Index Abacha, Mohammed, 207–208 zone of, 10 Abacha, Sani, 18, 80, 82, 111, 125, see also corpses 130–131, 133, 140, 147, 159, Abrams, Philip, 21–22, 48 161–162, 168–170, 184, 188, Abubakar, Abdusalam, 188, 203 199, 201–205, 209–210, Abubakar, Atiku, 253 212–214, 224, 252 Abubakar, Iya, 112 and assassinations, 18, 199, Academic Staff Union of 201–205, 209–210, 212–214 Universities (ASUU), 109, brutality of, 80, 82, 111, 168–170, 183, 194 184, 188 Accelerated Development in Sub- death of, 188 Saharan Africa, 178 and first lady syndrome, 159 Achebe, Chinua, 81 and judicial murders, 125 Achike, O., 208–209 and the media, 161–162 Adamawa Fulani Emirate, 246 and Yoruba interests, 147 Adamawa state, 228, 245, 248, 250 Abati, Reuben, 114 Adams, Gani, 140, 142–152, 152n7, Abayomi, Kofo, 34 153n9 Abbasid elite, 199 Adebanwi, Wale, 10–11, 62 Abdulsalam, Abubakar, 50n8, Adejumobi, S., 104, 109–111, 113 161, 224 Adekanye, Bayo, 164 Abiola, Kudirat, 159, 173, 202, Adepeju, Kunle, 106, 111 204, 207–209 Adesanya, Abraham, 202, 204, 207 Abiola, Moshood Kashimawo Adesina, Jimi, 179 Olawale (M.K.O.), 139, 142, Adesokan, Akin, 9 207, 218 Afenifere, 151 abjection, 5–14, 16–17, 19–23, African Concord, 167–169 61, 80 African Independent Television and boundaries, 16 (AIT), 162 and coding, 20 African lineage, and continuity, definition of, 7–8, 61 24n3 labor, 191–194 African soldiery, 18–19, 208–209 and literature, see “Rotten see also military obedience; English” “Zombie” spatial, see spatial abjection African state, see the state 256 Index African workers, 178–180 Anikulapo-Kuti, Fela, see Kuti, Fela AG Kano v AG Federation Anise, Ladun, 107, 112 (2006), 232 anthropology, 24n3 Agamben, Giorgio, 13, 79, 84, The Anthropology of the State: A 87–90, 95 Reader, 2 Agbabiaka, Tunde, 167 anti-SAP protests, 108–111 Agbaje, Adigun, ix–x, 36, 134, antistate forces, 128–129 156–157, 167, 217–219, 234–235 exiting seeking, 128 Agbola, T., 67–71 good-governance seeking, 128 Agege Local Government (Lagos), 9 redistributive-seeking, 128 Aghedo, Sunday, 144 rent-seeking, 128 Agwusiobu, Robert, 10 antistate language, 123–136 Ahmadu Bello University, 108, 112 alarming headlines, 133–135 Ahmadu Bello University protests aspersions, 130–132 (1986), 108 bashing, 129–130 Aiyede, Emmanuel Remi, 16, 21 doomsday scenarios, 123 Ajayi, J. Ade, 112 examples of, 124–125, 128–129 Ajibade, Kunle, 170 forces of, 128–129 Ajibola, Bola, 164 and the framing perspective, Akanmu, Adebayo, 45 126–127 Ake, Claude, 21, 51, 56, 158, 192 and state language, 124–127 Akinrinade, Alani, 202 threats and intimidation, Akinsanya, Dolapo, 184 132–133 Akintola, Bukola, 19 verbal excess, 134–135 Al-Mustapha, Hamza, 203–205, Apampa, G.C., 106 207–208 Apter, Andrew, 24, 83, 89 Al Qaeda, 17 Aradhana, Sharma, 2, 21–22 Alake, Dele, 167 Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), Alamu, Tatalo, 4, 24 128, 131, 133 Albert, Olawale, 18 Armed Forces Decree 105 of 1993, Alemika, Etannibi E.O., 103 211–212 Ali, Ahmadu, 107, 119n2 Army Act of 1955, 209 alienation, 64, 180, 193, arrangee fraud, 35–36, 50n7 245–250, 253 Arrighi, Giovanni, 81, 178 All Nigerian Peoples Party Aruleba, Gbenga, 172 (ANPP), 231 assassination(s), 18, 199–214 Alli, Adekunle, 