InstituteInstitute forfor NuclearNuclear ResearchResearch andand NuclearNuclear EnergyEnergy BulgarianBulgarian AcademyAcademy ofof SciencesSciences Present State Future Prospects Jordan Stamenov Founded 1972 (Institute of Physics, 1956) MissionMission INRNE is nuclear research institution and the biggest leading complex centre in Bulgaria for scientific investigations and applications of the nuclear science VisionVision INRNE has to satisfy the needs of the society for support and development of the nuclear science and knowledge towards to perform investigations and applications on the field of nuclear technologies, medicine and industry QualityQuality managementmanagement systemsystem sincesince 2003/20042003/2004 ISO 9001:2000 №3312/0 ISO 14000:1996 №357/0 Science - Society Reference Science Human resources Advanced Research Advanced Methodology, Advanced Infrastructure Technologies and Methods Metrology Management International Quality Management Collaboration Sustainable Environment Management System and Cooperation and Cooperation Innovations & Business Activities Observing, Complex Monitoring, and Management ISO 9001:2000 №3312/0 ISO 14000:1996 №357/0 of Environment and Society MainMain TopicsTopics ofof ActivitiesActivities • Theory of the elementary particles, fields and atomic nuclei; • Nuclear physics and astrophysics; • Nuclear methods and instrument design; • Nuclear instrumentation; • Radiochemistry; • Dosimetry and radiation safety; • Neutron physics; • Reactor physics; • Nuclear energy and nuclear safety; • Radioactive waste management; • Monitoring and management of environment. NationalNational andand InternationalInternational ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities z National Operator of: - Nuclear Research Reactor IRT-2000 - Radioactive Waste Repository Novi Han z Scientific support of NPP Kozloduy z Radiological monitoring and management of environment z Analysis of nuclear materials of an unknown origin (enriched U and Pu) - combat with illicit traffic z Liquidation of radioactive hazard events RADIO ECOLOGY InstituteInstitute forfor NuclearNuclear ResearchResearch andand NuclearNuclear EnergyEnergy Members of BAS 4 Qualification Structure Professors 22 Senior Scientists 64 Scientists 75 Engineering staff 118 Technical support staff 30 Administration 37 Total 347 D.Sc. 25 Scientific Degree Structure Ph.D. 97 Enhancement Winter dreams ...Rila and Pirin Mountains INRNE – International Scientific Centres Connections JINR IAEA ESI CERN SISSA INRNE INRNEINRNE –– JRCJRC ScientificScientific ConnectionsConnections IE ITU IRMM IES IPSC INRNE IHCP IPTS JRCJRC –– INRNEINRNE ThematicalThematical IntersectionIntersection IRMM IPSC IPTS IHCP IRMM IPTS ITU IE IHCP ITU IRMM IPSC IHCP IE ITU IE IRMM IHCP ITU IPTS ITU IRMM IHCP ITU IES IRMM IPTS IES IRMM IPTS IES IRMM IPSC IPTS IES IRMM IPTS IES IRMM IHCP IES IPTS IRMM IES IRMM IE IES IPTS IPSC IHCP IE IES IPSC IPTS IPST IES IE IPSC INRNEINRNE scientificscientific eventsevents ’2001-2003’2001-2003 2003 1. XV International school on nuclear physics, neutron physics and nuclear energy Varna, September 9-13, 2003 2. 1 Coordination Meeting “Perspectives of Life Sciences Research in Nuclear Centres” Reviera, Golden beech, 21-27.09.2003. 3. XXII International workshop on nuclear theory, Rila, June16-22, 2003 4. INRNE – JRC Conference - Informational Days NUSES “Nuclear Science for Sustainable Environment and Security”, Sofia, , Hotel Moskow, 19-22.02.2003 г. 5. HIMONTONET European workshop “High mountain observatories and challenges of XXI century”, Borovetz, 29.06.-03.07.2003 г. 6. V International conference on WWER fuel performance, modeling and experimental support Varna, 29.09.-03.10 , 2003 7. XIX JINR-CERN International symposium on nuclear electronics and computing, Varna, 15.-20.09.2003 8. ECFA meeting, Sofia, September 7-8, 2002 2002 9. XXI International workshop on nuclear theory Rila, June 9-15, 2002 10. International conference on WWER fuel performance, modeling and experimental support Varna, October 1-5, 2001 11. XVI International school on nuclear physics, neutron physics and nuclear energy Varna, September 26-30, 2001 2001 12. XVIII JINR International symposium on nuclear electronics and computing Varna, September 12-18, 2001 13. VI International workshop “Relativistic nuclear physics: from MeV to TeV” Varna, September 10-16, 2001 14. International conference on geometry, Integrability and nonlinearity in condensed matter& Soft condensed matter physics, Bansko, July 15-20, 2001 15. XX International workshop on nuclear theory, Rila, June 10-16, 2001 16. II “Sandanski” East-West coordination meeting on nuclear science Sandanski, May 5-9, 2001 17. VI European workshop on Quantum systems in chemistry and physics Sofia, April, 19-24, 2001 Intensification INRNEINRNE