War Crimes Investigation and Trial Records From the Former Lithuanian KGB Archives RG-26.004M United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Washington, DC 20024-2126 Tel. (202) 479-9717 Email: [email protected] Updated on Nov. 13, 2013 Descriptive Summary Title: War Crimes Investigation and Trial Records From the Former Lithuanian KGB Archives Dates: 1920-1940 RG Number: RG-26.004M Accession Number: 2002.37 Extent: 245 microfilm reels; 35 mm. 15,688 digital images : JPEG ; 13.0 GB. Repository: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington, DC 20024-2126 Languages: Lithuanian, Yiddish, Hebrew Russian, German and English. Administrative Information Access: No restriction on access. Reproduction and Use: Fair use only. Preferred Citation: [file name/number], [reel number], RG-26.004M, War crimes investigation and trial records from the former Lithuanian KGB Archives, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Washington, DC. Acquisition Information: Purchased from the Lietuvas Ypatingasis Archyvas. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Project Division in several parts in 2002 and 2003. Digital duplicates of additional records accreted in 2013. 1 Custodial History Existence and Location of Originals: The original records are held by the Lietuvas Ypatingasis Archyvas, Gedemino pr. 40, Vilnius, Lithuania LT-2600. Tel. 011 370 5 251 4210. More information about this repository can be found at http://www.archyvai.lt. Processing History: Aleksandra B. Borecka Scope and Content of Collection Contains documents from the criminal investigation files and trial records of Lithuanian citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) accused of wartime crimes related to the Holocaust. System of Arrangement This collection is arranged thematically by case file numbers. Indexing Terms Lietuvos Ypatingasis archyvas. World War, 1939-1945--Atrocities--Lithuania. War crime trials --Lithuania. War criminals -- Lithuania. Political atrocities --Lithuania. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Lithuania. Lithuania -- History -- German occupation, 1941-1944. Lithuania -- Politics and government -- 1918-1945. Inventory: Note: Finding aid contains only description of records on microfilm reels Reel File Description 1 2507/3 BB, 2507/3 Selmis (tarnyba Maidaneke, 2 tomai, mazdaug 50psl.). SB 3683/3 BB, 3683/3 Simonelis (2 tomai). SB. 4004/3 BB, 4004/3 Cepas. Byla 141 l., priedas 78 l.Steponas Cepas, sunus 2 SB. Petro, gimes 1916 Salamiestis, Vabalninkas valscius. Partizanas Vabalninkuose (Birzai apskritis). 2 4370/3 BB, 4370/3 Petrauskas. SB. 5111/3 BB, 5111/3 Sokolovas (Praveniskiu konclagerio sargybinis, 2 tomai, SB. mazdaug 400psl.). 6033/3 BB, 6033/3 Pauris. SB. 6231/3 BB, 6231/3 Marciunas (Praveniskiu konclagerio sargybinis, 2 tomai, SB. mazdaug 60psl.). 6964/3 BB, 6964/3 Blank SB. 7472/3 BB. Butkevicius. 3 7472/3 SB. Kaminskas. 7851/3 BB, 7851/3 Vitkauskas (Kedainiu getas, 2 tomai, mazdaug 600psl.). SB. 16249/3 BB,16249/3 Pakalnis (policininkas Joniskyje, 2 tomai, mazdaug SB. 300psl.). 17533/3 BB, 17533/3 SB. Stepanavicius. 4 14438/3 BB, 14438/3 Sliesoraitis (Kauno IX forto sargybinis, 3 tomai, mazdaug SB. 800 psl.). 