S9648 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 26, 2008 County; Alpena 4–H Club, Boone Coun- ice Employment Program, SCSEP, HONORING EDWARD R. JOHNSON ty; Monette Buffalo Island 4–H Club, Participant. I want to congratulate ∑ Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, yes- Craighead County; Lakeside 4–H Club, Mrs. Johnson on receiving this award terday morning I met Edward Johnson Sevier County; Gaither-Valley 4–H and changing her life through partici- of Springdale, AR, who was selected by Club, Boone County; Olvey 4–H Club, pation in the SCSEP. Experience Works, the Nation’s oldest Boone County; Decatur 4–H Club, Ben- Prior to her participation in the pro- and largest provider of job training and ton County; Gravette Gleamers-4–H, gram, Mrs. Johnson’s sole work experi- employment opportunities for older Benton County; Chambers 4–H Club, ence was helping to run her family’s Americans, as the 2008 Outstanding Crawford County; Hilltop Kids 4–H sheet metal shop business for nearly 45 Older Worker from the State of Arkan- Club, Pope County; Carnall 4–H Club, years. She managed many of the day- sas. I want to take this opportunity to Sebastian County; Franklin County 4– to-day office tasks which included congratulate Mr. Johnson on receiving H Shooting Sports Club, Franklin sending and receiving invoices on be- this award and thank him for his stead- County; Hurricane Creek 4–H Club, half of the business. Unfortunately, in fast service to our country and my Franklin County; Franklin County 1986, her husband’s health began to de- home State of Arkansas. Teen Leaders Club, Franklin County; teriorate, and she suffered a heart at- More than 60 years ago, as an 18-year- Pulaski County Teen Leaders Club, Pu- tack herself. It was at this time that old young man, Mr. Johnson enlisted in laski County; Berryville 4–H Club, Car- their son began running the company the U.S. Army. Over the next 30 years, roll County; Atkins 4–H Club, Pope until it was eventually sold, when her he served our country in outposts from County; Shining Stars 4–H Club, Clark husband passed away in 1996. Japan and Korea to the Panama Canal County; Salem Superstars 4–H Club, After her heart attack, Mrs. Johnson and Vietnam. Upon his honorable dis- Saline County; Chapel Hill 4–H Club, was not employed for nearly 20 years. charge in 1978, he had earned the rank Sevier County; Spirit of 76 4–H Club, In fact, her husband’s death was very of sergeant major. Arkansas County; Batesville Pioneer 4– painful, and she rarely visited friends Without knowing what his next step H Club, Independence County; Hector or ventured out of the house. But at in life would be, Mr. Johnson went to 4–H Club, Pope County; El Paso 4–H the age of 77, realizing she needed addi- his local employment office to apply Club, White County; Towers 4–H Club, tional income just to make ends meet, for unemployment benefits. Upon ar- Union County; Magic Clovers 4–H Club, she contacted Experience Works. riving, he found his second calling and Saline County; Lion’s Pride 4–H Club, For those who are not aware, Experi- began a second 30-year career as the White County; Johnson County 4–H ence Works is the Nation’s oldest and local veterans representative in the Teen Leaders Club, Johnson County; largest provider of job training and em- Fayetteville office for the Arkansas Hasbrook Road 4–H Club, Craighead ployment opportunities for older Amer- Department of Workforce Services, County; Bethlehem 4–H Club, Columbia icans. Each year, Experience Works DWS. In this capacity, Mr. Johnson has County; H&S Dream Makers, Dallas serves over 20,000 older workers and assisted countless veterans find em- County; Small Stockers & More 4–H local communities through the SCSEP. ployment and helped disabled veterans Club, Marion County; Columbia County Shortly before her 78th birthday, find uses for their unique talents. He Livestock 4–H Club, Columbia County; Mrs. Johnson was placed with the has said that the pleasure of putting Haskell 4–H Club, Saline County; Prai- Amazing Grace Thrift Shop on a train- veterans to work and their excitement rie Grove 4–H Club, Washington Coun- ing assignment. She quickly learned to when hired is what motivates him. ty; Greene County 4–H Livestock Club, sort and fold clothes, as well as price Throughout his service, he has be- Greene County; Greene County 4–H and sell items. In a short time, she and come like a father figure and invalu- Club, Greene County; Hickory 4–H another SCSEP participant tripled the able member of the DWS staff. It is not Club, Cross County; Boone County 4–H sales at the store. uncommon for him to go above and