1428 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.· FEBRUARY 2, By Mr. MERCER: Petition of post-office clerks of Omaha, PETITIONS .AND MEMORI..A.LS, Nebr., for the passage of House bill No. 4351-to the Committee Mr. PROCTOR presented a petition of sundry citizens of the on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. United States, praying for the establishment of a proper tribunal By Mr. MIERS of lndiana: Papers to accompany House bill wherein may be adjudicated their claims for property destroyed granting a pension to Samuel F. Fowler-to the Committee on or confiscated by Spanish soldiers during the late war in Cuba; Invalid Pensions. which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. By Mr. MOON: Affidavits of N. E. Moore and N. W. McDaniel, Mr. LODGE presented a petition of 17 citizens of Medford, to accompany House bill No. 7404, for the relief of the Methodist Mass., praying for the repeal of the stamp tax upon medicines, Episcopal Church (McDaniel's Chapel), Shellmound, Tenn.-to perfumeries, and cosmetics; which was referred to the Committee the Committee on Claims. on Finance. By l\Ir. OTJEN: Petition of W. F. Kaiser and other druggists He also presented sundry petitions of railway mail clerks of Wo­ of Milwaukee, Wis., for the repeal of the stamp tax on medicines­ burn, Pittsfield, and Milford, all in the State of Massachusetts. to the Committee on Ways and Means. praying for the enactment of legislation to provide for the classi­ By Mr. RAY of New York: Petition of M. A. Newton and fication of clerks in first and second class post-offices; which were others, of North Pitcher, Chenango County, N. Y., for a law su'l?­ referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. jecting food and dairy products to the laws of the State or Tern­ Mr. HOAR presented the petition of John P. Haskell and sundry tory into which they are imported-to the Committee on Inter­ other railway mail clerks of Webster, Mass., praying for the en­ state and Foreign Commerce. actment of legislation to provide for the classification of clerks in By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Petition of M. W. Fay, of Fort first and second class post-offices; which was referred to the Com­ Wayne, Ind., and American warehouse associations, on subject~ mittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. of war tax on negotiable warehouse receipts-to the Committee Mr. PLATT of New York presented a petition of sundry rail­ on Ways and Means. way mail clerks of Floral Park, N. Y., praying for the enactment By Mr. SAMUEL W. SMITH: Remonstrance of Pennock & of legislation to provide for the classification of clerks in first and Porter and others, of Williamstown, Mich., and vicinity, against second class post-offices; which was referred to the Committee on the parcels-post bill-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Post-Roads. He also presented a petition of Eureka Lodge, No. 434, Inter· By Mr. SULZER: Petition of the Woman Suffrage Association national Association of Machinists, of Brooklyn, N. Y., praying of the State of New York, favoring a sixteenth amendment to the that the United States Government build their own war vessels Constitution granting suffrage to women-to the Committee on in the navy-yards of the country, and remonstrating against the the Judiciary. present policy pursued by the Government to the detriment of By Mr. TERRY: Protest of Arkansas cotton oil mill companies, the shipbuilding industry in our navy-yards; which was referred against Government taxes on butterine and other products of cot­ to the Committee on Naval Affairs. ton seed-to the Committee on Ways and Means. He also presented a petition of 19 members of the staff of the By l\.fr. WANGER: Protest ~f .W.W. Dill, of Norristown,_ Pa., New York State Veterinary College, praying for the establish­ relating to the stamptaxonmedicmes, perfumery, and cosmetics- ment of a veterinary corps in the United States Army equal to to the Committee on Ways and Means. that in foreign countries; which was r eferred to the Committee By Mr. WEYMOUTH: Petition of the Woman Suffrage Asso­ on Military Affairs. ciation of Massachusetts, favoring a sixteenth amendment to the Mr. KYLE presented the petition of George May Powell, presi­ Constitution, grantingsuffragetowomen, etc.-to the Committee dent of the Arbitration Council, of Philadelphia, Pa., praying for on the Judiciary.· the repeal of the act creating Utah a State of the Union; which By Mr. JAMES R. WILLIAMS: Paper to accompany House was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. bill No. 6415, for therelief of Elias Whipple-to the Committeeon Invalid Pensions. