( 785 ) SUBJECT INDEX [Tho letter “ A ” following a pago number denotes a reference to the present volume of tho Journal dealing with abstracts, bibliography, book reviews, &e.] Abrasion, Age-hardening of— resistance to, relation to hardness, 50, Steels, effect of magnetic treatmont, 50, 559/1. 660/1. study, 50, 243/1. Zinc-aluminium alloys of compn. Abrasion of— Al2Zn3, 50, 727/1, 728/1. Bearing alloys, 50, 253.-1. Air, susponded matter in, 48, 128, 137. Abrasives, Aircraft, carborundum, 50, 705.-1. all-metal, advantages of light metals, diamond, 50, 705/1. 50, 181.-1. fused alumina, adhesion of gluo, 50, bracing cables with different end- 705.4. connoctions, corrosion-resistance, 50, review, 50, 388/1. 742/1. U.S. labels, 50, 193.-1. deformation, optico-pliotographic mea­ Accounts, 48, 15. surement, 50, 753/i. Acetylene. See Welding. engines, selection of alloys for, 50, 693/1. Acids (seo also Corrosion and undor names floats. Duralumin, construction, 50, of acids), 254/1. action on metals, 50, 303/1. fuselages, Duralumin, construction, 50, dissolution of metals, 50, 27A ; periodic, 254/1 ; monocoque, bonding tests, 50, 83/1.; rate, 50, 357/1, 358/1. 50, 254A. Admiralty bronze. Seo Bronzes. materials, work of 1st Internat. Congress Admiralty gun-metal. Soo Gun-metal. on Aerial Safety, 50, 279/1. Adsorption of— metal-clad, 50, 764/1. Carbon monoxide by palladium, 50, 3.4. metal construction, book, 50, 405/1. Hydrogen by platinum metals, 50, metal-truss wing spars, 50, 138/1, 256.4. 530/1. parts, finishing, 50, 742/1; prodn. Aeron, dynamic strength properties, 50, from point of view of safety, 50, B00/1. 256.4 ; protection against corrosion, Aeroplanes. Seo Aircraft, 50, 234.4, 439/1; riveting, 50, 765.4. Aerostatics, problems, 50, 780/1. pistons, defects, 50, 496/1. Africa, manufacturing industries, book, spars. Duralumin, construction, 50, 50, 403/1. 254A. Age-hardening, structural members, dynamic testing, elementary description, 50, 007/1. 50, 753.4. precipitation, 50, 159.-1, 738.1 ; illustrated tubes, joining, 50, 696/1. by photomicrographs, 50, 727/1. welding. See Welding. recent work, 50, 12/1. Alclad, theory, reviow, 50, 159/1. corrosion, 49, 147. x-ray study, 50, 727/1. description, 49, 145; 50, 180/1. Age-hardening of— sheets, curved, Btrength in shoer, 50, Aluminium alloys, 50, 485.4 ; influence 728.4. of stretching after quenching, 50, 10/1, use in motal-elad airships, 50, 103/1. 728A ; of high purity, 48, 197 (P a p er); Aldrey, recent progress, 50, 1/1; X-ray study, endurance bending strength of hard- 50, 727/1. drawn wires, 50, 289/1. Britannia metal, X -ray study, 50, 727/1. free-transmission cables, influonco of Cobalt-tungstsn alloys, 50, 001.4. corona phenomena, 50, 102/1. Duralumin, 48, 200; 50, 347.4; at tensile properties of rods at low temps., room temp., X-ray study, 50, 362.4 ; 50, 431/1. oftect of cold-rolling, 50, 424/1 ; transmission lines, 50, 687/1 ; overhead, effect of magnetic treatment, 50, suitability, 50, 320/1; tensile pro- 000/1; effect of stretching after porties of wires, 50, 657.4 ; with quenching, 50, 10A, 728/1. tension up to 60,000 v., data, 50, Gold-platinum alloys by small oddns. 