ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 21(1): 28–59 25 JULY 2012 Review of Turkish crickets from the subfamily Gryllomorphinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) Обзор турецких сверчков подсемейства Gryllomorphinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) A.V. GOROCHOV & M. ÜNAL А.В. ГОРОХОВ, М. УНАЛ A.V. Gorochov, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] M. Ünal, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakütesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, Bolu 14280, Turkey. E-mail: [email protected] The fauna of Gryllomorphinae of Turkey is reviewed. Sixteen species and subspecies are es- tablished. Ovaliptila anamur sp. nov., O. anitli sp. nov., O. alanya sp. nov., O. alanya proxima subsp. nov., O. alara sp. nov., O. teke sp. nov., O. ibrahimi sp. nov., Glandulosa borisi sp. nov. and Gryllomorpha dalmatina minutissima subsp. nov. are described. Ovaliptila beroni (Popov, 1975), Glandulosa kinzelbachi Harz, 1979, G. harzi Gorochov, 1996 and Gryllomorpha antalya Gorochov, 2009 are briefly characterized based on the type material. Ovaliptila buresi Mařan, 1958 is indicated as a rather widely distributed species in the western part of Anatolia (but not in the southern coast of this peninsula). Gryllomorpha dalmatina pieperi Harz, 1979, G. miramae Medvedev, 1933 and the nominotypical subspecies of G. miramae are recorded from Turkey for the first time, but both subspecies remain open to question. Дан обзор фауны Gryllomorphinae Турции. Установлено шестнадцать видов и подвидов. Описаны Ovaliptila anamur sp. nov., O. anitli sp. nov., O. alanya sp. nov., O. alanya proxima subsp. nov., O. alara sp. nov., O. teke sp. nov., O. ibrahimi sp. nov., Glandulosa borisi sp. nov. и Gryllomorpha dalmatina minutissima subsp. nov. Ovaliptila beroni (Popov, 1975), Glandu- losa kinzelbachi Harz, 1979, G. harzi Gorochov, 1996 и Gryllomorpha antalya Gorochov, 2009 кратко охарактеризованы на основании типового материала. Ovaliptila buresi Mařan, 1958 указывается как вид, довольно широко распространенный в западной части Анатолии (но не на южном побережье этого полуострова). Gryllomorpha dalmatina pieperi Harz, 1979, G. miramae Medvedev, 1933 и номинативный подвид G. miramae впервые отмечены для Турции, но оба подвида под вопросом. Key words: crickets, taxonomy, Turkey, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Gryllomorphinae, new taxa Ключевые слова: сверчки, таксономия, Турция, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Gryllomorphinae, новые таксоны INTRODUCTION Harz, 1979; (3) G. harzi Gorochov, 1996; (4) Ovaliptila beroni (Popov, 1975); (5) O. The fauna of Gryllomorphinae of Tur- uvarovi (Us, 1975); (6) Gryllomorpha an- key has been poorly studied. In the previ- talya Gorochov, 2009. Three species origi- ous publications (Uvarov, 1934; Harz, 1979; nally described elsewhere were indicated Popov, 1975; Us, 1975; Gorochov, 1996, for Turkey by some other authors: Discop- 2009), only six species were described from tila fragosoi (Bolivar, 1885), by Weidner Turkey as new ones: (1) Glandulosa wil- (1964), Gümüşsuyu (1981) and Önder et lemsei (Uvarov, 1934); (2) G. kinzelbachi al. (1999); D. brevis Bey-Bienko, 1964, by © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes A.V. GOROCHOV & M. ÜNAL. TURKISH GRYLLOMORPHINAE 29 Harz (1969) and Gümüşsuyu (1980); Gryl- introduced by the electronic catalogue of lomorpha dalmatina (Ocskay, 1832), by Re- crickets (Eades et al., 2012) which part- towski (1889), Ebner (1919), Gümüşsuyu ly used an eclectic classification by Otte (1981) and Önder et al. (1999). However, (1994) lacking any taxonomic justification. these indications are either erroneous or In this connection, we consider it useful to need to be checked, and some of the latter give a more logical variant of Gryllomor- generic and species names are outdated. phinae classification, based on the works This situation requests a special investi- of Baccetti (1959), Gorochov (1984, 1986, gation, which was started by the authors 1990, 1995, 2006, 2009) and Gorochov & of this paper some years ago. In October Llorente (2001). 