15668/3/ 3t1. Raudonis (policininkas Plungeje, 3 tomai, mazdaug 1,500psl.). 5 15668/3 BBt2, Raudonis (policininkas Plungeje, 3 tomai, mazdaug 15668/3 SB, 15668/3 1,500psl.). VB. 17915/3 BBt1,17915/3 t2. Mazrimas ( 8 tomai, mazdaug 3,000). 3 6 17915/3 BBt 3, Mazrimas ( 8 tomai, mazdaug 3,000). 17915/3 BBt4, 17915/3 BBt5. 7 17915/3 BBt6, Mazrimas ( 8 tomai, mazdaug 3,000). 17915/3 SB, 17915/3 SB. 11136/3 BB .??? 8 11136/3 SB. ??? P-18171 BB, P- ??? 18171 SB. P-16622 BBt1, P- ??? 16622 BBt2, P- 16622 SB. 9 4814/3 BB, 4814/3 Sreiveris (Seduvos policininkas, 2 tomai,, mazdaug SB, 4814/3 SB. 600psl.). 12825/3 BB, 12825/3 SB, 12825/3TB, 12825/3 VB. Zorkus (Plateliu policininkas, 2 tomai, mazdaug 700psl.). 13188/3 BBt1. Stanislovaitis (tarnyba 12 batalione, veikla Kaune, Baltarusijoje, 3 tomai, mazdaug 1,200psl.). 10 13188/3 BBt2, Stanislovaitis (tarnyba 12 batalione, veikla Kaune, 13188/3 BBt3, Baltarusijoje, 3 tomai, mazdaug 1,200psl.) 13188/3 SB. 11 13188/3 TB. Stanislovaitis (tarnyba 12 batalione, veikla Kaune, Baltarusijoje, 3 tomai, mazdaug 1,200psl.). 13785/3 BB, 13785/3 Baranauskas (zydu zudynes Svencionyse, Pabradeje, 3 SB, 13785/3 KAB. tomai,) 12118/3 BBt1,12118/3 BBt2. Ventskus (Telsiu partisanas, 4 tomai, mazdaug 1,200psl.) 4 12 12118/3 SB. Ventskus (Telsiu partisanas, 4 tomai, mazdaug 1,200psl.) 13545/3 BB, 13545/3 Jurevicius. SB. 47746/3 BBt1, Byla 5 tomu, 304 l., 310 l., 299 l., 397 l., ir 56 l., priedai 43 47746/3 BBt2. l. ir 177 l.Vincas Sausaitis (Morkaus), 1915 Kuliai kaimas Kretinga apskritis Tarnavo Vilniaus ypatingajame buryje. 13 47746/3 BBt3, Byla 5 tomu, 304 l., 310 l., 299 l., 397 l., ir 56 l., priedai 43 47746/3 Bt4, l. ir 177 l.Vincas Sausaitis (Morkaus), 1915 Kuliai kaimas 47746/3 BBt5, Kretinga apskritis Tarnavo Vilniaus ypatingajame buryje. 47746/3 KAB. 14 47746/3 SB. Byla 5 tomu, 304 l., 310 l., 299 l., 397 l., ir 56 l., priedai 43 l. ir 177 l.Vincas Sausaitis (Morkaus), 1915 Kuliai kaimas Kretinga apskritis Tarnavo Vilniaus ypatingajame buryje. 21012/3t1, 21012/3t2, 21012/3 Stropus (policininkas Plungeje, 9 tomai, mazdaug SB, 21012/3TB, 2,000psl.). 21012/3VB, 21012/3 TB, 21012/3TB, 21012/3TB, 21012/3 TB. 15 20046/3 BB, 20046/3 Martisius. SB, 22422/3 BB, 22422/3 SB. 16 24704/3 BBt1, Eidukas. 24704/3BBt1, 24704/3BBt2, 24704/3BB, 247004/3TB. 17 24704/3 TB, 24704/3 Eidukas. TB, 24704/3 TB, 24704/3 TB, 24704/3 TB. 24618/3BB,24618/ 3 SB, 24618/3 TB. Deninis (Svencioneliu policininkas, 2 tomai, mazdaug 600psl.). P 17662/3BB, P17662/3 SB. ??? 5 24976/3 BB t1. Stasiukynas (sargybinis Paneriuose, Maidaneke, 3 tomai, mazdaug 2,000psl.). Byla 2 tomu: 417 l. ir 556 l., 2 priedas 4 l. ir 302 l. Stasiukynas Albinas (Simo), 1915 Tarnavo IV policiniame batalione, saugojo Vilniaus geta. File of 2 vol.: 417 pp. and 556 pp., 2 additions of 4 pp. and 302 pp. It covers five people: Stasiukynas Albinas (Simas), 1915 Pukelis Petras (Pranas), 1917 Taurage district Kemesis Silvestras (Jurgis), 1918 Siauliai district Kizys Kostas (Jurgis), 1920 Siauliai district Jurkunas Kazys (Kazys), 1918 Mazeikiai district All five served in the 4th auxiliary police battalion in Vilnius from July 1941; guarded POW’s camp; were transferred to the 2nd battalion in August 1941; guarded Vilnius ghetto; escorted Jews to the killing site in Paneriai and were on guard there; from November 1941 to November 1942 were on guard in Majdanek death camp; combed woods searching for the Soviet partisans. File has everybody’s pre-war Lithuanian passport with photo. All five were sentenced to 25 years of forced labor. 