•.... _.'" -- CHANGES IN FARMING PRACTICES WITH CHANGE IN FLOW AND SALINITY OF GORAl RIVER I, mJIl!!""IIIIIIIJ~!!"lllfl. #lQQ9{)~# L Submitted br Md. AtikullslalIl IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN WATER RESOURCES D~:VELOPMJ<:NT DUET INSTITUTE OF WATER AND I<'LOODMANAGEMENT BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECIINOWGY SEPTEMBER, 2005 • BANGl.ADESH U"1IVERSITY OF ENGI]\'EERIJIIG AND TECHNOLOGY Institute of Water and Flood Management The Theli, titled 'Changes ill farming Practice, widl Change in Flow and Salinity of Goral Ri,'er' submiuecl by Md. Alikul lllam, Roll No: MP03280]2, Session: April 2003, has been accepted a' satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirement, for the degree of Malter of Science in Water Re"ources Development on September 07, 20OS. BOARD OF EXAMINERS ~ .....~ Chairman Dr. Md, Rezaur Rahman (Supervisor) Professor lWFM,BUE'!" ~S~h'~!':;it:=' Member Protessor ]WFM,BUET Member Dr. Ahul Fazal M, Saleh Profe,,,or IWFM,BUET Mcmber D~~~~'~~ (Ex-officio) ProteI lor and Direclor IWfM,BUET Member (External) Dr.K. M Nabiulillam Rescarch Fellow Bangladesh Instimte of Development Smdle\ (BIDS) CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION It is hereby declared that this project or any part of it has not been submille<l elsewhere for the awar<lof any degree. ~ Md. Atikul Islam Roll No: MP-0328012 Session: April, 2003 , Dedicated To . My Parellts .•••,•.--, - Table 01'Contents Title Page no. Table of contents " List of Tabll'S i, List of Figures , List of Abbreviations '" Glossary xiv Acknowledgement w Abstract xvi Chapter One: Introduction 1 L 1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives 2 1.3 Scope oflhe study 2 1.4 Limitations of the study 2 Chapter Two: Gural River and its Impact Area • 2,1 Hydro-morphology of Goral River 4 2.1.1 Gorai River network • 2.1.2 Morphological setting 6 2.1.3 History of Goral River 6 2.1 A Sediment transport 7 2.1.5 Channel dimension 8 2.1.6 Erosionfaccresion 8 2.1.7 Planform of the Ganges River around the Gorm Of Hake 9 2.1.8 Flow 12 2.1.9Salinity 15 2.2 Gorai impact area 16 2.2.1 Boundary 16 2.2.2 Agriculture 20 2.2.3 Fisheries 22 2.2.4 Mangrove forest 23 2.3 Gorai River RestoratIOn Project 25 2.3.1 Principal features and objectives 25 2.3.2 AlternatIve flow regimes 26 2.3.3 Impact found in Environmental Moniwring of Pilot Pri:nity \\iorks 28 2.33.t Flow and Salinity 2S 2.33.2 Agrit:ulture 30 2.33.3 Bagda and Goida pmducllon 32 233.4 Navigation 32 2.4 Cost of dredging 32 Chapter Three: Methodology 33 3.1 Setection of Study area 33 3.2Sample size determination 34 3.3Sampling method 25 3.4 Questionnaire Survey 36 3.4.1 QuesllOlUlaire preparation 36 3.4.2 Adminislrallon methodology 36 3.5 Salinity data measurement 37 3.6 Secondary data collection 38 3,7 Data analysis 38 3.8 Economic calculation 38 Chapter Four: Results and Disl:ussion 39 4.1. Changes in flow and saliniry 39 4.1.1 Change of Salinity 39 4.1.2 Change of Flow 40 4.2 Field visits findings 41 '" 4.3 Paddy cultivation 44 4.3.1 Description of study area 44 4.3.2 Change, in farming practices 46 4.3.3 Changes in production 47 4.3.4 Changes in production economics 50 4.3.5 Knowledge about GRRP 53 4,4 Bagda cultivation 55 4.4.1 Description of study area 55 4.4.2 Changcs in fanning practices 55 4.4.3 Changes in production 57 4.4.4 Changes in production economics 60 4.4.5 Knowledge about GRRP 63 4.5 Golda cultivation 63 4.5.1 Description of slUdy area 63 4.52 Changes in farming praclices 64 4.5.3 Changes in productIOn 65 4.5.4 Changes in producllon economics 68 4.5.5 Knowledge about GRRP 70 Chapter Five: Conclusions and Recommendations 72 5.1 Conclusions 72 5.2 Recommendations 73 References 74 Appendix A 77 Appendix B 89 Vlll List of Tables Title Page no. Table 2.1: Erosion and accretion along the Gorai, Madhumati and Nabaganga rivers 8 Table 2.2: Area of zoncs an" sub-zones 17 Table 2.3: Number and area of different types of shrimp farming along with salinity gradient 23 Table 3.1: Location of paddy, bagda and golda sw.dysite 34 Table 3.2: Time of data collection 37 Tablc 4.1: Salinity of Different Study Sites (2005) 40 Table 4.2: Production WSI and income ofHYV paddy according to farm size groups 52 Table 4.3: One-Sample t-test for paddy production factors 53 Table 4,4: Changes in pm<lUCtiOllcost,income and benefit for bagda farmers 60 Table 4.5: One-Sample t-test for bagda proouction faclOrs for year 1996-9710 2000-01 62 Table 4.6: One-Sample t-test forbagda proouction factors for year 2000-2001 to 2003-2004 62 Table 4.7: Changes in production cost, income and benefit for golda farmers 68 Table 4.8: One-Sample Hcst for golda production factors 69 Li~t of Figures Title Page 110. Figure 2.1: Gorai River Network 5 Figure 22: Planform changes at the Gorai at the Gorai off-take with reference to the