WEDNESDAY, N0VE5BIBBR 1, 19W Mattrlfpatpr lEorntiitg »Wr Tka Week Baded The Weather 0 * * e r 38, 18*T CSoUdy tonight wtih The Mountain Laurel Chapter slonal miB. L qiw>48 t o 60. 1!*»- ^N>nt Town of Sweet Adelines meets tomor- 15,544 morrow' etowly/ Mgh 50 8o 56. MW at 0 p.m. at the Russian OombiiMd MotiMn CSroW American National Center, 311 Menehe»tar— A CUy of Vittago Charm wUl hoM an open maatlnc ICdB- Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. VOL. l : . day from t to 10 p.m. at llott'a Women interested in singing P A L L O. 28 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVBBfBBR 2, 1967 (Cllaestfled AdvertiaiBg oa Tgge 31) PRICE SEVEN CENT ! Community Hall, B. Middle four-part barbershop style har­ *I)ika. The meeUng will follow mony may come to any rehears­ raffoler procedure to acquaint al. For further Informatlonr call - pro^iective membera with the Mra. Frank J. Hynes, 2M Main WABM PILB OB Caught Vioiet^Banded funottona of a mothera circle. St., or -Mrs. Truman Crandall, i i i QCIL/TBD UNBD Mothera adw are ralalng chU> 58 White St Casualty Rate SAN D isao, calif. (A P ) dran in the Clatholic faith are —Lobster poachers are be­ invited to attend and to contact ing caught violat-handed. Viet Cong Soldiers Again Fail The Royal Black Preceptory snow suih HOUSE State' flah and game Mra. Jamea Watt, 14S Autumn will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at Now is the perfect time to ' St, or Mra. John Meaaon, 2M Orange Hall.'. Reservations close buy snow suits — you can- aganta have begun coating Autumn S t Saturday for a reception and have your pick of the widest some lobster tnq» with Dips for U.S. pasta that glowe under ul­ diuice Saturday,^ Nov. 11 in selecUon of styles. Superb quality poplin, nylon or quilt traviolet light The R «r' Frederick R. Bruce honor of RCber t Bell, grand shells wlOi warm pile or Lobster fUbermen have of Stafford Springs will apeak mnaiter of the lodge. Those SAKSON (AP) — The “niere is no country- quilt linings. Attached and complained that they’re los­ To Capture District Quarters Friday at 7:80 p.m. in Fellow­ wlriting to attend may contact number of Americans Idfled “ y-«®“ ntry breakdown of detachable hoods. AH colors, ing a substantial amount of ship HaU at Community Bap- WUUam D. Turklngton of 108 in action last w e^ in th* among forces allied patterns. BiiM 3-4, 4r«it, -J- their catch to raids by sMn ^ tiat Church. HIb topic la “Know W. Center St. Via^^ U.S. sad South Vietnamese SAKSON (AP) — Viet HALE divers and oOiara. " Touraelf Better Through ISmd- idJiriiflv tnxqps. It Was obvious, however, Gong troc^ ’Med and fail­ *aj™ y^^^bile thOTO o f that the bulk of last week’s oth- Agents say they have wrlUng.” He has studied at the A Rummage Sale, sponsored ............... s/nce ed again in a m assive attack International Graphoanalysis 9.90 Vieitnamese and other er casuamea were among South caughta two poachers who tom orrow from 2 to 8 p .m . and I » $ a allied forces climbed sharp- K orean trocqps, who w ere st- were betrayed by a violet today to captune Loc Ninh, Society of Chicago. He was in­ Friday from 9 a.m. to noon, ragnkiTly 10.98, glow on hands end clothlng,- a district headquarters terim pastor at Community sponsored by the Sisterhood of ly. Enemy casualtiee were tacked several times sad fought several bloody battles during town thqy first atruck last Church. Tickets are available Temple Beth Sholom, will be reported lower. the week in their area of opera­ Sunday. U. S. abd south at the door and the event is held at the Masonic Temide In ItB weekly summary issued tion alcmg the e o a s t aj open to the public. The pro­ and not at Temple Beth Sholom, itoday, the U.8. Oommsmd said Vietnamese soldien, artil­ lowlands. Unofficial recorts •JWWC ceeds will benefit the Women’s as announced in error in last 166 A m ericans were killed, 966 lery and planes hurled tiliem show the previous high to r other Society of the church. night’s Herald. ’The sale •will MG*' wounded and 14 missing or cap­ back. INFANTS' 3 and 4 PIKE aUied forces was 60 killed and feature new fabrics, linings and tured. A week earlier there had F ield dispatches said 488 W h s WE CORDIALLY 72 wounded In the week of last New Haven used clothing in good condition. She Abroad Last Night? been 198 kUled, 949 wounded and Communists were killed in this M ay 20. fourth drive of the week on Loc i n v i t e y o u r seven missing. Of those wound­ Among the witches flying in