088/1. of iron, 50, 77/1. wire, bending capacity, 50, 431/1; Nickel alloys, 50, 35 M . elect, conductivity, effect of mecb. VOL. L. 4 d 786 SubJect Index Aldrey, Alloys, and thermal treatment, 50, 294-4 ; electromotive force, variations, in forma­ tensile strength, effect of mech. and tion by wot method, 50, 4944. thermal treatment, 50, 294/1 ; trans­ electron-emitting, 50, 79/1. mission, tonsile properties, 50, 057/1; equilibrium diagrams. Sco Equilibrium use for transmission linos, 50, 375/1. diagrams. Al-Dur-Bra (see also Aluminium-brass), eutectic. Sco E utectics. 50, 350/1. ferromagnetic, book, 50, 5264. composition, 50, 152/1. for electric furnace, report of A.S.T.M. Alfol, 50, 319/1, 454/1, 0394, 6884, 689/1. ctteo., 50, 3234. Alitieren process, 50, 2344. for electrical heating elements, report Alkali metal amalgams, liquid, elect, of A.S.T.M. cttee., 50, 323/1, 6934. conductivity, 50, 733/1. for electrical resistances, A.S.T.M. ten­ Alkali metals (seo also under names of tative mothod of test for detg. temp, alkali metals), resistanco const., 50, 91/1, 3134; films, on silver, photoolect. effect, 50, for high temp, service, 50, 6064; 214/1; vectorial photoolect. effect, report of A.S.T.M. ctteo., 50, 3234, 50, 214/1. 6934. physical properties, 50, 214/1. fusible. Seo Fusible alloys. reaction products on graphite, structure, heat-resistant. Seo Heat-resistant 50, 616/1. materials. Alkaline earth metals. Seo under names hard, for drilling, investigation, 50, of alkaline earth metals. 7344 ; for drilling, prodn., 50, 7354 ; Alkalis, periodic dissoln. of metals, 50, manuf. and appns., book, 50, 5274. 83/1. improvement of properties and treat­ Allautal, ment, progress, 50, 348/1. forming, 50, 3484. intermetallic compounds. Seo Inter- joining, 50, 3484. metallic compounds. machining, 50, 3484. intermetallic phases, structure analogies, mechanical properties, 50, 3484. 50, 4774. properties, 50, 3484. Japanese, artificial corrosion, 50, 7684. Allegheny metal, light. See Aluminium alloys, and under corrosion by iodine, 50, 3034 ; by milk, names of the light alloys, &c. 50, 3024. low-temperature treatment, 50, 3534. Al-lite, 50, 1824. magnetic, book, 50, 6514. Allotropy of— magnetic moments, method of dis­ Beryllium, 49, 386. cussion, 50, 665/1. Cobalt, 50, 2104, 6154. mixed phases, theory, 50, 384. Lead, 50, 2114 , 3394. overvoltage, hydrogen, 50, 4954. Thallium, 50, 6154. patentability, 50, 2774. Tin (white), 50, 2134. resistance limits, dependence on crystal- Alloys (see also Eutectics, Solid solutions, lographic orientation, 50, 6074; Bearing alleys. Brass, Bronze, Qun- existence in solid solns. with irregular metal, Solders, &c., undor trade atomic distribution, 50, 6074. names and under names of individual segregate structures, theory of form­ metals), ation, 50, 4784. analysis. See A nalysis. solid solubility, is a change a liability binary, interatomic forces, quant, or an assot ?, 50, 5434. dotn. from thermodynamic data, 50, solid solution. See Solid solutions. 737/1 ; thermodynamic activities, 50, superconductivity, 50, 6074. 543/1; with continuous ranges of ternary, electrolysis, 50, 804. solid solns., phase equilibria, 50, 3534. thermal changes, rapid mothod of in­ cable sheath, telephone, fatigue, pamph- vestigation, 50, 2284. lot, 50, 5274. ultra-light. Seo Dowmetal, Elektron, cast, macrostructure, offect of turbulenco Magnesium alloys, &c. due to gases, 50, 3524. Alpaka, 50, 7804. castability, 50, 3294, 708/1. treatment, 50, 1204. cathodic disintegration, 50, 3544. Alpax (Silumin) (seo also A lu m in ium - chemistry, 50, 3524, 5524, 7364. silicon alloys, &c.), constitution, X-ray study, 50, 364. action of superheated steam, 48,-187. containing transition elements, crystal casting, 50, 3304. structuro and atomic proj>erties, 50, castings, porosity, 50, 607/1. 