I ; ~ ..l .. ' . • .. DOSSIER j) 7- "-/ ,--5 l KBBP THIS SHBBT ON TOP CONTROL AND DISCLOSUBB SBBET SUBJBC'l' r ·'1- Iq, ' it .m 7 n1 (( j, , d JIATB } I OUT DATE RELEASED TO BY AUTHORI:ZBD BY .RB'1'URN DATE t• 000001 Cover Page Page I of 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION LAW ENFORCEMENT RECORDS Pecbge 10#: 0021376-001538 Name: BOORDA JEREMY MICHAEL AKA: 7 Social Security Number: ~ b l( 6) . (bl( l(Cl I Context: Victim Date of Birth: 11126/1 938 State of Birth: IN Country of Birth: US - United States of America Case Number: 16MAY96DCWA0278 Dossier: 1274556 OCH INDEX CODE: RECORD SERIES t: Date Closed: K:: 50 years 5580/4a(2)(c)2 09/04/1996 RECORD SERIES (FILE PLAN) ety Sva - Provide Security Sva - Lmw Enforcemenl - NCIS Crimlnlll lnveetiQlllMI . (Hll!Oric:ml) Precedent Rltlng, publlc/CongnlSllOMI lnteruta Criminal Investigative Reports Comments: HISTORICAL • Fltea located• NCIS headquattera, Room K0368, Shelf 5, Section A, Column D, Row 2 - Relention: PERMANENT - TIW!Sfef to NARA Iller 50 ~ 8 Polygraph Examination Conducted 8 Sexual Offender Registry Completed - 8 Finger Prints Submitted to Code 2483 8 Final Disposition Report to FBI CIS- I 0 Closed Status Q DupTitle O DupCCN Dildoauf11/Account*>lllty St•~ lfthi1 invesllg81ion ii diueniMed outllde NCIS, complete NCIS Form 00911G-80, and ensl#'e" Is nitained In the c:me tlle. IllllUlllH I 1 2 I 7 1 8 I certify ttrat this document has been reviewed and is complete. Typed Name of SSA DATE SIGNATURE Undessffied when aeparwted from lllllKl\ment uni-atherw!M indicated FOR OFFICIA~SE ONLY PnvacyAd Privacy Sentit!Ye . Any llUU99 or ull8Uthorized dildos re lllllY 1'1111ult In both aVil or alrnlnll peMllles 000002 http://rims.ncis.navy .miVprintcoversheet.aspx?recnum= l 2/718&print=yes 5/29/2012 359151 14: 1 2 19980508 !Neff. A #1851 OUT:0023-7H #1884 RETRANSMIT OF (23HQ'S OS 4027 DATED 06:39 05/ 11/98 ConiRoL@ MSQ 359151 ) U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE 1(/;J7~1J5-6io REPORT OF INVESTIGATION (SUPP} 04MAY98 DEATH (II) CONTROL: 16MAY96 - DCWA- 0278-7HRR/C V/BOORDA, JEREMY MICHAEL/ADM USN M/W/N010/TQb)(6), (b)(7)(C) [;26NOV38/SOUTH BEND, INDIANA SUPP : CHI 1'' OF' NAVAL PERATIONS COMMAND/NOW WASHINGTON, DC/ 00171 MADE AT /DCWA/WASHINGTON I DC1b)(6), (b)(?)(C) SPECIAL AGENT REFERENCE (A) NCISFO WASHI NGTON, DC ROI (CLOSED)/04SEP96 1. Since the submission of refer ence (A}, when contacted, Detective tb)(6), (b)(7)(C) I Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) , Washington, DC, advised MPD would not enerate a final Report of Investigation involving V/ BOORDA . b)(6), (b)(7)(C) tated he would only be duplic ating the NCIS Report of Inves iga ion previously p r ovided to MPD . kb)(6), ~ndicated V/BOORDA' s death investigation is closed. ~ b )(7)(0) 2. On 28APR98, evidence belonging to the U.S. Navy that was still being retained NC Wa in D wa returned to a command representative, b)(6), (b)(7)(C) by Participating Agen sn onncc an epor ing gen . The items included the follow : BM Selectric III Typewriter, one typewriter r i bbon a n d corrective tape, seized from V/BOORDA' s work space, and various miscellaneous handwritten notes, (work related), taken from V/BOORDA' s official government vehicle. All items, excluding the typewriter, were destroyed by command in the presence of RA . 3. This Supplemental Report of I nvestigation was submitted specifically to address the issues discussed above . This investigation remains closed. PARTICIPATING AGENT fb)(6), (b)(7)(C) I SA, NCISFO Washington, DC DISTRIBUTION NCISHQ: 0023 NCISFO: DCWA FOR OFFICI~ U~LY PAGE 1 115T ~ WARNING THLS DOCJ'\1L'fi IS TH[ rlOPEBD Of THf NAVA! Cl!M!'UI pm:mG&DyE SQYJO: ~ M" Y llE DISCLOSED Oi'LY TO l'f.ltSONS WHOSE OFFIClAL CX."TIES PEQl.laE " CCESS 000003 HERETO COi'TE.!>TS MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY1S1 CO'ICERl"ED WmlOVT SPECD'IC Al!TllORIZATION FROM TH EIOAVALCRIM~AL INVESTIQATIVE SERVICE. ·-- ' I CROOSlH //23/WA// U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE - . REPORT OF INVESTIGATION (CLOSED) 04SEP96 DEATH (II) CONTROL: 16MAY96-DCWA-0278-7HRR/C V/BOORDA, JEREMY MICHA ADM USN M/W/NOlO/T b)(6), (b)(7)(C) 26NOV38/SOUTH BEND, INDIANA SUPP: CHI PERATIONS COMMAND/NOW WASHINGTON, DC/00171 MADE AT/DCWA/WASHINGTON, DC ,~b~)(5=l.~(b~)(=?)~(C~)~~~~ SPECIAL AGENT REFERENCE (A) NCISFO WASHINGTON, DC ROI/09JUL96 case Summary 1. Since the submission of ref (a), V/BOORDA's treatment record for his emergency admission on 16May96, from Washin~t~o.....,_,.,,,...~c~~~~---. General Hospital (DCGH) was received from Detective b)(6), (b)(7)(C) Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, DC (MPD-..--. ~---c=c=o=r=-"'~n=g=---' to the OCGH Trauma Center-Initial Assessment Report, V/BOORDA' s vital signs were not responsive at the time of his arrival at DCGH. A copy of V/BOORDA's DCGH treatment record is exhibit (1). 