BELVAr PUB. LIBRARY 10TI tVE., 1EL!IA!> ,N.J. 077 19 THE COAST ADVERTISER Official Netospaper For Belmar, South Belmar, Wall Township, Spring Lake Heights, AvonA>y-theSea Seventy-fifth year — No. 19 — 8 Pages BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, 07719, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1968 Ten Centf It's Back to the Polls for Residents Council Amends Belmardigras Celebration Hailed A Of Avon in Tuesdays Commission Vote AVON - Residents here will go - Dr. Connors, who was appointed Rate Ordinance to the polls again on August 13 to the Commission a month ago, SOUTH BELMAR - An amend- Success; Miss Dick Named Queen to pick two more Borough Com- said that he felt he gained "some ment to Hie water-sewer ordinance missioners. idea" of what the game is all setting the charge period for pay- BELMAR - When the final about in Ms short period on the ment for service as of the first star shell exploded over the Ma- The special election was Board. day of September was introduced rine Basin on Saturday night and caused by the resignation of by the 'Borough Ciuncil Tuesday the Belmardigras came to a con- Mayor Joseph Clements and Com- He is an associate professor night. clusion, officials and the thou- missioner William Leach after and acting head of the Depart- ITKI.S who were in Belmar for several months of bickering, ment of Government, Seton Hall The ordinance, which is actu- the event, all agreed that this name-calling and general confus- University. He is also the pres- ally no more than a typographical was the best yet. inn in the Borough government. ent chairman of the Avon Plan- change from the original, sets ning Board. tile payment on September 1 as From the starting surfing con- Their resignations came amidst an advance payment. test that saw more than a hun- a flurry of threatened law suite The other candidate, Edward dred compote, to tflw'parade that as the present Mayor, Harry B. H Thomson, Jr., is in real es- Charges for each building, store, drew other hundreds on every cor- Crook, Jr., then a commissioner tate. He lost in his initial bid forapartment, and premise, call for ner, to the beauty contest and the without portfolio, sued in an at-a seat on the commission, when an escalating rate dependent on displays at the Marina and then tempt to regain departmental re- a drawing was hekt to decide a the size of the meter. A 5/8 inch the fireworks, it was a weekend sponsibilities taken away by thetie vote and Commissioner Crook meter costs $18.75 for water and to remember. combination of Mr. dements and drew the winning slip. I $15.00 for sewer charges for each He is the grandson of one of 5,000 cubic feet, while a one inili Mr Leach. ; Belmardigras gojt off to a rath- the Borough's first commission- meter costs $52.50 for water and er wet start, when a block dance, When the two resigned. Mayor ers, John Thomson, and is active $37.50 for sewer charges at each scheduled for Thursday night, Crook ran the government alone in the fire department and the 14,000 cubic feet used. Rates in- for a brief period, until Govern- was rained out, but the spirit Boy Scout organizations. He is crease for the Vh, 2 and 3 inch was not dampened and early Fri- or Richard J. Hughes appointed a member of the Planning Board, meters. Dr. Richard J. Connors and day morning, the surfers were on and said that bis interest lies Public hearing on the ordinance hand. George L. Williams as commis- "in the town Itself, because my will be on August 20. sioners pending the August, 13 business is dependent upon Avon," | Councilman Fred O. Hope re- Cecil Lear, president of the New election. and not, as he put it, "politics, | ported Paul Williams, 17th Ave- Jersey Surfer's Association, was Commissioner Williams has notper se." | nue, had complained at drainage in charge of this event. filed for election and said he Four candidates have filed, two conditions on Woolley Lane Mr. was dropping out of the political ill be elected as Avon looks Hope said the borough engineer The skies were clear on Satur- scene because of his full time forward to a new era. An era would investigate the situation day, when the Fort Monmouth teaching post at the Newark Col- based on the agreement of all can- and report to Council. Band stepped off irom 20th Ave- lege of Engineering. didates that the political show Mayor Donald E. Schmidt re nue and the Ocean. There was Dr. Connors on the other hand, that has given Avon the head- ported the property at 1802 Fern plenty of music in the parade, has filed for election. lines over the past year must wood Road, subject