APPENDIX 3.4-A - BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES DATA Attachments to Rincon del Rio Supplemental Biological Information CNDDB element list for nine quadrangles USFWS lists for nine quadrangles (some combined in one list; footnotes not included) CNPS on-line inventory query results for nine quadrangles (exported to Excel and superfluous columns of information deleted to make a page printable at an easily readable scale) CNPS online inventory results for 9-quadrangle area centered on Lake Combie (quadrangle containing the Rincon del Rio project site) Several of the species that appear in this list are not represented by occurrence records in the CNDDB. Absent other species-specific information, List 3 and 4 species cannot be shown to meet standard for significant impact under CEQA. Elevation Range Scientific Name Common Name Family CNPS List CESA FESA Highest (m) Lowest (m) Allium jepsonii Jepson's onion Alliaceae 1B.2 None None 1320 300 Allium sanbornii var. congdonii Congdon's onion Alliaceae 4.3 None None 990 300 Allium sanbornii var. sanbornii Sanborn's onion Alliaceae 4.2 None None 1510 260 Azolla microphylla Mexican mosquito fern Azollaceae 4.2 None None 100 30 Calystegia stebbinsii Stebbins' morning-glory Convolvulaceae 1B.1 CE FE 1090 185 Chlorogalum grandiflorum Red Hills soaproot Agavaceae 1B.2 None None 1240 245 Clarkia biloba ssp. brandegeeae Brandegee's clarkia Onagraceae 1B.2 None None 915 73 Claytonia parviflora ssp. grandiflora streambank spring beauty Portulacaceae 4.2 None None 1200 250 Fremontodendron decumbens Pine Hill flannelbush Sterculiaceae 1B.2 CR FE 760 425 Fritillaria eastwoodiae Butte County fritillary Liliaceae 3.2 None None 1500 50 Juncus digitatus finger rush Juncaceae 1B.1 None None 790 660 Lathyrus sulphureus var. argillaceus dubious pea Fabaceae 3 None None 305 150 Lilium humboldtii ssp. humboldtii Humboldt lily Liliaceae 4.2 None None 1280 90 Monardella follettii Follett's monardella Lamiaceae 1B.2 None None 2000 600 Plagiobothrys glyptocarpus var. modestus Cedar Crest popcorn-flower Boraginaceae 3 None None 870 870 Poa sierrae Sierra blue grass Poaceae 1B.3 None None 1500 365 Rhynchospora capitellata brownish beaked-rush Cyperaceae 2.2 None None 2000 455 Sidalcea stipularis Scadden Flat checkerbloom Malvaceae 1B.1 CE None 730 700 Viburnum ellipticum oval-leaved viburnum Adoxaceae 2.3 None None 1400 215 APPENDIX 3.4-A – CONSOLIDATED LISTS OF SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES TABLE 1: CONSOLIDATED LIST OF SPECIAL-STATUS PLANT SPECIES Considered Scientific Name Status Habitat Description in Impact Rationale Common Name Federal State CNPS Analysis Perennial bulbiferous herb in the family (Alliaceae). Chaparral, cismontane woodland, and lower There is one previously montane coniferous forest, in recorded occurrence within a five-mile radius of the Allium jepsonii serpentine soils in the Sierra foothills or ~ ~ 1B.2 Yes project site (CDFG 2011). Jepson’s onion volcanic soils on Table Mountain. On slopes and flats, usually in an open This species may occur in area. the upland areas of the project site. Blooms: April – August Elevation: 984 – 4,330 feet No previously recorded Perennial rhizomatous herb in the occurrences are within a family (Convolvulaceae). Chaparral five-mile radius of the (openings), cismontane woodland, in project site (CDFG 2011). Calystegia stebbinsii gabbro or serpentine soils. On red The soil and rock types Stebbins' morning- FE SE 1B.1 clay soils of the Pine Hill formation. In No suitable for this species do glory open areas. Known from fewer than not occur within or in the 20 occurrences. vicinity of the project site, so Blooms: April – July there is no possibility that this Elevation: 590 – 3,576 feet species would be impacted (EcoSynthesis 2011). Perennial bulbiferous herb in the No previously recorded family (Agavaceae). Chaparral, occurrences are within a Chlorogalum cismontane woodland, and lower five-mile radius of the grandiflorum ~ ~ 1B.2 montane coniferous forest (CNPS No project site (CDFG 2011). 2011). Occurs frequently in serpentine The soil and rock types Red Hills soaproot or gabbro soils, but also on non-ultra- suitable for this species do mafic substrates. Often on not occur within or in the “historically disturbed” site (CDFG vicinity of the project site, so Rincon del Rio Nevada County Draft Environmental Impact Report 1 January 2012 APPENDIX 3.4-A – CONSOLIDATED LISTS OF SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES Considered Scientific Name Status Habitat Description in Impact Rationale Common Name Federal State CNPS Analysis 2011). there is no possibility that this Blooms: May – June species would be impacted (EcoSynthesis 2011). Elevation: 800 – 4,070 feet There are four previously recorded occurrences within a five-mile radius of Annual herb in the family the project site (CDFG (Onagraceae). Chaparral, 