President: L. Cseh-Szombathy (Hungary) First Vice-President: B. Cogswell (USA) works submi tted. Second Vice-President: H. Nishimura (Japan) For further enquiries, please write to: ~~mbers-at-Large: R. First (Yugoslavia) L. Roussel (France) A. Tymowski (Poland) The Secretary General Secretary: O. I-1ultaker (Sweden) International Social Science Council UNESCO - 1 rue Miollis 75015 Paris, France The lSA BULLETIN is the official publication of the lSA Secretariat, edited by Kurt Jonassohn and Marcel Rafie. Three issues per year appear in Spring, SlUIIIJlerandAutimn wi th an average printing of 6,000 copies. The lSA BULLETIN is distributed free of charge to members of the lSA. Deadlines for submission of reports and of items of interest to our members are: Spring issue: January 15 SUIl1IIerissue: June 1 Autumn issue: Septerrber 15 Pub1ished by the Internationa1 Socio1ogica1 Association under the auspices of the ISSC and with the financia1 assistance of UNESCO. 0JNESCO subvention 1981-83/DG/7.6.2/SUB.15 (SS) ) ISSN 0383-8501 -3- CONGRESO MUNDIAL DE SOCIOLOGIA WORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY CONGRES MONDIAL DE SOCIOLOGIE México, 16-21 Agosto/ August/ Aout 1982 EN ROUTE POUR MEXICO? GOING TO MEXICO CITY? e l.Tres bient6t le X Congreso Si vous projetez de l. The preparations for the World Congress of Sociology venir a Mexico, voici quelques conseils qui vous in Mexico are in high gear and pose the usual last-minute permetteront d'éviter des problemes de derniere heure: problems. If you are planning to come to Mexico, here are some hints that you ought to take into considera- - Soyez assurés de votre réservation d'h6tel, car tion: aout est un mois touristique chargé a ~~xico. - August is the tourist season. It will avoid a - Munissez-vous des visas (ou cartes de touriste) great deal of inconvenience if you arr ive wi th con- requis ainsi que des certificats de vaccination si firmed hotel reservations. nécessaire. - Be sure to take care of SUOl bureaucratic details - S'il se pose vous quelque probleme de santé a as visas, tourist cards, vaccinations, etc., if que l'altitude de ~~xico risque d'aggraver, con- they apply to you. sultez votre médecin au sujet des précautions a prendre . - If you have some medical probl.em that might be ty , - Si vous avez complété votre pré-inscription au aggravated by the al titude of "~xico Ci consult Congres, n'oubliez pas d'apporter votre numéro your doctor about precautions and medication. d'inscription; cela facilitera grandement la pro- - If you have pre-registered, be sure to bring your céedure d'inscription. Celle-ci a lieu au Palacio registration number with you; it will facilitate pro- de Mineria, 5 me Tacuba. cessing of registration which will be held in Palacio - Enfin, ceux qui ont des problemes de digestion de Mineria, 5 Tacuba St. verront a éviter durant leur séjour a Mexico, de - If you have a delicate digestion, remember not to boire l'eau du robinet ou de manger des fruits et drink the water and not to eat raw fruit or vegetables légumes crus. while in Mexico. 2. Le Comité des fonds de voyage n'a pas été en 2. In spite of many efforts, the T'raveI Grants Committee mesure de trouver de l'argent. Nous sommes donc au has been unable to obtain any grants. We therefore regre t regret d'annoncer qu'il n'y aura pas de subvention de to have to announce that there will be no travel funds voyage pour le Congreso available from the lSA. 3. Des changements ne manqueront pas d'intervenir au 3. There are sure to be last-minute changes in the ~rogramme des activités du Congreso Vous étés invités scientific program of the Congress.We suggest that you a consulter régulierement les tableaux d'affichage qui make a habit of consulting the Notice Board whi.ch wi ll seront placés en evidence dans les principaux édifices, be prominently displayed in each of the Congress build- et éventuellement le Bulletin quotidien du Congreso ings, as well as the Daily Bulletin of the Congress. 4. Tel qu'annoncé antérieurement et conformément a 4. As previously announced in accordance wí.th a deci- une décision du Comité de coordination de la recherche, sion of the Research Coordinating Committee, a display une exposition des Bulletins de liaison (News Let.ters ) of Research Committee Newsletters will be organized dur- des Comités du recherche sera organisée dans le cadre ing the World Congress. The officers of the Research du Congres mondial de Mexico. Les officiels des Committee are requested to bring with tnem to Mexico Comités de recherche sont priés d'apporter avec eux des copies of their Newsletters (old as well as recent ones). copies de leur Bulletin (anciennes et récentes paru- Upon arrival, they should contact as soon as possible tions). I1s voudront entrer en contact le plus t6t one of the members of the ~[AC (Gerardo Estrada or possible a Mexico avec les responsables du ~rrAC (Gerardo Teresa Martinez). Estrada ou Teresa Martinez). 5.At the request of several Research Committee offi- 5. A la raqueta de quelques officiels des Comités de cers, a breakfast business meeting will be held for recherche, un petit déjeuner-réunion d'affaires groupant all Research Committee secretaries on Sunday morning, les secrétaires des Comités de recherche aura lieu le 15 August .. The place and the exact time wi Ll be dimanche matin 15 aout. La place et l'heure précise announced in the daily Congress Bulletin as well as dur- seront annoncés dans le Bulletin quotidien du Congres ing the first meeting of the Research Council on Satur- ainsi qu'a la lere réunion du Conseil de recherche qui day, 14 August, at 15:20 p.m. The agenda of this break- se tiendra le samedi 14 a 15 h 20. A l'ordre du jour fast meeting wi ll include: administrati ve mat ters , de cette réunion des secrétaires: questions adminis- finances, statutes, Newsletters, publications, etc. tratives, finance, statuts, Bulletins de liaison, pub- Any other suggestions are welcome. All Research Com- lications, etc. Toute autre suggestion est bienvenue. mittee secretaries are invited. Invitation a tous les secrét ai res des C.R. -4- TENTH llDRLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY DIXIIME CONGRES MJNDIAL DE SOCIOLOGIE TENTII lIDRLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY 6. Quelques présidents de Comités de recherche ont 6.
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