2010, we visited the southern part of Ana- The subfamily Gryllomorphinae in- tolia from Alanya City to Adana Prov., and cludes only two tribes known in the An- in September 2011, its southwestern part cient Mediterranean Region: Petaloptilini from Antalya City to İzmir Prov. This field Baccetti, 1959 (Mediterranean) and Gryl- study has shown the members of Gryllo- lomorphini Saussure, 1877 (from Mediter- morphinae to be rather widely distributed ranean to Middle Asia). Eades et al. (2012) in Turkey and to be very common in many erroneously added the Australian tribe localities of the southern and southwestern Eurygryllodini Gorochov, 1990 (with the parts of Anatolia. Moreover it has shown genera Eurygryllodes Chopard, 1951 and that this subfamily is represented in Turkey Maluagryllus Otte, 1994) which undoubt- by a greater number of species and subspe- edly belongs to Gryllinae (Gorochov, 1990; cies than it seemed before our investigation, Gorochov & Llorente, 2001). Moreover, and that these taxa have mainly small geo- Gorochov is still indicated in this electronic graphic areas (Fig. 142). catalogue as the author of Petaloptilini, al- The material collected as well as some though it was Baccetti who first proposed additional specimens examined during a scientific name for this group of genera this study are deposited at the following (Baccetti, 1959: Petaloptilae); thus, accord- institutions: Zoological Institute of RAS, ing to the Code (International Commission St Petersburg, Russia (ZIN); Abant Izzet on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999: articles Baysal Üniversitesi, Bolu, Turkey (AIBÜ); 35.1 and 36.1), Baccetti is the author of all National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, family group taxa based on the genus Pet- Bulgaria (NMNHS); Muséum d’Histoire aloptila Pantel, 1890. The generic composi- naturelle de la Ville de Genève, Geneva, tion of Gryllomorphinae is as follows: Svitzerland (MHNG). These insects were collected mainly in forests situated on banks Petaloptilini Baccetti, 1959 of small rivers in low mountains (brief addi- tional ecological information is given in the 1) Petaloptila Pantel, 1890 (Iberian and lists of material studied). However, some Apennine Peninsulas) = Discoptila Pantel, specimens were collected on walls and floor 1980, synonymized by Gorochov (2006). of caves (sometimes in the crevices of sta- 2) Acroneuroptila Baccetti, 1959 (Sar- lactites and under stones). dinia). 3) Glandulosa Harz, 1979 (Anatolia). TAXONOMIC PART 4) Ovaliptila Gorochov, 2006 (Anatolia, Balkans, islands between them, and north- The system of Gryllomorphinae is not ern Black Sea coast). very clear. There are a few problems related [Eades et al. (2012) indicated Discoptila to the tribal position of some genera as well as a separate genus of Petaloptilini having as to the generic and subgeneric positions five species: D. zernyi (Werner, 1934) from of some species. Additional problems were Morocco, D. fragosoi (Bolivar, 1885) from © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(1): 28–59 30 A.V. GOROCHOV & M. ÜNAL. TURKISH GRYLLOMORPHINAE Spain, D. sbordonii Baccetti, 1979 and D. gryllodes is an originally unavailable name clauseri Schmidt, 1991 from Apennine Pen- since it was published by Otte (1994) with- insula, and D. willemsei Karaman, 1975 from out any description or diagnosis (Gorochov Montenegro. However, the first species & Llorente, 2001).] probably belongs to the genus Hymenop- tila Chopard, 1943 distributed in Morocco Order ORTHOPTERA and Canary Islands (Gorochov, 2006); the second one is the type species of Discop- Family GRYLLIDAE tila which was evidently described from a Subfamily GRYLLOMORPHINAE subadult nymph of Petaloptila (Gorochov, Tribe PETALOPTILINI 2006); D. sbordonii and D. clauseri were described from nymphs and a female of an Genus Ovaliptila Gorochov, 2006 unknown genus (or unknown genera) of Petaloptilini (Gorochov, 2006). D. brevis Note. This genus was described by Goro- Bey-Bienko, 1964 from the Crimea is still chov (2006) for a group of related species indicated in the latter catalogue (Eades distributed from Anatolia to Balkan Pen- et al., 2012) as a synonym of D. fragosoi insula: O. buresi (Mařan, 1958), type spe- whereas it is actually a synonym of O. buresi cies known from Bulgaria and Ukraine; O. (Mařan, 1958), which is the type species of krueperi (Pantel, 1890), O. wettsteini (Wer- Ovaliptila distributed from Bulgaria to the ner, 1934), O. lindbergi (Chopard, 1957), O. Crimea (Gorochov, 2006). The genus Hy- newmanae (Harz, 1969) and O. kinzelbachi menoptila is also included in Petaloptilini in (Harz, 1971) from Greece; O. beroni (Pop- this catalogue, but possibly it belongs to the ov, 1975) from Turkey; O. willemsei (Kara- tribe Gryllomorphini (Gorochov, 2009).] man, 1975) from Montenegro. Here we add eight other species and subspecies to this Gryllomorphini Saussure, 1877 list. O. nana (Baccetti, 1992), stat. nov. was described as Discoptila lindbergi nana from 5) Gryllomorpha Fieber, 1853 (Canary Kos I. (Greece) by Baccetti (1992); how- Islands, North Africa, southern part of Eu- ever, this is a distinct species distinguished rope including the Mediterranean islands, from all the congeners (including all the and area in Asia from Mediterranean coast new species described here) by the rather to Kazakhstan and Iran). long male tegmina (which are not shorter ?6) possibly Hymenoptila Chopard, than pronotum) in combination with the 1943 (Morocco and Canary Islands). very short anteromedian
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