can visit the Romanesque church of of church Romanesque the visit can contribute to the town's social and and social town's the to contribute picture-postcard village, where you you where village, picture-postcard Holy Misteries) and other events that that events other and Misteries) Holy up to Beget to marvel at the the at marvel to Beget to up (Procession of the the of (Procession Santos Misterios Misterios Santos castle to enjoy the view; continuing continuing view; the enjoy to castle celebrates the celebrates Procesión of the the of Procesión of Sant Feliu and going up to the the to up going and Feliu Sant of As well as this festival, the town also also town the festival, this as well As to Rocabruna to admire the church church the admire to Rocabruna to thanks to a stubborn donkey. donkey. stubborn a to thanks the tower of Cavallera; going down down going Cavallera; of tower the relics remained in this municipality municipality this in remained relics hermitage of Sant Miquel very near near very Miquel Sant of hermitage According to popular legend, his his legend, popular to According both in the valley of Bolós; the the Bolós; of valley the in both patron saint, Sant Patllari. Patllari. Sant saint, patron and that of Santa Maria de Bolós, Bolós, de Maria Santa of that and June 21, in honour of the town's town's the of honour in 21, June located on the Forcarà roundabout. roundabout. Forcarà the on located hermitage of Sant Valentí de Salarça Salarça de Valentí Sant of hermitage festival, the Fiesta Mayor, is held on on held is Mayor, Fiesta the festival, valley towards Setcases, as it is is it as Setcases, towards valley stunning landscapes, visiting the the visiting landscapes, stunning activities and events. Its main main Its events. and activities exiting the municipalities of the the of municipalities the exiting fountains dotted around its its around dotted fountains wide range of leisure and culture culture and leisure of range wide be viewed by anyone entering or or entering anyone by viewed be through Camprodon, discovering its its discovering Camprodon, through don has always offered visitors a a visitors offered always has don grandson of Albéniz. This piece can can piece This Albéniz. of grandson Visitors' options include walking walking include options Visitors' century, Campro- century, 19 the since ce ce artist Alfonso Alzamora, the great- the Alzamora, Alfonso artist th A tourist municipality par par municipality tourist A excellen- sculpture, a monument created by by created monument a sculpture, Routes Suite Piano the and Surroca Fairs high-quality restaurants. high-quality by artist Manel Manel artist by Monolith the foal. It is also famous for its its for famous also is It foal. Festivals and Festivals , , Museum the visit also can Visitors meat, especially lamb, beef and and beef lamb, especially meat, . ce of Albéniz. Albéniz. of ce cookies, sausages, cheese and and cheese sausages, cookies, the summer. summer. the musical knowledge in the birthpla- the in knowledge musical recognised by food products like like products food by recognised cold in the winter and mild in in mild and winter the in cold musicians wishing to improve their their improve to wishing musicians Camprodon and its valley are are valley its and Camprodon mountain range. Its climate is is climate Its range. mountain Music Course, aimed at young young at aimed Course, Music verses by Jacint Verdaguer. Verdaguer. Jacint by verses level, within the Pyrenean Pyrenean the within level, Camprodon the Isaac Albéniz International International Albéniz Isaac the which is decorated by inscribed inscribed by decorated is which located 940 metres above sea sea above metres 940 located streets with people, art and colour - - colour and art people, with streets are Font Nova and Mare de la Font, Font, la de Mare and Nova Font are Taste Taste cà, near Oix. Camprodon is is Camprodon Oix. near cà, another event that fills the town's town's the fills that event another the town centre, the main fountains fountains main the centre, town the tage of Sant Andreu de Bestre- de Andreu Sant of tage Camprodon Music Festival, there is is there Festival, Music Camprodon Moi and the Font de Llandrius. In In Llandrius. de Font the and Moi Beget and the castle and hermi- and castle the and Beget Held at the same time as the the as time same the at Held Font de la Forcarà, the Font de Can Can de Font the Forcarà, la de Font Camprodon's Carrer València. Carrer Camprodon's txa, the villages of Rocabruna, Rocabruna, of villages the txa, Festival, honour his memory. memory. his honour Festival, del Vern, the Font del Botàs, the the Botàs, del Font the Vern, del born in in born Claret, Joaquim artist Font-Rubí and, within La Garro- La within and, Font-Rubí street and the Isaac Albéniz Albéniz Isaac the and street