2. On 01Aug96, a consultation Report from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathologf (AFIP) was received. The AFIP concurred \ with the Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), District of Columbia, that the cause of V/BOORDA 's death was a contact wound to the chest and the manner of death as suicide. Details are contained in exhibit (2}. 3. on 16-17May96, as ~eported in ref (a), a death scene · examination was conducted at the East grounds of the residence of V/BOORDA, Quarters A/Tingey House, Washington Navy Yard (WNY), Washington, DC. Photographs of the death scene to include views of the recovered revolver were taken by MPDC, on 16May96. Death Scene photographs taken by MPDC personnel are provided as exhibit (3). A death scene examination photographic summary is provided as e:,(hibi t ( 4 '} • 4. As per ref (a), on 16May96< an examination of the study, (chamber 8}, of V/BOORDA's residence, was completed. Photograi;>hic coverage of the study to · t raphs of the two typewritten notes, one addresse to b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and "To M Sa · lors 11 , and a second addressed to b)(6), (b t?·J are contained in exhibi s . on 17May96, also reported in ref (a), an autopsy of V/BOORDA was conducted at the OCME, for the District of Columbia. Autopsy Photographs are provided as exhibit (6). 6. On 09Aug96, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Special Search Techniques (SST} Team report regarding assistance rendered FOR OFFICIAL u:!r. ONLY PAGE 1 I WARNING TitlS DOCUMENT 1$ Tlif PROPfl'TY OF THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SEllV1CE CONUHTS MAY ac COSCl.OSCD OM.Y ro I'[-WH06l OfflCIAI. DUTIES REOUC ACCtse H(ft£TO. CONTTNISMAY NOT If ~()$(0 ro nt( "'"TYISI CONCtllHlO WITltOllT Sl'(CIFIC AUTHOIVATION FllOM THE NAVAi. C- IHV(SllGATI\/( $(11\/IC(. 000004 16MAY96-DCWA-0278-7HRR/ C 04SEP96 V/BOORDA, JEREMY MICHAEL/ ADM USN U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE on 17May96, was received. The report documents methods utilized via graphs and plots exactly where a spent round, suspected .38 caliber bullet, was located in the East lawn area near V/BOORDA's residence. A copy of the SST Team report is exhibit (7) . AGENT'S NOTE: Although page 1 of the FBI report states a spent bullet was successfull¥ located, paragraph 47 of ref (a}, exhibit (69} pertains, the MPDC Laboratory report concluded it (the bullet) had insufficient individual microscopic markings present to identify or eliminate it as havin~ been fired from the recovered revolver. Additionally, pages 6 and 7, (Plot I and Plot II), of the FBI report, state that a .38 caliber bullet was recovered. The aforementioned MPOC Laboratory report concluded the recovered bullet was either a . 38 Special or .357 Magnum bullet. 6 . On 26Au~96, a FBI Laboratory Report of Examination was received regardin nitric acid swabs taken from V BOORDA's hands and the hands of b)(6), (b)(?)(C) The FBI L~a~-o-r-a~o-r-y~c-o_n_c~u~-e~~-a~-s-w-a~-s-p~e-c~i-m_e_n_s~~~~~~~~e~~~ left hand of V/BOORDA contained barium, antimony, and lead. As a result, the FBI Laboratory reported certain swab specimens from V/BOOROA were found to contain chemical elements consistent with him having handled and discharged a firearm using his left hand or that hand otherwise being in close proximity to a fire~ it discharged. After e ><amini1t;;ai specimens taken from bX6l. it could not be determined if b)(6), was in an environment e gunshot primer residue was ent. The weapon seized from the scene, a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver, Model 649, serial number AYV2602 was test-fired in the FBI Laboratory. Significant amounts of barium, antimony, and lead were deposited on the test­ shooter's hand(s) in all tests. Amplifying details are contained in exhibit (8), a FBI Laboratory Report of Examination. 7. After completion of all logical leads this investigation is closed. The MPDC was the lead investigative agency. Exhibits (2), (4), and (6), were previously provided to MPOC . When completed, the final MPDC Report concerning V/BOORDA's death will be contained in a Report of Investigation (SUPP}. EXHIBITS (1) A copy of V/BOORDA's DCGH treatment records/ 16May96 .•• (Copy all/less MPDC FBI) (2) IA: Receipt of AFIP Consultation Report/02Aug96 •.• (Copy all/less FBI) (3) IA: Death scene Examination Photographs/MPDC/undated ••• (Copy 0023 only) (4) IA: Death Scene Photographic summary/undated .•• (Copy 0023 Only) (5} IA: Photo, aphs of Study/undated .. • (Copy 0023 only) FOR OFFICIAL US ONLY WARNING PAGE 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PllOPUnY OF THE NAVAL CRIMINAi.
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