32 of activists, 202 Alliance for Democracy, 151, 152n8 defined, 199 Althusser, Loius, 7, 159 famous political, 201 Amakiri, Minere, 164 group, 200–201 Amaros people, 32 individual, 200–201 ambiguity, 144, 145–146, 152 versus murder, 199–200 Amnesty International, 73–74 and vigilantism, 201, 214n2 Amuwo, Kunle, 100 see also killing; Sergeant Rogers’ Anglo-Nigerian Defence Pact confessions (1960), 105–106 Auchi Polytechnic, 110 Index 257 authoritarianism, 3, 14, 49, 57, 100, Bratton, M., 51 104, 107, 111, 113, 130, 134, Brazil, 32 155–156, 158, 160, 164, 166, Bretton Woods Institutions, 191 173, 177–178, 184, 209 Brooks, Karen, 16 see also economy; repression Brown, Clyde, 100–101 Awolowo, Obafemi, 140 Brown, Wendy, 11 Awoniyi, Sunday, 131 Buhari, Muhammadu, 181 Ayittey, George, 36 Buhari, Salisu, 14, 29 Buraimo, Tunde, 70 “Baba,” 4, 24n1 Burke, Edmund, 125 Babangida, Ibrahim (IBB), 14, 65, Butler, Judith, 16 70, 109, 130, 134, 139, 159, 162, 164–168, 180, 182–183, Calibrations: Reading for the 202, 218 Social, 8 Baker, P., 33–35 Cameroon, 40, 244–247 Balewa, Abubakar Tafawa, 106 Campaign for Democracy (CD), Balogun, Fidelis, 66 128, 202 Bamaiyi, Ishaya, 203–208 “Campaign for the Realization of a Bangura, Yusuf, 183, 194 South-South Presidency” Bankole, Dimeji, 10 (CRESSOP), 214 barbarism, 135 Canada, 43 Barber, K., 45 CAPRO Research Institute, 245 Barnhart, Robert, 61 Carrabine, E., 45 Barry, A., 22 Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), 29, Bataille, Georges, 5, 6–7, 13 40, 42, 43 Bates, Robert, 179 Central Business District (CBD) Baudrillard, Jean, 5, 6, 14 (Lagos Island), 29, 32, 33–34, Bayart, J-F, 29–31, 36–37, 43, 45, 49n6 48–49 Central Lagos Slum Clearance Belgian colonialism, 135 Scheme (CLSCS), 33–35 Bello, Ahmadu, 221 Central Working Committee Benjamin, Walter, 84, 91–92, 96n11 (CWC), 185 Bermanzohn, Sally Avery, 11–12 Chabal, Patrick, 2, 21–22, 156 Berom of Plateau, 128 Channels Television, 162 Berry, S., 36 Chazan, N., 37, 46–47 Bhargava, Rajeev, 1–2 Chevron, 81 Biafra Republic, 132 Christianity, 9, 17, 20, 32, 42, 148, Biafran secession, 83, 86, 89, 93, 129 217, 236, 248, 252 biodata, 42–43, 48 cities (African), 14–16, 65–67 Biu, Zakari, 170 see also Maroko slum evictions; Boko Haram, 17 slums; urbanization Boma Boys, 33, 49n4 citizenship, 10–11, 18–19, 22, 24, Botting, Fred, 14 80, 82–83, 90 Boulding, Kenneth E., 101 civil war (1967–1970), 83, 85, 89, boundaries, 6–7, 16, 32 96n6, 132, 184, 229 Bourdieu, Pierre, 20 Clapham, C., 31 258 Index closed systems, 126 deprivation, 63–64 “Coffin for the Head of State” (Fela developing countries, 63–67, 75, 81, Kuti), 7 96n8, 118 Cole, P., 33 see also slums; urbanization Comaroff, Jean, 3, 24 Diamond, Larry, 164, 233 Comaroff, John, 3, 24 dictatorship, 155 Committee on Economic, Social, see also authoritarianism; and Cultural Rights, 74 military regimes; repression conceived space, 61 Diette-Spiff, Alfred, 164 Constituent Assembly (CA), 222, 224 Directorate of Military Intelligence Constitution (1960/1963), 82, (DMI), 170 220, 236 “Dirty Economy,” 30, 44 Constitution (1989), 217, 223–224 document forgery, 29–31, 35–41, Constitution (1999), 224–225 43–44, 50nn10,14,15 Constitution Drafting Committee fake