IrvingIrving RamblerRambler www.irvingrambler.com“Irving’s weekly community newspaper” March 13, 2010 Calendar Page 3 Classifieds Page 6 Doctors dislike Movies Page 15 Obituaries Page 13 Police Page 2 implosion sponsor Puzzles Page 14 Worship Page 10 Page 8 Column Awards shine bright By Jess Paniszczyn for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights “John asked me previously to do for the community, the excite- As a long time veteran of the The style, glamour and cre- AIDS. do The Column Awards, and I was ment in the audience and the way theater, Mr. Bohmer appreciated ative spark that invigorate the Joining The Column Awards not available,” Mr. Bohmer said. all these different theater compa- the quality offered by the Irving Metroplex were on display in royal founder, John Garcia, on stage as “For me co-hosting was a good nies are unified. Arts Center. fashion throughout the 11th annual co-host was Broadway leading fortune that came out of a misfor- “People in equity productions “This facility is fantastic. You The Column Awards hosted in Car- man Ron Bohmer. During his ca- tune. I was in the Broadway show and non-equity productions are have such an incredible theater penter Hall on March 8. Adding to reer, Mr. Bohmer has starred in Ragtime, which closed prema- getting a chance to play these great here. The fact that they donated the the excitement of this year’s Ragtime, The Phantom of the Op- turely. As soon as we heard about roles doing these shows for their space for the awards is a huge com- awards were no less than 11 per- era, Sunset Boulevard, The Scar- the closing, John contacted my friends, family and the community. munity service. And I just think it formances by local companies fea- let Pimpernel, Aspects of Love, and agent. To have these awards, which honor is tremendous. tured during the night’s program. Disney’s High School Musical “I had a great time. It was so those people as well as honoring “I’d love to come back here Designed to recognize theatrical among many others. much fun. I love what these awards the people who came before them and do anything. Let’s do Miss talent, the awards also raise funds through the memorial awards, I See FUN, Page 7 just think it is terrific.” Directors discuss high flying adventure story By Jess Paniszczyn “Growing up in the little town While busy on a five city press I grew up in, Hollywood seemed tour to promote their newest so far away and seemed like an un- movie, How to Train Your Dragon, attainable goal. To actually be directors Chris Sanders and Dean working in Hollywood and mak- DeBlois’ took an opportunity to ing movies for a living is confor- speak with about 50 students of the mation that if you have it in mind, Wesleyan Academe. Created by you can absolutely do it. DreamWorks, the movie is an ad- “It is nice to then go back and aptation of Crssida Cowell’s tell kids who have a creative aspi- childrens book. ration to follow it. If you have it in “On How to Train Your you, absolutely the world needs Dragon, we wrote the dialog, and more great stories, story tellers, we also directed the actors and animators, artists and musicians. animators as they made the “It is nice to get up in front of movie,” Mr. Sanders said. a bunch of kids, answer questions Dressed to the nines, the company of The Column Awards shows off some of this year’s most “DreamWorks bought the rights to and demystify it a little. Just kind inventive and creative fashion designs for the theater. the book, because they really liked of let them in on what it is like to the idea of doing a movie that have this as a job. would have lots of different kinds “Kids with interests in com- of dragons and Vikings. puter science, photography, cin- City Charter Election “What they realized the first ematography, music, writing, de- couple of times they tried to make sign and drawing might consider the movie version of the book is making movies, all of that comes that the story was a little bit too into play. Animation pulls from a PERIODICALS IRVING TEXAS IRVING POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE scheduled for May 8 small and a little bit too young to huge set of disciplines and a strong PERMIT #024981 desire to be part of it. For any out- Residents will go to the polls Mayor, shall Section 12 of Article appeal to everybody. They wanted let where you are creative, there is May 8 to vote on four proposed IV of the Charter of the City of Irv- the parents, the older kids and the an equivalent of it