DECEMBER 2018 Issue 7 International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians The newsletter of the UK Section of IFFR The Rotating Beacon UK section 50th Year Celebration in Norwich Enjoy our reports insides from around UK, Europe and USA Help us make membership to IFFR awesome <ɣʈɤǔHʦʷĭʜɠWˇʈɤǔHʦɭƛóDŽñÓƋʦʕƧÓ In this Issue QLetter from the Chairman QFife Fly-in QIFFR Italy 2018 QScandanavia 2018 QNorwich Cuts the Mustard QContact Details Contents Letter from the Chairman............................................................................................ 3 Essen ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 Of Boats and Buggies.......................................................................................................... 6 IFFR Italy 2018.............................................................................................................................. 8 50th Year Celebrations in Norwich ..........................................................10 Maureen's first impressions..............................................................................12 Fife Fly-in .............................................................................................................................................13 Scandanavia 2108..............................................................................................................14 Lingkoping ........................................................................................................................................19 Hamburg ............................................................................................................................................20 Jersey......................................................................................................................................................21 New England.................................................................................................................................22 Fenland..................................................................................................................................................23 Contact Details ..........................................................................................................................24 The 2 International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians Rotating Beacon DECEMBER 2018 A letter from the Chairman Dear Flying Rotarians & friends yet registered please consider doing so. Angus is once again taking on registrations. My thanks to John and It is some time since the last Rotating Beacon was Diana for facilitating our use of the RAF Club. published, largely due to my time constraints, as it has been a very busy period for Jashu & me. I’ve had many IMPORTANT – My term in office finishes at our AGM on IFFR activities and other commitments with several 30th June next year. PLEASE give thought to becoming organisations. For the last six months we have been my successor or encourage an IFFR member to do so. living in temporary accommodation whilst purchasing It is an enjoyable position, it is not too onerous and I and then modernising the property. We have have had a very supportive committee. We now use downsized and moved in just two weeks ago, boxes the Zoom Video Conferencing facility which makes everywhere!! My thanks go to IFFR member Duncan things much easier. Moffatt for taking on responsibility for future Rotating ALSO – John Bowden who is shortly to retire has said Beacons, this being his first edition. that he wishes to step down as our UK Treasurer. He We have had a number of mid-week UK Fly-in events has done an excellent job over the years and on behalf as set out by James Alexander at the beginning of the of our UK section I thank him. We therefore need a year and then each one being hosted by an IFFR replacement for John, so please consider this position member. Some visits were affected by the weather, and I know John will do everything to enable a but in May we went to Sleap, July to Fife, September seamless transfer for the new incumbent. to Cark, October to Fenland. I was able to attend them InIn OctoberOctober JashuJashu andand I togethertogether withwith MikeMike andand all and had an enenjoyablejoyable and interestininterestingg visit (see MargaretMarM garet Cromati attended the Jersey Rotary DistrictDistrict reports) Thanks to the organisers.organisers. For next year wee ararere 11101111110 Conference.Conference. I had agreedagreed to attend it followinfollowingg a thinkinthinkingg of havinhavingg some events at weekeweekendsndsds aas nonotot discussiondisiscuscuc ssios on earlierearlier in thetheye yearyearea with Charles StrasserStrasser everyone can ggetet aawayway duduringrini g ttheheh weeweek.k. aboutaboabb