Manchester this Hal­ The number of enemy killed Ninh, near the (Jambodian fron­ ’The Entered Apprentice de­ SBulky-drlon legging (eta. ed last w eek, 419 did not require Blaze Kills Firat Class loween Was 4-year-oW Laura Williams of 413 E, potielt, red, and hospitalisation, the command last w eek w as 1,889, the U.8. tier 72 mUes north of Saigon. gree will be conferred at Oomnuuid said, down from a - Shoe Repairing Center §t. (photo by Technical Art Studio) ' royal. Some stylet with CHARGE said. Guerrillas in retreat after a dis­ Friendship Lodge tomorrow at separate matching hats 5.44 readjusted flgtm of 1,666 re­ South Vietnamese military Two Children astrous setback ’Tuesday had OfThe^tferKindl 7:80 in the Masonic Temple. and mittens. r a g . 5 .9 8 ported for the previous week. -I headquarters listed government told 'vlUagers they would return. Senior Warden Harold V. Hub­ Delta Chapter, Royal Arch The book discussion group of Aoiouin' Last week’s casualties raised Beoanae we use only losses last week at 220 men NEW HAVEN (AP) — ’Two If confirmed, the new casual­ the BEST bard will preside. Officer dress Masons, will observe past High the Newcomer’s Club of the total U.8. combat deaths for the killed, 698 wounded and 41 m iss­ young children perished today ty figure would push the total MATERIALS! is tuxedo. Refreshments will be Priests Night tonight at the Manchester YWCA wlU meet war to 14,286 and the number of enemy dead through the run­ ing. ’This w as a m arked In­ in a smoky fire In their third- “Waiting Jobs Are served after the meeting. M asonic Tem ple at 7 :30. ’The tonight at 8 at the home' of Mr^. < wounded to 90,417. Of the total ning battle In that sector to 882. Our Specialty!” crease over the 81 dead. 866 ham dinner has been canceled. Charles Wilkins, 117 Baldwin Rd. wounded. U.8. headquarters floor apartment. Spokesmen reposed the allied IR/ABjasaeMiA UmHim wounded and two missing re­ SAM YUYLES ’The executive board of Cub "Feminine Mystique,’’-^By Bet­ said, 42,717 did not require The victims were identified as losses through the week totaled S cout Pack 144 w ill m eet to­ ty Friedan, will be discussed. ported for the previous seven- hospitalisation. David Gonsalves, 6, and his sis­ ta OAK STREET day period. 88 dead and 106 wounded. A few steps from Main night at 8:30 at the home of Manchester Chess Club wlU U.8. military strength in ter Frances, 8. (jfftclals said American officers said the N icholas Gianakos Of 106 Bush m eet tonight from 6 to 10:80 DAY Auxiliary will meet to­ Other allied casualties were South Vietnam was listed at they died of smoke Inhalation. guerrillas wanted a propaganda H ill Rd. at Iona Hall, Regent St. night fct 7:80 at the VFW Home. put at 60 killed, 120 wounded 468.000 at the end of last week, The blase was confined to the victory to take some of the USUAL 3.50, FAMOUS and none missing last week. an increase of 2,000 over the front room of the iqMutoient at bloom off South, Vietnam’s'in ­ Boys’ or Girls* ’This was the highest weekly toll 401.000 reported a week earlier. 11 Huriburt St. \ _________stallation of a constftutlgial sleepert ___ iisted.for these forces so.fac Jn.- ^Tbe number- of-other allied Ftramen ..^anaUed.— mouths T i rV.nt' - 2 ( 3 9 the war. A week earlier these forces remained the *ame at .to-mouth resuscitation and oxy- ^^ItottoTtotest battle, the aUIes MORE PINEHURST LOW PRICES . CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 10c can > forces had seven killed and 28 69,000 as did the estimate o f gen to the chUdren but could the OommuntoU ieelli« Heavy brushed cotton 2-piece sleeper*. knitted wounded. > Gripper waist and non-skid, soles. enemy strength at 297,000. not save them. ^th firepower including six Charming nursery prints. Sties 1 to 4. 106mm howltMn, Air Fores AT PINEHURST AT PINEHURST AT PINEHURST AT PINEHURST REGULAR 2.98 Ddgado Says Innocent tactical fl^ter-bombera, CAMPBELL’S GRADE AA HARTFORD (AP) — Robert elght-englned B62 saturation Delgado, 86, of Hartford plead­ bombers and twin-engine 04Ts HAWAIUN STRICKLAND FARMS CHICKEN NOODLE CONTAG walking blonkets 2 $ 6 6 ed Innocent Wednegday In Su­ armed with nq>ld-flring Oatting LARGE Goldberg to Seek perior Court to the first degree guns. OR RED PUNCH Acrilan Ohd cotton with aipper front fo r C olds Non-skid soles. Pastel shades of malub murder of Hartford policeman The fightor-bombere hit CHIX MCE SOUP ^ 46 Oz.
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