year 1973 10 Figure 23: Incidence of a dry season channel around the Gorai River off-take 11 figure2.4: Peak discharges and annual flow volume in tllCGorai River 12 Figure 25: Stage duration curve and daily mean water le,.,1 at the Hardingc Bridge 14 Figure 2.6: Gorai impact area ooundary 18 Figure 2.7: Zones and sub-zones 19 Figure 2.8: Mean dry seasOnflow derived for different alternatives 27 Figure 2.9: Dry seaSllndischarge ofGorai River after dredging 28 l'igure 2.10: Salinity at llardia before and after dredging 29 Figure 2.1I: Salinity at Khulna before and after dredging 29 Figure 2.12: Salinity at Mongla before and after dredging 30 Figure 4.1: Changes of salinity pattern lefore and after dredging 39 Figure 42: Discharge data for January before and after drwging at Gorai Railway Bridge 41 Figure 43, Field visit areas 43 Figure 4.4: Paddy, bagda and golda Smdy area 45 Figure 45: Changes in paddy farming practices 47 figure 4.6: Changes in IIYV paddy yield 48 figure 4.7: Relation between education and yield of paddy 49 Figure 4.8: Relalion betYveenlandownership and yield of paddy in year 2000.01 49 Figure 4.9: Relation bttween landownership and yield of paddy in year 2003-04 50 Figure 4.10: Changes in production cost of paddy 51 Figure 4.1I: Average proouction COSl,incomeand benefit in different years for paddy 52 Figure 4.12: Knowledge of paddy farmers about GRRP 54 • Figure 4.13: Knowledge of GRRP vsedueation in case of paddy farmers 54 Figure 4.14: Changes in bagda farming practices 57 Figure 4.15: Changes in bagda yield 58 Figure 4.16: Reiation between landownership and )ieid of bagua in year 1996-97 58 Figure 4.17: Relation between landownership and )-icldof bagda in year 2000-01 59 Figure 4.18: Relation between landownership and )ield of bagda in year 2oo3-()4 59 Figure 4.19: Relation between education and production of bagda 60 Figure 420: Changes in production cost of bagda 61 Figure 421: Average production cost, income and benefit in different years for bagda farmers 63 Figure 422: Changes in goIda fanning practices 65 Figure4.23: Changes in goida yield 66 Figure 424: Relation between education and yield of golda 66 Figure 425: Relation between landownership and )ield of golda in year 2000-0i 67 Figure 426: Relation between landownership and )ield of golda in year 2003-04 67 Figure 427: Average production cost, income and benefits in different years for golda farmers 69 Figure 428: Knowledge of golda farmers about GRRP 70 Figure 429: Knowledge about GRRP \IS education in case if golda farmers 71 List of Abbreviations BARC Bangladesh Agriculture Reseaoch Council BBS Bangladcsh Bureau of Statistics BINA Bangladesh 11ISumteof Nuclear Agriculture BUET Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology BWDB Bangladesh Water I:l::velopment Board DAE Deparnnent of Agriculture Extension DHI Danish Hydraulic Institute DlA Direct Impact Area EGIS Environment and GIS Support Project for Water Se<;tor Planning PAP Flood Action Plan FWIP Fumre-with-project FWOP Future- withou t-Projcc ( GK Ganges-Kobadak GRB Gorai Railway Bridge GRRP Gorai River Restoration Project H, Hectare HYV High YIelding Varietics !WFM Institute of Water an<J Flood Management KNM Khulna !'\ewsprim Mill LLP Low Lift Pump NCA Net cultivable area NGO Non-governmental Orgalllzation ODIA Outside the Dir<;<;tImpact Area DGDA Options for Ganges Dependent Area Pp' Parts per Ihousand PPW Pilot FriJrily Works RRA Rapid Rnral Apprisal SJA Social Impact Assessment SRDJ Soil Resources and Development Instimte STW Shallow rubewell '" • SWR South-West Region TOR Terms ofRefercnce UNESCO United Nations Educational, Sdenlific and Culrnml Organization WARPO Water Resources Planning Organization XU! • Glo~..".ry Acre Unit of land moa,urc; 0.41 h,x:larc Amm Rice grown in kharif-2 season A" Rice grown in Kllarif-! season Boro Rice grown during the wimer seai>on B. Aman Deep Waler rice sown during kharif-j and harvested in kharif-2 season B. Am Broadcast variely ofrice grown in kharif-j season Bagda Saline waler shrimp Dl)' season 6 months: December-May inclusive Fo Area intermittently flooded uplO a depth of 30 em. F, Area seasonally flooded between 30 10 90 em F, Area seasonally flooded between 90 10 I~O ern F, Area seasonally noDded by more than 180 em F, Area nODdedseasonally by more Ulan 180 em where deplh andlor lime of flooding do not permit growing of deep water rice Golda Sweet waler shrimp Household A family Wlil who share common resources for cooking and eating Kh,I Channel Kharif Cropping season between March-October, often divided into kharif-l (March-June) and kharjf-2 (JUly-OclOber) Pre-kharif March-April period Rabi Cropping season belween November and February Rabi crops Crops gro\\O in lhc rubi season such as pulses, oilsccds, spices, etc.
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