Site Site location description Zone Easting Northing Date Reach Sampling Length Method (m) FPR- Frying Pan Run downstream of proposed 55 525788 5919001 22/10/2015 N/A WQ DS1 Nordic Bowl altitude training center RVD Rocky Valley Dam reservoir 55 525959 5918863 21/10/2015 N/A WQ Table notes: EF (BP) - Backpack Electrofisher, BT - Bait Trap, DN – Dip Net, Aquatic macroinvertebrates were surveyed according to the techniques described in the Victorian AUSRIVAS Rapid Assessment Method developed by the Victorian Environment Protection Authority (Tiller & Metzeling 2002). This method involves the collection of samples two sampling techniques: slow-flowing river edges (dip- net technique) and fast-flowing riffles (kick-net technique). Macroinvertebrates were live-picked from the samples while in the field, preserved in 70% ethanol and later identified in the laboratory to family level or other taxonomic resolutions stipulated in the AUSRIVAS protocol (Tiller & Metzeling 2002). Results were then analysed using the AUSRIVAS software package, which contains predictive models that assess the ecological health of a monitoring reach by comparing its macroinvertebrate community with those of similar undisturbed reaches within the model. Backpack electrofishing was undertaken at four sites using a Smith Root LR-24 backpack electrofisher. Backpack electrofishing consisted of 500 second of ‘power on’ time at each site. Ten bait traps constructed of 2 millimetre mesh with entrance funnels of 40 millimetre in diameter were set overnight at Rocky Valley Creek Downstream site. Bait traps were deployed in depths of 0.25 to 0.5 metres, typically amongst cover of aquatic vegetation or other forms of cover. Bait Trapping was abandoned after this due to a lack of appropriate habitat and effectiveness. Data from each sampling technique was processed and recorded separately at each site. The number of nets of each type, the duration of net deployment and the number and length of electrofishing shots taken at each site was recorded. Site features including digital photographs, site coordinates, access information and general habitat features were recorded at all sites. Habitat assessment included measurement of water quality, estimates on physical and biological attributes (e.g. depth, substrate composition, flow, wetted instream cover, aquatic vegetation, riparian vegetation and shading etc.), and notes on existing sources of disturbance. Water quality measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), temperature and turbidity were made at all sites using a calibrated Horiba U52 water quality meter. Further samples were taken for laboratory analysis of total nutrients. All water quality measurements were taken in accordance with EPA publication IWRG701: Sampling and analysis of waters, wastewaters, soils and wastes (EPA 2009). © Biosis 2016 – Leaders in Ecology and Heritage Consulting 38 Rocky Valley Creek Falls B Ch ogon Creek ri g Hig ! sti h Plains Rd eS t Snowgum Lane St Sitzmark ark St Telem lom S Rd Sla t Legend k A l C e St rlbe Bow t e uss rg S e r ch t C S g a Parallel St l lls l i Fa V Study area Fryingpan Raceline d (! R Aquatic survey sites s (! FPR-US1 n i a l (! MCC-DS1 P h g Mckay Creek i H Road 24 g n o g (! o RVC-DS1 B (! RVC-US1 (! MCC-US1 RVT-DS1 (! (! FPR-DS1 d Pretty Valley Rd R y e ll a V (! RVD n u S Figure 4: Aquatic survey sites Rocky Valley S t o r a g e 0 120 240 360 480 600 Metres Scale: 1:12,275 @ A3 Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone± 55 Biosis Pty Ltd Ballarat, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Wangaratta & Wollongong Matter: 20424, Date: 11 January 2016, Checked by: MJAL, Drawn by: LH, Last edited by: mlooby Acknowledgements: Vicmap (c) State of Victoria Location:P:\20400s\20424\Mapping\ 20424_F4_AquaticSurveySites Appendix 2: Flora Notes to tables: EPBC Act: DEPI 2014a: CR - Critically Endangered e - endangered EN - Endangered v - vulnerable VU - Vulnerable r - rare PMST – Protected Matters Search Tool FFG Act: # - Native species outside natural range L - listed as threatened under FFG Act P - protected under the FFG Act (public land only) Noxious weed status: SP - State prohibited species RP - Regionally prohibited species RC - Regionally controlled species RR - Regionally restricted species © Biosis 2016 – Leaders in Ecology and Heritage Consulting 40 A2.1 Flora species recorded from the study area Table A2.1. Flora species recorded from the study area. Status Scientific name Common name Indigenous species P Acacia obliquinervia Mountain Hickory Wattle Acaena novae-zelandiae Bidgee-widgee P Acrothamnus hookeri Mountain Beard-heath Asperula conferta Common Woodruff Asperula gunnii Mountain Woodruff P Baeckea gunniana Alpine Baeckea P Blechnum penna-marina subsp. alpina Alpine Water-fern Bossiaea foliosa s.l. Leafy Bossiaea Carex appressa Tall Sedge Carex