745/1. “ catalogue,” 50, 7274. coring, 50, 1594, 4324. chemical properties, 50, 2234, 5674. corrosion. See Corrosion. chromium-plating, 50, 4494. corrosion-resistant. Seo Corrosion- corrosion, 50, 4794 ; by acid and al­ resistant materials. kaline solns., 50, 24/1; protective deposition. See Deposition. action of sodium silicato, 50, 4334 ; dilatometric analysis, 50, 5424. tables of rate of attack, 50, 2944. electrolysis of molten and solid, 50, 6654. corrosion-fatigue, 50, 424. SubJect Index 787 Alpax (Silumin), Aluminium, corrosion-resistance, effect of copper, brewery vessels, 50, 56 64; corrosion, 50, 3474. 50, 2 7 4 ; corrosion by electric density, effect of copper, 50, 3474. currents, 50, 2284; corrosion of effect of copper, 50, 3474. armatures on, 50, 4794 ; in Germany, elastic properties, offect of temp., 48, 255. 50, 2534 ; insulation and embedding, endurance, 50, 285/1. 50, 2534; protection by Eloxal hardness, effect of copper, 50, 3474; process, 50, 6694. offect of porosity, 50, 6074. busbars, pamphlet, 50, 7 8 1 4 ; resist­ machining, 50, 5754. ance to power arcs, 50, 4964. mechanical properties, 50, 5674. cables, manuf., 50, 5034. physical properties, 50, 2234. cadmium-plating for protection, 50, properties, 50, 2944. 6694. sawing, 50, 1184. cans for foodstuffs, soldering, 50, 3204 ; tensile properties, offect of copper, 50, for packing fish, &c., 50, 6854. 3474. castability, 50, 3294, 3894. uses, 50, 2944, 5 6 7 4 ; in mines, 50, casting, avoidance of porosity, 50, 5664 ; in shipbuilding, 50, 3754. 5074 ; of roiling billets, 50, 5804 ; workshop practice, recommendations, of shoo lasts, 50, 3304 ; of strip for 50, 2234. rolling, 50, 1954; precautions, 50, Alsimin, 50* 7614. 5074 ; removal of gasos, 50, 5074. Alufont, castings, manuf., 50, 77 1 4 ; radiology, endurance, 50, 2854. 50, 6274. sand-castings, stress-olongation, stress- cathodic sputtering in helium, 50, 6574. bending, and stress-slip diagr., 50, characteristic frequency, 50, 714. 7264 ; vibration strength, 50, 7264. chemical properties, 50, 2894. use in elect, railway engines, 50, 1044. chromium-plating, 50, 964, 1774, Alulot, 50, 2574. 4494, 5634, 6814; Perma-Chrome Alumaweld, 50, 3834, 6954. process, 50, 4924. Alumbro (see also Aluminium~brass)t coatings for protection of iron against condenser tubes, 50, 3774. oxidation at high temps., 50, 5514. Alumilite process, 50, 2624, 5514. cold-rolling, preferred orientation pro­ Alumina, duced by, 50, 1644. electrolysis, appn. of chiolite, 50, 3174. cold-working, offect on phys. properties, pamphlet, 50, 4594. 50, 3374. Aluminium, collapsible tubes, corrosion by soap, absorption of hydrogen, 50, 7214. inhibition, 50, 5504. absorption of nitrogen, 50, 7214. coloured finishes, 50, 844. action of beer, 50, 6094. colouring, 50, 1204, 2624 , 3604; action of coffee, 50, 7404. Alumilite process, 50, 2 6 2 4 ; by action of inorganic and organic sub­ plating, dyeing, and oxidizing, 50, stances used in chem. and food in­ 5774 ; Metso, 50, 7064 ; of foils, 50, dustries, 50, 824.
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