=VS5V Thursday, April 12, 2018 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 0DF'LOOVFKRROVWHDPXS 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 7KHSRZHURIWKHVPLOH 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH $)$VVLVWDQFH)XQGNLFNVRII :HHNLQSKRWRVSDJH ,PDJHVIURPWKHZHHN ;/(:OVZ[Zº[OHUR`V\»[V\YMVYMLSSV^(PYTLU 7HNL 7OV[VI`(PYTHU:HTHU[OH4HY[PULa &RPPXQLW\SDJH <:(PY-VYJL(PYTLUMYVT[OL[O*VTT\UPJH[PVUZ:X\HKYVUHUK[OL[O-VYJL:\WWVY[:X\HKYVUWH\ZLMVYHWOV[VPU (YHQWV&KDSHOPRUH MYVU[VMH*(.\SMZ[YLHTK\YPUNH[V\YVM[OL[O(PYSPM[:X\HKYVUH[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL4HYJO(PYTLUMYVT [OL[O*:HUK[O-::^LYLPU]P[LK[VSLHYUHIV\[[OLVWLYH[PVUZHUKTPZZPVUVM[OL[O(: Tampa Bay Times | Thursday, April 12, 2018 | 1THU NEWS/FEATURES 4HJ+PSS/PSSZIVYV\NO*V\U[`ZJOVVSZ^VYRPUN[VNL[OLY I`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ*HSLI5\ULa UI"JS.PCJMJUZ8JOH1VCMJD"GGBJST From deployments to permanent changes of stations, military children face a plethora of unique challenges. As a way to recognize and honor our country’s youngest heroes for their daily sacrifices and resiliency, the Department of Defense deemed April as the Month of the Military Child. As part of this commemoration, MacDill Air Force Base was invited to attend the Hillsborough County Public School Board meeting April 3 to highlight combined efforts focused on the future of MacDill’s youth. Representing MacDill were Col. Troy Pananon, vice commander of the 6th Air Mobility Wing, and Terry Montrose, chief of community engage- ment at MacDill, who highlighted the shared commitment to create a supportive environment in which children can thrive. One way this partnership focuses on the military child is through the MacDill Council for Education Excellence, which was established in Jan- uary 2015, in an effort to ease transitions and help military families navi- gate challenges they may face throughout the district. “We wanted to make sure we let everyone know the impact this has across military families,” said Pananon. “We have about 4,500 students 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ*HSLI5\ULa spread out across 182 schools.” <:(PY-VYJL*VS;YV`7HUHUVU]PJLJVTTHUKLYVM[OL[O(PY4VIPSP[` Being the only Air Force program of its kind, the MCEE quickly real- >PUNHKKYLZZLZ[OL/PSSZIVYV\NO*V\U[`7\ISPJ:JOVVS)VHYKK\YPUNH ized reoccurring challenges faced by our military families and their chil- TLL[PUN(WYPS7HUHUVUZWVRLVU[OLJYLH[PVUVM[OL4HJ+PSS*V\UJPS dren. MVY,K\JH[PVU,_JLSSLUJLHUKOV^P[OLSWZTPSP[HY`MHTPSPLZ[YHUZP[PVUHUK “The bottom line is that we have resolved 42 issues in the three years V]LYJVTLJOHSSLUNLZ[OL`TH`VM[LUMHJL since the formation of MCEE, making it a benchmark program for the Air Force,” said Pananon, addressing the board. “You are our force multiplier.” service members and their families.” Another way MacDill focuses on youth education is through the annual Next on the board’s agenda was a parent-to-parent group, which works Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) Day, to empower families on how to best help their children, followed by a which partners with schools to display the tie between everyday classes presentation from a military child who spoke on the student-to-student and military innovation. program and its focus of bringing students together. “During our STEAM Day, we had 1,300 students from 29 different As a result of MacDill’s continuous focus on innovation and future suc- schools come into one of our hangars,” Montrose said. “Enhanced partner- cess, the school board motioned to officially proclaim April as Month of ing with educators will result in addressing the educational concerns of the Military Child across the Hillsborough County School District. -VYPUMVYTH[PVUHIV\[IHZLVWLYH[PVUZK\YPUNLTLYNLUJPLZVYUH[\YHSKPZHZ[LYZJHSS[OL:[YHPNO[;HSR3PULH[ COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE 4HJ+PSSVU[OL^LI Website: www.macdill.af.mil The Action Line provides two-way communication between the Facebook: www.facebook.com/ 6th Air Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. Per- sonnel may submit questions, concerns or comments via email to MacDillAirForceBase [email protected]. Instagram: macdill_afb Twitter: @macdill_afb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·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´$VVRFLDWHG3UHVV6W\OHERRN DUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRIILFLDOYLHZVRIRUHQGRUVHGE\WKH SK\VLFDOKDQGLFDSSROLWLFDODIILOLDWLRQRUDQ\RWKHUQRQPHULW DQG/LEHO0DQXDOµDQG$LU)RUFH,QVWUXFWLRQ 2 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, April 12, 2018 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT NEWS/FEATURES :TPSLWV^LY!