be- Sharpshooters, Boone County; Phillips She soon was encouraged to take a yond to assist in a variety of capacities County 4–H Club, Phillips County; new job as a receptionist with the Ar- around the office. He is known to men- L’eau Frais 4–H Club, Clark County; kansas Rehabilitation Service, ARS. It tor new employees, especially veterans Dayton 4–H Club, Sebastian County; was not an easy transition, though. in the work/study program, and takes White County 4–H Leaders Association, Mrs. Johnson suffered from hearing it upon himself to recognize colleagues White County; Mountaineers 4–H Club, loss and was concerned about her abil- with awards when they provide an out- Franklin County; 4–H Busy Beavers, ity to answer the phone. In addition, standing level of service. Yell County; Lee County 4–H Club, Lee the phone system was rather intimi- At the age of 78, Mr. Johnson is show- County; Conway County 4–H Founda- dating, and she was unsure if she could ing no signs of slowing down, either. He tion, Conway County; Caney Creek 4–H adapt. The staff at ARS was impressed continues to learn how to use the new- Club, Conway County; Conway County with her, though, and they worked to est technology needed to perform his Livestock Club, Conway County; help her obtain new hearing aids. She job. He also likes to treat the staff by Hattieville Community 4–H Club, was also a quick study during phone grilling hamburgers and hotdogs in the Conway County; Heritage Run training. She not only developed the parking lot or bringing in his wife’s Homeschool 4–H Club, Conway County; skills to become a good receptionist homemade soup. Latino 4–H Club, Conway County; but also took the initiative to take a Beyond his work, Mr. Johnson is a Lucky Clovers 4–H Club, Conway Coun- phone list home so that she could learn valuable member of his community. He ty; Morrilton High School HOFNOD 4– employee names and extensions. Her is a 23-year member of the Noon Lions H Club, Conway County; Nemo Vista work ethic, people skills, and ability to Club, where he served as president from Pioneers 4–H Club, Conway County; learn new task set her apart. In fact, 1988 to 1989, and in 1999, he served as South of the River 4–H Club, Conway her training supervisor has requested the Rogers-Lowell Chamber of Com- County; Trailblazers 4–H Club, Conway that she become the office assistant. merce Ambassador of the Year. County; Union Chapel 4–H Club, It has certainly made a difference in In closing, I want Mr. Johnson to Conway County; Wonderview High Mrs. Johnson’s life. She says, ‘‘Being in know that he is an inspiration, not School 4–H Club, Conway County; and the program has made a complete turn- only to me and my colleagues but to Viola Loyal Longhorn 4–H Club, Fulton around in my life.’’ She displays a new- the millions of seniors around our County.∑ found confidence, and with some extra great State and across this country. f income, has returned to becoming an We are thankful for his many contribu- active senior. tions.∑ HONORING DORIS J. JOHNSON Mrs. Johnson, I want you to know f ∑ Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, yes- that you are an inspiration, not only to terday morning I met Doris Johnson of me and my colleagues but to the mil- TRIBUTE TO BOB FELLER West Memphis, AR, who was selected lions of seniors around our great State ∑ Mr. VOINOVICH. Mr. President, by Experience Works as the recipient and across this country. Thank you for today I honor and congratulate an out- of the 2008 Changing Lives Award for all you do, and good luck in your fu- standing community member, distin- Outstanding Senior Community Serv- ture endeavors.∑ guished veteran of World War II and VerDate Aug 31 2005 08:13 Sep 27, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G26SE6.115 S26SEPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE September 26, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9649 Baseball Hall of Famer who played for Pearl Harbor in 1941. Putting his coun- touched and the people he has inspired my hometown team, the Cleveland In- try first, he signed up just 2 days after with his amazing gift. Like so many dians, on his upcoming 90th birthday the attack, making him the first major other boys growing up in the 1940s and on November 3. leaguer to enlist in the military to 1950s, Bob Feller was one of my heroes. Bob Feller, also known as ‘‘Rapid fight in World War II. Getting to know Bob and observe his Robert,’’ was born in 1918, and grew up In the Navy, Bob was assigned to the down-home humility, enthusiasm for in humble beginnings during the Great battleship U.S.S.
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