Copyright 1984, COMPUTE! Publications,Inc. Allrights reserved. Reproduction or translation ofany part ofthis workbeyond that permitted bySections107 and 108of the United States Copyright Actwithout the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-942386-38-8 10 987654321 COMPUTE! Publications, Inc., Post Office Box5406,Greensboro, NC 27403,(919)275-9809, is one of the ABCpublishing companies, and is not associated with any manufacturer of personal computers. VIC-20is a trademark of Commodore Electronics Limited. TI-99/4 and TI-99/4A are trademarks of Texas Instruments, Inc. TRS-80 Color Computer, TRS-80 Model I, and MC-10 are trademarks ofTandy,Inc. Contents Acknowledgments v Foreword vii Introduction ix Chapter 1: Conserving Memory 1 Chapter 2: Translating BASIC 11 Chapter 3: Quick Calculations 21 Chapter 4: Graphics 45 Chapter 5: Sound 87 Chapter 6: Math Competency Ill Chapter 7: Homework Helpers 147 Chapter 8: Computer Sorting 193 Chapter 9: Fun in Less Than 4K 207 Appendix A: A Beginner's Guide to Typing In Programs ... 259 Appendix B: How to Type In Programs 261 Appendix C: BASICKeyword Abbreviations 264 Index 266 f <r t c c rrr r r f t c c r c c c c c c c c i c c c c c c c c c c c r ip\ Acknowledgments I want to offerspecial thanks to the staffof South Elementary Schoolin Cedar City, Utah, who gaveme the idea for this book. The school had purchased three computers, then receivedsix hand-me-down computers from the high school. Although the teachers were excited, they asked, "What can we do with these computers?" This school, like many others, is anxious to give its students quality education, which includes computer experience. In this book I offersome suggestions for what you can do with computers that have limited memory —and what you can do without having to spend any more money on peripherals. I appreciatethe help ofmy five children, Chery, Richard, Cindy, Bob, and RandyWhitelaw, who helped type the programs, then tested them to make sure they worked on several computers. Mychildrenand their teachers havecontinued to giveme ideas forpossiblecomputerprograms. Ialsoacknowledge myhusband, Chandler Whitelaw. He never complained as I outgrew my com puter room and put computers in the kitchen, dining room, and bedroom. Without the help of the COMPUTE! Book editors, this book would not be possible. I appreciatetheir suggestions and encouragement. C. Regena /SIP Foreword If you own a VIC-20, a TRS-80 Color Computer, or another com puter with limited memory, you probablyknow that it can be difficult to make it do complicated things. Memory restrictions simply prevent you from takingadvantage of many popular commercial programs. Many useful programs seem to require more memory than your computer has. However, there's a lot you can do with limited memory, and some of those huge software applications can be trimmed down or cut into miniprograms that run quite nicely on the computer you already have. C. Regena is the popular author of the best-selling Program mer's Reference Guide to the TI-99/4A and Programmer's Reference Guide to the Color Computer; she also writes a column about the VIC-20 and Commodore 64 in COMPUTED Gazette and one about the TI-99/4A in COMPUTE! Magazine. She has written and collected some of her best and most powerful programs for this book. All the programs take up less than 4K of memory in your computer—some of them considerably less. But they're all useful, from those which teach typing to those which test your knowledge of music or geography. You'llsee how to conserve memory in programs, letting you make the most of the memory your computer has. You'll even see how to translate programsfromone computer's version of BASIC to another. Bestof all, though, you'll have more than 100 programs to type in and use. In fact, to make this book as useful as possible, many of the programs are accompaniedby explanations of how the program works. Studying the programs and explanations willshow you techniques that you can use as you write your own programs. The programs range fromgames to loan and interest calcula tors, from teaching you the notes of a keyboard to plotting points on a graph. There are programs which turn your computer into a powerful calculator and programs which test your skillat solving mathematical word problems. You'll find uses for your computer again and againas you expand your libraryof programs. vu <*^ Introduction Manymicrocomputers used in homesand schools todayhave limited memory. Somecompanies startedwith a 4Kmodel, then later added more memory and more capabilities. Forexample, Radio Shack attracted the new home consumer market with the TRS-80 Model I, a 4Kblack-and-white computer. Most dealers are now selling the ModelIV (and others). Radio Shack's color computerlinestartedwitha 4K modeland a 16K Extended BASIC model. That 4KColorComputer (affectionately