From Summit to Zoniloard RuUnoPuts OK on Freeholder Nomination Chtfs Use of Bassett Estate Of SXttttV A H( "freeholder Namars of 1«7J Soring/idd av« antiquated firt A recoounendatioa that the Council « Norwood tftfaiK sue, New Piwtteaea, that •» system, iaitUled is UM and ggrant a te , «*4idW» ftf wottlt seek eoe <* *e fiv, B> is pi, wffl ta com- permission to the Beacon Bill dub to us* the 10-acre Baa- publican nomination* to til* to the fcoara « Free* hr March with sett EaUte on Hobart avenue for a pdv»Us social dub was U ttr April RMkf* beard In tU April •rtnury. +.- - , -—• Belweiit IBT* s nude Laat Saturday by the Zoning BkwNL I Ek Mr. MeNamara, lor navy •Ubad If the fnpsffer American Mtrtrf to the boafd^if years the owner of Ae lfcNamt- Firs Alaru System. Orville, Ohio, However, the^ning Board aUted that three modi- ifldependent cllldtdate, rj TuwraJ ftww on Summit avt- at a eost ef taoca thaa W.0O9. fications of the club's plans kti h»d previcBuOy •Mrwf- auc, aow the P.ul IppoUto Sum Tht new equijanent will have 52 should be made to eliminate hwtri « a Summit C«ai- mtt Memorial Some, i« a native botet, an ioereaee of U over, the Judges Named jone of the objections voiced at i of whkfa to wau of Summit tnd a former nember prtatnt figure. Meanwhile, the the two lengthy attd crowded pub- of th« GOP City Coromittw. He te i * The fli He is » syrttna, weddaf oa. tear dmttts chances would .directly affect the city «** «aM th*t he h« beco w#A by i of »e oWttms thme. is For Hobby Show many RcpuMieaiu tknwjhout fee residents ^of Braatwood drive lo- party and for"two id to ateommodate tven- cated at the rear of toe Bnssett the Summit ft* ewinty to be«one « Freeholder tttaltr IH Boxes for use as the city ty . Committee. He also cwdidiU. This Saturday The changes are elimination of f Jfte. i* a me»n)>er and a put eode numbers ate beJag all entrances and exits on Brant, ralaed ban hap numerals to three Mayor Percfval M. BUad. Miss comiruftdtr of Sdtnmit Pott lit, E. Adele Hepbron, director of art wood drive, landscaping and Adierickn Leffkm; a member of with the eity divided iato four a*c- pUating the Brantwood drive tioni. according to duel Thonas at Summit High School, and Al- Summit lodge of Elk«, the PAL, bert W. Stender, president of the boundary of the property to Ihe Holy N.roe Society of St. i, Murray. The atetkma are than sereea. Hit dub asd to locate broken down iato district* with Watchung Area Council of Bey Teresa'* Owrth, New Jersey Scouts. wiB be Judges at the ninth H* ejfcjsYs parking area "as far Stat« funeral Difeetors Auoeia- eowecuUve cede oombers for as possible" from Br»ntwood neighboring street*. annual Boy Scott bobby stew m lion and the Union County BOB February n at Central Presbyte- drive. balmers Auociation. rian parish house. •lea Heed isr CM Five Openlnf• ea BMH Rr» lex Um 1« « avip«e letter to tin Other caodidttet to data art Among the Exhibits arid be a Comtnoa Council, tte Zoning Mayor. F. Edwurd Biertuemp&l Beth pectoc-atae a»4 wall number of Lincoln photographs Board stated that it "determined of Union, who wai elected lut aUcahl tiM llataef tte aew tire from the National Archives and that a need exists" in Summit Kovember to fill the oneyfar in- alara bra amaacra aai their the Frederick Hill Menem His- for Che proposed dub and that ita expired term created by the lecattoaa ate beeag prafMad NSW unm wmam-mmmto* * **m meet- are O. Vince McNany, district governor, welcoming torical Collection. These will be operation would sot be detrimen- cJotb of Col. John K. M Dudley, wW^et charge te *maril m- ing of area Lkms CMta held l»»t Thursday at theBernard Brounstein, Dr. Andrew A. J. Ceaualdi displayed by A. E. Badtelct and tal nor adversely affect the *tid Harry C. Kinj, alto of Untoe, Meata by jbe Sejaiok Kxpma Hotel Suburban waa l|e induction of eight new £harles Holtzman, Charles J. If aoder and Alfred H. A. J. CetenUno, members of the neighborhood. who haa terved tor seven yean C#. members of the local cfub. The Summit club won Boldtman. The New Providence-Berkeley Heights Bell Laboratories West Street Edward A. Piizi of the local Camera Club. 04) the Board but yvas defeated The aew Are alana cealei anay first place among » Union County clubs for newclub was host to Lions from Summit and the Oranges, law firm of Piul & O'Brien who in a bid for nntkctlOA to 1M2. members enrolled during January. Left to right (Wolin photo) Mr. Bachelet found several true represented the residents object- Open for the April Primary art (fee Attuftftt Ctpress O. effite, stereo pairs and they have been ing to thft club plans, said yes- three.full termt, a one-year tern, •I lafevei aveaae; the Svauatt arranged for