
APPENDIX K Public Involvement r.'P'r:'I ~ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Comments Requested on the Nebraska Highway 12 – Niobrara East & West Project May 2, 2019 - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for Nebraska Highway 12 (N-12) Niobrara East & West (Project) in Knox County sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT). NDOT proposes an on-alignment route constructed under traffic. Alternatives to this proposal will be evaluated during the NEPA process. In March 2019, northeast Nebraska experienced severe flooding that impacted homes, farms, businesses, and Nebraska’s transportation system. The east and west portions of N-12 that are a part of the Project were impacted by flooding. NDOT continues to focus on recovery efforts across the state in addition to the commitment and delivery of projects already underway. Please see the Nebraska 511 website (https://www.511.nebraska.gov/) for current status of road closures, detours (if applicable), and status of re-opening. At this time, NDOT is proceeding with the N-12, Niobrara East & West Project. The Corps is developing a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) for the Project. A Draft EIS for this project was released on October 9, 2015, with a base-of-bluffs preferred alternative (A7). A public open house and hearing was held on November 9, 2015. After the public comment period ended, NDOT elected to withdraw its Section 404 permit application on November 20, 2015. Since that time, NDOT has developed a modified project purpose and need, and alternatives responsive to this purpose and need. The SDEIS is intended to analyze and disclose the direct, indirect and cumulative effects on the human and natural environment of various alternatives that would remedy the flooding and roadway deficiencies of the existing roadway. The Corps is soliciting written comments during the 21-day public scoping period from the public; federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties. All written comments must be submitted to Ms. Becky Latka at the address listed below by May 24, 2019. Next, the SDEIS will be developed and released to the following Federal, State, and local cooperating resource agencies for their review and comment the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Highway Administration, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, and the Knox County Board of Supervisors. NDOT will apply for a Section 404 Clean Water Act permit from the Corps for the project. The SDEIS will then be released to the public, anticipated in fall 2019. A public notice of the SDEIS release will be published and a timeframe for a public comment period will be provided. Information made available to the public is available on the N-12 Project website at: https://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory-Program/Nebraska/EIS-Highway-12/ Questions regarding the project, the EIS process, or the anticipated schedule, as well as submission of written comments, can be addressed to: Ms. Becky Latka Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68102 Phone: (402) 995-2681 E-mail: [email protected] Draft EIS in the published 5/ 2 works for Hwy. 12 'rhe U.S . ,\nny Corps of 6nginec:l's-Ornaha Ois­ tnct is beginning \\•ork on a supplemental dt':lft en­ vironmental 1mpa~'t statement for tbe Highway 12 road project in Knox Collllty, Ncbt'tlska, n ,e Cotps received a letter from the Nebrn:;ka Deprutrnent ofTrnnsponutiou in Novembel' 2018, md,cating that the NOOT intends LO pursue a r()(ld rcbab1litmion r>roject 011 the existing rood that max. nuizes the use oflhe existing 1'0adway, raising tbe road to the 100.ye.ir floo,1 elevation. NDOT is proposing to cousu-uct ibe project under traffic. N'DOT's proposed project is smaller in scope and lower i.11 roadway elcvauon than al­ tcmati,•es previously evnluated m the 2015 Draft llJS, but locmcd within the same g.eogropbic ru-ea. A 2015 Draft EIS of1m:vious alternatives was released 0 11 Oct. 9. 2015, containing four nllema­ tives designed to the I 00-yenr elevation. 