DOCUMENT EESD!IE ED 201 E29 CE 02.6 873 AU:HOP L.:.-:caro, Mary; And Others T7-ily Life Education: Curriculum Guide. STNS AG-ENCY Health Services Administration (DHHS/PHE), 1pckville, Bureau of Community Elealth Services- P7.- 'TO wEc--HSA-81-5669 PO- D1,_71-E 7S-09-H-00260-08-0-FT-H7C NO-7 M.; Prepared by --:he F-ly Life Educa--__on Program -7-irelopment Project, Santa. Cruz, CA. -171-7--CPA 7-erintendent of Document=, U.S. Governmeut Printir7 Washington, DC 2(12 (Stock No. 1--026-00095-0, $14.00). ITEr7 7-7.1/PC15 Plus Postaae. 77.7c7-77-7r-av=77 )1H-rutions; Adolescents; A-lopti:).n; Annotated Ipliographies; Behavirr-1 Obectives; Birth; pntraception; Curriculuu lzuides; *Decision Making: ,cision Making SkiLl=: il Life Education; idelines; Indivi I :evalopment; Instructional 7rrerials; Learnir Acrivities; Le3son Plans; Models; ::---17enthood Educatic:f; P:ean*:ncv; *Problem Solving; *-7,roaram Developmerr: Implementation; oduction (Bioloa,r); Secc-Fndsary Education; *Self 2=eem; *Sex Educarn; 7ex 1P.ole; Venereal 7-'seases 7 7TTFTI75 -":77-RACT Designed to serve mel and resource for setting up family life edur.:1-rior proarams at the secondary this famil life education cnrriczam guide presents a 7=sycific ten-ses:st= model for pror--- -- both the high school and rtnior hiah cho== levels. While borr, pr=grams attempt to provide a tr-oad over-view of the areas commonly covsref in family life education cr=ses, the junior high program tends tc focus more on the issue of -s.7e1±-esteem, while the senior high proar focuses more on problem Ivina and decision making. Topics of th i:. junior high program 7-7.sions are an introduction to self-esteem, listening and _7munating, sex roles, adolesceht grovm.h and development, I=77,,anaTLcy and birth, decision making, birr± control and parenting, =.5. pregnancy alternatives and venereal Effsease. Session topics for senior hiah program include reproductfve anatomy and physiology, =F.= roles, decision making within relaticnships, venereal disease and 77mmunication, pregnancy and birth, teen Psrenting, pregnancy -1,t1ternatives and birth control. Appendixes contEin a family life e±lmcation bibliography, audio-visual resc===es, film guides, a sample ze-rent notificatian form, and a sample pas'ts' review night. (MN) ===*************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be,made from the original doc-mment. *************************** FAMILY LI:- EL:JCATION: CURRICULUM GJIDE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ANDHUMAN SERVICES Pu'olic Health Service Health Services Administration Bureau of COmmunity.Health Services DHHS Publication No. (HSA)81-5669 1980 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.Government Pr!lttng Office Washington, D.C. 20402 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN. ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILN REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL NSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. This publication was developed by the FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, 212 Laurel Street, Santa Cruz, Ca. 95060 under U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Grant 1/09-H-00260-08-0 FT-H70, for the Office for Family Planning, Bureau of Community Health Services, Health Services Administration. First printed by the Santa Cruz project in Summer 1979, minor revisions in Spring 1980. 1:AWEIDGEMENTS The Family Life .E.ducaticr Guide is the product of a lictge educatic Ls number of individmals who C? That family life and sex an important and recessar ;± our educational system. It is i=p-Drtzmt thank them. and appropriate .ctat.we to acknowledge and creation ami Mary itecaro yes a Et-ie.:. of the credit for the writing of this guide. Uven pesm three years Maryhas worced wcmh literally thousanrs of with hundreds of parents(sorc- teacher!: Her ive and non-supportive aL.. .insulted with dozens of be energy, creativir7 and. se: _rre what has allowed ourprogramz reflected in 11-_=T: successful. Her cmpressi an educator are extensive contribrions t cmmmiculum guide. Lynne Cooper, Kay Todd, ..cr,r,e17,-Harris and Ellen Wagman wereall -Lc- volved in the design and ::;:rodiuctfzz ofthis guide. Lynne Cooper's exti7a- ordinary thoroughness th-14 -hcrt this effortand Kay Todd's extraordiary calmness in the frant_c c2ays cf writing deserve specialmention, A number of colleagues and ittikAmds read partsof the rough draft and :.ode specific and helpful c-oraln.17, We areparticularly grateful to Clair Delano, Joyce Grellman, :.1111c.Ln, Teri Isliker, SharonMoberg, Debby pleling Purvis, Lucy Scott, jUiman. Also helpful in the initial stages were Ron Dodd en A/ Vasconcellos. male Special thanks must go Reynolds, who reviewed, rewrote and additions to the final ciTc, and Lynne DeSpelder, whoseinsighul comments were of parti: Hollis Zelinsky orcheatT_ ..:inducted and choreographIld a mad asalgment of typewriters and typIt.: ie =crazy rush to get this to the prmmd....rs on time. She deserves 1,z,itedimments, thanks, and a lot of time madness Cle.e6re, Carolyn Herring, who hsa, nerregret, gone through this omed was able to take it al: trid. Her patience and calmness was .F-w and appreciated. All the clocks, the be_ 1 artwork on the dividers, andthe cover design are the Venetia Bradfield. Pam Nelson did th1.