An Independent Newspaper Voting Is 1, Our Civic Duty * Vote * November3 e 7AM-8PM Volume 61, Number 49 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 Thursday, October 29, 1998 Governor's Race a Real Contest; Candidates in State, Local Other State Posts Are Shoo-ins Contests Show Optimism by Wendy Turnbull Hoyer (D) and Robert Ostrom by James Giese prove the business climate in ticular the large sums of money Elections in non-presidential (R), businessman and former The hottest contest in next Maryland, although the state provided for new schools and years often generate little public county attorney, to represent the Tuesday's election is the race for economy, as well as the nation's, education, including bringing interest, with low voter turnout 5th Congressional District. The Governor of Maryland. Polls has been doing quite well during technology into the classroom the norm. But this year's mid­ power of incumbency will likely have been showing incumbent the incumbent's first term. She and getting back to basics. He term election could prove other­ prevail. Hoyer is expected to be Governor Parris Glendening, has attracted a number of busi­ points to his concern for the en­ wise for Maryland, judging by reelected to a ninth term, despite Democrat, and challenger Ellen ness people to support her cam­ vironment, including his quick the considerable press and public Ostrom's attempts to highlight Sauerbrey, Republican, running paign and, in particular, action to deal with the problem attention to the heated gubernato­ Hoyer's close working relation­ Glendening's former economic neck and neck. Unless a large of Pflsteria in Maryland tidal wa­ rial race. (See separate article.) ship with President Clinton - a block of voters is swayed one development secretary, James T. ters and his Smart Growth pro­ In addition to voting for gov­ campaign strategy that appears to way or another in the last few Brady. grams. He has also been a ernor next Tuesday, November 3, be backfiring on many GOP can­ weeks, the contest promises to be strong voice in opposition to Greenbelters will be electing can­ didates around the country. a repeat of the 1994 general elec­ gambling. didates for a handful of statewide State Legislature tion when Glendening, by a nar­ "The hottest contest in next Sauerbrey cites her career as a Tjuesday's election is the posts, as well as for the U.S. Looking toward Annapolis, row margin, edged out Sauerbrey teacher and proposes teaching Congress, the Maryland state leg­ Jong-time Senator Leo Green (D) for his first term in office. race for Governor of phonics to improve reading in the islature, and several county-level is unopposed in his reelection bid Besides the closeness of the Maryland" schools and hiring 1,001 new offices. During the primary this to represent the 23rd legislati.ve race, many of the issues raised by teachers by 2002. past September, voter turnout in district in the Maryland Senate, the candidates are reminiscent of Attacks Greenbelt plummeted to an all­ which includes Greenbelt and the last campaign. Sauerbrey Brady quit his post after Each candidate has attacked time low: Only 19.9% of regis­ Bowie. Meanwhile, in the Gen­ once again is keying her platform Glendening came out against the the other's record in office and tered Greenbelt voters bothered to eral Assembly, Delegates Mary to a cut in state taxes. In 1994, Intercounty Connector (ICC), the criticized the opponent for run­ go to the polls. County-wide Conroy, James Hubbard, and Joan she proposed a 24% cut. Since proposed new highway to cross ning a negative campaign. only 26% of voters turned out. Pitkin - all Democrats - seek then, Glendening and the legisla­ mid-Montgomery County from 1- Glendening has emphasized For the office of State Comp­ to retain their seats. All three ture have cut taxes 10%. 270 to l-95 near Laurel. This Sauerbrey's role as a legislator in troller, former governor William tout their legislative record in Now Sauerbrey wants to cut highway is unpopular with many opposing gun control and envi­ Donald Schaefer (D) is expected education, the environment and taxes more to achieve her original area residents, including many ronmental regulations, and in sup­ to win the post easily over certi­ health care as they face two rela­ 24% goal. In an appeal to senior Greenbelters, who fear it will porting anti-abortion legislation. fied public accountant Larry tively unknown Republican chal­ citizens, she proposes to reduce channel traffic to a proposed ex­ Sauerbrey has attacked Epstein, the GOP candidate. lengers - Joseph Braswell, Sr., the tax on pensions so that retir­ tension of Kenilworth Avenue and Glendening for providing state Similarly, Joseph Curran, Jr. (D) and Paul Tucker. Like other in­ ees are no forced, she ays. to then mto Greenbelt. However, funding to the new football stadi­ is heavily favored over challenger cumbents, the Hubbard-Conrny­ move to other states with better Glendening's withdrawal of sup­ ums in Baltimore and Prince Paul Rappaport (R) to win reelec­ Pitkin triumvirate is expected co tax benefits for seniors. port angered many in the busi­ George's County and for leaving tion as Attorney General, the of­ win reelection. Glendening charges that it would ness community. Prince George's County facing a fice Curran has held for the last At the county level, both be fiscally irresponsible to cut While still opposed to the ICC large deficit when he left office 12 years. County Executive Wayne Curry taxes unless state revenues in­ as proposed, Glendening has soft­ there as county executive to be­ One of Maryland's two U.S. (D) and Greenbelt-Bowie crease sufficiently to warrant a ened his opposition somewhat by come governor. During the cam­ Senate seats is up for election councilmember Audrey Scott (R­ reduction, as was the case when saying that he could support an­ paign Sauerbrey has moderated this year (Senator Paul Sarbanes District 4) are unopposed in the the I 0% cut look place. other road if a satisfactory route her stand on many positions since (D) was reelected two years ago). general election. For Curry, edu­ Business Interests could be found. I 994, to give her a softer image. Having first won her seat in cation and economic growth are Sauerbrey charges Glendening Glendening, a former teacher, She has succeeded in getting a I 986, Senator Barbara Mikulski the top issues facing Prince with not doing enough to im- cites his record in office, in par- See GOVERNOR, page 15 (D) is vying with retired physi­ George's. The sole Republican cian Ross Pierpont (R) for a third on the county council, Scott is S chool Board Candidates term. Mikulski is expected to also concerned about the quality Polls Open 7pm 8pm win reelection handily. of public education in the county. General election day is For the U.S. House of Repre­ She also advocates a reduction in Attend Forum at ERHS Tuesday, November 3. Polls sentatives, Greenbelters will the county's piggyback tax from by Mary Moien and "excite the apathetic." will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 choose between incumbent Steny See ELECTION, page 14 The Eleanor Roosevelt High Henderson seeks to improve com­ p.m. at the four precincts School (ERHS) PTSA sponsored munication to keep people in­ which serve Greenbelt - a school board candidates forum formed; improve school involve­ Greenbelt Community Center CC'mmunity Oriented Policing on October 21 at the school. ment and remarket the OASIS (third precinct), 15 Crescent Candidates from both District 2, program; and improve safety, by Road; Greenbelt Elementary Helps Reduce Crime Here which includes Greenbelt, and emphasizing that discipline begins School (sixth precinct), 66 District 5, which includes Bowie, at home. Ridge Road; Springhill Lake by Sue Krofchik gether to find solutions. were featured as both areas have Cheye Calvo, second to speak, Elementary School (eighth True or false? Mail carriers Take domestic abuse as an ex­ large numbers of ERHS students. recounted growing up in Prince precinct), 6060 Springhill are the number one source of tips ample. With traditional policing, Nancy Boardman, PTSA vice George's County and attending Drive; and Eleanor Roosevelt about crime in the community. police are repeatedly called back president, was the coordinator of Greenbelt Middle School. Calvo High School (thirteenth pre­ Who has the higher divorce to the same address, where a usu­ the meeting. Cheye Calvo and stated that he wants "to restore cinct), 7601 Hanover Park­ rate--police officers who get mar­ ally battered and bruised woman Jim Henderson are running for public trust in public education" way. All registered voters are ried after becoming officers or would again and again refuse to the District 2 seat being vacated and "make neighborhood schools eligible to cast ballots on No­ those who marry before joining file charges and continue to stay by retiring school board member work." He indicated that the vember 3. the force? Who is authorized to See CTTIZENS ACADEMY, pg. 12 Suzanne Plogman. Although county teacher student ratio is Any registered voter who order wiretaps? During week Robert Callahan and Kenneth Fox among the worst in the state. He has doubts about where to two of the citizen's police acad­ were present, representing the seeks to hire more teachers and vote may obtain additional in­ emy the answers to these and What Goes On race in District 5, this report will raise teacher salaries. He would formation by calling the Elec­ other questions were discussed. Tues., Nov. 3, 7 a.m. • 8 address District 2 (Greenbelt) like to try to have students re­ tion Office at 301-952-3270.
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