INSTOC Library Catalog Author(s)/Editor(s) Title Mayne 50 Years of Geophysical Ideas Roe, White Jr. A Catalog of the Type of Specimens I n the Mineral Collection, National Museum of Natural History Bureau of Mines Staff A Dictionary of Mines, Mineral, and Related Terms Officer, Page A Fabulous Kingdom: The Exploration of the Arctic Gottmann A Geography of Europe Harland, Cox, Llewellyn, Pickton, Smith, Walters A Geologic Time Scale Roy, Naylor (eds) A Guidebook to the Geology of North Eastern Maine and Neighboring New Brunswick Wendell, Severinghaus A Manual of Physical Measurements NASA A Meeting with the Universe Lomask A Minor Miracle: An Informal History of the National Science Foundation NSF A Minor Miracle: An Informal History of the National Science Foundation Science Press A Photographic Record of the Mount Shisha Pangma Scientific Expedition Bartusiak, Burke, Chaikin, Greenwood, Heppenheimer, Hoffman, Holzman, Maggio, Moffat A Positron Named Priscilla Landers A Practical Handbook for Individual Water-Supply Systems in West Virginia Procter & Gamble A Report of the Total Quality Leadership Steering Committee and Working Councils Interagency Coordinating Group for Continental Scientific Drilling and Exploration Act A Report to Congress in Response to Public Law 100-441 "Continental Scientific Drilling and Exploration Act" Tinkler A Short History of Geomorphology Peirce A Short Table of Integrals Love A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity Elby About Earthquakes Faulds, Steward (eds) Accommodation Zones and Transfer Zones: The Regional Segmentation of the Basin and Range Province (GSA Special Paper 323) Beranek Acoustic Measurements Keller, Pinter Active Tectonics: Earthquake, Uplift, and Landscape Spiegel Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists Lee, Stewart Advances in Geophysics Advances in Pure and Applied Geophysics: In Commemoration of Professor John T. 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