18 24976/3BBt2, Stasiukynas (sargybinis Paneriuose, Maidaneke, 3 tomai, 24976/3 SB, 24976/3 mazdaug 2,000psl.). TB, 24976/3 TB. Byla 2 tomu: 417 l. ir 556 l., 2 priedas 4 l. ir 302 l. Stasiukynas Albinas (Simo), 1915 Tarnavo IV policiniame batalione, saugojo Vilniaus geta. File of 2 vol.: 417 pp. and 556 pp., 2 additions of 4 pp. and 302 pp. It covers five people: Stasiukynas Albinas (Simas), 1915 Pukelis Petras (Pranas), 1917 Taurage district Kemesis Silvestras (Jurgis), 1918 Siauliai district Kizys Kostas (Jurgis), 1920 Siauliai district Jurkunas Kazys (Kazys), 1918 Mazeikiai district All five served in the 4th auxiliary police battalion in Vilnius from July 1941; guarded POW’s camp; were transferred to the 2nd battalion in August 1941; guarded Vilnius ghetto; escorted Jews to the killing site in Paneriai and were on guard there; from November 1941 to November 1942 were on guard in Majdanek death camp; combed woods searching for the Soviet partisans. File has everybody’s pre-war Lithuanian passport with photo. 6 All five were sentenced to 25 years of forced labor. P17502t1. 23352/3 (dabar: P-17502 LI) Kazakevicius (Eisiskiu miesto administracijos narys, 4 tomai, mazdaug 1,500psl.) 19 P17502t2, P17502t3, 23352/3 (dabar: P-17502 LI) Kazakevicius (Eisiskiu miesto P17502 SB, P17502 administracijos narys, 4 tomai, mazdaug 1,500psl.) VB. 20 19484/3BB, 19484/3 .???? SB 40877/3 BB, 40877/3 . ??? SB 34296/3 BB, 34296/3 Gylys (zydu zudynes Kupiskyje, 2 tomai,). SB. 34322/3 BB, 34322/3 Skucas (Kauno policininkas). SB, 34322/3 KAB. 21 34420/3 BB. 34420/3 Zmuidzinavicius. SB. Germanavicius. 36137/3BB, 36137/3 Byla 439 l., priedai 75 l. ir 71 l. SB, 36137/3BB, Jonas Germanavicius (Mato), 1914 Sirvintai 36137/3 SB,36137/3 apskritisTarnavo Vilniaus ypatingajame buryje; zudynes KAB, 36137/3 TB. Paneriuose. File of 439 pp., additions of 75 pp. and 71 pp. Jonas Germanavicius (Matas), 1914 Sirvintai district. Served in Zondercomando from summer 1941 to summer 1944 when Soviets liberated Vilnius; escorted Jews to Paneriai, took part in killings there; in 1945 joined the anti- 38467/3 BB, 38467/3 Soviet partisan movement. SB. Bladziunas. 43348/3 BB, 43348/3 SB. Vaitkevicius. 22 37288/3BB. 37288/3 Raudonis (Kedainiu policininkas). SB. 37288/3 TB. 25778/3BB. 7 Janulevicius. 34099/3 SB. Adomaitis (Seduvos zydu naikinimas, 8 tomai, mazdaug 1,000). 23 34099/3 PRPB. Adomaitis (Seduvos zydu naikinimas, 8 tomai, mazdaug 34099/3 KAB. 1,000). 34099/3 KAB. 34099/3 KAB. 34099/3KAB. 34099/3KAB. 43401/3 BBt1. Mazeika. 43401/3BBt2. 43401/3 SB.43401/3 SB. 43401/3 KAB. P19196/3 BB. P19196/3 SB. 45018/3 (dabar: P-19196 LI) Pilka (Siauliu policininkas). P19196/3 KAB 24 34338/3BBt1. Skridaila (Salantu policininkas). 34338/3 SB. 34338/3 KAB. 34338/3 TB. 40923/3 TPB. 40923/3 SB. 40923/3 Pauliukonis. iSKB. 42347/3 BB, 42347/3 SB.
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