US007872152B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,872,152 B2 Serhan et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 18, 2011 (54) USE OF DOCOSATRIENES, RESOLVINS AND (58) Field of Classification Search ....................... None THER STABLE ANALOGS IN THE See application file for complete search history. TREATMENT OF AIRWAY DISEASES AND (56) References Cited ASTHMA U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Charles N. Serhan, Needham, MA (US); Bruce D. Levy, West Roxbury, 4,201,211 A 5/1980 Chandrasekaran et al. MA (US) (Continued) (73) Assignee: The Brigham and Women's Hospital, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Inc., Boston, MA (US) EP O736509 A2 10, 1996 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 198 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 11/836,460 Hong et al., Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(17) 14677-14687.* (22) Filed: Aug. 9, 2007 (Continued) Primary Examiner Karl J. Puttlitz (65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Colin L. Fairman; Scott D. US 2008/OO96961 A1 Apr. 24, 2008 Rothenberge; Fulbright & Jaworski Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT (63) Continuation of application No. 11/081,203, filed on The present invention is generally drawn to novel isolated Mar. 16, 2005, and a continuation-in-part of applica therapeutic agents, termed resolving, generated from the tion No. 10/639,714, filed on Aug. 12, 2003, now Pat. interaction between a dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty No. 7,585,856. acid (PUFA) such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or docosa (60) Provisional application No. 60/553,918, filed on Mar. hexaenoic acid (DHA), cyclooxygenase-II (COX-2) and an 17, 2004, provisional application No. 60/402.798, analgesic, such as aspirin (ASA). Surprisingly, careful isola filed on Aug. 12, 2002. tion of compounds generated from the combination of com ponents in an appropriate environment provide di- and tri (51) Int. C. hydroxy EPA or DHA compounds having unique structural C07C 69/52 (2006.01) and physiological properties. The present invention therefore C07C 57/02 (2006.01) provides for many new useful therapeutic di- or tri-hydroxy C07C327/00 (2006.01) derivatives of EPA or DHA (resolvins) that diminish, prevent, CD7C233/00 (2006.01) or eliminate inflammation or PMN migration, for example. C07C47/00 (2006.01) The present invention also provides methods of use, methods AOIN37/00 (2006.01) of preparation, and packaged pharmaceuticals for use as AOIN 4I/02 (2006.01) medicaments for the compounds disclosed throughout the A6 IK3I/285 (2006.01) specification. (52) U.S. Cl. ......................... 560/205:562/598: 564/74; 564/123:568/496; 514/506; 514/504: 514/527 27 Claims, 30 Drawing Sheets A. 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