MEETING OF THE CANNABIS COMMISSION City Hall Thursday, January 18, 2018 2180 Milvia Street 2:00 PM Redwood Room (Sixth Floor) AGENDA I. Call to Order A. Roll Call and Ex Parte Communication Disclosures B. Changes to Order of Agenda II. Public Comment III. Approval of Minutes A. November 16, 2017 Draft Action Minutes IV. Planning Staff Report V. Chairperson’s Report VI. Subcommittee Report VII. Discussion and Action Items A. Election of chairperson B. Review staff proposed changes to cannabis ordinance language and vote on Commission recommendation to Council. Attachments: 1. Staff report a. 7-25-17 Council referral b. Matrix of existing and proposed ordinances/regulations c. Draft new BMC chapter 12.21 (General Regulations) d. Draft new BMC Chapter 12.22 (Operating Standards) e. Draft new BMC Chapter 20.XX (Cannabis Advertising) f. Existing BMC Chapters 12.23, 12.25 and 12.27 showing new locations for existing ordinance language g. Draft changes to Zoning Ordinance: new Chapter 23C.25 (Cannabis Businesses), modified use tables in C- and M-Districts and new Definition (23F.040) h. Existing Zoning Ordinance Sections 23E.16.070, 23E.72.040 showing new locations for existing ordinance language C. Review staff report regarding location selection process for Apothecarium and vote on Commission representative for January 23, 2018 Council meeting. (NOTE: Staff report and resolution to be distributed at the meeting. Both will be available on the Council’s website by 1-12-18: https://www.cityofberkeley.info/Clerk/City_Council/City_Council__Agenda_Index.aspx) VIII. Information Items (In compliance with the Brown Act, no action may be taken on these 1 of 113 items; however, they may be discussed and placed on a subsequent agenda for action): A. 2018 Final MCC meeting dates B. 11-21-17 Commission communication to Council re. temporary adult use licenses and draft delivery-only dispensaries ordinance language. IX. Correspondence A. Courtney Allen-Gentry – e-mail re. equity B. Ken Berland – e-mail re. Berkeley Marijuana Cash X. Adjournment Berkeley Cannabis Commission website: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/medicalcannabis/ Cannabis Commission Secretary: Elizabeth Greene, 1947 Center Street, 2nd Floor, Berkeley CA 94704 Phone: 510-981-7484, Email: [email protected] Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions, or committees are public records, and will become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible through the City’s website. Please note: e-mail addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission, or committee, will become part of the public record. If you do not want your e-mail address or any other contact information to be made public, do not include that information in your communication – you may deliver communications via U.S. Postal Service, or in person, to the Commission Secretary. Please contact the Commission Secretary for further information. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Department of Planning and Development, Zoning Counter, at the Permit Service Center, 1947 Center Street, 3rd Floor, Berkeley, and at the Reference Desk, of the Main Library, 2090 Kittredge Street, Berkeley, California, during regular business hours. Please contact the Commission Secretary for further information. This meeting is being held in a wheelchair accessible location. To request a disability-related accommodation(s) to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Disability Services specialist at 981-6418 (V) or 981-6347 (TDD) at least three business days before the meeting date. Please refrain from wearing scented products to this meeting. 2 of 113 1 of 3 Draft Minutes From 11-16-17 Meeting CANNABIS COMMISSION January 18th, 2018 MEETING OF THE MEDICAL CANNABIS COMMISSION City Hall Thursday, November 16, 2017 2180 Milvia Street 2:00 PM Redwood Room (Sixth Floor) DRAFT ACTION MINUTES I. Call to Order – 2:10 pm A. Roll Call and Ex Parte Communication Disclosures Commissioners present: Brewster, Cable, Ferguson-Riffe, Jones, Lampach, Pappas, Rice. Absent: Carlisle (unexcused), Cooper (unexcused). Staff Present: Secretary Elizabeth Greene, Mark Sproat, Eryn Blackwelder. Ex Parte Communications: None. B. Changes to Order of Agenda Approval of Minutes moved to end of meeting. II. Public Comment No Public Comment. III. Approval of October 5, 2017 Minutes Motion/second to approve the October 16, 2017 minutes with the following amendment: Reference to Council action regarding temporary licenses applies to rom “cannabis businesses” to “cannabis dispensaries” (Lampach/Pappas). The motion carried 7-0-0-2. (Ayes: Brewster, Cable, Ferguson-Riffe, Jones, Lampach, Pappas, Rice. