Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / Nov. 2 ment Henry Cisneros' wife, Mary Alice; and en- Canales, Jeff Valdez, Liz Torres, and Tommy Lee tertainers Jimmy Smits, Esai Morales, Johnny Jones. Remarks in Little Rock, Arkansas November 2, 1996 The President. Thank you. Ladies and gentle- We've been together a long time. Thank you, men, first of all, let me say it's good to be Jimmy Lee. home, and thank you for coming out to say I read an article in the paper today, our hello. I want to thank the Parkview High School morning paper here, saying that if the past was Band, the Central High School Band, the Little any precedent, it might be a mixed blessing Rock Community Choir. I want to thank all for Winston Bryant and Vic Snyder and Marion of those who are up here on the platform with Berry and Ann Henry for me to be coming me. I don't have everybody's name up here; down here today, because Arkansas people I don't know if I can remember without eyes didn't really like for the President to tell them in the back of my head. I never needed eyes how to vote. Well, I couldn't tell you how to in the back of my head until I moved to Wash- vote when I was Governor; I don't know how ington. [Laughter] I'm going to start now. [Laughter] It never oc- I'm glad to be here today. I have just come curred to me to tell you how to vote. I will from a great rally in front of the Alamo in say this: Since he asked me for it, I'm going San Antonio. And we were in El Paso, New to give Vic Snyder my vote on Tuesday. I'll Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California on the day be here, and I'll be proud to vote for him. before that. I'm on my way back across the And I'll be proud to vote for Winston Bryant, country, from here to New Orleans and then and I wish I could vote for Marion and Ann. on to Florida. But I wanted to stop here just Let me say to all of you, you ought to vote to be with you once before this election to say for yourselves, your children, and your future a special word of thanks to my good friend on Tuesday. But you need to understand that David Pryor for his lifetime of service to our while all four of these people are friends of mine and I have worked with them and I know State, to Congressman Ray Thornton for his life- them very well, what you really should be voting time of service and to wish him well on his on is what you want our country and this State new service on the Supreme Court. Thank you, to look like when we start that new century Ray. just 4 years from now. I thank my good friend Dale Bumpers. Folks, We're about to have a Presidential election I don't know what I'd have done in the last for the last President of the 20th century and 4 years if it hadn't been for Dale and David the first President of the 21st century. And the up there keeping me sane in the tough times, stakes could hardly be greater. We're actually standing up for you and for what was right, very fortunate because not only are the con- and never being intimidated by some of the sequences large but the choice is so clear. most overbearing and destructive tactics I have I really don't like a lot of what's happened ever seen coming from the other side. in politics in the last several years. I don't like I want to thank Sharon Priest and Lottie the fact that, especially when you get down to- Shackelford and Julia Peck Mobley and Gus ward the end and people get desperate, they Wingfield, Charlie Daniels, Mayor Dailey, think the only thing to do is to try to convince Mayor Hays, Judge Villines. Thank you, Charlie you that their opponent is no good. The truth Cole Chaffin, for running for lieutenant gov- is, since you all started me out 22 years ago, ernor, and good luck to you. You were terrific. it has been my experience that most people Bynum Gibson, my longtime friend Jimmy Lee who do the public's work are honest people, Fisher, who was the coordinator of my campaign they work hard and they do what they think in the First Congressional District in 1978. is right, virtually all the timeÐin both parties. 2027 VerDate 29-OCT-99 11:11 Nov 17, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00981 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\96PUBP~2\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Nov. 2 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 That's been my experience. And what I want I think they believed what they were doing to talk to you about today is that there are when they passed that budget. I think they honest differences here. You know, I worked thought it was a good thing to give people like with Representative Hutchinson when he was me a tax cut even though I didn't need it and in the State legislature; I liked him. We had cut Medicare and Medicaid. Let me just say, a cordial relationship. Hillary and I send our those words may not mean much to people. prayers out to Tim and his wife for the welfare What they tried to do was to end the standards of their son. I know all of us feel that way, for nursing home care that David Pryor spent without regard to party. We ought to get away his entire life working for. They thought that from this idea that we have to demonize our was an inappropriate thing for us to be doing opponents in order to clarify our differences. together, saying that there's some things that This isÐand I appreciate what Winston said every senior citizen in every nursing home in about that, you know. But don't worry about every place in America ought to know that they me. Every time I get down I rememberÐwhen can get if the Government is paying, through they start picking at me I remember what Mark the taxpayers' money, to put them in a nursing Twain said about a dog. Mark Twain said, home. I think David Pryor was right and they ``Every dog ought to have a few fleas''Ð[laugh- were wrong. ter]Ð``keeps him from worrying so much about They wanted to take away the guarantee that being a dog.'' [Laughter] Some days I feel I we had given for 30 years to middle class fami- lies who have family members with disabilities have more fleas than I wish I did, but don't so they can care for them, they can live at worry about that. home, they can work, and they can have a de- Here's what the issue is, and you saw it in cent life. They wanted to forget about that guar- that budget fight we had when they shut the antee. They wanted to take away the guarantee Government down and I vetoed the budget. of health care we've given for poor women and This is about two different ways of looking at their little infant babies. And I think it was how we are as a people and how we're getting wrong. They wanted to cut the student loan to the future. They believe that we're better program, cut Head Start, paralyze our ability off being on our own. And if we do good things to protect the environment, clean air, and clean together, that's fine. But it ought to basically water. That's what they wanted to do, and I be a question of letting everybody just go out think they were wrong. there and do the best they can. But you have to decide whether they're right I believe that we do better when we help or not. I read all this stuff in the press about each other to have the tools to make the most how Arkansas is, you know, more Republican of our own lives. Every politician I ever knew or more Democrat, both parties are worried, would try to give a speech every now and then and all that kind of stuff. Let me tell you, when trying to convince you that he or she was born I went up there 5 years ago and one month in a log cabin that they built themselves. from tomorrow, when I announced for President [Laughter] But the truth is there's not a one here in Little RockÐI got a quote here of what of us standing here today who'd be here if it I saidÐI said I wanted to go to Washington weren't for the help of some other people. And to do a better job of the old-fashioned work I believe America is better when we work to- of confronting the real problems of real people gether to give everybody the tools to live up and pointing the way to a better future: more to the fullest of their God-given ability to keep opportunity, more responsibility, a stronger com- our country a strong force for peace and free- munity.
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