c A N A D A Sumici6n Submission to .... y OF WINNtp.,. c'' ~G AL CONG~~SO PAN-AM~~ICANO TW~ PAN-AM~~ICAN CONG~~SS de Sao Paulo, Brasil at Sao Paulo, Brazil Abril de 1963 April, 1963 pOl' by the LA CIUDAD DE W IN NIPEG CITY OF W INNIPEG pam ser A_nfitri6n de los to host the J UEGOS PAN-AMERICANOS CANADA PAN-AMERICAN GAMES en 1967. in 1967. ' ' PERTINENT FACTS PROVI NC E OF "'ANITOBA OFFICE OF THE PREMIER • The "Keystone'' Province in the heart of Canada is able and anxious to WINNIPEG stage the 1967 Pan-American Games. April 10, 1963. • Weather during the summer months is moderate with temperatures in the 70° - 80° range a11d precipitation slight. Evenings are cooler. Dear Mr. Chairman: • Situated in the centre of Canada, Winnipeg 1s easily reached by air, rail The provincial government very much appreciates yonr Committee's and road. efforts to persuade the Congress of the Pan-American Games to grant the 1967 Games to Winnipeg and to Manitoba. • Hotel accommodation meets accepted international standards. From all accounts I have received the Pan-American Gam-es provide an excellent forum for promoting good will among the nations. This is an • Winnipeg's application has been supported fully by the l!"'ed·eral Govern­ objective which all Manitobans are anxious to promote. ment of Canada, the Provincial Government of Manitoba and the Munici­ palities of Greater Winnipeg. The provincial government has already informed his Worship the Mayor of Winnipeg that it will participate in the planning and organization • 'rhe Net Costs of the Games have been guaranteed ,by the Federal, Provin­ of the Games in 1967 if they are held here. We are therefore in strong cial and Municipal Governments. support of the request which is now to be laid down before the Pan-American Games Congress, and we trust that you will be successful in the endeavour • All new athletic and spectator facilities will be completed by 1966 - a to obtain the Games in 1967 so that the people of Manitoba will have the full year before the games. pleasure and privilege of playing host and of meeting the many participants from all parts of North, South and Central America. • A Technical Director will be appointed on .January 1, 1964. With all best wishes, • Extensive organizational exper·ie11 ce has been acquired through the staging Yours sincerely, of national, provincial and local competitions. • National coverage has been extended to competitive events in the Province by radio, television and p1·ess. Public enthusiasm in Canada for all sports eYents has indicated a willi11 gness and an ability to hold these games. Premier of Manitoba. The Chairman, Pan-American Games Committee, Winnipeg, Manitoba. COMMITTEE STEPHEN JUBA GREATER WINNIPEG PAN-AMERICAN GAMES Mayor APPOINTED SEPTEMBER 12. 1958 BY MAYOR STEPHEN .J U BA Winnipeg, 2, Man. April 8th, 1963. WINNIPEG, Manitoba The Chairman, April lOth, 1963 Pan-American Games Committee, Winnipeg. Dear Mr. Chairman:- To our friends of the Portuguese tongue: The Exploratory Committee of the Greater Winnipeg Pan-American Games Committee devoted considerable time, effort and expense in the year 1958 and the following year in order to bid for the 1963 Games. Our submission to the Pan-American Games Congress in Chicago was well received W e understand that there IS a possibility that the Pan-American and greatly impressed the delegates to a point where many favorable comments were received from Games for 1967 will take place in Winnipeg, Canada. the membership of the Congress. Our delegates were evidflntly disappointed but did appreciate that the awarding of the Games The Portuguese-speaking element, to which I belong, accordingly ill 1963 to Brazil was a moral promise made previously. However evidence of the reception of extend a ·welcome to all of you participants, delegates and visitors, from our Congress to Winnipeg's submission is borne out by the fact that two Resolutions were presented fraternal countries of the Americas, and assure you that we would like to on the floor of Congress, namely that Canada will be the host country in 1967; and secondly that Winnipeg would be given the first opportunity as the Host City. add a personal invitation to that of Canada to you. In my letter to the Congress in 1959, and incidentally it still holds true, I pointed out that when Iu warm expectation that we will have an opportunity to enhance what the Games come to Canada it would complete the cycle as the Games would have been held in all the Americas. will be a happy exper·ience for all of us, should you come in 1967, we remain, However I cannot over-emphasize a more important aspect, namely the bringing together of ,. our people in an atmosphere of friendly good-will which can and will r esult in a better under­ Most sincerely, standing of our problems and r esponsibilit ies in this hemisphere. Andre da Ca.mara.. The City of Winnipeg joins with the Provincial and Federal Governments of Canada ill sup­ porting the Winnipeg Pan-Amel"ican Games Committee in its bid to host the 1967 event. I am confident that the members of the Congress and the athletes from the Americas will be favorably impressed with Winnipeg's hospitality. Yours very truly, Mayor. 