breviculmis Common Grass-sedge Carex hebes Mountain Sedge r Carex jackiana Carpet Sedge P, r Celmisia costiniana Carpet Snow-daisy P Celmisia pugioniformis Slender Snow-daisy P, r Celmisia tomentella Silver Snow-daisy Chaerophyllum eriopodum Australian Caraway P Coronidium monticola Pale Everlasting P, r Craspedia crocata Crimson Billy-buttons Empodisma minus Spreading Rope-rush P Epacris gunnii Ace of Spades P Epacris paludosa Swamp Heath Epilobium billardierianum subsp. hydrophilum Robust Willow-herb r Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. hedraia Bogong Sallee P Euchiton involucratus s.l. Common Cudweed Gonocarpus micranthus subsp . micranthus - Creeping Raspwort Gonocarpus montanus Mat Raspwort Goodenia hederacea subsp. alpestris Ivy Goodenia P Grevillea australis Alpine Grevillea P, r Grevillea victoriae subsp. victoriae Royal Grevillea Hovea montana Alpine Rusty-pods Hydrocotyle algida Mountain Pennywort Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Shining Pennywort r Isolepis montivaga Fog Club-sedge Juncus bufonius Toad Rush P Lagenophora montana Mountain Bottle-daisy Luzula meridionalis var. flaccida Common Woodrush Luzula modesta Southern Woodrush P Lycopodium fastigiatum Mountain Clubmoss P Olearia algida Mountain Daisy-bush © Biosis 2016 – Leaders in Ecology and Heritage Consulting 41 Status Scientific name Common name P, r Olearia brevipedunculata Rusty Daisy-bush P, r Olearia frostii Bogong Daisy-bush P, r Olearia phlogopappa var. flavescens Dusty Daisy-bush Orites lancifolia Alpine Orites P, r Ozothamnus alpinus Alpine Everlasting P Ozothamnus secundiflorus Cascade Everlasting r Phebalium squamulosum subsp. alpinum Alpine Phebalium P Picris angustifolia Native Picris r Pimelea axiflora subsp. alpina Alpine Bootlace Bush r Pimelea ligustrina subsp. ciliata Fringed Rice-flower Poa costiniana Bog Snow-grass Poa fawcettiae Horny Snow-grass Poa hiemata Soft Snow-grass Poa hothamensis var. hothamensis Ledge Grass Poa phillipsiana Blue Snow-grass Poa spp. Tussock Grass Podolobium alpestre Alpine Podolobium Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. 3 Mountain Panax P Polystichum proliferum Mother Shield-fern P Prostanthera cuneata Alpine Mint-bush r Ranunculus victoriensis Victorian Buttercup P Richea continentis Candle Heath Rubus parvifolius Small-leaf Bramble Scleranthus biflorus s.l. Twin-flower Knawel P Senecio gunnii Mountain Fireweed P Senecio linearifolius var. latifolius Fireweed Groundsel (montane variant) P, r Senecio pinnatifolius var. alpinus Snowfield Groundsel Stellaria pungens Prickly Starwort P Stylidium armeria Common Triggerplant Tasmannia xerophila Alpine Pepper Uncinia flaccida Mountain Hook-sedge Veronica serpyllifolia Thyme Speedwell Viola betonicifolia subsp. betonicifolia Showy Violet Wahlenbergia gloriosa Royal Bluebell Introduced species * Acetosella vulgaris Sheep Sorrel * Achillea millefolium Milfoil * Agrostis capillaris Brown-top Bent * Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal-grass * Cerastium glomeratum s.l. Common Mouse-ear Chickweed * Cerastium vulgare Common Mouse-ear Chickweed *RC Cirsium vulgare Spear Thistle * Crepis capillaris Smooth Hawksbeard © Biosis 2016 – Leaders in Ecology and Heritage Consulting 42 Status Scientific name Common name * Dactylis glomerata Cocksfoot * Epilobium ciliatum Glandular Willow-herb * Festuca rubra Red Fescue * Holcus lanatus Yorkshire Fog *RC Hypericum perforatum subsp. veronense St John's Wort * Hypochaeris radicata Flatweed * Juncus articulatus Jointed Rush * Juncus effusus subsp. effusus Soft Rush * Lotus uliginosus Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil * Malus pumila Apple * Prunella vulgaris Self-heal *RC Rubus fruticosus spp. agg. Blackberry *RR Salix cinerea Grey Sallow * Sonchus asper s.s. Rough Sow-thistle * Taraxacum officinale spp. agg. Garden Dandelion * Trifolium repens var. r epens White Clover * Verbascum virgatum Twiggy Mullein © Biosis 2016 – Leaders in Ecology and Heritage Consulting 43 A2.2 Listed flora species The following table includes the listed flora species that have potential to occur within the study area. The list of species is sourced from the Victorian Flora Information System and the Protected Matters Search Tool (DoEE; accessed on 15.09.2016). Table A2.2. Listed flora species recorded / predicted to occur within 5 km of the study area. Scientific name Common name Conservation Most Other Habitat description Likely Rationale for likelihood status recent records occurrence ranking EPBC Vic FFG database in study record area National significance Euphrasia crassiuscula Thick Eyebright VU v L PMST Alpine grasslands, Low All records for this species subsp. glandulifera heathlands and herbfields. are outside the Falls Creek Resort and no Euphrasia species recorded during current survey.
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