utu thetht e importanceimmportatancee ofo highlightinghigighlih ghthtting Fellowships within Continental visvisitssitsts hahaveave beebebeenn nnumerousumemerouous aandndd onconcencceae aagaingagaiin Rotary,RotRoootarary, particularlypartrtticuic lararly IFFR.IFFR.R We had a standstand in the “Hall of our UK sesectionectctionn hasha bebeenenn welwellell rrepresentedeprep esenten ed aattta aallllll ofo Friendship”FriFrF endshis p”p” withwitw h manymany peoplepeoplop e comingcomiming too talktalta k to us, thethemm ((seessee rereports).popports)..I I atattendedtended memeetingseetitingss ata –E–EssenEssesseen iinn somesomommeew werewereere flyersflf yeyers andand somesomome interestedintererestedte in aviation.aaviattion. We MayMay,, I wawass wweatheredeathheredd outou foforr GGroningenrononningenn at thet e eenendd ooff werewwerwe e tthehhe onlyoonly FellowshipFellowsow hip there,theree , butbut it highlightedhighlighted the MayMay.ay..J JJashuashhu & I hadha a wonwonderfulonderfulfu titimeme aat LinLiLinkopinginkopkoopiing opportunitiesoppportoro ununittieiees forforr RotariansRototaria ans to pursuepup rsue withinwithin RotaryRotary SweSwSwedenden inn AuAugustgust aandnd thethenn a weweekek latlaterterer RRoRodRodneyneynen y particularparppaa ticular interests/hobbiesintet rests/hobbies theythey mamayyyh have.havee. MManyany SpoSSpokeskes our Membership OfOfficerfici er joijjoinednedd mee too flfflylyyi iintontont thanksthahaanksnkks toto ChCCharlesararles for hostinghostit ng us and my thanks ttoo MMikeikikek SSiegerlandiegerland Airport for the German eventevent.. andananndd MargaretMaM rgrgar retre for their help over the 3 days. We had somesomsoo ees ssparepaparp e time and therethereforefore explored the Island and Jashu and I thank all ooff you who attended the NoNorwichorwiwiw chch visitedvisiissiteted somesome excellentexcellent restaurants, itit was a goodgood threethree weeweekendkend iinn JJuneune anandd mamakingking iitt sucsuchh an enenjoyablejoyablee anandndd days.ddadays. ffriendlyriendly event. We had ggoodood rerepresentationpresentation ffromrom abrabroadoad ananddw whathat a lovlovelyely sisightght of alalllt thehe plaplanesnes paparkedrked WellWellt that’shat’s enoughenough fromfrom me.me If therethere areares someome articlesarticles at Seething Airfield (see report). It took a lot of hard not included in this edition they will be in the next one work to organise this event and thanks to Angus for which should be in January/February. Also anything you being in charge of registration and finance, this took a think that could be of interest to put in the Rotating lot of pressure away from me. I look forward to next Beacon please send to Duncan. For those of you who year when our weekend will be on the Isle of Wight at we won’t be seeing at the RAF Club, Jashu and I wish the end of June. I know the organisers, Brian, Mike you a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2019. and Feroz have worked hard to give us a very Sincerely and fly interesting programme, not sure if they have started safe taking singing lessons yet!!(Reference to Norwich). The Brochure is out so please go on line and register now, already many have signed up and once again I 3Ƅò am pleased that our friends from the continent and November also our World President will be attending. Our next event is our very special Christmas lunch at the RAF Club London. Always a great day out, we have an excellent speaker in Peter Greenyer who has a collection of vintage aircraft. We have better capacity this year using a larger dining room, so if you haven’t Visit our website www.iffr.org.uk for application form 3 ESSEN May 2018 Report by Mike Cromati Having been fog bound on the Island we could rooms and grab a spot of lunch before not make the French meeting at Reims in April boarding the coach to have a guided tour we were looking forward to making this our first around Essen with a look at the modern IFFR trip this year. company buildings that were at the forefront of The weather Gods were much kinder to us this the coal and steel revolution in the Ruhr valley time with only a little hazy fog to contend with. in the late 1800 and 1900. Margaret had decided that she was going to Dinner was taken at the hotel with a buffet Spain for a few days with a friend of hers so style meal, Angus and George kept us that left just Bob, Marius and myself in the entertained being the last table to leave. Aztec. On the Friday morning we had free time to go As soon as we were airborne we went to off and explore around the hotel so we decided London for clearance to join the airway, we to go to the Museum Folkwang. Today Museum were not so lucky and all we got back was Folkwang is one of
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