--;-ely design and calligraphy: binder _cover. Sandra Orwitm, the won. lo always makes everythingpossible, is gmet,- and tt,..chers fully thanked and ackt._ ged, along with the students, parents of Santa Cry= County f=rtCom this curriculum derived. This curriculum guide ime alevelopedby the education staff of Planned Parenthood of Santa Cruz Tci-mty as partof the Family Life Education U.S. bepar- Program Development Projec funded through a contract with the ment of Health, Education,rdWelfare, Office of Family Planning. Steven BigriCA Education Director TABLE OF CONTENTS INTROE7CTION TO TIDE EDUC- ION GOAL.2 ALZ,-3 :-7HY OF FAMILY LIFE AND SEX RAT=ONE: SLY LIFE AND SEX EDUCATION . 1) DDDDD pAEENa SUTZ,L. Licil) INVOLVEMENT JUNIGEEIGI: PRC:RAM GETE":- OEJECTIVES SEESION I INTRODUCTION SESSION I: INTRODUCTION TO SELFESTEEM SESSION III LISTENING AND COMMUNICATING 91 SESSION IV SEX ROLES 10' SESSION V ADOLESCENT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 111 SESSION VI PREGNANCY AND BIRTH 121 SESSION VII DECISIONMAKING 129 SESSION VIII BIRTH CONTROL AND PARENTING 141 SESSION IX PREGNANCY ALTERNATIVES AID L7D 151 SESSION X REVIEW AND EVALUATION SEN :: HIGH PROGRAM 167 ,ENERAL 0.7JECTIVES 171 7,:ar3sioN I - INTRODUCTION 195 SESSION II REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY . .21 SESSION III. SEX ROLES . 225 SESSION IV DECISIONMAKING WITHIN RELATIONSHIPS 239 SESSI'W V VENEREAL DISEASE AND COMMUNICATION v. SESSION VI 7.TENANCY AND EtaTH 257 SESSION VII 7_IEN PARENTING 273 SESSION VIII --77REGNANCY 283 SESSION IX RTH CONTROL 295 SESSION X =VIEW AND EV=LTION 321 APPENDICES A FAMILY L= 7E EDUCATION: ., BIBL1jGRAPHY 341 B AUDIO-VISUAL RESOURCES 357 C FILM GUIDES 363 D SAMPLE PARENT NOTIFICATION FORM J01%- E SAMPLE PARENTS REVIEW NIGHT '382 vi INTRODUCTION TO GUIDE a model The FatiLy Life Education:Curriculum Guide is meant to serve as education programs at the and re=.,Lrce for teacherssetting up family life session model for programs at seconL= level. It pzesents a specific ten - nigh school and -unior highschool level. While both programs both covered within _a provide a broauoverview of the areas commonly atrt7emt::. high program tends tofocus more famil: .17e education courses, the junior of self-esteem while the seniorhigh program focuses more on on th . content cov- problem and decision-making. In both instances, the that students, parents, andteachers ered to reflect the basic areas have :t7Z..icated are the mostimportant and most essential. is an inade- We al-2 -The first to admitthat a ten-session, two week program information and skill quate a=ouLat of time to coverthe tremendous amount of However, we dev,-_Dpment needed in the area offamily life and sexuality. operating within school systems. are iso well aware of the constraints into TheE,e programs and thLs curriculumguide are designed to fit_ easily curriculum have been airady existing clas:-es. Various adaptations of this community health, home presented in over 400 differentclasses including. education classes. economics, English, sailnce,social studies and physical model, we Altnough it can be very successfullypresented as a ten-session possible the program be expanded,particularly in the urge that whenever Most of the ses- essential areas of esteem-buildingand decision-making. bibliography siJT-ts include optional exercises. The family life education curriculum and resource (see Appendix A) includes asection that lists other guides where other teachingactivities can be found . the junior and The Family Life Education: Curriculum Guide divides both Each section begins with alisting senior high program into tensections. brief overview and of the general objectives forthat session and with a also lists ideas for explanation of the approach. The Approach oftentimes expanding that particular session. Sample Lesson Plan. The objectives and approach arethen followed by the by classroom teachers, Because we are well awareof the restrictions faced class session. In we have designed thelesson plans around a fifty-minute exercise is the minimum most instances, the amountof time allotted for an When a session is longer amount of time needed to presentthe activity. include more dis- than fifty minutes, exercises caneasily be expanded to cussion or more detailedinformation. of how to set The sample lesson plan isfollowed by detailed descriptions lesson. When the up and process theexercises suggested in the sample of lec- teaching activity is primarilyinformation-giving (through the use outline of the im- ture or audio-visual), wehave presented only a brief listed portant points that need tobe covered. There are a number of books in-depth content infor- in the bibliography(Appendix A) which can provide Teacher's Guide and Resource Manual mation.
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