(PYTLUYLJLP]L[YHPUPUNVUJVTT\UPJH[PVUYLSH[PVUZOPWZ I`:LUPVY(PYTHU9P[V:TP[O UI"JS.PCJMJUZ8JOH1VCMJD"GGBJST The 6th Medical Group hosted Rich Castella- no, an author and double-board certified facial, plastic, and reconstruction surgeon, at MacDill Air Force Base Mar. 26, where he spoke about effective communications skills and more spe- cifically the power of a smile. Castellano identifies himself as a doctor for doctors. He focused on one buzzword: emotional literacy. “One thing I harp on is if you want to com- municate effectively, then the relationship has to come first,” said Castellano. “When you have that good emotional literacy, people understand you are there for them and you care. They can feel that, which makes your com- munication more accurate and better received.” For the medical group, this training was to help members gain a different perspective and greater knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication skills. “I came into this not knowing what to expect,” said Master Sgt. Terrence Raybon, a flight chief of the clinical lab assigned to the 6th MDG. “For our career field, communication is how we get 7OV[VI`:LUPVY(PYTHU9P[V:TP[O everything done between Airmen and the pa- <:(PY-VYJL(PYTLUHZZPNULK[V[OL[O4LKPJHS.YV\WH[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZLWHY[PJPWH[LPUH tients.” UVU]LYIHSJVTT\UPJH[PVUZRPSSZL_LYJPZL4HYJO;OPZWHY[PJ\SHYL_LYJPZL^HZ[VZOV^(PYTLU See COMMUNICATION, Page 15 [OLPTWVY[HUJLVMUVU]LYIHSJVTT\UPJH[PVUHUKI\PSKPUNPU[LYWLYZVUHSYLSH[PVUZOPWZ ;LHT4HJ+PSSYHSSPLZMVY[OL(PY-VYJL (ZZPZ[HUJL-\UKJHTWHPNU I`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ(KHT9:OHURZ UI"JS.PCJMJUZ8JOH1VCMJD"GGBJST The annual Air Force Assistance Fund campaign kicked off at MacDill Air Force Base March 26, and will continue until May 4. Every year, Airmen are encouraged to donate to the AFAF, which pro- vides funds to four charitable affiliates that help service members in need. These affiliates are the Air Force Aid Society, the Air Force Village Foundation, the Air Force Enlisted Village and the General and Mrs. Cur- tis E. Lemay Foundation. “None of the affiliates receive taxpayer support, so all their resources come from the Airmen who donate,” said Capt. Ryland Tecson, a flight safety officer assigned to the 6th Air Mobility Wing safety office and pro- gram lead. “The great thing about these organizations, is that $0.95 or more of every dollar contributed goes directly to them, to help those who are serving now and who have served.” Tecson compared the donations to an investment, as the money Airmen *V\Y[LZ`NYHWOPJ contribute will eventually benefit them later on in their career. This year, ;OL(PY-VYJL(ZZPZ[HUJL-\UK(-(-JHTWHPNURPJRLKVMMH[4HJ+PSS(PY MacDill’s fundraising goal is $65,700. -VYJL)HZL4HYJOHUKY\UZ\U[PS4H`;OL(-(-^OVZLM\UKZJVTL “This organization is all about Airmen caring for Airmen and their ZVSLS`MYVT(PYTLUHPTZ[VHZZPZ[(PY-VYJLTLTILYZHUK[OLPYMHTPSPLZ See FUND, Page 15 K\YPUNLTLYNLUJPLZ[OYV\NOV\[[OLPYZLY]PJLHUKHM[LYZLWHYH[PVU MACDILL THUNDERBOLT Thursday, April 12, 2018 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM 3 WEEK IN PHOTOS 7OV[VI`:[HMM:N[;VYP3VUN )V`:JV\[ZMYVT[OLSVJHSJVTT\UP[`J\[ZOLSSIHNZK\YPUNHUV`Z[LYYLLMI\PSKH[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL4HYJO6]LY[OL`LHYZ]VS\U[LLYZ OH]LWSHJLK V`Z[LYKVTLZHUKZOLSSIHNZ[VWYV[LJ[V]LYMLL[VMZOVYLSPUL 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ*HSLI5\ULa 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ:JV[[>HYULY 7HTLSH>PSSPHTZH:L_\HS(ZZH\S[7YL]LU[PVUHUK9LZWVUZL:(79 <: (PY -VYJL (PYTHU Z[ *SHZZ ;H`SVY >PSSPHTZ HU HLYVZWHJL NYV\UK ]PJ[PTHK]VJH[LOHUKZV\[:(79PUMVYTH[PVUH[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL LX\PWTLU[ (., HWWYLU[PJL HZZPNULK [V [OL [O 4HPU[LUHUJL :X\HKYVU -YPKH`;OL+LWHY[TLU[VM+LMLUZLVIZLY]LZ(WYPSHZ:L_\HS(ZZH\S[ YLWHPYZHKPLZLSNLULYH[VYH[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL(WYPS(.,(PYTLU (^HYLULZZHUK7YL]LU[PVU4VU[O^OPJOLK\JH[LZ[OLJVTT\UP[`HUK HYL YLZWVUZPISL MVY THPU[HPUPUN [OL LX\PWTLU[ [OH[ Z\WWSPLZ LSLJ[YPJP[` O L_WHUKZWYL]LU[PVULMMVY[Z `KYH\SPJWYLZZ\YLHUKHPYWYLZZ\YLMVYHSSVM[OLHPYJYHM[HZZPNULK[V4HJ+PSS 4 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, April 12, 2018 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT MACDILL THUNDERBOLT Thursday, April 12, 2018 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM
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