Maragall, the Font del Boix, the Font Font the Boix, del Font the Maragall, sculptures such as those by local local by those as such sculptures the residential development of of development residential the museum devoted to the artist, a a artist, the to devoted museum read some inscribed verses by Joan Joan by verses inscribed some read municipality, visitors can admire admire can visitors municipality, Mariner, Sitjar and Resclusanys, Resclusanys, and Sitjar Mariner, elements that, together with the the with together that, elements Sant Patllari, where visitors can can visitors where Patllari, Sant ra and Freixenet, the the Freixenet, and ra And simply by walking around the the around walking by simply And of of masias municipalities, are some of the the of some are municipalities, known fountains are the Font de de Font the are fountains known the neighbourhoods of Cavalle- of neighbourhoods the from the Tourism Office. Office. Tourism the from baptised, and his ties to the the to ties his and baptised, outside the town centre. The best best The centre. town the outside comprises Colonia Estabanell, Estabanell, Colonia comprises , available available , the Vall de Camprodon) de Vall the centenary, the church where he was was he where church the centenary, fountains, distributed within and and within distributed fountains, of Girona. Villa de Camprodon Camprodon de Villa Girona. of with colour and atmosphere. atmosphere. and colour with la Vall de Camprodon (Walking in in (Walking Camprodon de Vall la commemorating his birth and his his and birth his commemorating fountains. There is a total of fifteen fifteen of total a is There fountains. included in the book book the in included second largest in the province province the in largest second fill Camprodon's streets streets Camprodon's fill Caminant per per Caminant la Purísima la Camprodon. Different monuments monuments Different Camprodon. plenty of water for its many many its for water of plenty and signposted routes that are are that routes signposted and cipality in the valley, and the the and valley, the in cipality Sunday of August and the the and August of Sunday Feria de de Feria born here in 1860, with the town of of town the with 1860, in here born and the Ritort, providing it with with it providing Ritort, the and Antoni. These are all well marked marked well all are These Antoni. Camprodon is the largest muni- largest the is Camprodon drawing and crafts fair on the first first the on fair crafts and drawing name of this famous composer, composer, famous this of name municipality of Camprodon, the Ter Ter the Camprodon, of municipality W going up to the hermitage of Sant Sant of hermitage the to up going surface area of 103 km 103 of area surface , , Traditional fairs such as the the as such fairs Traditional A Many will quickly associate the the associate quickly will Many 2 There are two rivers within the the within rivers two are There sculpture of Jesus, the 'Majestat'; or or 'Majestat'; the Jesus, of sculpture thousand inhabitants and a a and inhabitants thousand options throughout the year. year. the throughout options Isaac Albéniz Isaac The Fountains The Sant Cristòfol and a splendid wood wood splendid a and Cristòfol Sant ith some two and a half half a and two some ith cultural life, offering a wide range of of range wide a offering life, cultural Useful Telephone Numbers Camprodon Town Hall 972 740 005 Municipal Tourism Office 972 740 010 Municipal Rangers (Vigilantes) 629 386 637 Vall de Camprodon Tourism Office 972 740 936 &$035'21 Mossos d’Esquadra Police 972 541 750 Emergencies 112 National Police Station (National ID cards) 972 130 303 902 247 364 Guardia Civil 972 740 039 Isaac Albéniz Museum 972 741 166 Primary Care Clinic (CAP) 972 741 213/902 111 444 Municipal Nursing Home 972 740 124 Vall de Camprodon Volunteer Fire Department 972 740 456 Fire Department Emergencies 112 Ski Resort Information 972 136 057 / 972 740 104 Bus Station 972 747 181 Municipal Library 972 130 628 Websites: www.camprodon.cat www.valldecamprodon.org Municipal email addresses: Registry: [email protected] Come and visit Mayor's Office : [email protected] Tourism : [email protected] – you'll be back! Radio : [email protected] © Fotografies: Ajuntament de Camprodon Library : [email protected] Ajuntament de Camprodon ÀREA DE PROMOCIÓ ECONÒMICA I TURISME DirecciTowards:ó a: Towards: Llanars, Rocabruna, Beget, Molló,Molló, Vilallonga, Setcases, Vallter 2000 Coll d'Ares, Prats de MollóMolló ó Avinguda Molló NATIONAL POLICE STATION Maristany (NATIONAL ID CARDS) &$035'21 GUARDIA CIVIL Carretera de Moll Sports Complex 4 NURSING HOME Ferrer Barbara La Campa MUNICIPAL Municipal SPORTS Swimming Pool PAVILION PlaPlaçaça CHEMIST 2 d'Europa Nou PlaPlaçaça 3 Primary Care PlaPlaçaça de Dr.
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