2011). The general one-mile cismontane woodland, and lower location radius of one of Clarkia biloba ssp. montane coniferous forest, often these occurrences includes brandegeeae ~ ~ 1B.2 roadcuts. It typically grows on Yes the project site; the record Brandegee's clarkia gravelly slopes above creeks and was first recorded in 1916 rivers and along roadsides. and although it is presumed Blooms: May – July extant it has not been Elevation: 240 – 3,000 feet verified (CDFG 2011). This species may occur in the upland areas of the project site. No previously recorded Perennial evergreen shrub in the occurrences are within a family (Sterculiaceae). Chaparral five-mile radius of the and cismontane woodland on project site (CDFG 2011). Fremontodendron gabbro or serpentine soils, often The soil and rock types decumbens FE Rare 1B.2 among rocks and boulders. Known No suitable for this species do from fewer than 20 occurrences in El Pine Hill flannelbush not occur within or in the Dorado and Nevada Counties. vicinity of the project site, so Blooms: April - July there is no possibility that this Elevation: 1,377 – 2,494 feet species would be impacted (EcoSynthesis 2011). Juncus digitatus ~ ~ 1B.1 Annual herb in the rush family Yes This species has been Rincon del Rio Nevada County Draft Environmental Impact Report 2 January 2012 APPENDIX 3.4-A – CONSOLIDATED LISTS OF SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES Considered Scientific Name Status Habitat Description in Impact Rationale Common Name Federal State CNPS Analysis Finger rush (Juncaceae). Cismontane woodland recently discovered near openings, lower montane coniferous Grass Valley (EcoSynthesis forest openings, and vernal pools 2011). There is marginal xeric. Known from only two potential for this species to occurrences in Shasta County (CNPS occur in seep wetlands 2011). within the project site Blooms: May - June (EcoSynthesis 2011). Elevation: 660 - 790 meters The project site is slightly outside the known elevation range for this species. No Perennial shrub in the family previously recorded (Lamiaceae). Lower montane occurrences are within a coniferous forest (rocky, serpentinite). five-mile radius of the Monardella follettii project site (CDFG 2011). ~ ~ 1B.2 Known from fewer than 20 No Follett's monardella occurrences. The soil and rock types suitable for this species do Blooms: June – September not occur within or in the Elevation: 1,970 – 6,562 feet vicinity of the project site, so there is no possibility that this species would be impacted (EcoSynthesis 2011). No previously recorded Perennial rhizomatous herb in the occurrences are within a grass family (Poaceae). Lower five-mile radius of the Poa sierra montane coniferous forest. Shady, project site (CDFG 2011). ~ ~ 1B.3 moist rocky slopes. Often in canyons. Yes This species may occur in Sierra blue grass Blooms: April – June the montane hardwood – conifer habitat of the Elevation: 1,195 – 4,920 feet project site. Although unlikely according to Dr. Rincon del Rio Nevada County Draft Environmental Impact Report 3 January 2012 APPENDIX 3.4-A – CONSOLIDATED LISTS OF SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES Considered Scientific Name Status Habitat Description in Impact Rationale Common Name Federal State CNPS Analysis Juncosa (Ecosynthesis 2011), this species may occur in the wetland or moist areas on the project site since the project site was not surveyed when the species is identifiable or blooming. No previously recorded occurrences are within a five-mile radius of the project site (CDFG 2011). Perennial herb in the sedge family Although unlikely since this (Cyperaceae). Lower montane species is found in highly coniferous forest, meadows and specialized wetlands Rhynchospora seeps, marshes and swamps, and (EcoSynthesis 2011), this capitellata ~ ~ 2.2 Yes upper montane coniferous forest in species may occur in the Brownish beaked-rush mesic soils. wetland areas in the project Blooms: July - August site since all the wetlands Elevation: 1,490 – 6,560 feet were not mapped/surveyed by Dr. Juncosa and surveys were not completed when the species is identifiable or blooming. Perennial rhizomatous herb in the mallow family (Malvaceae). Marshes The project site is outside and swamps (montane freshwater). the known elevation range Sidalcea stipularis Wet montane marshes fed by springs. for this species. No Scadden Flat ~ SE 1B.1 Known from only two occurrences No previously recorded checkerbloom near Grass Valley. One occurrence occurrences are within a voluntarily protected by landowner. five-mile radius of the project site (CDFG 2011). Blooms: July – August Rincon del Rio Nevada County Draft Environmental Impact Report 4 January 2012 APPENDIX 3.4-A – CONSOLIDATED LISTS OF SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES Considered Scientific Name Status Habitat
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