called CoCo)has beenreplacedbytheTRS-80 Micro ColorComputer, ModelMC-10, a smaller, compact microcomputer in the $100 range. Commodore swept the home market with the 5KVIC-20 (actually 3583 bytesoffree memory), aneasy-to-use colorcomputer with a full-size keyboard which now sellsforunder $100. Early Atari400and 800owners probably purchased their computers with 8K. Sinclair owners could purchase a IK or 2K computer or could make one from a kit. Manypeople use their first computersto learn about com puting, then upgradetoa more expensive computer with greater memory capacity. Alotoftheseearly models arebeingshoved aside, givenas hand-me-downsto another family member, or donated to schools.Many new computer owners are purchasing limited-memory computersbecausethe priceis attractive, and they figure any computerisbetterthan no computer. Schools are purchasing low-endcomputersso they can get more computers and more students can have hands-on experience in class. Butyou mayhavefoundthat owninga computeris much like buying a house —you need to keep buying peripherals to go with it. In most cases, the computer peripherals cost more than the computer, and youmaynotbewilling toadd on those expenses. You want to make do with what you have. But What Can You Do With 4K? There is much you can do within 4K, and without buying extras. You stillhave a very powerfulmachine without having to add anything on. You can enjoy your computer just as it is. I consider working within the memory limitationsof a com puteroneofthe challenges ofthatcomputer, justlike having eight colors, a certain size screen, or particular graphics commands. You can'texpect yourmicrocomputer todoeverything a mainframe computercan do —you didn't haveto pay as much foryour little computer. Butitcan do a few thingsthat a bigcomputer cannot do. I hope these programs and ideas willbe helpful to you and willwhet your appetite so you can developyour own programs within the limitations ofyour computer. Although most of these programs are educational, I have tried to include a variety of sub jects so you can get an idea of the many different applications for home computers. I assume you have a computer, a television or monitor to see what you're doing, and a cassetterecorderwith blank tapes to save your programs, plus allthe necessary cablesto connect every thing. You don't need to buy anything else to run the programs in this book. The firstsection(Chapters1-3) consistsofprograms that con tain no graphics or sound statements. They are written in trans latable BASIC, so you should be ableto use them with any com puter that uses BASIC. It was impossible to test the programs with all microcomputers, so explanationsare included in case you need to make minor translations. Computers with larger memory capabilities may also use these programs. The second section (Chapters4-9) consistsof programs for specific computers —TRS-80 ModelI, TRS-80 ColorComputer, MC-10 MicroColor Computer, unexpanded VIC-20, TI-99/4, and TI-99/4A. (Although the TIcomputers do not have the memory limitations of the other machines, program versions have been included. They can usually be entered in a limited amount of time, and are useful to any computer owner.) The listingscan even giveyou an idea of how to make these programs work on other computers. Chapter 1 Conserving Memory If you program efficiently, you can really fit quite a bit into 4Kor less. Here are some suggestions for memory-saving programming techniques. • Delete REMark statements. As you are programming, REMark statements help to document your program so you can keep trackof varioussectionsofthe program. However, ifyou need to conserve memory, the firstand easiest step could be to remove all the REM statements. • Use short variable names. Many computers recognize only the first two letters of the name anyway, so the rest take up valu able space. If you can use variableswith one letter, you conserve even more memory than by using two-letter names. Forexample, REDSCORE and BLUESCORE may be shortened to R and B. • Repeat variable names where possible. Forexample, in the beginning of the program you may read in ten variables: 10 FOR 1=1 TO 10 20 READ V 30 PRINT V,V*V 40 NEXT I Laterin the program you have another counter loop. Use the variable I again: 600 FOR 1=1 TO 1000 610 NEXT I Many computers allowyou to leaveoffthe index in a NEXT statement: 50 FOR J=l TO 50 60 NEXT • Use FOR-NEXT or GOSUB. Anytime you have repetitious code, see if a FOR-NEXT loop or a GOSUBprocedure will work. • Plan all GOTO logic. If you have many GOTO statements in your program, it may be much more efficient to rearrange your program. • Use the DRAW command, if your computer allows, to create graphic displays. Subroutines or FOR-NEXT loops can save lines when used with the DRAW command.
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