www.mississippilink.com Vol. 18, No. 33 JuNe 7 -13, 2012 50¢ Fortification Street to get $8.9M Hearing underway in Hinds County in ‘much-needed’ improvements LaRita Cooper-Stokes City holds groundbreaking kickoff accused of election fraud By othor Cain Managing Editor Less than 160 votes propelled LaRita Coo- per-Stokes to victory in a special Ward 3 election. Now 12 jurors will decide whether she can keep her seat. Testimony began Tues- day, June 5, in Cooper- Stokes’ election fraud trial. Five witnesses took the stand after opening state- ments. Copper-Stokes Jackson Joyce Jackson, Cooper- Stokes’ opponent, said at the polls. that appeared Tuesday. there were several laws Cooper-Stokes was Clarence Henderson, a broken by Cooper-Stokes’ sworn in March 2, the day Jackson campaign worker, campaign and poll work- Jackson filed suit seeking said, “One lady came up ers. Jackson is challenging another run-off election. there and whispered in my the election results, hoping She [Cooper-Stokes] main- ear, vote for Mrs. Stokes, City officials and others turn the dirt during the groundbreaking to kick off the Fortificationi mprovement Project. to send voters back to the tains nothing was done il- cause we need her, she’s polls for another elec- legal. Cooper-Stokes re- the lady.” By Gail M. Brown Johnson said getting to this these many years. I’m tion. ferred all questions to her Michael Hayes who was Editor point required the city working just so pleased that Jackson’s at- attorneys. Representing her a poll watcher said he saw Fortification Street, one of the with the neighborhood. “We we had so many torney John are Bruce Burton and Im- several violations of state corridors into downtown Jack- wanted to make sure that when strong partners.” Mississippi Reeves said hotep Alkebu-Ian. law. One was the parking son from I-55, has long been we spent this money…that we Plans to im- Black Rodeo state laws Burton said, “It is un- of the vehicle with cam- considered one of the city’s had a project that people would prove the street coMing to jackson were broken fortunate that we have to paign literature in the win- worst streets. be proud of and would buy have been in j u l y 1 4 at five vot- be here, we are sure the dows for a half hour, right On Wednesday, June 6, Mayor into,” said Johnson. “This proj- the making for ing precincts, people expressed their will in front of a polling place. Harvey Johnson Jr. announced ect has been a labor of love for a decade or more. 2 0 1 2 i n c l u d i n g on election day.” “As far as Hayes said one precinct the kickoff of $8.9 million in members of this neighborhood Securing the fund- campaigning our investigation goes, we had a radio on that was long-awaited improvements and this area of the city. It has ing and other red tape within 150 feet of found no irregularities.” playing a vote for Stokes for the well-traveled street by truly been a commitment of my had been hurdles to over- a polling place, aid- Reeves said he intends commercial. motorists, business owners and administration. It has been a ing voters at the machines to call 30 witnesses who Cooper-Stokes’ attorney residents of the Belhaven neigh- process. It required us keeping Fortification Street that didn’t ask for help and have proof of Jackson’s al- said this is the case of a borhood area. our shoulders to the plow over ‘Continued on page 6 playing campaign radio ads legations, including several sore loser. Hinds Co. Sheriff’s deputies Task force says, ‘Enough is make weekend drug bust Enough’ to crime in the city Stop the Violence prayer breakfast offers solutions items confiscated during the drug bust. Photo By othor Cain By othor Cain and $2,000 in cash. Managing Editor Taylor has been charged with Fulfilling a campaign prom- possession of cocaine with the Jackson-area ministers and others strategize about how to stop crime. Photo By Gail Brown ise, Hinds County Sheriff Ty- intent to distribute, domestic By Gail M. Brown rone Lewis announced this violence and several traffic enforcement organizations strategize over solutions to Editor week his team of deputies violations. and area ministers. the problem will help pre- made a major drug bust last Lewis said the cocaine that More than 125 law en- According to data from the vent and put a dent in crime. weekend. was confiscated had a street forcement officers, city and Jackson Police Department’s “We must first begin with Deputies responded to a do- value in excess of $100,000. taylor county officials, ministers webpage posting as of May prayer,” said Cain as he