NOTE - THIS IS A DYNAMIC WORKING LIST 45 467 46 40 165 209 366 Bold #s = published blooming period Contributor initials: KK = Ken Kelman, DN = Dylan Neubauer, VC = Vince Cheap, CB = Chuck Baughman, KM = Ken Moore, AK = Al Keuter AND NOT COMPLETE - Data are constantly Bold common name is used for AK photo filenames. 9.6% 9.9% 35.3% 44.8% 78.4% being updated. dk. grn. = QH confirmed; lt. grn. = QH inferred (inflorescence size for Asteraceae (exc. Madia), corolla size for Fabaceae and disk flower coro Location in Park Family common Older scientific name(s) / Plant Common name (all from KK unless otherwise noted) Color Flower Family name name Synonyms Descriptive notes January February March April May June July August September October November December # Petal ("()"=# of perianth parts, fused; f = s= sepal #) Petal size (mm) Added to Added List Ken's order Index Sandhill Wet areas Non-native Collected /Photo ID Type Group FERNS azolla, fern azolla, Pacific azolla, 1X1988 AK Fern Ferns Azolla filiculoides Pond 123456789101112 Azollaceae Mosquito Fern Pacific mosquitofern giant chain fern, giant chainfern, 2 AK Fern Ferns Woodwardia fimbriata Shaded creek banks 123456789101112 Blechnaceae Deer Fern western chain fern Pteridium aquilinum var. 3 AK Fern Ferns bracken fern Open areas throughout park 123456789101112 Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken pubescens 4 KK AK Fern Ferns Dryopteris arguta coastal wood fern Along creek; backside of Italian trail 123456789101112 Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern 5 KK AK Fern Ferns Polystichum munitum western sword fern Redwood areas throughout park 123456789101112 Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Equisetum telmateia subsp. Other ssp. found in Europe and 6 AK Fern Ferns giant horsetail Orchard marsh 123456789101112 Equisetaceae Horsetail braunii Asia 7 Fern Ferns Equisetum x ferrissii Ferriss' horsetail Near [old] post #6 of Discovery trail 123456789101112 Equisetaceae Horsetail Rhizome tastes bland or acrid [NOTE: QH specimens may taste Forested areas along backside of sweet]; sori gen ± sunken; leaf 8KKAK Fern Ferns Polypodium californicum California polypody 123456789101112 Polypodiaceae Polypody Italian trail blade deltate to ovate, often ± irregular in outline; never found growing on plants. Rhizome tastes acrid to ±sweet; sori not sunken; leaf blade * Fern Ferns Polypodium calirhiza nested polypody NOT YET FOUND IN PARK 123456789101112 Polypodiaceae Polypody oblong-ovate, ± regular in outline; may be found growing on plants. Double Slide Gulch; E fork, Bonetti 9 AK Fern Ferns Adiantum jordanii California maidenhair 123456789101112 Pteridaceae Brake Creek; [AK:] Woodrat Trail Pellaea mucronata var. Segment (leaflet) tips sharply 10 X KK AK Fern Ferns birdfoot cliffbrake, bird's foot fern Sand Parkland 123456789101112 Pteridaceae Brake pointed; P. adromedifolia tips are mucronata rounded. Pentagramma triangularis Forested areas along backside of 11 AK Fern Ferns goldback fern 123456789101112 Pteridaceae Brake Pityrogramma triangularis subsp. triangularis Italian trail Athyrium filix-femina var. western lady fern, common lady 12 AK Fern Ferns Along creek below pond 123456789101112 Woodsiaceae Cliff Fern cyclosorum fern EUDICOTS (excluding trees) Sumac or 13 1975 AK Shrub Eudi Toxicodendron diversilobum poison oak Throughout park 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 yy/ WG 5 < 5 Anacardiaceae Rhus diversiloba Cashew poison hemlock, deadly hemlock, Behind the ranch house near the Biennial. First documented at QH: AK 14 * AK Herb Eudi 12345678 9 10 11 12 Conium maculatum Poison parsley, cigue maculee, Eucalyptus stand, alongside the Italian W< 1Apiaceae Carrot June, 2006 cigue tachetee Trail trailhead Near beginning of Sunset Trail where AK 15 * AK Herb Eudi Coriandrum sativum coriander, cilantro 12345678 9 10 11 12 W2 - 3Apiaceae Carrot it's closest to Quail Hollow Rd (2006). American wild carrot, rattlesnake 16 KK Herb Eudi Daucus pusillus weed, rattlesnake carrot, southwest Morgan's Meadow 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 W< 1Apiaceae Carrot wild carrot Bonetti Creek near redwood meadow; common cowparsnip, cow parsnip, 17 AK Herb Eudi Heracleum maximum [AK:] along shaded creek side of lower 12345678 9 10 11 12 W< 3Apiaceae Carrot Heracleum lanatum cowparsnip Italian Trail 18 X AK Herb Eudi Oenanthe sarmentosa American oenanthe, water parsely Cattail marsh; [AK] pond edge 123456789101112 W< 2Apiaceae Carrot Osmorhiza chilensis (broken into three sweetcicely, mountain sweet-cicely, species: O. berteroi, O. purpurea and 19 AK Herb Eudi Osmorhiza berteroi Chilean sweet cicely, sweet cicely, Shaded mixed forest areas 12345678 9 10 11 12 W< 2Apiaceae Carrot O. depauperata), O. brevipes, O. divaricata, O. nuda, Washingtonia mountain sweetroot, cicely divaricata gambleweed, Pacific Shaded mixed forests; [AK:] meadows 20 AK Herb Eudi