in the movie amendments to the city charter. ing be amended to also allow the younger kids in the audience to making world.” Early voting will begin April 26 Chief Executive to execute con- have a good time. “When I was a kid, there were and run through May 4. tracts, conveyances, and bonds as “When you are a director and certain things that were very mys- The city charter sets forth poli- directed by the City Council? a writer, you are really only doing terious to me,” Mr. Sanders said. cies and procedures by which the The charter as currently writ- one thing all the time. You are tell- “Because this is the point in your city governs itself in accordance ten requires the mayor to sign all ing a story. The story is change. life where you begin to decide with state and federal laws. A citi- contracts, conveyances and bonds Even though you are sometimes in what you may want to do. Where zens’ charter review committee ac- issued. This proposed amendment a room with an actor, animator, you go from here is a mystery to cepted input and recommended would allow City Council to au- painter or a model builder, it is re- some extent. To demystify that is that certain issues be placed before thorize the chief executive or chief ally all in service to one thing and a great thing to do if you can do it. the voters. The City Council called executive’s designee to sign the that is the story.” “When I was a kid and I was the May election for voters to de- city’s contracts, conveyances or Sharing information with interested in animation, I found it cide on the proposed changes. bonds in place of the mayor, un- youngsters about how movies are very difficult to get real informa- The proposed amendments der such restrictions or guidance made and how their talents might tion, the kind of information I would allow for changes concern- as the City Council would deem one day be used to create movies wanted. Every once in a while The Irving Rambler Box 177731 P.O. Irving, TX 75017 ing signing contracts, repealing the appropriate. was important to both the directors. there would be a television show position of treasurer, the issuance “I think this is a really neat ex- on the Wonderful World of Disney of bonds and warrants, and remov- Amendment No. 2 perience for us, because when we that would talk about animation. A ing the cap on contributions for In regard to the treasurer, shall were kids occasionally someone lot of times they would actually employee retirement benefits. Fol- Section 25 of Article IV of the would stop by the school and talk present it as some form of magic. lowing is the ballot language for Charter of the City of Irving, which about what they did for a living,” It didn’t really help me very much the four amendments as well as a created the position, be repealed Mr. DeBlois’ said. “I was always as a kid who wanted to know how description of each. and shall Section 3 of Article VIII keenly interested in anyone who ving Rambler $0.25 ving Rambler $0.25 ving Rambler $0.25 ving Rambler $0.25 ving Rambler $0.25 to do animation when they said it Ir Ir Ir Ir Ir be amended to remove reference took their drawing or writing abil- ity and managed to make a career Amendment No. 1 See STUDENTS, Page 4 See STUDENTS, Page 4 In regard to the duties of the out of it. Page 2 March 13, 2010 www.irvingrambler.com The Irving Rambler th POLICE & FIRE 14 ANNUAL Accident/Fatality: 03-05-10 Unit 1 was traveling at a very high rate of speed west Irving Fire bound on John Carpenter Frwy. (S.H.183) weaving through traffic. Unit 1 failed to Department IRVING POLICE control his speed as he “came up on traf- fic.” The driver lost control, traveled down Activity summary the exit ramp to Spur 482 skidding and spin- Mar 4 - 9, 2010 ning, crossed both lanes of the NSR of SH Irving Fire Department AWARDS BANQUET 183, crossing through the business parking lot at 3101 E. John Carpenter striking the responded to 289 incidents. south west corner of the building at 3101 and coming to rest on the property of the The Fire incidents MarchMarch 25,25, 20102010 75 Miscellaneous Fire business. The surviving passenger admitted he and the driver had been smoking mari- and Rescue Calls 9 Structure Fires juana immediately prior to the crash and 3 Special Operations neither was wearing a seatbelt. 2 Vehicle Fires Barricaded Gunman: 03-06-10 Officers Medical calls responded to a call at a residence in the 2400 23 Major Accidents block of West Tenth.
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