passports, 40–41, 43–44 (CDC), 222 “gazetting,” 40 Constitution for the Second Dokubo, Asari, 128–131 Republic (1979), 221–223 Dollard, J., 64 Constitution Review Committee Dorb, L., 64 (CRC), 223 Dougherty, J.E., 64 Copperbelt strike of 1935, 16–17 Dow, James, 25n3 corporations, 6, 17, 24n3 Dumbrok, Pita, 84 corpses, 5–10, 81 Economic and Financial Crimes Dabibi, Milton, 188 Commission (EFCC), 38, Daily Times, 160–163, 166 40–41, 50n11, 189 Dalhatu, Alhaji Bashir, 172 economy (Nigeria), 177–191 Daloz, Jean-Pascal, 2, 156 in the 1970s, 178–180 Damachi, Ukandi, 179 and corruption, 189–191 Dan Fodio, Usman, 219 crisis of (1980s), 180–191 Danbaba, James, 206–207 neoliberal reforms (1980s), 177 Das, Veena, 20 see also labor relations; Structural Davidson, Basil, 243–244 Adjustment Programme; Davies, P., 30–31, 44 unemployment; wages Davis, M., 65–66 Education, Research, and De Boeck, Fillip, 6, 155 Development Council, 48 de Gaulle, Charles, 99 Egba refugees, 32 Defence Intelligence Agency Egbesu Boys of Africa (EBA), 128 (DIA), 167 “Eko” (old Lagos), 32, 49n3 democracy, 226–227, 237 electricity, 68, 71, 75–76, 82, 102, Democratic Alternative (DA), 128 118, 162 Democratic Republic of Congo Elizabeth II of United Kingdom, 68 (DRC), 6, 14, 22 Ellis, S., 29–31, 36–37, 43, 45, democratization, 99–100, 105, 134, 48–49 136, 156, 218 Enahoro, Peter, 163 see also student protest(s) environmental degradation, 81–82 Index 259 Environmental Development forgery, see document forgery Board, 70 Fortes, Meyer, 24n3 Enwerem, Evans, 48 Foucault, Michel, 2, 17, 22–23, 31, Erekosima, Onengiya, 132 47–48 Essential Services Act, 184 and decentered power, 47 ethnic clashes (1999–2003), 139 and “disciplines,” 47–48 ethnic conflict, 12 and spatial abjection, 60 ethnic security dilemmas, 141 Fourchard, L., 33 evictions, 56–59, 63–67, 72–75 Fourth Nigerian Republic, 171 and civil rights, 74–75 framing perspective, 126–127 and trauma, 72 Francis, P., 30 see also deprivation; Maroko Freedom Radio Kano, 172 slum evictions; Rainbow Town; French colonies, 15, 247 sedentarization French Revolution, 65, 125 Ex-gratia Compensation fringe populations, see marginalized Committee, 34–35 populations excess (of state), 11, 17, 23–24, Fukuyama, Francis, 126 58–60, 62, 81, 100 and the oil industry, 81 Garfield, James A., 201 and spatial abjection, 62 gender, 8, 12, 18 see also sedentarization; student genocide, 13, 17, 80–81, 85–86, protest(s) 96n9, 126 “excremental politics,” 13, 79–80 German colonists, 247 “excremental subjects,” 84–91 Ghana, 118, 161 Gibbon, D., 49n1 Fanon Frantz, 178 Gideon Orkar Coup, 70 Fasehun, Fredrick, 139, 142–147, Gitlin, Todd, 127 151, 153n9 Giwa, Dele, 14, 156, 159, Fashola, Babatunde Raji, 58 164–167, 173 Fashoyin, Tayo, 179 Gledhill, John, 20 Fatton, R., 36, 46, 49 globalization, 11–12, 31, 118, 173 Fawehinmi, Gani, 130–131, 202 Goffman, Irving, 127 Federal Executive Council, 150 Goldstein, Robert J., 102 Federal Ministry of Works, 10 governmentality, 3, 12, 17–18, 20, Federal Sharia Court of Appeal 23, 31, 47–48 (FSCA), 221–222 Gowon, Yakubu, 35 federalism, 228–232, 235–238 Gramsci, Antonio, 157–158, 173 Federation of Muslim Women’s Great
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