stereoscopic viewing^ terjflay. tbat he had requested Hobby show visitors wilt have thai thai flte pammoti Council grant and a two-year unespircd tea*} BeraM afttee «r tte Cbaeakcr Summif Area Phones 95% htm a hearing before acting upon to be filled. i of C*BB»erea efflee, aecteji Princeton. Rutgers opportunity to vtewJUaeafai In 3-D lifelikeness. the Zoning Board's recommenda- Both Hickok and BiertuempW ef »W Sprmjrkld aveame. tion. •win seek full three-year tern» Conv To Debate Red Miss Susanna MeloJcheok [ Eise* 1 Hkkok for Dial Use May Appeal U Coart and it is expected that The new code also has four Elii who has wosj C. Valentine of Rabway. The come mit Area boards we multiple line key cabi- honors lo crocheting contests, At the final hearing before the ipeeial wunbers,' for single f«a. teiennones to 1* W pernets. Zoning Board Mr. Pizii hinted > A. Dewejr la Ms«k*i nmnljg mate ttroee j sioo ot school; for out of city as- China Issue Here display some of her handiwork: in- cent completed. Jersey The change-ow from manual The Summit YMCA will be thecluding luncheon sets and bed-he njgbt seek court action to re* ago, will also be a eandldat* for tbtance call; and for Comraon- Bell Telephone Co. ded this renonination. calling to dial is now -estimated to battleground for s dash between spreads. verse a favorable decision made wealth Quarry and Celanese Corp. week PMCUCU 1 KKMt* tj* iffl- take place early in October in- the debating; teams of Princeton by the Zoning Board and stated tf cfancr tin between Klnf, whose amwwMemtei of Tbe new *yatea» boasts SUM phones now hai stead of tHe original Nowtmber Robert* T.S. Seed, superinteft "on die record of T> per cent op- and Rutgers. The topic will be dent of. Summit schools, will ex- <ef Freeholders and the candidacy came as a iitrpriie, miles of underground wire. These vice and most dale. The new addition to the paws*** caago to <a$tt if the said he has not yet made up hitwires feed into tte ttd pedtettaU atiao have "resolved thit the United Slates hibit as «artjr AxMrican Mtraio ewnty municipalitifes in Summit exchange bujMtag: on should extend diplomatic retef* decudon iiLadverse." mind as to whicfe of toe board which are located in the central l V*, , Springfield avenue haw been com- •hOe. • ' ^ • 4 phdmis switch nitloa to the government of Com- '. Apang tte many other displays . When ^u*stiofled\ ywiettfeif rti ^ the city running aloig pleted and Western Electric Co. munist China." Springfield avenue from Passaie will fit) old dime novels from the about his plans. Mr. Piixi said in UH citation crews are now installing,, dial that the first step was to discuss street to the intersection of Broad equipment. The debate will be held at thecollection of Howard Silsbec of liew Freeholder committee YMCA auditorium on Wednesday, the matter with the Common wd municipal affairs TV Program atreet, and along Broad to the . The dial equipment being in- Hapiewood, ind orchids from fiw Council. He is not requesting fur- Springfield city line. It was pop* High School Set stalled In the local exchange is February 23 at 9 p. m. The pro-John Lager greenhouses of Sum- d u first chairman of gram is sponsored by the public ther public hearings, he said. Meat tsjnoittee. He is »t present 8iWe to place the wires under- the very latest type and will per- mit. of the property owners7 in flte gtxmA ttrough use of the Ben mit not only direct dialing to affairs education committee of 8 of the ro.cb and bridges To Feature For Quick Trip the TiMCA. neighborhood tbat opposed tile "! mi is a mewler rf Telephone conduit*. greater New Kptk City and all of club plan met Monday night to In thft suburban areas of tte New Jersey but a^o will be suit- Admission will be free and* all l persons are cordially invited. discuss the Zoning Board's ver- •Ity, the-wl«« will be fivtrbcid To fJUahoma' able for, immediate use when Local Chapter of dict. r".*jJ insurance committed*. Mm. John Maggio. director of (he cross-country dialing becomes ef- It was also announced that rep- "<T ht WM elected * trustee as at present. In these areas wlbfiis Ch* a Local Enterprise Semmit Vi»|ting Homemaker Serv- many of the present boxes, re- fective on; a nationwide basis. resentatives of local dubs and or- ^Ai of Free-- morning" comes nearer to Sum- gaaizaUons engaged in study or ^acon ISn Oub is a Bon^Wflt ice of SAGE wfll be interviewed placed during the years, will be mit every day and on February ' The Summit exchange is one of, Business Women's by Virginia Graham Wednes- 13 in the state selected this year discussion of public affairs or in- organization consisting of local wled.
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