50 years out.111edraft BIS wns in response to NDOT's Sec• tlon 404 ( Clean Water Act) apphcatiou for Altern~­ tivc A 7, located nt the base oftbe bluffs. A public be.1rit1g w:1.1 held 0 11 Nov. 9, 2015. A Iler bear111g public coucems, the NDOT withdrew tlicU' ap1>li­ calion for A7 , indicn1mg ilia! lhey would conlmue H> work with the public on a different altemauve, USA CE will be preparing n. uotice of intent to prepare a snppleincntal dra1t ers for the Federal Register, anticipated to be publislied in late Mlll'ch. 1'hc NOi will have addlhonal intbrmation on NDOT's pl'Oposcd project and nltcmath es, and "~II include ru1uwitation for the pubhe to c-0mmelll on 1he proposal. lo nJdition, another p•ress release will be sent out concum:nt with the NOi, requesting public conuncol. C(llnments R~uestod on lfl• Nebnska Highway 12· Niobf'ant Ent · •nd Wut PToject • The U.S. Army Cotp,; QI Engin88'$ (Corpe) i8 p,epaitig an Environm(lnt;JI Im­ The pact Sia1emen1 (BS) in accordance wait tne National Envlrot1mcma Polity Act (NEPA) !Of Nebr11Ska H;gf,way 12 {N-12} Niobrara Tribune Nlot:wsrs Ent ancl West (Prqeci)i'I Kno)( County spon&Ot8d by !he Nebraska Dc,­ P<l'tmtnt of Tr&MpottatiOtl (NOOT). Publish.er's Affidavit NDOT l)f'OPOM\& an on-alignment route consbvcted under traffic. Alternatives to lt'lis propo$al will be. valua;ec! di.Wing the NEPA l)tOCen, In Miwdl 2019, nortl'least Nebf8s.ka ex­ perietiO&d se-w,:re Aood\"ng lhat i!T'C)QCl:ed 11omes, farms, b1,15ine$$$$, and Ne­ STATE OF NEBRASKA }$$ Dra!lka·s transl)Cruflion syi!$m, Tt-.t 8a:s.1 COUNTY OF KNOX and wesl porlions of N-12 that are a pei, ot the Pro;eet wete impllC!ltd by lloodil'l!J NOOT OOt'lrinues 10 focus on t9COV«Y ef.. I, Brook 0. Curtiss, being first duly sworn on oath, kwt1 ac:roe.~ ttte slate in ;,,,ddilion to the oorrmtment 8/ld ~ cl prQj• cts al­ depose and say 11\at I am the publisher of the Niob<ara re90Y ooderway. Please sec the, N• Tribune; that said newspaper fs and was printed ;n the br.Nika - 511 websife (htl;,6:/lwww.51 1.nebr8S.ka.gov1) for cur­ English language and has a bona tkSe circulation of more rent stitus Qf roed <:losi.wes. de IOIJNl (if app!leat>le). ;,nd $tat\.l$ Qf re-opening. than throe hundred (300) copies weekly, and has beeo A1 this lime, NOOT Is PrQ088dl_'IO "'' "' published within said counly for more than fifty-two (52) the N-12. NiObfara East and WO$\ Projec:t. The corps is <1e~1oping .i &iplllemental succe..,;.., weel<s last prlo< to the first publlcaUon cf the Draft El'l\tlr011mental lmp;,cl St.atemenl (SOEIS) tor tile Pro;ect. A Dl-~ft EIS for atteched notice, and that said newspaper was print&d In llil& projeet W89 relieased onOcL 9, 2015. whole or in part in an office maintained in N:iobrara, Knox with a ba8&-of.tl1Uffs pre&!rred 811ematiY9 (A7). A publie <i9en house and heiWT!g Counly, Nebraska, Iha! being the plaoe of pl.Clllcation of wa$ hekl on Ncwembet9, 201s. Afler tho public comment periOd ended, NOOT said newspaper. elected to ,,..,thdraw Its Section 404 penrit al)J)licetion on NO\'etlt>ef 20, 2015. Sine. th.at time. NOOT h89 developed a modi- f,cd projed purpose end need, and allat• The annoxed notice was publlshed In sakl 08'NSpeper nMiwii; rosl)On&ivt to u,19 purpose al\d need. The SOEIS is intarded to analyze and d!sdo&e the dlr.ct, Wldire<II: ar.d ~ for_ ..,_\ __ consecutive weeks ill an issues of said news- m"'8ttve efleets on lho r...mlWI and NllUral en-.ironmeN Of various <1llema~ that paper proper and not In a supplement; that the first p.,bl• wo!ACI remedy Ille flOO<li"9 ;ind roilldw.,y d"6ciendie$ of the exislins>tOadway. ...TIie Corps is soliciting written oom­ cati~ id notice was on the J.J:fl.... day of ments du-nng !tie 21-day pl.t>lic scoping period trom uie public. fodefa. st.i•, and _ _;~:..u..... k:lc.11 ~ enoies and Cffleilis: Na!ive Arnet-• O.cW'-""+- :10ft-""' ,... ,,.,-., ican Trf)es; end otoor lntetes!od p;wties.. All written commenl3 muet be submillled was on the to M$. Becky Lalka a1 the address li!ll.ea belowbyW<ay24, 2019. ~ Next, the SOEIS willtle ~ 81'ld te-l&ased lo the following Fedef81, Slat.e, and local eooperatng f'Csoun:CI i'S!Gncie& for their rewlW and commenl Iha N.itional P.inc Service, ttte U.S. Fi!lh and Wldlif, s.tvroe.. the U.S. Env!ronmen1s1 Protec,, lion Al;/encf, the Fedetal tlgtr.....ay Admln- lslt'ation. Nebr8'$k8 Game ancl Patk!I Subsaibed in my pn,sence and sworn to before me this Commi&.sion, Nebt88ka Depertme11t of Environmental Quality, and !he Knox Counly Soard of S~rv.loota. ~ dayol ':::fD~ , 20A . NOOT wil appty lor & SeetiOn 404 Clean Watc, Ad.pqnnit from the Co,ps tor the projcc:L The SOEIS will <llen be re­ r-.J--:"<B~-~-:::::~,,:_~t eased to lhe public, .inli~ated in fal • - 2019.
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