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Carlisle, Cooper.) IV. Planning Staff Report Summary of October 10th Council worksession. Primary discussion points: residential collectives, grandfathering existing businesses and equity. Recent Council actions: Directed staff to develop temporary adult use license for existing dispensaries. Council may expand to other existing cannabis businesses at the November 28th meeting (see late items). Also directed staff to develop a selection process for a new location for the Apothecarium. Planning Department Open House December 6th. Responses to Council cultivation referral included as an information item. V. Chairperson’s Report At the 10-10-17 work session, the Council seemed sympathetic to the concerns of existing cannabis businesses. Vice Chair Pappas reported that Dan Rush was sentenced. 3 of 113 2 of 3 Draft Minutes From 11-16-17 Meeting CANNABIS COMMISSION January 18th, 2018 VI. Subcommittee Report There was no subcommittee meeting. VII. Discussion and Action Items A. Discuss and identify topics that could be included in new cannabis ordinance. Public Comment: Two public comments regarding allowing personal outdoor grows, allow residential uses, and allowing multiple Delivery-only businesses on one premises. The Cannabis Commission (CC) discussed the following topics: creating education and arts programs; no limit on licenses; delivery-only, selection process; cultivation; temporary licenses for business types not currently permitted (cultivators, delivery- only). Public Comment: Two public comments. The comments mentioned that not having limits on number of permits and not postponing delivery-only regulations will be the most beneficial for the community. In addition, it is important to allow as much access to businesses but to not allow monopolies. Motion/second to support Councilmember’s consent item (see late items) and urge the Council to approve the draft Delivery-only Dispensary language (Pappas/Rice) The motion carried 7-0-0-2. (Ayes: Brewster, Cable, Ferguson-Riffe, Jones, Lampach, Pappas, Rice. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Carlisle, Cooper.) Commissioner Jones drafted a letter for the Council to support the motion and read it to the Commission. She will send a copy to staff to send to Council and include in the Commission’s January packet. B. Adopt calendar for 2018 CC meetings. Public Comment: No public comment. Motion/second to approve the proposed calendar with the following dates for July – November meetings: 7/12/18, 9/13/18, 10/4/18 and 11/1/18 (Lampach/Jones). The motion carried 6-0-1-2 (Ayes: Brewster, Cable, Ferguson-Riffe, Jones, Lampach, Pappas. Nones: None. Abstain: Rice. Absent: Carlisle, Cooper. C. Discuss and possibly vote on a cultivation licensing and selection process. Public Comment: Three public comments regarding status of Council referral about nurseries, concerns about equity process and requiring large businesses to incubate equity businesses. The Commission discussed options for a selection process, including Use Permits for large and small-sized cultivation facilities, lowering or waiving fees for small businesses and/or equity businesses, or creating city incentives such as small business loans, alternative banking options and outreach to help businesses navigate bureaucracy. Also discussed who should be considered an equity candidate: small businesses, low-income, persons from communities impacted by the War on Drugs, individuals incarcerated for cannabis offenses. Nurseries haven’t 4 of 113 3 of 3 Draft Minutes From 11-16-17 Meeting CANNABIS COMMISSION January 18th, 2018 been considered – some jurisdictions (Humboldt County) have hybrid retail/wholesale option. Vice Chair Pappas made a motion to require a Use Permit for cultivations businesses 10,000 sf or greater. Motion not seconded; motion failed. D. Ideas for next meeting. Public Comment: One public comment, mentioning distribution, nurseries, buffers, delivery-only dispensaries and temporary licenses. Commissioners mentioned separating entity from location in selection processes, and giving temporary licenses to all existing businesses. X. Adjournment Adjourned at 4:15. Five late items were distributed at the meeting: Commissioners in attendance: 7 of 9 Members of the public in attendance: Approximately 13 Public comments: 5 Length of meeting: 2 hours and 5 minutes APPROVED: _________________________________________ Elizabeth Greene Medical Cannabis Commission Secretary 5 of 113 TO: Cannabis Commission FROM: Elizabeth Greene, Secretary SUBJECT: Comprehensive Cannabis ordinances DATE: January 18, 2018 City staff from the Planning, Environmental Health, Public Health,
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