wel- mestic disturbance call Satur- “We are proud of the work that and citizens poured into the 20, 2012, year-to-date re- comed concerned citizens day, June 2, at 328 Wildwood our team is doing and we are that much powdered cocaine Hanging Moss Road Church ports show that aggravated to the prayer breakfast held Boulevard. As deputies ap- even prouder of ridding our in his possession at one time of Christ family life center assaults, armed robberies, at his church. The church is proached, police dispatch re- streets of this illegal activity is a major deal,” Picou said. Tuesday morning, June 5, for carjackings and homicides pastored by Curtis Pittman. ported that a man was leaving and making every citizen in “We are talking about $30,000 a call to action prayer break- are up over last year’s num- The call-to-action break- the home in a gray Chevrolet Hinds County feel safe,” Lewis a kilo, and there were two ki- fast in the fight against crime bers. Homicide is up by near- fast program featured several and was headed north on Parks said. los in his possession, so that’s in the city of Jackson. ly 50 percent over last year. prayers by local clergymen. Road. Chief Deputy Chris Picou $60,000 wholesale and well “Enough is Enough” is the The “Enough is Enough” Among participating clergy- After a brief pursuit, the car said when this amount of co- over $100,000 once it hits the name of the recently estab- task force, spearheaded by men were Phil Reed, Hosea stopped on Gore Road and caine is taken off the streets, it streets.” lished task force which held community activist and ad- Hines, Arthur Sutton, John Aaron Taylor, 26, of Brandon means a major source or sup- At press time, Taylor was be- the breakfast in partnership vocacy journalist Othor Hicks and C.J. Rhodes. The was arrested without inci- plier has been shut down. ing held without bond and ex- with the Hinds County Sher- Cain, hopes that bringing dence. In his possession, depu- “This individual is a sub- pected to make his initial court iff Department with the sup- the church, community and Stop the violence ties found two kilos of cocaine stantial drug dealer. To have appearance this week. port of other surrounding law crime fighters together to Continued on page 6 Winning the Gospel artists f It’s an indescribable Share this issue with a friend HIV fight lock to Atlanta feeling. I am honored to by mailing it to: Helping children live City credited with boosting “be taken so high. longer lives careers Inside -Zach Bird 2012 Murrah H.S. Graduate Los Angeles Dodgers’ 9th” Round Draft Pick Page 10 Page 12 Page 16 2 • the mississippi link June 7 -13, 2012 www.mississippilink.com June 2012 Compiled by Othor Cain s m t W t F s Managing Editor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 June 2012 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Expert: Comparison of Chagas Puckett Machinery leaving Butch Brown elected 1disease to AIDS not literal 2 Jackson for Flowood 3 mayor of Natchez Although it has recently drawn comparisons to AIDS, Chagas disease Flowood’s low crime rate, Brown wins 73 percent of vote is not quite the same type of pandemic. Still, there is reason for concern. ‘business-friendly’ environment cited The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently Twelve years after two-term Natchez Mayor Larry L. “Butch” Brown highlighted the disease on a short list of infections that are priori- Puckett Machinery, a heavy equipment dealer that has been was defeated in a bid for re-election, he’s headed back to the mayor’s ties for future action. office as the city’s overwhelming choice. Chagas disease can turn deadly without detection and treat- located in south Jackson since 1941, is relocating its headquarters and 200 employees to Flowood, a suburb east of the city. The Natchez Democrat reported that Brown won 73.26 percent of ment. It is a growing epidemic in rural Latin America, where an the vote in Tuesday’s general election, defeating independent candi- estimated 8 to 11 million people are infected. Richard Puckett, Puckett Machinery’s chairman/CEO, told the Clarion-Ledger that Flowood’s low crime rate and “business-friend- date Bill Furlow by 1,665 votes. More than 300,000 people in the United States have the dis- Brown had 2,572 votes; Furlow 907 votes, or 25.83 percent. ease and are not aware of it. ly” environment prompted the decision. The Caterpillar heavy equipment/rental services/engine dealer Brown, who served as mayor of Natchez from 1992 until 2000, said Dr.
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