of many with the Navy-Marine band from Former Commissioner John T. stop, and Avon return to harmon- complaints because of its condl Lakchurst, the Cappertoncs Drum Livingston served one four-year ious operation. tion, was being Improved. Corps, and the Salaam Temple term before losing out last year. Oriental Band. The Orienta E. Donald Sterner He stepped in to aid Mr. Crook Band, gaily costumed In Arabic when the others resigned, and was dress, was at times drowned oul flowers, did Itself proud. The en's winners were, Janlc Domor- credited by the mayor with aid- by following fire apparatus anc ennvds walking under the new ski, Bradley Beach; Linda Brick, ing in the preparation of the $1,800,000 in School Bonds Awarded Richard Nixon, their electronic sirens, but the walkways on F Street and Ninth Lavalette, and Kathy Bernokeha, beachfront for the season's open- Orientals blew lustily and the ing. Avenues, also appreciated the Belmar. On Belmar-Wall National Bank Bid unit drew applause all along the cover from the hot sun. Mr. Livingston Is seeking elec- GOP Candidate way. Inio to the Board in the August 13 WALL TOWNSHIP - The spe-School, for plans for a new A reception and cacktall party MMMI, Fla. - Richard M. Nix In raffle drawing, Eddie O'Jay, were held at the Barclay. The re- election. cial meeting of the Wall Town- school succeeded 5-3 upon the on was given another chance a The Friends of the Belmar Li- lew York, won a week in Bel- Mr. Livingston is president of ship Board of Education Monday, recommendation of the building ception welcomed several beauty and development committee the Presidency of the Unitei brary won first prize for its float mar. The prizes Includes lodg- LivingstonJWUbur Corp., Fan- August 5 to award the $1,800,000 | States early this morning, when and the Southern Monmouth ing, breakfast and dinner, the queens, and included the judgnuj wood. He has been a resident of school bond sale shared the spot- chaired by Dr. Robert H. Doe. of the semi-finalists for the tltto Dr. George K. McCrossan, presi- ^.a republican National Conven Neighborhood Center, First Meth- use of a car. and golfing privi- Avon since IMS, hat been mar- light with building problems. tion nominated him on the firs' odist United Church, and the leges. of Miss Belmardigras. ried 21 years and has two daugh- Successful bidder was the Bel-dent, read Or. Doe's report. Mr. Vilagos was again particularly ballot. Goodwill Fire Company Auxiliary Guests included the Rev. Blan- ters. mar-Wall Bank with an aggregate New Jersey delegates to the con also won honorable mention A weekend in Washington was Dr. James A. Rogers, a chiro- par value of 11,797,000 at 4.45%vocal in his stand that time should won by Anna Whltehead, 1819 chard D. Romalne, First Presby- be taken before undertaking vention were held by favorite son awards. terian Church; die Honorable practor, is seeking a seat on the[or a net amount bidd off $1,800,$,,- Sen. CUffird Case (or most of toe Bradley Ter., South Belmar, and Board He filed on a "Harmony 117.93. The bonds, dated August plans. Architects' fees will be in- a weekend In Belmar went to John A. Taylor, mayor; E. Donald cluded in and covered by the convention, and on the ballot Wall Township's mounted police Sterner, chairman of the Mon- for Aven—Service for AM" ticket, i, i9ss, will mature on August l«t called for a poll of the delegates and the Wall Sheriff's posse alto George Lakerson, 110 Budge Ave.. and said he felt It was neces- f each year, public referendum, it was noted. mouth County Planning UoaaJ o Discussion continued during a Appearing on television, Mon- were popular along the way, am Bay Head. sary to have someone on the William C. Nowels. Board at- •mouth County Chairman J. Rus-the crowd also recognized anc and the Rev. Theodore E. Davis, Hoard who Is not a controversial mrney, and Armour S. Hulsart, usually routine report by acting- Other raffle winners were Ger- Calvary Baptist Church. y, , superintendent George L. Reiss. sell Woolley cost hit ballot fir applauded for the can bearini personerson. Board auditordi , sat in to di i Joined by Sen officials of Belmar, South Belmar trude Bangs, 1000 F St., $25 gift H e lamentel d the previous foe- thBoare eighd auditort member, sas t presentin to ,advise A Board policy decision on place- certificate; Mrs. P. S. Pierce Guest queens and Judge* for ment of children within the sys- • MonmouB and Wall Township, and Rep the Mia Belmandlgroa semi- lions which he said divided the snarls In building and main- James J.
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