Sanicula crassicaulis 123456789101112 Y< 1Apiaceae Carrot blacksnakeroot, Pacific sanicle alongside various trails field hedge parsley, Canada hedgeparsely, hedge parsley, Meadows throughout park. [AK:] 21 * AK Herb Eudi Torilis arvensis 12345678 9 10 11 12 W(rr) < 1 Apiaceae Carrot hedgeparsley, spreading Along trail edges throughout park. hedgeparsely Creek bank below pond dam; [AK:] periwinkle, bigleaf periwinkle, 22 * 1975 AK Herb Eudi Vinca major along the Discovery Loop near the 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 PB(W) 5 30 - 50 Apocynaceae Dogbane Vinca major var. variegata greater periwinkle creek H. helix : Lvs on juvenile stems <= 35 cm, palmately 3–5-lobed, lobes Near confluence. [AK:] Edge of willow ± acute; hair white, hair rays spreading. swamp along access road, near main H. canariensis (Algerian ivy): Lvs 23 * AK Herb Eudi Hedera helix English ivy 12345678 9 10 11 12 G 5 Araliaceae Ginseng parking lot; on willow trees adjacent to on juvenile stems <= 25 cm, unlobed to shallowly 3-lobed, lobes N end of pond. rounded to acute; hair red-orange, hair rays appressed, appearing peltate. floating marsh pennywort, floating marshpennywort, water-pennywort, 24 X 1959 AK Herb Eudi Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Pond edge 123456789 101112 W< 3Araliaceae Ginseng [Previously Apiaceae] Perennial floating pennywort, floating pennyroyal Quail Hollow Ranch County Park Plant List Originally compiled by Ken Kellman Printed: 5/31/2012 1 NOTE - THIS IS A DYNAMIC WORKING LIST 45 467 46 40 165 209 366 Bold #s = published blooming period Contributor initials: KK = Ken Kelman, DN = Dylan Neubauer, VC = Vince Cheap, CB = Chuck Baughman, KM = Ken Moore, AK = Al Keuter AND NOT COMPLETE - Data are constantly Bold common name is used for AK photo filenames. 9.6% 9.9% 35.3% 44.8% 78.4% being updated. dk. grn. = QH confirmed; lt. grn. = QH inferred (inflorescence size for Asteraceae (exc. Madia), corolla size for Fabaceae and disk flower coro Location in Park Family common Older scientific name(s) / Plant Common name (all from KK unless otherwise noted) Color Flower Family name name Synonyms Descriptive notes January February March April May June July August September October November December # Petal ("()"=# of perianth parts, fused; f = s= sepal #) Petal size (mm) Added to Added List Ken's order Index Sandhill Wet areas Non-native Collected /Photo ID Type Group yarrow, common yarrow, bloodwort, carpenter's weed, milfoil, Hierba de Near spring on driveway; across QH 25 AK Herb Eudi Achillea millefolium 12345678910 11 12 W(rr) Asteraceae Sunflower las Cortaduras, Plumajillo, western Road on trail yarrow grassland agoseris, bigflower Agoseris grandiflora var. Agoseris laciniata, A. Plebeja, A. 26 AK Herb Eudi agoseris, shortbeak agoseris, Backside of Italian trail up the hill 12345678 9 10 11 12 Y Asteraceae Sunflower grandiflora grandiflora, Troximon grandiflora mountain dandelion 27 AK Herb Eudi Anisocarpus madioides forest madia, woodland madia In oak woods, especially Italian Trail 12345678910 11 12 Y Asteraceae Sunflower Madia madioides mayweed, chamomile, dog fennel, stinking chamomille, dogfennel, 28 * 1975 AK Herb Eudi Anthemis cotula Near buildings. [AK:] Sunset Trail 123456789 101112 W Asteraceae Sunflower Maruta cotula White rays mayweed chamomille, mayweed dogfennel, stinkweed 29 Shrub Eudi Artemisia californica California sagebrush Open slide area above Italian Trail 12345678 9 10 11 12 yy Asteraceae Sunflower California mugwort, Douglas' leaves densely white tomentose 30 AK Herb Eudi Artemisia douglasiana Meadow edges throughout park 123456789101112 Y Asteraceae Sunflower Artemisia vulgaris var. douglasiana below, sparsely tomentose above; sagewort, Douglas' mugwort phyllaries gray-tomentose dragon sagewort, false tarragon, wild Artemisia dracunculoides, A. d. var. dracunculina, A. d. var. glauca, A. d. tarragon, silky wormwood, pinion ssp. glauca, A. glauca, A. g. var. 31 KK Herb Eudi Artemisia dracunculus Eastern edge of north field 1234567891011 12 Y Asteraceae Sunflower leave glabrous, phyllaries glabrous wormwood, green sagewort, dracunculina, Oligosporus dracunculus, O. d. ssp. dracunculinus, O. d. ssp. tarragon, wormwood Glaucus Douglas' baccharis, saltmarsh 32 Herb Eudi Baccharis glutinosa Flat above creek just below pond 1234567891011 12 W Asteraceae Sunflower Baccharis douglasii baccharis Baccharis pilularis subsp. 33 AK Shrub Eudi coyote brush Throughout park 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 W/rr Asteraceae Sunflower Baccharis pilularis consanguinea lawndaisy, English daisy, lawn AK 34 * 1989 AK Herb Eudi Bellis perennis Lawn behind ranch house. 12345678910 11 12 W(rr/P) Asteraceae Sunflower daisy, European daisy Carduus pycnocephalus Italian thistle, Italian plumeless 35 * AK Herb Eudi Manure dump behind walnut grove 12345678 9 10 11 12 P(rr)
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