Publications’1995-2003Publications’1995-2003 Year 95 96 97 98 99 2000 2001 2002 2003 Interna tional 111111 99 127 129 132 120 109 114 82 journals all 351351 344344 333333 347347 302302 407407 331331 342342 338338 INRNE NOVINOVI HANHAN RadioactiveRadioactive WasteWaste RepositoryRepository Reconstruction Modernisation NOVINOVI HANHAN INRNE RadioactiveRadioactive WasteWaste RepositoryRepository Liquidation of radioactive hazard events GI,GI, IA,IA, INRNEINRNE (BG),(BG), ITUITU (DE),(DE), SCK-CEN(BE),SCK-CEN(BE), SUERCSUERC (SC)(SC) ArchaeologicalArchaeological andand GeologicalGeological AnalogsAnalogs forfor SafetySafety AssessmentAssessment NEST EDVENTURE ofof RadioactiveRadioactive WasteWaste RepositoriesRepositories FP6 joint project proposal • Thracian tumuli • Old Bulgarian fortification banks Expected project results: - the accepted conservative assumptions • 7 fossil soils integrated in the about water infiltration and embankment stability are not correct loess horizons - the protective embankment will not be destroyed during repository life time - the probability of leaching and migration of radionuclides in environment is very low - the Thracian embankment practice could be useful for argumentation of modern embankment parameters Nuclear Scientific and Experimental Center with Nuclear Research Reactor (1961) Reconstruction and Modernisation NuclearNuclear ScientificScientific andand ExperimentalExperimental CenterCenter withwith NuclearNuclear ResearchResearch ReactorReactor (1961)(1961) Reconstruction and Modernisation IE - INRNE BNCTBNCT ApplicationApplication ofof IRT-200IRT-200 ResearchResearch ReactorReactor Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a form of radiotherapy that has the potential to selectively kill the cancer cells embedded within normal tissue. It uses boron-10 isotope, which emits two short-lived high-energy alpha particles when irradiated a beam of thermal energy neutrons. The tumour treatment goes through two stages: • A tumour-seeking chemical compound, which contains a predefined concentration of boron atoms, is loaded intravenously in the patient • The tumour area is then irradiated with thermal neutrons from nuclear reactor Nuclear Scientific and Experimental Center According the governmental decision from 2001 the research reactor IRT–2000 will be reconstructed into reactor with low power 200kW - IRT-200 RadiochemistryRadiochemistry andand RadioecologyRadioecology Hot cell manipulating of very high ratio active substances 99mTcTc TechnetiumTechnetium RadiopharmaceuticalsRadiopharmaceuticals ClinicalClinical UseUse CombatingCombating IllicitIllicit TraffickingTrafficking ITUITU -- INRNEINRNE ofof NuclearNuclear MaterialsMaterials The illicit traffic of nuclear and radioactive materials is a serious violation nonproliferation laws as well as a risk for the health of the population. Criminal diversion of fissile materials could lead to the potential construction of nuclear weapon or applied with conventional explosives the radioactive material could pose a threat to dwelling places, water supplies etc. I. Internal traffic These devices consisted of level and dense meters, irradiation devices, removing static electricity, smoke detectors etc. mainly containing the isotopes Cs-137, Co-60, Ir-192, Ra-226, Am-241 etc. II. External traffic This traffic included Al, Os, Cs, Sc, Rare earth elements, Red Mercury, Pu, Enriched U. Creation of specialized Laboratory for Non-destructive Analysis of Illicit Nuclear and Radioactive Materials ITUITU -- INRNEINRNE EnvironmentalEnvironmental RadiationRadiation MonitoringMonitoring ITU Project “ Harmonization of techniques and methodologies for sampling and measuring radioactivity in the environment” Checking of sampling procedures and analytical methods towards to reach the EU - wide harmonisation of analytical procedures and the development of a common quality assurance/quality control programme. The environmental monitoring covers the areas of INRNE (including the area of IRT-2000), the area of the National Radioactive Waste Repository Site in Novi Han and 2 referent sites (Vitosha mountain and BEO Moussala). More than 40 years this monitoring is carried out at the same sites with the use of same or compatible techniques, leading to the accumulation of a significant data base, including the period of atmospheric nuclear tests and the Chernobyl accident. Plutonium concentration in soil samples from the INRNE area ITU Project “ Harmonization of techniques and methodologies for sampling and measuring radioactivity in the environment” IREIRE –– INRNEINRNE jointjoint expeditionexpedition Sampling of sediments from the bottom of the “Beli Iskar” dam lake BEOBEO IECIEC BEOBEO IntegratedIntegrated EnvironmentalEnvironmental CentreCentre Bulgarian
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