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Also papers to accompany House bill to increase the pension of Mr. RAWLINS, from the Committee on Public Buildings and Alphe~s P. Milner-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Grounds, tO whom was referred the bill (S. 2198) increasing the Also, paper to accompany Hot:Jse bill No. 4576, ii? correct ~e limit of the cost of the public building at Salt Lake City, Utah, military record of John H. Walters-to the Committee on Mili­ reported it with an amendment. tary Affairs. Mr. WARREN, from the Committee on Public Buildings and Also, paper to accompany House bill. granting an_ incre~e of Grounds, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1590) for the erection pension to W.R. Burton-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of a public building at Providence, R. I., reported it without Also paper to accompany House bill for the relief of Lewis amendment, and submitted a report thereon. Kraus:_to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. VEST, from the Committee on Public Buildings and Also paper to accompany House bill for the relief of Alice Boze­ Grounds, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1174) for the erection man-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of a public building at Selma, Ala., reported it without amend­ Also, paper to ac~ompany 1:1~mse bill !or the relief of J. C. ment. Davis-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. MONEY, from the Committee on Public Buildings and Also 1 paper to accompany House bill to correct the military Grounds, to whom was referred the bill (S.1402) for the erection record of RobertMcCowen-tothe Committee on Military Affairs. of a public building at Natchez, Miss., reported it without amend­ ment. Mr. SCOTT, from the Committee on Public Buildings and SENATE. Grounds, to whom was referred the bill (S. 329) to provide for the purchase of a site and the erection of a public building thereon at FRIDAY, February 2, 1900. Evanston, in the State of Wyoming, reported it without amend­ ment, and submitted a report thereon. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. He also, from the same committee to whom was referred the The Secretary proceeded to i·ead the Journal of yesterday's pro­ bill (S. 26) to provi1e for the purchase of a site and the erection ceedings, when, on motion of ~r. SCOTT, ~nd by unanimous con­ of a public building _ther~on at Nashua, in the State ~f New sent, the further reading was dispensed with. Hampshire, reported it without amendment, and submitted a The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal, without objec­ report thereon. tion, will stand approved. Mr. McMILLAN, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 854) for the relief of Lieut. Horace HOSPITAL STEW.A.RDS. P. Mcintosh, reported it without amendment, and submitted a re­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before !h~ Senate a com­ port thereon. munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter from P .A.CIFIC CABLE, the Surgeon-General of the Army calling_ attention to the need of Mr. PERKINS. On behalf of the Committee on Naval Affairs, more hospital stewards, and recommendlJ!-g the reenact:zient of I present a statement of Gen. Wager Swayne, of New York, in section 2 of the act of March 1, 1887, relative to the appomtment regard to a Pacific cable, made before that committee January of hospital stewards by the Secretary of War; w!:iich, with ~~e ac­ 30, 1900. I move that it be printed as a document. companying papers, was referred to the Committee on Mihta1·y The motion was agreed to. Affairs, and ordered to be printed. THE NATIONAL WHITE CROSS. MESS.A.GE THE FROM HOUSE. Mr. STEWART. I am directed by the Committee on the ~is­ A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. trict of Columbia, to whom was referred the bill (S. 2581) to m­ BROWNING its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed corporate the National White Cross of America, and for other the bill (S.'2431) to present to the city of Nashville, f?tate of Ten­ purposes, to report ~t back an_d to ask that it b~ referred to the nessee the cannon on the gunboat Nashville from which was fired Committee on Foreign Relations. That committee h::J:S under the fir~t shot in the Spanish-American war. consideration a bill for the purpos~ of the Red Cross Society, and 1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1429 on investigation it is ascertained that these bills compose the same members of the committee. It seems to me important that it fields of operation, and they have more or less relation with some should go to the same committee that is considering bills in regard forty treaties with foreign countries. Consequently, the Com­ to the Red Cross, to be sure that there is no conflict and no mittee on the District of Columbia have come to the conclusion interference with the purposes of that institution, which has done that it is proper that it should be referred to tbe Committee on so much good in this and other countries.
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