186 7 CANADA ' S CEN TENN IAL CE LEBRATION 796 7 Page 2 Page 1 COMMITTEE COMM ITTEE GREATER WINNIPEG PAN- AMER ICAN G AMES GREATER WINNIPEG PAN-AMERICAN GAMES APPO INTED SEPTEMBE R 12 , 19 5 8 BY MAYOR S TEPHEN .J UBA APPOI N T E D SEPTEMBER 12 , 1958 BY M AYOR STEPHEN .J UBA Soccer SPORTS INSTALLATIONS AVAILABLE A main soccer stadium now exists and there are 6 other locations that will be utilized for practice facilities aud preliminary games. Present facilities have met all requirements f or national competitions and will provide a sound foundation for facilities of an international calibre. Equestrian Events These events will be held in part at Assiniboia Downs. The five Existing Facilities Include: million dollar race track with a seating capacity of over 5,000 is the most modern r ace track in Canada. Fireproof stable facilities and comfortable Track and Field stalls provide excellent accommodation for OYer 700 horses, and staff quarters Six cinder practice tracks ar e available, including Sargent Park, for 200 are within the grounds. The infield area covers over 25 acres. devoted solely to track and field and the site of the many Canadian Track Natural cross-country terrain suitable for international competition is within and Field Championships. easy driving distance of the stabling area. Training facilities in the proposed P an-American Village, the 20 High Basketball and Volleyball Schools and the University of Manitoba are considered sufficient to meet requirements for the Games. Basketball and volleyball, two of the major Canadian national sports, receive wide attent iou throughout the City. There are 20 large high school gymnasiums available for practice or competition purposes. These facilities will accommodate approximately 500 - 1,000 spectators at each location. Boxing and Wrestling Three sites exist for boxing and wrestling. The Civic Auditorium Gymnastics with a seating capacity of 3,500, the Winnipeg Arena, seating capacity 10,000 Five gymnasiums exist at the Y.M.C.A., Y.M.H.A., and Y.W.C.A, with and Minto Armouries, seating capacity 1,500. seating capacity of 500 at each location, the University of Manitoba with a F acilities for training are available at the Y.M.C.A., Y.M.H.A., t he seating capacity of 1 ,000, and Minto Armouries with a seating capacity of University of Manitoba and the Pan-American Village. 1,500, plus the large gymnasium :1 lrearly being used in the Pan-American Village. 7867 CA NADA 'S CEN TENNIAL CELEBRATION 19 67 18 6 7 CANADA'S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIO N 796 7 Page 4 Page 3 COMMI T TEE C O MMITTEE GREATER WINNIPEG PAN-AMERICAN GAMES GREATER WI NNI PEG PAN -A MER I C A N GAM ES APPOINTED SEPTEMBER 12 . 1958 BY MAYOR STEPHEN JUBA APPOINTED SEPTEMBER 12. 1958 BY MAYOR STEPHEN JUBA Military Pentathlon Swimming, Diving and Water Polo The horses will be stabled at Assiniboia Downs where the terrain is No international competitive pool exists in Winnipeg at the present suitable for all stages of this event with the exception of the shooting which but the official pool will be completed by 1965. However, 10 pools do will be held on Army Ranges. exist for practice purposes including one already built and being used in the Pan-American Village. Baseball Yachting Canada's national summer sport is played at numerous locations in These events would be held on Lake Winnipeg which is 40 miles nor th­ the city and facilities exist at every school, park and community centre. east of the city. Facilities are excellent, with adequate docking provided through the use of the present Provincial Government owned dock. Rowing The Winnipeg Rowing Club with its 65 year tradition and experience Weight Lift ing at staging annual international regattas on the Red River would be the This event would be staged at the Civic Auditorium and Minto main location of these events. Two additional sites are available. All three Armouries. locations permit the easy handling of large crowds. The river site is more than 100 yards wide and, at the time of the games, the current is slow. Cycling No velodrome exists at the present time but one will be built by 1965, possibly in St. Boniface, the French sister city across the Red River from Fencing '"' Winnipeg.
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